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Protective clothing - 3 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Polonia
  • Protective clothing


CIS 85-1387 Order No.32 of the Minister of Labour, Wages and Social Affairs of 5 July 1984 on standards for the provision of protective work clothing and personal protective equipment for workers in units of the labour, wages and social affairs system
Zarządenie nr 32 Ministra Pracy, Płac i Spraw Socjalnych z dnia 5 lipca 1984 r. w sprawie norm przydziału odzieży i obuwia ochronnego i roboczego oraz sprzętu ochrony osobistej dla pracowników zatrudnionych w jednostkach organizacyjnych resortu pracy ... [en polonés]
This order of the Polish Ministry of Labour, Wages and Social Affairs (effective 1 July 1984) applies to the ministry's own workers the rules for the provision of special clothing, footwear and protective equipment that were set forth in Decision No.136 of the Council of Ministers (dated 12 July 1981, latest consolidated text 28 Mar. 1984; see above). An appended table lists 56 job categories within the ministry, with the required clothing and equipment for each and the service life of each article.
Dziennik Urzędowy Ministerstwa Pracy, Płac i Spraw Socjalnych, 6 Sep. 1984, Vol.13, No.7, p.41-47.

CIS 85-1386 Notification of the Minister of Labour, Wages and Social Affairs of 12 July 1984 on publication of a consolidated text of Decision No.136 (Council of Ministers, 12 July 1981) giving rules for the provision of protective clothing, work clothes and personal protective equipment for workers
Obwieszczenie Ministra Pracy, Płac i Spraw Socjalnych w sprawie ogłoszenia jednolitego tekstu uchwały nr 136 Rady Ministrów z dnia 12 lipca 1981 r. w sprawie zasad przydzielania pracownikom odzieży ochronnej, odzieży roboczej i sprzętu ochrony osobistej [en polonés]
The consolidated text of this decision of the Council of Ministers of Poland is given in an annex.
Monitor Polski, 28 Mar. 1984, Vol.58, No.8, p.80-84.


CIS 85-1388 Decision No.157 of the Council of Ministers of 14 Nov. 1983 to amend the Decision regarding the provision of protective clothing, work clothes and personal equipment to workers
Uchwałą w sprawie zasad przydzielania pracownikom odzieży ochronnej, odzieży roboczej i sprzętu ochrony osobistej [en polonés]
In addition to deletions of certain paragraphs and alterations of short phrases, new texts are given for sections and/or paragraphs dealing with: categories of personnel who should be provided with special clothing or protective equipment; the articles of clothing and equipment covered by the rules the applicable standards; the relation of the present document to other regulations.
Monitor Polski, 20 Dec. 1983, Vol.234, No.41, p.377-379.