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Footwear, leather and fur industry - 220 entradas encontradas

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  • Footwear, leather and fur industry


CIS 97-1940 Gromadzińska J., et al.
Influencia del cromo atmosférico en el índice de selenio y actividad de la glutatión peroxidasa en la sangre de los trabajadores de una cortiduría
The influence of atmospheric chromium on selenium content and glutathione peroxidase activity in blood of tannery workers [en inglés]
Se determinaron la concentración de selenio y de sustancias reactivas del ácido tiobarbitúrico (SRATB), y la actividad de la glutatión peroxidasa en la sangre de 34 trabajadores de una cortiduría expuestos a compuestos conteniendo cromo. Igualmente se determinaron los índices de selenio en orina. Los curtidores presentaban índices de selenio en sangre y plasma más bajos y un índice de SRATB más elevado que el grupo control. Los curtidores que desempeñaban su trabajo en áreas con altas concentraciones de cromo presentaban índices de selenio en sangre y orina más bajos que los otros curtidores. Los resultados parecen indicar que existe una adaptación específica del cuerpo al ambiente de trabajo en el que están presentes compuestos de cromo.
Environmental Health Perspectives, dic. 1996, vol.104, n°12, p.1312-1316. Ilus. 33 ref.

CIS 97-1862 7º Congreso Mundial de la Federación Internacional de Trabajadores de la Industria Textil, del Vestido y el Cuero - Decisiones del Congreso
ITGLWF 7th World Congress - Decisions of Congress [en inglés]
Este informe del 7º Congreso Mundial de la Federación Internacional de Trabajadores de la Industria Textil, del Vestido y el Cuero, celebrado en Australia en abril de 1996 aborda los diferentes aspectos del Programa de Acción de la Federación y presenta los textos de 14 resoluciones adoptadas sobre: coordinación entre los sindicatos y solidaridad, derechos humanos y sindicales, comercio y desarrollo, mujeres en el trabajo, trabajo infantil, empresas multinacionales y organización regional de la Federación.
Fédération internationale des Travailleurs du Textile, de l'Habillement et du Cuir (FITTHC), rue J. Stevens 8, 1000 Bruxelles, 1996. iv, 81p.

CIS 97-1607 Valentino M.
Modificaciones electroneurográficas residuales en individuos con una polineuropatía inducida por el n-hexano: un estudio de seguimiento
Residual electroneurographic modifications in subjects with n-hexane induced polyneuropathy: A follow-up study [en inglés]
Este estudio informa sobre los reconocimientos neurológicos realizados a 90 trabajadores del sector del calzado a los que se había diagnosticado una polineuropatía. Los reconocimientos se repitieron al menos un año después del cese de la exposición profesional al n-hexano (los sujetos fueron divididos en dos grupos: 63 de ellos fueron reconocidos antes de haber transcurrido 10 años después del ceses de la exposición, mientras que 27 sujetos fueron reconocidos tras un período de más de 10 años). El agente etiológico posble de la polineuropatía era la 2,5-hexanodiona, un metabolito neurotóxico del n-hexano. El estudio de seguimiento puso de relieve una recuperación completa de la velocidad de conducción motriz en ambos grupos de sujetos. No obstante, aunque se observó una mejora de algunas otras funciones neurológicas (rapidez de conducción y latencia distal de los nervios sensoriales y del nervio cubital en los dos grupos, el estudio reveló un deterioro estadísticamente significativo de esas funciones, independientemente del tiempo transcurrido desde el cese de la exposición.
Medicina del lavoro, jul.-ago. 1996, vol.87, n°4, p.289-296. 22 ref.

CIS 97-134 Laraqui C., Belamallem I., Harourate K., Amrani Joutey N., Ben Haymoud N., Verger C., Curtès J.P.
Estudio de los riesgos profesionales en la industria del cuero en Rabat
Etude de risques professionnels dans la tannerie de la ville de Rabat [en francés]
Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico transversal sobre 30 individuos de sexo masculino en Rabat (Marruecos), que incluía un análisis de las condiciones de trabajo, reconocimiento médico, estudio de la función respiratoria (radiografía torácica/exploración funcional), y un control biológico (niveles de cromo en sangre y orina y análisis parasitológico de heces). El estudio reveló malas condiciones de trabajo e higiene, ausencia de organización en el proceso del curtido y en los medios de protección y una falta de cumplimiento de la reglamentación. Eran frecuentes las patologías dermatológicas: micosis 70 %, enfermedad de los curtidores 33,3 %, hiperqueratosis palmo-plantares 8,4 %. Se observaron alteraciones digestivas (dolor abdominal, problemas del tránsito) en el 63,3 % de los casos y lumbalgias y artralgias crónicas en el 3,3 %. La mayoría de los curtidores declararon haber sufrido algún accidente de trabajo. Siete de ellos tenían un índice de cromo sanguíneo anormalmente elevado y dos el índice en orina también. Los curtidores realizan tanto el curtido de las pieles como el teñido al cromo. La tenería de Rabat no dispone de ninguna protección. Resulta urgente la instalación de un servicio médico laboral y un equipo de prevención médica.
Archives des maladies professionnelles et de médecine du travail, mayo 1996, vol.57, n°3, p.200-204. Ilus. 10 ref.

