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Workers' compensation - 3 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Italia
  • Workers' compensation


CIS 01-943 Decreto Presidencial de 13 abril 1994 (Nº 336) - Reglamento que contiene la nueva lista de enfermedades profesionales en la industria y la agricultura [Italia]
Decreto del Presidente della Republica 13 Aprile 1994, n.336 - Regolamento recante le nuove tabelle delle malattie professionali nell'industria e nell'agricoltura [en italiano]
Nueva lista de enfermedades profesionales en Italia, que sustituye a la incluida (y actualizada desde su introducción) en el Decreto Presidencial Nº 1124 de 30 de junio de 1965 sobre el seguro obligatorio contra los accidentes y enfermedades profesionales (véase CIS 91-353). La lista relaciona las enfermedades profesionales con las profesiones en las que pueden aparecer. También define el período máximo tras el cese de la actividad profesional en una industria más allá del cual no puede considerarse la indemnización por la enfermedad profesional.
Gazzetta ufficiale, 7 jun. 1994, n°131. [en italiano]


CIS 76-1185
Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (Ministero del lavoro e della previdenza sociale) and Ministry of Health (Ministero della sanità), Roma.
Decree of the President of the Republic, No.482, dated 9 June 1975: Amendments and additions to the tables of occupational diseases in industry and agriculture - Schedules 4 and 5 to the Decree of the President of the Republic, No.1124, of 30 June 1965
Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 9 giugno 1975, n.482. Modificazioni e integrazioni alle tabelle delle malattie professionali nell'industria e nell'agricoltura, allegati numeri 4 e 5 al decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 30 giugno 1965, n.1124 [en italiano]
The amended schedules issued by this Decree list 40 occupational diseases in industry (mainly intoxications, and also diseases due to noise and vibration, work in compressed air, etc. and pneumoconioses) and in 21 agricultural occupations (ankylostomiasis, diseases due to use of pesticides and other chemical agents, farmer's lung and similar respiratory diseases due to dust, mycoses, etc.), indicating opposite each disease the operations or processes giving rise to the disease and the periods of liability for compensation. Entry into force: 9 Oct. 1975.
Gazzetta ufficiale, 9 Oct. 1975, Vol.116, No.269, p.7139-7143.


CIS 91-353 Presidential Decree (D.P.R.) No. 1124 of 30 June 1965 containing the amalgamated provisions for the compulsory insurance of workers against occupational accidents and diseases [Italy]
D.P.R. 30 giugno 1965, n.1124, contenente il testo unico delle disposizioni per l'assicurazione obbligatoria contro gli infortuni sul lavoro e le malattie professionali [en italiano]
Part I of this Decree covers workers who use machinery, as well as those in most other fields of economic activity (except agriculture and domestic service). Contents: insured workers; employers covered by the Decree; benefits; insurance institutions; particular measures for silicosis and asbestosis; assistance to those suffering major handicaps arising out of an occupational accidents or diseases. Part II deals with the accident and sickness insurance of agricultural and forestry workers (including proprietors and their family members). Parts III and IV deal with the insurance of special categories of workers (e.g. sailors on foreign-registered ships). In annexes: percentage evaluation of permanent disabilities, depending on the nature of the injury; table of occupational diseases with corresponding industries and maximum periods of compensation. English translation available in the ILO's Legislative Series 1965-It.1.
In: L.R. Levi Sandri: Codice del lavoro, Milano: Giuffrè, Italy, 3rd ed., 1974, p.1262-1360. Also in: Gazzetta ufficiale, 13 Oct. 1965, No.257.