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Noise - 1 entrada encontrada

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  • País / Organización: España
  • Noise


CIS 90-720
Ministerio de Relaciones con las Cortes y de la Secretaria del Gobierno
Real Decreto 1316/1989, de 27 de octubre, sobre protección de los trabajadores frente a los riesgos derivados de la exposición al ruido durante el trabajo
Decree issued in accordance with European Communities Directive 86/188 (see CIS 87-45). It covers: obligations of the employer to reduce noise to the lowest practicable level and to measure noise levels; rights of workers' representatives to be present during the measurement of noise levels and to be informed of the results of measurements; use of ear protectors (starting at equivalent daily noise levels of 85dB(A)); periodic audiological examinations (starting at daily average noise levels of 80dB(A)); maintenance of registers of data resulting from audiological examinations. In the annexes: definitions and general concepts; noise measurement; instruments of noise measurement and calculation methods; hearing tests of workers.
Boletín Oficial del Estado, 2 Nov. 1989, No.263, p.34428-34431.