CIS 96-1406 Mancuso G., Reggiani M., Berdondini R.M.
Dermatitis de etiología profesional entre los trabajadores del calzado
Occupational dermatitis in shoemakers [en inglés]
En el curso de un estudio sobre dermatitis de etiología profesional desarrolladas en cinco empresas italianas del sector del calzado, se han realizado pruebas epicutáneas a 246 trabajadores con alergenos estándar y profesionales. La prevalencia de dermatitis de origen profesional era del 14,6 % (36 trabajadores).Veinte operarios presentaban dermatitis de contacto por irritante primario, debidas a la manipulación de solventes utilizados en las colas y los barnices. Otros dieciseis padecían dermatitis alérgicas de contacto derivadas, principalmente del contacto con colas y cauchos, así como cueros. Respecto de las demás afecciones cutáneas, se han podido observar hiperqueratosis en los extremos de los dedos y pruritos no purulentos. Existen ciertas profesiones que están mas frecuentemente asociadas al desarrollo de patologías cutáneas.
Contact Dermatitis, ene. 1996, vol.34, n°1, p.17-22. 19 ref.

CIS 96-367 Breathnach A.S., Turnbull P.C.B., Eykyn S.J., Twort C.H.C.
Un obrero auxiliar con manchas en el pecho
A labourer with a spot on his chest [en inglés]
Estudio de un caso de un obrero no especializado que presentaba lesiones en el pecho que fueron atribuidas a un pinchazo o un rasguño producido durante un trabajo recientemente realizado en un conducto de ventilación. A pesar del tratamiento inicial la lesión se extendió, apareciendo además una ictericia y problemas renales. El diagnóstico inicial fué de infección estreptocócica, pero los hemocultivos revelaron posteriormente la presencia de un organismo identificado como Bacillus anthracis. Mediante la investigación se supo que el obrero había trabajado recientemente en una curtiduría de piel, y que se quitaba la camisa durante el transporte de las pieles. La rareza del antrax en el Reino Unido y el confuso historial profesional fueron las causas del error en el diagnóstico.
Lancet, 13 ene. 1996, vol.347, n°8994, p.96. Ilus. 1 ref.


CIS 96-274 Karačić V., Skender L., Bosner-Cucančić B., Bogadi-Sare A.
Posible genotoxicidad de la exposición a bajas concentraciones de benceno
Possible genotoxicity in low level benzene exposure [en inglés]
Estudio sobre las anomalías en la estructura de los cromosomas y los cambios en las cromátides hermanas en la sangre periférica de las mujeres que trabajaron en la industria del calzado en Croacia entre 1987 y 1992. Se investigó la exposición profesional al benceno y al tolueno. Las concentraciones de benceno en el aire y la absorción de benceno fueron más elevadas en 1987 (período de producción intensa) que en 1992 (producción reducida), aunque siempre por debajo de los límites admisibles. En ambos grupos se constató un aumento de los cromosomas dicéntricos en comparación con un grupo control; la frecuencia de los cambios en las cromátides hermanas fue mayor en el grupo de 1987, Existe un riesgo de genotoxicidad entre los trabajadores expuestos a bajas concentraciones de benceno.
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, mar. 1995, vol.27, n°3, p.379-388. 30 ref.

CIS 95-1708 Cole B., Foley G.
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (Worksafe Australia)
Visión general de los avances realizados en materia de seguridad y salud en el trabajo en diversos sectores industriales. Número 5 - Industria de la confección y el calzado
Occupational health and safety performance overviews, selected industries. Issue No.5 - Clothing and footwear industry [en inglés]
Este informe pone de relieve las áreas de riesgos potenciales en la industria australiana de la confección y el calzado. Las estadísticas de los accidentes y enfermedades se basaron en los datos que aparecían en los expedientes de indemnización de los trabajadores, y fueron analizados en función de la profesión, edad, sexo, naturaleza y localización de la lesión, causa del accidente y causa material de la lesión o patología, y hora del accidente. Se incluyen los datos sobre los costes de indemnización por Estado y Territorio. Las áreas que deben ser objeto de una especial vigilancia son: la utilización de máquinas, la presión muscular y las tareas de manutención manual, las caídas asociadas a las zonas de circulación peligrosas en el interior de los edificios y el ruido.
Australian Government Publishing Service, GPO Box 84, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia, mayo 1995. viii, 26p. Ilus. 6 ref.

