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  • País / Organización: Francia
  • Ergonomics


CIS 99-1430 Ordenanza de 29 Enero 1993 ... sobre... evaluación del riesgo y la organización del puesto de trabajo durante la manipulación manual de cargas, haciendo referencia en particular al riesgo de lesiones dorso-lumbares [Francia]
Arrêté du 29 janvier 1993 ... relatif ... à l'évaluation préalable des risques et l'organisation des postes de travail lors des manutentions manuelles de charges comportant des risques, notamment dorso-lombaires [France] [en francés]
Orden redactada en aplicación del Artículo R.231-68 de la Legislación Laboral relativa a los términos de referencia y a otros factores de riesgo a tener en cuenta durante la evaluación del riesgo y la organización del lugar de trabajo durante la manipulación manual de cargas. En el sumario: lumbalgia; Francia; evaluación del riesgo; curtido de pieles; trabajo manual; carga de trabajo física; factores de riesgo; diseño del puesto de trabajo.
Journal officiel de la République française, 19 feb. 1993, n°42, p.2729-2730.


CIS 92-1401 Act No.91-663 of 13 July 1991 containing various measures aimed at facilitating the accessibility to handicapped people of residential premises, workplaces and public buildings [France]
Loi n°91-663 du 13 juillet 1991 portant diverses mesures destinées à favoriser l'accessibilité aux personnes handicapées des locaux d'habitation, des lieux de travail et des installations recevant du public [France] [en francés]
The architectural arrangement and fitting out of residential premises, workplaces and establishments and installations open to the public, notably schools, universities and training establishments, should be such that they are accessible to handicapped people.
Journal officiel de la République française, 19 July 1991, Vol.123, No.167, p.9531-9532.

CIS 92-718
Ministère du travail, de l'emploi et de la formation professionnelle
Circular of 4 November 1991 pertaining to work on VDT equipment [France]
Circulaire du 4 novembre 1991 relative au travail sur des équipements comportant des écrans de visualisation [France] [en francés]
The decree of 14 May 1991 (see CIS 92-13) transposing Directive No.90/270/EEC of 29 May 1990 (see CIS 90-1069) into French law provides for special preventive measures against risks related to work on VDT equipment. This circular clarifies certain points in the decree: scope; effective dates (1 Jan. 1993; for already installed equipment: 1 Jan. 1997); clarification of the concept of periodical interruption of screen work; medical surveillance of screen workers; provisions relating to equipment and environmental conditions (seat, relative humidity, ionising radiation, non-ionising radiation, lighting).
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Sécurité et hygiène du travail, 1st Quarter 1992, No.146, Note No.1875-146-92, p.89-91.

CIS 92-13 Decree No.91-451 of 14 May 1991 on the prevention of risks to operators of VDT equipment [France]
Décret n°91-451 du 14 mai 1991 sur l'équipement à écrans de visualisation - Prévention des risques liés à leur utilisation [France] [en francés]
This decree is applicable to premises in which employees regularly work with VDT equipment for a substantial part of the working time. The employer is bound by certain obligations in connection with the analysis and organisation of screen work, in connection with information and training for employees working with VDT equipment, and arrangements for medical supervision. The decree includes specific provisions concerning equipment (screen, keyboard, etc.) and the working environment (radiation, humidity, noise, lighting). The decree will come into force on 1 January 1993, but in the case of equipment in operation prior to this date, certain provisions will not come into force until 1 January 1997.
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Sécurité et hygiène du travail, 3rd Quarter 1991, No.144, Note No.1848-144-91, p.539-541.


CIS 91-1776
Ministère du travail, de l'emploi et de la formation professionnelle
Order of 30 August 1990 on workplace sound reduction [France]
Arrêté du 30 août 1990 sur la correction acoustique des locaux de travail [France] [en francés]
The Order of 30 August 1990 (published in the Journal officiel of 27 September 1990) is issued in application of article R.235-11 of the French Labour Code. The provisions of the Order apply to the construction or the layout of premises designed to house machines and equipment likely to expose workers to daily noise levels of more than 85dB(A). An appendix describes a method for measuring the decrease in noise level as distance from source doubles.
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Sécurité et hygiène du travail, 1st Quarter 1991, No.142, Note No.1821-142-91, p.101 and 102.