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Labour inspection - 3 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Austria
  • Labour inspection


CIS 94-405 Federal Labour Inspection Act [Austria]
Bundesgesetz über die Arbeitsinspektion (Arbeitsinspektionsgesetz 1993 - ArbIG) [en alemán]
This Law (effective 1 Apr. 1993) replaces the 1974 Labour Inspection Act (CIS 75-288). It applies to the inspection of all workplaces (except: agriculture, forestry, mining, transport, educational and religious institutions, private households). Contents: definitions; role of labour inspection; entering and inspecting workplaces; carrying out investigations; gathering information; questioning of individuals; documentation; establishment and reporting of violations; recommendations and improvement orders; participation of labour inspection in legal proceedings; the Labour Inspectorate; responsibilities of local and central inspection authorities; inspection bodies for special purposes; reports and expert opinions; legal assistance; cooperation with the social security authorities; responsibilities of the authorities; penalties for violations of the law.
Bundesgesetzblatt für die Republik Österreich, 14 Jan. 1993, Year 1993, No.16, p.523-533.


CIS 87-726 Complete list of regulations applying to labour inspection [Austria]
Zusammenstellung der gesetzlichen Vorschriften [en alemán]
In the Report: die Tätigkeit der Arbeitsinspektion im Jahre 1985, Verlag des Zentral-Arbeitsinspektorates, Kundmanngasse 21, 1030 Wien, Austria, 1986, p.31-35.


CIS 75-288 Labour Inspection Act
Arbeitsinspektionsgesetz 1974 (ArbIG 1974) [en alemán]
This Act of 5 Feb. 1974 lays down general rules concerning the manner in which the Austrian Labour Inspectorate performs its task of protecting workers in the course of their occupational activities. It applies to undertakings of all kinds, with some exceptions (agriculture, forestry, mines, transport, the public service, teaching, etc.). It defines the powers and duties of the Inspectorate: in-plant inspection; supervision of employees' health status; interviews, hearing of witnesses and taking of depositions; reporting of offences; injunctions; reports. Provisions concerning the organisation of the Inspectorate and collaboration with other institutions.
Bundesgesetzblatt für die Republik Österreich, 12 Mar. 1974, No.47, p.983-989.