CIS 95-1006 Bruze M., Björkner B., Lepoittevin J.P.
Dermatitis alérgica de contacto por exposición profesional al cianoalcrilato de etilo
Occupational allergic contact dermatitis from ethyl cyanoacrylate [en inglés]
Se describe el caso de un aprendiz de zapatero afectado de una dermatitis alérgica de contacto de etiología profesional causada por una cola de cianoacrilato de etilo. Las pruebas iniciales realizadas con la cola de cianoacrilato disuelta en acetona con la técnica de cámara Finn (aluminio) dieron resultados falsos negativos. Las reacciones positivas a las pruebas se obtuvieron con las mismas preparaciones utilizando la técnica de cámara Van der Bend (polipropileno). Empleando vaselina como vehículo de la cola, no se observó ninguna diferencia entre ambas técnicas. Se analiza el papel jugado por el aluminio en las reacciones falsos negativos.
Contact Dermatitis, mar. 1995, vol.32, n°3, p.156-159. 10 ref.


CIS 96-698 Mitra S.
Factores que caracterizan el ambiente socio-cultural de los niños trabajadores: estudio realizado en pequeños talleres de fabricación de artículos de cuero en Calcuta
Factors in the sociocultural environment of child labourers: A study in a small scale leather goods industry in Calcutta [en inglés]
En un estudio sobre la salud de los niños trabajadores en varios pequeños talleres de fabricación de artículos de cuero en Calcuta, en la India, se llevó la investigación a examinar los factores socio-culturales que obligaban a estos niños entre 7 y 14 años a trabajar, y los efectos psicosociales derivados de ellos. Se realizaron entrevistas personales con cuestionario y las respuestas obtenidas se compararon con las ofrecidas por los niños de un grupo control acoplado por la edad, el sexo y la religión, procedentes del mismo barrio pero que no trabajaban. La causa principal del trabajo de los niños era la pobreza. Entre los niños, el ejercicio de una actividad profesional constituye un obstáculo para ir a la escuela y borra sus aspiraciones limitando sus facultades intelectuales. El trabajo prolongado y monótono durante la infancia que priva a los niños del acceso a la educación y a lugares sanos es perjudicial para su desarrollo.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, dic. 1994, vol.51, n°12, p.822-825. 7 ref.

CIS 95-2075 Mikoczy Z., Schütz A., Hagmar L.
Incidencia del cáncer y mortalidad en los curtidores de cuero en Suecia
Cancer incidence and mortality among Swedish leather tanners [en inglés]
Se evaluaron los modelos de incidencia del cáncer y de mortalidad de los períodos 1958-1989 y 1952 y 1989 en una cohorte de 2.026 individuos que habían trabajado al menos un año entre 1900 y 1989 en tres curtiderías suecas. Se calcularon los ratios comparativos de incidencia y mortalidad (SIRs y SMRs) por causas específicas. En cinco casos se constató un alza significativa de la incidencia del sarcoma de tejidos blandos. También se observó un excedente (estadísticamente no significativo) en el mieloma múltiple y el cáncer de fosas nasales. La incidencia elevada del sarcoma de tejidos blandos confirma el excedente de mortalidad para esta patología constatada en estudios anteriores entre los curtidores. Uno de los posibles factores etiológicos pudiera ser la exposición a los clorofenoles. El excedente de mieloma múltiple podría también asociarse a la exposición al clorofenol. Se propone estudiar las asociaciones entre incidencia del cáncer y exposición a determinados productos químicos en el marco de un estudio casos-control a partir de la misma cohorte.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, ago. 1994, vol.51, n°8, p.530-535. 30 ref.

CIS 95-1023 Agnesi R., Valentini F., Dal Vecchio L.
Disminución del riesgo de exposición al n-hexano en la industria del calzado
Ridimensionamento del rischio da n-esano nei calzaturifici [en italiano]
En el transcurso de estos últimos años, la composición de las colas utilizadas en la industria del calzado de la región de la Riveria del Brenta (Norte de Italia) se ha modificado considerablemente con la disminución gradual del contenido de n-hexano. Este hecho se ha puesto de relieve a través de una encuesta realizada en 337 puestos de encolado de 105 fábricas de calzado, donde se identificaron 104 productos comerciales distintos conteniendo disolventes orgánicos. El elemento determinante del cambio fue la sustitución del hexano de calidad comercial por otros productos de refinado de bajo contenido en n-hexano (5 %). En la actualidad, aproximadamente un 10 % de los puestos de encolado y un 8 % de los productos presentan un riesgo de exposición al n-hexano asociado a la utilización de hexano de calidad comercial. Entre los disolventes mayoritariamente empleados se encontraban el acetato de etilo, el ciclohexano, los isómeros de hexano, la metiletilcetona, el heptano y la acetona. Para concluir se puede afirmar que previamente al desarrollo de un programa de supervisión de la salud de una población expuesta, es importante evaluar la composición de la cola utilizada.
Medicina del lavoro, jul.-ago. 1994, vol.85, n°4, p.309-313. Ilus. 11 ref.

