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Ethers - 1 entrada encontrada

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  • País / Organización: Italia
  • Ethers


CIS 75-177
Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation (Ministero dei trasporti e dell'aviazione civile), Roma.
Ministerial decree dated 14 January 1974 - Conditions for the transport of ethylene oxide
Decreto ministeriale 14 gennaio 1974 - Modalità di trasporto dell'ossido di etilene [en italiano]
Rail transport of liquid ethylene oxide which has not been inerted by nitrogen is prohibited. The partial pressure of the nitrogen in the containers used for transport should not fall below 5kg/cm2 or exceed 7kg/cm2 for an ambient temperature between 0 and 30°C. Empty containers which previously held ethylene oxide should be filled with nitrogen at the same pressure during transport. Testing pressure for these containers is fixed at 14kg/cm2; for welded containers up to 150l capacity testing pressure should be 19kg/cm2.
Gazzetta ufficiale, 30 Jan. 1974, Vol.115, No.28, p.699.