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Bacterial and parasitic diseases - 1 entrada encontrada

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  • País / Organización: Perú
  • Bacterial and parasitic diseases


CIS 77-2077 Resolución Suprema núm. 026-76-TR, por la que se aprueba el Reglamento de Condiciones de higiene y seguridad que deben cumplir los centros de trabajo que operan en zonas endémicas de Leishmaniasis para la protección de los trabajadores
These Regulations, dated 21 Oct. 1976 (entry into force: 25 Oct. 1976), make provision for the following: employers' obligations to provide collective and personal protective equipment (protective clothing, insect repellants, screens, etc.) against the sand fly, vector of South American mucocutaneous leishmaniasis in construction projects, worksites and workplaces situated in zones where the disease is endemic; workers' obligations to exercise care and use the protective equipment provided; pre-employment and periodic medical examinations for nasal or mouth ulcers, intradermal reaction tests, examination for protozoa of the genus Leishmania, diagnosis, health record-keeping, compulsory notification of the disease, etc. Provisional work camps or workers' housing must be surrounded by a clearing free from undergrowth, tree trunks etc. which might harbour insects. Penalties for non-observance.
El Peruano, Lima, Peru, 25 Oct. 1976, No.10673, p.1 and 4.