CIS 95-952 Roquelaure Y., Touranchet A., Mandereau L., Fanello S., Hémon D., Penneau-Fontbonne D.
Estado de salud del colectivo de trabajadores de la industria del calzado
Etat de santé de la population de l'industrie de la chaussure [en francés]
Se realizó una encuesta longitudinal (de 1986 a 1994) entre 26 empresas representativas (1.964 empleados) para estudiar el estado de salud de los trabajadores de la industria del calzado del Pays de Loire (Francia) y los factores de riesgo asociados a los puestos. Los datos se recogieron en el transcurso de la visita anual, a través de un reconocimiento médico y un estudio de puesto normalizados realizados por 15 médicos del trabajo. El índice de respuesta fue del 90,5 %. La población estudiada era joven (35 ± 10 años) y predominantemente femenina (67,4 %). La patología dominante eran alteraciones osteoarticulares (lumbago y ciática), síndrome del canal carpiano y sobre todo dolores crónicos y/o molestias funcionales, localizadas principalmente en la columna lumbar y/o dorsal y/o cervical, en hombros y piernas. Los dolores osteoarticulares estaban significativamente asociados a la postura sentada, los gestos repetitivos, una carga visual elevada y el pequeño tamaño de la empresa. Las otras patologías encontradas eran: insuficiencia venosa, gastralgia y fatiga visual. La exposición a polvos (519 empleados) estaba correlacionada con la existencia de irritación respiratoria y obstrucción nasal. La exposición a disolventes y colas (479 empleados) se asociaba a la aparición de una irritación cutáneomucosa, gastralgias, vértigos y alteraciones de la sensibilidad.
Archives des maladies professionnelles et de médecine du travail, 1994, vol.55, n°6, p.441-447. 21 ref.

CIS 95-228 Türkel B., Egeli U.
Análisis de las aberraciones cromosómicas en los trabajadores del sector del calzado expuestos largo tiempo al benceno
Analysis of chromosomal aberrations in shoe workers exposed long term to benzene [en inglés]
Se analizaron exámenes citogenéticos de los linfocitos de la sangre periférica a 58 trabajadores del sector del calzado (57 hombres y una mujer) expuestos al benceno y a 20 individuos, seleccionados entre la población general, no expuestos a agentes mutágenos o cancerígenos específicos (grupo de control). En ambos grupos se midió la frecuencia de lesiones celulares, principalmente brechas, roturas y modificaciones, (fragmentos acentométricos). La incidencia de las aberraciones cromosómicas (principalmente brechas y fracturas) en el grupo expuesto era significativamente más elevada que en el de los controles. No se observó ningún efecto debido al tabaquismo; únicamente pudo establecerse una correlación entre el consumo de alcohol y las brechas. Incluso, tampoco pudo establecerse ninguna asociación significativa entre la antigüedad del grupo expuesto al benceno y la frecuencia de las aberraciones cromosómicas. Recomendación: disminución del valor umbral de 20 ppm a 1 ppm y mejora de las condiciones de trabajo.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, ene. 1994, vol.51, n°1, p.50-53. 19 ref.


CIS 95-2096 Walker J.T., Bloom T.F., Stern F.B., Okun A.H., Fingerhut M.A., Halperin W.E.
Mortalidad de los trabajadores empleados en la industria del calzado
Mortality of workers employed in shoe manufacturing [en inglés]
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, abr. 1993, vol.19, n°2, p.89-95. 31 ref. ###

CIS 94-919 The textiles and clothing industry
Tekstil- og beklædningsindustri [en danés]
Volume No.8 of a series of monographs covering occupational safety and health in all sectors of the Danish economy. The occupational safety and health problems in the textiles and clothing industry sector are mainly repetitive work, and exposure to chemical substances, dust and noise. Most of the diseases in this sector are those affecting hearing, the skin, the respiratory system, the brain and the musculoskeletal system.
Direktoratet for Arbejdstilsynet, Landskronagade 33-35, 2100 København Ø, Denmark, 1993. 66p. 33 ref. Price: DKK 100.00.

