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  • País / Organización: Francia
  • Zoonoses


CIS 95-1168
Ministère des Affaires sociales, de la Santé et de la Ville
Decreto nº95-52 del 12 de enero de 1995. Cuadros de enfermedades profesionales - Modificaciones y aportaciones [Francia]
Décret n°95-52 du 12 janv. 1995. Tableaux de maladies professionnelles - Modifications et adjonctions [France] [en francés]
El decreto nº95-52 aporta las modificaciones siguientes: ampliación de la lista limitativa de trabajos potencialmente causantes de alguna enfermedad del cuadro nº42 "Sordera provocada por ruidos lesivos"; Creación de nuevos cuadros: nº92 Infecciones profesionales por streptococo suis; nº93 "Lesiones crónicas del segmento anterior del ojo provocadas por la exposición a las partículas circulantes en los pozos de minas de carbón".
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Hygiène et sécurité du travail, 1er trimestre 1995, n°158, nota n°1985-158-95, p.101-102. 28 ref. También en: Journal officiel, 18 ene. 1995.


CIS 92-738
Ministère des affaires sociales et de l'intégration
Order of 23 August 1991 on vaccination: List of occupations concerned [France]
Arrêté du 23 août 1991 sur la vaccination: professions concernées [France] [en francés]
Order of 23 Aug. 1991 (published in the Journal officiel of 3 Sep. 1991). This order, which completes Act 91-73 and orders of 6 Feb. 1991 and 15 Mar. 1991 (abstracted under CIS 91-1754), provides a list of medical and health care personnel to be immunised against hepatitis B, diptheria, tetanus and poliomyelitis.
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Sécurité et hygiène du travail, 4th Quarter 1991, No.145, Note No.1862-145-91, p.739.

CIS 91-1754
Ministère des affaires sociales et de la solidarité
Act of 18 January 1991 and Orders of 6 February and 15 March 1991: Vaccination. Compulsory vaccinations. Conditions of immunisation [France]
Loi n°91-73 du 18 janvier 1991 et arrêtés du 6 février et du 15 mars 1991: Vaccination - Obligations. Conditions d'immunisation [France] [en francés]
All persons exposed as a result of their professional activity in a public or private health care or medical prevention establishment to the risk of contamination as well as all medical students must be immunised against hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus and poliomyelitis. Employees of biomedical analysis laboratories must also be vaccinated against typhoid fever. The cost of vaccination must be borne by the employer or the educational establishment concerned. The Order of 6 February 1991 lays down the conditions of immunisation of persons covered by article L.10 of the Public Health Code. The Order of 15 March 1991 provides a list of public or private health care or public health establishments in which exposed personnel must be vaccinated. Act No.91-73 was published in the Journal officiel of 20.01.1991. Decrees of 6 Feb. 1991 and 15 March 1991 were published in the Journal officiel of 21 Feb. 1991 and 3 April 1991, respectively.
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Sécurité et hygiène du travail, 1st Quarter 1991, No.143, Note No.1833-143-91, p.291 and 292.


CIS 76-1999
Ministry of Agriculture (Ministère de l'agriculture), Paris.
Decree No.76-74 of 15 January 1976 to revise and supplement the tables of agricultural occupational diseases annexed to Decree No.55-806 of 17 June 1955, as amended
Décret n°76-74 du 15 janvier 1976 revisant et complétant les tableaux des maladies professionnelles agricoles annexés au décret n°55-806 du 17 juin 1955 modifié. [en francés]
This decree adds the following new tables (34 to 42) to the tables of statutory occupational diseases in agriculture listed in the French Labour Code: ulcerations caused by chromic acid, alkaline chromates and dichromates; diseases due to tar, pitch and anthracene oils; diseases due to tropical woods; diseases due to epoxy resins; poliomyelitis; hygroma (beat knee); CO poisoning; hexane poisoning; diseases due to cadmium; diseases due to organic isocyanates. The following tables are amended: 4 (anthrax), 5 (leptospirosis), 7 (tularaemia), 8 (carbon disulfide poisoning), 9 (carbon tetrachloride poisoning), 11 (diseases due to various organic phosphorus compounds), 12 (mercury poisoning), 13 (poisoning due to nitrophenols), 15 (skin mycoses), 16 (tuberculosis), 18 (lead poisoning), 19 (benzene poisoning), 20 (health damage due to ionising radiations), 21 (poisoning due to halogenated acyclic hydrocarbons), 22 (silicosis), 23 (methyl bromide poisoning), 25 (dermatitis due to lubricants), 28 (health damage due to formic acid), 29 (vibration-induced osteoarticular disorders).
Journal officiel de la République française, 26-27 Jan. 1976, Vol.108, No.22, p.682-690.


CIS 76-1398
Ministry of Agriculture (Ministère de l'agriculture), Paris.
Decree No.75-863 of 8 September 1975 to revise and add to the schedule of agricultural occupational diseases in the schedule to Decree No.55-806 of 17 June 1955, as amended
Décret n°75-863 du 8 septembre 1975 révisant et complétant les tableaux de maladies professionnelles agricoles annexés au décret n°55-806 du 17 juin 1955 modifié. [en francés]
The following diseases are added: rabies of occupational origin, diseases caused by poisoning due to pentachlorophenol, sodium pentachlorophenate and "sodium laurylpentachlorophenate", diseases due to inhalation of dust in aviaries and poultry farms, and virus hepatitis of occupational origin. Amendments to the original decree concern occupational tetanus, occupational brucellosis and diseases due to cement (ulcerations and other skin disorders, blepharitis, conjunctivitis).
Journal officiel de la République française, 20 Sep. 1975, Vol.107, No.219, p.9715-9717.