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  • País / Organización: URSS
  • Incendios


CIS 87-758
Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po standartam
Fire safety. Electrostatic spark safety. General requirements [USSR]
Požarnaja bezopasnost'. Ėlektrostatičeskaja iskrobezopasnost'. Obščie trebovanija [en ruso]
This standard (effective 1 Jan. 1987) is intended to prevent fires and explosions caused by electrostatic sparks in industrial processes and equipment in all sectors of the USSR economy. The standard is not applicable to explosives. It is fully equivalent to CMEA standard ST SEV 5037-85. It requires that all processes and equipment maintain conditions that prevent the build-up of static electricity, and that tests be made to determine the tendency of processes and equipment to acquire an electrostatic charge; the ability of the environment of a process or machine to be ignited by a spark must also be determined. Quantities to be measured are specified, and 3 classes of spark safety are defined.
Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per.3, 123840 Moskva, USSR, 1986. 4p. Price: Rbl.0.03.

CIS 87-756
Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po standartam
Fire-fighting technology. Terms and definitions [USSR]
Požarnaja tehnika. Terminy i opredelenija) [en ruso]
This standard (effective 1 July 1987) defines general and specific terms for fire-fighting and rescue equipment, with German equivalents. Alphabetic lists of Russian and German terms are included.
Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per.3, 123840 Moskva, USSR, 1986. 19p. Price: Rbl.0.10.


CIS 86-1503
(Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po standartam)
Fire protection - General requirements
Požarnaja bezopasnost' - Obščie trebovanija [en ruso]
This standard (effective 1 July 1986) establishes fire protection requirements for the development of standards and technical documentation, for design, and for the building and use of objects in the USSR. Contents: general requirements, requirements for fire prevention systems, fire protection systems; organisation and technical measures for ensuring fire safety. In appendices: terms and definitions used in the standard; method of determining the probability of human exposure to harmful factors; method of determining the probability of ignition of objects that present fire or explosion hazards; method of determining the economic effectiveness of the supply and use of fire equipment, fire extinguishers and fire prevention measures; methods of determining the maximum possible mass of explosive gases, vapours and dust formed under industrial conditions; safe distances in cases of accidental admission of explosive gases or highly flammable liquids into workplaces; method of experimentally determining the probability of fire in electrotechnical devices; examples of calculations; method of determining the area of a fire; an order specifying the classes of substances and materials that may or may not be stored together.
Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per. 3, 123840 Moskva, USSR, 1985. 77p. Price: Rbl.0.30.


CIS 82-1811
USSR State Mine Inspection (Gosgortehnadzor)
Safety rules for the production of aluminium, magnesium and Al- and Mg-alloy powders
Pravila bezopasnosti pri proizvodstve poroškov i pudr iz aljuminija, magnija i splavov na ih osnove [en ruso]
Contents: General provisions (approval of plans for the construction or reconstruction of Al- and Mg-powder plants, instruction and safety training of personnel, etc.); production premises, buildings and equipment; heating, ventilation, water mains and sewers; general rules concerning safe conditions of work; safety engineering (general rules for process safety, pulverisation of aluminium and powder handling; production of aluminium-magnesium (Al-Mg) alloy; pulverisation and machining of Al-Mg alloy); powder storage; fire protection; repair of processing equipment; responsibilities in case of non-observance of safety rules.
Izdatel'stvo "Metallurgija", 1-j obydenskij per. 14, 119034 Moskva, USSR, 1981. 24p. Price: Rbl.0.05.


CIS 78-323 Safety rules for chemical and petrochemical plants where there is a fire and explosion hazard
Pravila bezopasnosti vo vzryvoopasnyh i vzryvo-požaroopasnyh himičeskih i neftehimičeskih proizvodstvah (PBVHP-74) [en ruso]
Contents of this collection of directives: planning of location of industrial premises and their layout; design of heating, ventilation and lighting installations, etc. from the fire and explosion safety viewpoint; operational procedures; design of safety systems and devices (pressure limiting devices, compressors, pipes and fittings); mechanisation of heavy or hazardous work; automation and signalling; location of instruments for detecting explosive atmospheres; corrosion protection; use of inert gases; explosion-proof electrical equipment; auxiliary workshops; anti-gas protection brigades; fire fighting; maintenance and repair (work in confined spaces, preventive maintenance, permits-to-work, etc.); personal protective equipment and personal hygiene; responsibilities).
Izdatel'stvo "Nedra", Tret'jakovskij proezd 1/19, 103633 Moskva K-12, USSR, 1976. 79p. Price: Rbl.0.20.