CIS 94-678 Delbianco M., Olivetti G., De Donato S.R., Ricciotti M., Campana A.
Hand-arm vibration risk and cumulative trauma disorders in the shoe manufacturing industry - A case report
Rischio da vibrazioni al sistema mano-braccio e cumulative trauma disorders nel settore calzaturiero - Descrizione di un caso clinico [en italiano]
Report on the case of a woman working in a shoe factory who had been using vibrating tools for five years. Because of paraesthesia in her left hand, she underwent various diagnostic trials that revealed an initial carpal-tunnel syndrome of the left wrist and a homolateral epicondylitis. Measurement of the vibrations transmitted to the hand from the vibrating tool confirmed the probability of a high risk of exposure for the hand-arm system. Such adverse effects are also known as "cumulative trauma disorders". The importance of further studies aimed at estimating the type and degree of exposure to vibrations in shoe manufacturing workers is stressed.
Medicina del lavoro, July-Aug. 1993, Vol.84, No.4, p.306-310. Illus. 18 ref.

CIS 94-665 Nityananda T.S.
Fire safety in tanneries
Description of the tanning process as conducted in Indian factories. Much of the process involves wet conditions, so the overall risk of fire should be low. Documentation of the industry is scanty, but there seems to have been no loss of life due to fire or explosion in any tannery in India. However, examination of the fire extinguisher refilling record of one large tannery showed that extinguishers had been used on 30 occasions in two years, so risk is not totally absent. Dust, flammable chemicals, electrical equipment, combustible fuels and welding sparks are particular hazards. Extinguishing equipment and fire safety training are inadequate in many tanneries.
Loss Prevention News, Apr.-June 1993, Vol.15, No.2, p.3-7. Illus.

CIS 94-379 Agnesi R., Dal Vecchio L., Todros A., Sparta S., Valentini F.
Ulnar nerve neuropathy of the elbow in female column sewing machine operators in the shoe manufacturing industry - Case report and follow-up
Neuropatia del nervo ulnare a livello del gomito in addette all'uso di macchine per cucire a colonna - Casistica e follow-up [en italiano]
Case study of 15 young sewing machine operators who developed ulnar nerve neuropathy. The condition was attributed to trauma due to incorrect work posture (resting of the elbows on the work table). Timely treatment, regular medical check-ups and the adoption of correct work posture are recommended as remedial measures.
Medicina del lavoro, Mar.-Apr. 1993, Vol.84, No.2, p.147-161. Illus. 10 ref.

CIS 93-2078 Serrates-Perez J.N., Mendiola-Anda C.
Musculoskeletal disorders among sewing machine operators in shoemaking
Results of a questionnaire survey among workers in a Mexican shoe factory indicated that low back pain was the most frequent disorder (18.2%) for operators of both flat- and column-type sewing machines. The shoulder was the site of complaint for 14% of the subjects, being three times more frequent among column-machine operators. The back as a whole was mentioned by 14%, and neck pain by 4.9%; in both cases only flat-machine operators were affected. The body regions affected were those expected from the analysis of video recordings and were consistent with those reported for occupations involving similar postures and movements.
Ergonomics, July 1993, Vol.36, No.7, p.793-800. 22 ref.


CIS 93-929 Oleru U.G., Onyekwere C.
Exposures to polyvinyl chloride, methyl ketone and other chemicals - The pulmonary and non-pulmonary effect
Pulmonary function impairment and neurological disorders, such as headache, insomnia, dizziness and skin irritation, were the symptoms found among workers of a shoe factory in Nigeria. Pulmonary function impairment was most prominent among the workers exposed to polyvinyl chloride. The exposure levels were measured to range from 0.2 to 4.0ppm. The observed neurological disorders occurred most frequently in the group of workers exposed to methyl ethyl ketone and other chemicals.
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 1922, Vol.63, No.7, p.503-507. 13 ref.

CIS 93-101 Arduini L., Dalla Foglia M.
Assessment of primary prevention programmes by industrial sector
Il rapporto su un piano di comparto come valutazione di risultato [en italiano]
The adoption of codes of recommended practice (CRP) by industrial management, a fundamental step in ensuring a safer and healthier work environment, is a suitable approach for evaluating primary prevention programmes. This hypothesis was tested in the shoe and leather goods manufacturing industry (55 facilities). An ordinal scale was defined for each variable taken into account by CRP and for other variables related to employers' actions. A score was assigned to every facility with reference to the starting and ending points of the programme. Using these scores, an estimation was made of the degree of variation, in time and among facilities, in adopting CRP.
Medicina del lavoro, Mar.-Apr. 1992, Vol.83, No.2, p.120-126. 11 ref.

