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Safety and health information - 1 entrada encontrada

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  • País / Organización: Francia
  • Safety and health information


CIS 94-1456 Order of 19 March 1993 establishing, pursuant to article R.237-8 of the Labour Code, the list of dangerous work categories requiring a written safety policy [France]
Arrêté du 19 mars 1993 fixant, en application de l'article R.237-8 du Code du travail, la liste des travaux dangereux pour lesquels il est établi par écrit un plan de prévention [France] [en francés]
List of 21 occupational categories for which French legislation prescribes a written safety policy, namely work involving: exposure to ionizing radiation; exposure to pathogenic organisms; workplaces classified as dangerous; exposure to extreme temperatures; exposure to average noise levels > 90dB(A) or peak acoustic pressures > 140dB; danger of drowning or being buried by earth; setting up or dismantling heavy prefabricated elements; demolition; high atmospheric pressure; oxyacetylene welding necessitating a permit; etc.
Documents pour le médecin du travail, 1st Quarter 1993, No.53, p.4977-4978. Originally published in Journal officiel, 27 Mar. 1993, p.4977-4978.