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Major hazards - 4 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Alemania
  • Major hazards


CIS 93-1764
Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz
Technical requirements pertaining to risk installations under Regulations on Occupational Safety and Health and Fire Protection (GAB) and TGL standards - Legislation in force in the former GDR [Germany]
Sicherheitstechnische Anforderungen an überwachungsbedürftige Anlagen gemäss GAB/TGL-Vorschriften - Geltendes Recht der ehemaligen DDR [en alemán]
Contents: Comparative tables by field of TRD, TRB, VBG, TRG, etc. Safety rules (FRG) and corresponding TLG standards (GDR) on risk installations (pressure vessels, high pressure gas pipes, flammable liquids, etc.); analytical index of TLG standards according to GAB classification; major excerpts of TGL numbered 30310 to 30355; overview of quoted regulations, especially TGL standards relating to other fields.
Wirtschaftsverlag NW, Postfach 10 11 10, Am Alten Hafen 113-115, 27511 Bremerhaven, Germany, 1992. 316p. Bibl.ref.


CIS 97-1780 Consolidación de la 12 Ordenanza que aplica la Ley federal sobre el control de la contaminación atmosférica (Ordenanza sobre los incidentes mayores) [Alemania]
Neufassung der Zwölften Verordnung zur Durchführung des Bundes-Immisionsschutzgesetzes (Störfall-Verordnung) [en alemán]
Documento original referenciado en CIS 81-293. Tras definir su campo de aplicación y algunas nociones generales, determina las obligaciones de los empresarios en materia de prevención de los riesgos mayores y del disfuncionamiento de las instalaciones químicas. Las disposiciones regulan los siguientes puntos: condiciones para evitar el disfuncionamiento; requisitos para limitar sus consecuencias; disposiciones complementarias; análisis de seguridad, incluyendo el etiquetado de las substancias peligrosas y la obligación de disponer de un registro de algunas operaciones; adaptación del análisis de seguridad a la evolución de los avances tecnológicos; excepciones; comunicación de la información a las autoridades y al público; disposiciones aplicables en espera de la aplicación de la ordenanza. En anexo: fuentes de peligro; relación de substancias o preparaciones sometidas a registro; lista de substancias o preparaciones en reserva; substancias o preparaciones especialmente peligrosas; formulario de comunicación de determinadas informaciones; información del público.
Bundesgesetzblatt, 28 set. 1991, n°54, p.1892-1913.


CIS 92-2
Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit
Act of 14 May 1990 on protection against harmful environmental effects of atmospheric pollution, noise, vibrations and other processes (Federal Law on the control of atmospheric pollution - BIm SchG) [Germany]
Gesetz zum Schutz vor schädlichen Umwelteinwirkungen durch Luftverunreinigungen, Geräusche, Erschütterungen und ähnliche Vorgänge (Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz - BIm SchG) [en alemán]
New version of the German law of 15 March 1974 concerning air pollution. Principal provisions of the law: I - Generalities (scope, definitions); II - Construction and operation of installations (subject or not subject to authorisation, emission and intake measurement, safety checks, technical committees on installation safety); III - Condition of installations; composition of materials, products, flammable substances, carburants and lubrificants; IV - Condition and functioning of vehicles; construction and repair of highways and railways; V - Monitoring of air pollution on federal territory; plans for air purification and noise reduction; VI - General provisions: implementation of European Community decisions; Commission on Major Hazards; nomination and duties of delegates; rights and duties of person in charge; final provisions.
Bundesgesetzblatt, 22 May 1990, Part I, p.881-901.


CIS 81-293
Federal German Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung)
Twelfth Ordinance under the Federal Act concerning atmospheric pollution control (Major Accident Hazard Control Ordinance), of 27 June 1980
Zwölfte Verordnung zur Durchführung des Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzes (Störfall-Verordnung) - 12. BImSchV - vom 27. Juni 1980 [en alemán]
This ordinance, which applies to installations subject to prior authorisation where hazardous substances are used or stored, or where such substances may be formed as a result of dangerous occurrences, contains provisions on: owner's obligation to prevent dangerous occurrences or limit their effects, to make a safety analysis and communicate the results, and to report all dangerous occurrences. The plant, installations and substances covered by the ordinance are listed in a schedule. Commentary: Störfall-Verordnung. Mertens A. Sicher ist sicher, Oct. 1980, Vol.31, No.10, p.560-564.
Bundesgesetzblatt, Teil I, 5 July 1980, No.32, p.772-779.