CIS 93-252 Perbellini L., Soave C., Cerpelloni M.
Solvent exposure in shoe factories
L'inquinamento da solventi nei calzaturifici [en italiano]
In order to study solvent exposure in shoe factories, 43 kinds of glues and 22 solvent products used in footwear manufacturing were analysed. A gas chromatographic spectrometric method was used to identify the mixtures of solvents contained in glues and their diluents. Acetone, ethylacetate and cyclohexane were the solvents more frequently found in glues. Cyclohexane represented on average about 40% of the solvent mixture. Methyl ethyl ketone, 3-methylpentane and 2-methylpentane were often present in glues (45-52% of the samples), but only in a few cases were they associated with n-hexane. N-hexane and methylcyclopentane were found in 32% of the glue samples. N-hexane represented 47% of the solvents only in one glue. Most of the glues contained less than 10% n-hexane. Other solvents (dichloropropane, toluene, trichloroethane, butyl acetate, iso-butyl acetate and 2,2-dimethylbutane) were found in few glue samples or in low percentages. The 22 solvents used as glue diluents were mainly acetone, ethylacetate, dichloromethane and methyl ethyl ketone. Results suggest that solvent exposure in shoe factories has changed relative to 10 years ago. Biological monitoring of shoe factory workers should measure exposures to the specific solvents found in each factory, especially acetone, cyclohexane, ethylacetate and methyl ethyl ketone.
Medicina del lavoro, Mar.-Apr. 1992, Vol.83, No.2, p.115-119. 11 ref.

CIS 93-241 Solionova L.G., Smulevich V.B., Turbin E.V., Krivosheyeva L.V., Plotnikov J.V.
Carcinogens in rubber production in the Soviet Union
In a preliminary phase of a broad research project on cancer among workers in a rubber footwear plant in Moscow, exposure to several known or potential carcinogens was assessed. There were high dust contents bearing both toxic substances and carcinogens. The highest concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene (500-14 400µg) were found on the soot used as a filler, and the maximum N-dimethylnitrosamine (DMNA) level was measured in thiram (150-23 868µ Air samples from the vulcanisation process and the pressing of rubber goods showed BaP levels of up to 1.43µg.m-3. In the work area where polyvinyl chloride was used, the mean vinyl chloride concentration was 0.21 (SE 0.06) mg.m-3. The mean value of the acrylonitrile concentrations in the workroom area was 0.19 (SE 0.07) mg.m-3. Very high levels of DMNA and N-diethylnitrosamine were measured in the preparatory shop in the winter.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Apr. 1992, Vol.18, No.2, p.120-123. 17 ref.


CIS 94-1639 Vyskocil A., Popler A., Skutilova I., Ciharova M., Ettlerova E., Lauwerys R.R., Bernard A.M.
Urinary excretion of proteins and enzymes in workers exposed to hydrocarbons in a shoe factory
A study was made of a group of women who had been exposed to petroleum naphtha (time-weighted average exposure 1,619mg/m3), toluene 81mg/m3) and ethylacetate (160mg/m3). Measurements were made of urinary enzyme activity and proteins and compared with those of age-matched controls. The only parameter that was significantly influenced by hydrocarbon exposure was the urinary activity of beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase. Although the health significance of this renal change in unclear, the results are in agreement with previous observations suggesting that long-term moderate exposure to solvents does not entail a significant risk for the development of nephrotoxicity.
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 1991, Vol.63, No.5, p.359-362. Illus. 18 ref.

CIS 92-1896 Helbecque Y., Diancourt J.M., Lefebvre Y., Rives-Lange L., Van der Biest F.
A case of extrinsic allergic alveolitis related to Trichothecium in a fur coat manufacturer
A propos d'un cas d'alvéolite allergique extrinsèque rapporté à Trichothecium chez une mécanicienne en fourrure [en francés]
Study of a case of extrinsic allergic alveolitis in a fur coat manufacturer, related to the mould Trichothecium roseum. Furrier's lung, a hypersensitivity disease due to inhalation of hair dust, was described in 1970; the antigen is not yet determined. Occupational hypersensitivity pneumonitis related to moulds in furriers has not been studied much. This other variety of extrinsic allergic alveolitis must also be suspected in the case of respiratory disease in furriers.
Archives des maladies professionnelles, 1991, Vol.52, No.5, p.355-358. 10 ref.

CIS 92-523 Gollins W.J.F.
Dimethylformamide and testicular cancer
Letter to the editor. Studies on leather tanners and aircraft maintenance men have associated testicular cancer with exposure to dimethylformamide (DMF). However, DMF lacks mutagenic activity in animals and other studies of industrial populations have shown no causal relation between exposure to DMF and the cancers studied. It is suggested that DMF may simply be acting as a solvent which facilitates absorption through the skin of dissolved carcinogens.
Lancet, 2 Feb. 1991, Vol.337, No.8736, p.306-307. 7 ref.

