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Personal protection - 6 entradas encontradas

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  • Personal protection


CIS 99-357 Orden de 7 de febrero de 1997 relativa al marcado CE de los equipos de trabajo y los equipos de protección personal [Francia]
Arrêté du 7 fév. 1997 relatif au marquage CE des équipements de travail et des équipements de protection individuelle [France] [en francés]
Esta Orden deroga y remplaza la Orden de 18 de diciembre de 1992 modificada, relativa al marcado CE de los equipos de trabajo, los medios de protección y los equipos de protección personal. Temas tratados: aprobación; dispositivos de protección; equipos de protección personal; Francia; legislación; máquinas; marcado.
Journal officiel de la République française, 28 feb. 1997, p.3245-3246.


CIS 96-1924 Decreto n?96-725 de 14.8.96 sobre las normas técnicas y los procesos de certificación aplicables a los equipos de trabajo y medios de protección sometidos al Art. L.233-5 del Código Laboral modificando y transponiendo diversas directivas europeas [Francia]
Décret n° 96-725 du 14.8.96 sur les règles techniques et procédures de certification de conformité applicables aux équipements de travail et moyens de protection soumis à l'art. L. 233-5 du code du travail, ... et portant transposition de diverses directives européennes [France] [en francés]
Este Decreto sobre las normas técnicas y los procesos de certificación de conformidad se emitió para ajustar la normativa francesa a varias disposiciones de las Directivas europeas siguientes: 93/44/CEE (CIS 93-1435) modificando la 89/392/CEE (CIS 89-1442) y 93/68/CEE (CIS 94-751) y 93/95/CEE (CIS 94-778) [ambas modificando diversas Directivas, comprendidas en 89/686/CEE (CIS 90-381)]. El Decreto modifica los apartados siguientes del Código Laboral: Capítulo III, Título III del Libro II; en el Anexo 1 se definen las normas técnicas previstas por el Artículo R.233-84; en el Anexo II se definen las normas técnicas previstas por el Artículo R.233-151; disposiciones relativas a los períodos transitorios para los equipos de elevación y los componentes de seguridad.
Journal officiel de la République française, 18 ago. 1996, 128o año, n°192, p.12476-12481.


CIS 94-780
Ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Formation professionnelle
Government Orders of 5 and 19 March 1993 and of 4 and 9 June 1993 on the conditions and periodicity of general checking carried out on certain working equipment and personal protective equipment [France]
Arrêtés des 5 et 19 mars 1993 et des 4 et 9 juin 1993 relatifs aux conditions et à la périodicité des vérifications générales portant sur certains équipements de travail et équipements de protection individuelle [France] [en francés]
The Order of 5 March 1993 gives a list of working equipment (machinery) that should not be used without having undergone regular general checking in keeping with Art. R.233-11 of the French Labour Code. The Order of 4 June 1993 states that this checking should cover all machine parts likely to cause danger if damaged. The type of checks to be carried out is also described in detail. The Order of 19 March 1993 gives a list of personal protective equipment that should not be used without having undergone regular general checking as provided for in Art. R.233-42 of the French Labour Code. It states the purpose of the checking (Art.2).The Order of 9 June sets forth the conditions governing the checking of machinery used for lifting loads or elevating workplaces or people, in keeping with Art.R.233-11 and R.233-84 of the French Labour Code. A list of equipment subject to such checking and equipment to which it does not apply is appended. The Orders of 16 Aug. 1951 (as amended) and 2 Apr. 1980 are repealed.
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Hygiène et sécurité du travail, 3rd Quarter 1993, No.152, Note No.1941-152-93, p.493-498. Also available as an offprint from the INRS.

CIS 93-1434
Ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Formation professionnelle
Decrees Nos.93-40 and 93-41 of 11 Jan. 1993. Work equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE). Conditions of use [France]
Décrets n°93-40 et 93-41 du 11 janv. 1993. Equipements de travail et équipements de protection individuelle (EPI). Conditions d'utilisation [France] [en francés]
Decree No.93-40 sets forth the requirements applicable to second-hand equipment and the regulations governing the bringing into conformity of existing equipment. The measures are applicable as of 15 Jan. 1993, but there is a transition period up to 1 Jan. 1997 for work equipment in service before 1 Jan. 1993. Decree No.93-41 deals with the organisational aspects and the use of work equipment and personal protective equipment, pursuant to European directives No.89/655/EEC (CIS 90-357) and 89/656/EEC (CIS 90-385). The new titles (II. "Work equipment, organisational measures and conditions of use"; IV. "PPE, organisational measures and conditions of use") concern inter alia the information of employees and the plant health and safety committee, safety training, the conditions of installation of work equipment, special training and the establishment of a maintenance log book for certain equipment, the provision of PPE, periodical inspections and instructions for use. These measures are applicable as of 15 Jan. 1993.
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Sécurité et hygiène du travail, 1st Quarter 1993, No.150, Note No.1918-150-93, p.143-148. Also in: Journal officiel, 13 Jan. 1993.


CIS 94-403 Law No.91-1414 of 31 Dec. 1991 modifying the Labour Code and the Public Health Code in order to promote the prevention of occupational hazards and integrating European directives on Occupational Health and Safety into national legislation [France]
Loi n°91-1414 du 31 déc. 1991 modifiant le code du travail et (...) de la santé publique en vue de favoriser la prévention des risques professionnels et portant transposition de directives européennes relatives à la santé et à la sécurité du travail [France] [en francés]
This law integrates the provisions of European directives on OSH into French legislation, including: Directive 89/391/EEC (CIS 89-1401) relating to the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work; Directive 89/392/EEC (CIS 89-1442) relating to machinery; Directive 89/655/EEC (CIS 90-357) on the minimum safety and health requirements for the use of work equipment by workers at work; Directive 89/656/EEC (CIS 90-385) on the minimum health and safety requirements for the use by workers of personal protective equipment at the workplace; Directive 88/379/EEC (CIS 91-21) relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous preparations; Directive 89/654/EEC (CIS 90-356) concerning the minimum safety and health requirements for the workplace.
Journal officiel de la République française, 7 janv. 1992, p.319-324.


CIS 99-1067 Orden de 1 de marzo de 1984, modificada (protección individual de los trabajadores forestales) [Francia]
Arrêté du 1er mars 1984, modifié (protection individuelle des salariés effectuant des travaux forestiers) [France] [en francés]
Temas tratados: equipos de protección individual; Francia; ley; primeros auxilios; trabajos forestales.
Dictionnaire Permanent Sécurité et Conditions de Travail, Hygiène et Sécurité des Travailleurs, Feuillets 130, 13 jun. 1995, p.1091.