CIS 92-492 Recent developments in the leather and footwear industry (Report I); Employment and working conditions and competitiveness in the leather and footwear industry (Report II)
Evolution récente dans l'industrie du cuir et de la chaussure (Rapport I); L'emploi et les conditions de travail et la compétitivité dans l'industrie du cuir et de la chaussure (Rapport II) [en francés]
Report I and II prepared by the Sectoral Activities Programme of the International Labour Office (ILO) for the 4th Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Leather and Footwear Industry (1992). Contents of Report I: Recent developments in the industry and section on working conditions and training. Action taken in various countries in the light of conclusions and resolutions adopted at previous meetings. Information on the application of OSH regulations, measures taken to protect workers against harmful substances, control of environmental pollution. Discussion of ILO activities in the industry. Report II: General trends in production and trade; factors affecting international competitiveness; employment trends; conditions of work. A section on workers' health and safety looks at risk assessment and monitoring, process organisation, mechanical and chemical hazards and accidents.
ILO Publications, International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 1991. 101p. (I), 205p. (II). Bibl.ref. Price: CHF 17.50 (I), CHF 30.00 (II).


CIS 93-1145 Riesgos en la industria del calzado
Contents of this videotape: major health hazards in the shoe industry (principally, those affecting the skin); preventive measures and clothing; electric hazards; fires; inhalation of organic fumes originating from adhesives and solvents; machinery hazards; noise.
Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Ediciones y Publicaciones, C/Torrelaguna, 73 - 28027 Madrid, Spain, ca.1990. Videotape (16min).

CIS 93-864 Castillón Uribe J.M., Rey Fernández J., Rolín Cano E., Guiral Julián M., Periago Jiménez F., Viguera Rubio J.
Riesgos profesionales en la fabricación del calzado - I. Resumen del informe; II. Productos empleados en el sector del calzado
Part I is a report on a survey of occupational risks in footwear manufacturing carried out by the Spanish National Institute for Occupational Safety and Hygiene during 1988 and the first months of 1989. A representative sample of 6,669 workers in 295 enterprises was chosen. 74% of the enterprises had a staff of less than 26 and only four enterprises employed more than 100 workers. Preventive services (such as medical services, medical examinations, training, information, atmospheric and biological monitoring), building facilities and general equipment were investigated. The most significant safety risks are: machinery and fires. The most significant health risks are: inhalation of organic fumes and noise exposure. Risks are also analysed in terms of work processes and tasks. General preventive measures are presented. Part II examines the different chemical products used in this sector, such as adhesives and solvents, and their toxicological mechanisms and health effects. Statistical tables are also included.
Salud y trabajo, 1990, No.77, p.5-24. Illus.

CIS 92-1287 Myslak Z.
Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz
Azo-dyes based on known or suspected carcinogenic aromatic amines - Identification, uses and manufacturing periods
Azofarbmittel auf der Basis krebserzeugender und -verdächtiger aromatischer Amine - Identifikation, Verwendungsbereiche, Herstellungszeiträume [en alemán]
All azo dyes based on aromatic amines known or suspected to be carcinogens are compiled. For each listed azo dye, the type of dye such as acid, basic, direct, mordant or solvent dye is stated. The colour index number, the coupling component, trade name, manufacturer, period of manufacture and the industry in which the dye is used (textile, leather good, pulp and paper or other), are indicated.
Wirtschaftsverlag NW, Postfach 10 11 10, Am Alten Hafen, D-W-2850 Bremerhaven 1, Germany, 1990. 338p. Illus. 4 ref. Index. Price: DEM 37.00.

CIS 91-538 Clonfero E., Venier P., Granella M., Levis A.G.
Mutagenic and carcinogenic risks of leather azo dyes
I coloranti azoici per cuoio: rischio mutageno e cancerogeno [en italiano]
The paper reviews the carcinogenicity and mutagenicity data on azo dyes used in the leather industry. Two water soluble benzidine-based dyes were classified as "probably carcinogenic in humans" by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). No other dyes have been evaluated by the IARC. Of the 48 azo dyes assayed in the Salmonella/microsome test, 20 gave positive results. Attention is drawn to the important role of the in vivo metabolism of azo compounds, which includes a preliminary reduction of the azo bonds and subsequent release of the aromatic amines of the dye. A useful assay (Prival test) for evaluating the mutagenic properties of azo dyes involves a reductive step that permits the release of any genotoxic agents present in the compounds. A list of leather azo dyes is furnished that are considered as potentially harmful due to the presence of a carcinogenic aromatic amine (benzidine, p-aminoazobenzene and derivatives) in their formulae.
Medicina del lavoro, May-June 1990, Vol.81, No.3, p.222-229. 32 ref.

CIS 91-537 Clonfero E., Venier P., Granella M., Levis A.G.
Identification of genotoxic compounds used in the leather processing industry
Identificazione di composti genotossici utilizzati nella lavorazione delle pelli [en italiano]
The release of mutagens from 7 carbon black-based leather dyes and from leather samples at various stages of finishing was determined. After vigorous treatment with toluene, 4 commercial dyes yielded mutagenic extracts on Salmonella typhimurium in the presence of microsomal enzymes. Only one of the responsible chemicals was a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. The low bioavailability of mutagens contained in carbon black and their low mutagenic activity suggest that the risk associated with the use of these dyes is probably negligible. Ethanol extracts of finished leather were mutagenic in the absence of S9 mix. Analysis of extracts of leather samples at various stages of processing showed that mutagenic activity was detectable after the colouring process. The responsible compound was a nitroazo dye, C.I. Acid Brown 83. 18 commercial tannins containing mainly Cr(III) sulfates were assessed for genotoxicity. Most were contaminated with Cr(VI), a known mugaten and carcinogen, at levels sufficient to include sister chromatid exchanges in mammalian cells.
Medicina del lavoro, May-June 1990, Vol.81, No.3, p.212-221. 45 ref.

CIS 91-497 Seniori Costantini A., Merler E., Saracci R.
Epidemiological studies on the occupational cancer risk in the tanning, leather and shoe industries
Studi epidemiologici su rischio cancerogeno ed attività lavorativa nell'industria della concia, pelletteria e calzatura [en italiano]
A review is made of the epidemiological studies of occupational cancer risks among tannery, leather and shoe industry workers. A risk of nasal cancer associated with exposure to leather dust was confirmed in recent studies. However, a decreasing trend of relative risk has been observed among shoe industry workers. The excess of leukaemia among shoe workers, which was mainly based on the description of numerous cases of acute mycloblastic leukaemia, has also been confirmed by 2 cohorts studies carried out in Italy and the U.K. There are also indications of increases in other cancers (particularly, of the bladder and the lung) among leather and shoe workers. This evidence is unanimous in the studies carried out in Italy but is not supported by the majority of studies performed in other countries. For this reasion, it is considered extremely important to carry out a multicentric study in Italy, paying particular attention to the definition of occupational exposures to carcinogens.
Medicina del lavoro, May-June 1990, Vol.81, No.3, p.184-211. 75 ref.

CIS 91-496 Baldasseroni A.
Preventive measures in the leather and shoe industries
Iniziative di prevenzione nell'industria calzaturiera e pellettiera [en italiano]
The paper presents the results of a survey of the organisation and implementation of preventive medicine programmes in the shoe and leather industries 10 years after the introduction of the National Health Service in Italy. According to the survey results, there was a marked difference between the resources available in central and northern Italy where, although unevenly, prevention at the workplace has improved, and the regions of southern Italy where the resources were much more limited. The methods used by the Occupational Health Services in the territories under study are described, which are characterised by programmed or planned activities (according to industrial sector) mainly aimed at acquiring better knowledge of the risk factors and their effective elimination.
Medicina del lavoro, May-June 1990, Vol.81, No.3, p.177-183. 13 ref.

CIS 91-495 Valsecchi M.
Prevention measures in the tanning industry
Iniziative di prevenzione nell'industria conciaria [en italiano]
The paper presents the results of a survey of preventive measures in the tanning industry 10 years after the introduction of the National Health Service in Italy. The aims and procedures of the National Health Service programmes and the Local Health Units in northern, central and southern Italy are described. A marked difference was observed between the southern and central-northern regions as regards size and quality of the occupational health services and the number of programmed activities aimed at risk assessment and preventive measures.
Medicina del lavoro, May-June 1990, Vol.81, No.3, p.171-176. 2 ref.


CIS 90-1220 Schumacher M.C., Slattery M.L., West D.W.
Occupation and bladder cancer in Utah
The relationship between bladder cancer and occupation, industries, and occupational exposures in Utah were examined in a population-based, case-control study conducted between 1977 and 1983. Life-long occupational histories were obtained for 417 cases (332 men and 85 women) and 877 controls (685 men and 192 women). Increased risks were detected among men for employment in the leather and textile industries which increased with duration of employment. Among men and women, increased risk was detected among clerical workers. A protective effect was seen among men and women for 10 or more years employment in professional, managerial, and technical occupations. Increased risk for bladder cancer was detected among carpenters who smoked but not among carpenters who never smoked. Interactions between smoking and other industrial or occupational exposures were not demonstrated, and for the most part, smoking did not confound the estimates of the bladder cancer-occupation relationships.
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, July 1989, Vol.16, No.1, p.89-102. Bibl.

CIS 90-161 Occupational Health Programme - Synoptic report on preliminary hazard analysis in tanneries in Jajmau, Kanpur
A report of a preliminary hazard analysis covering different work-stations with respect to identification of hazard, effect of hazard, hazard index, recommended action and likely effects of action.
Regional Labour Institute, Sarvodaya-nagar, Kanpur, India, 1989. 14p.

CIS 90-256
Ministry of Labour, Government of India
Retrospective investigation of fatal hydrogen sulfide poisoning inside the waste sump of ordnance equipment factory, Phoolbagh, Kanpur
Description of an accident that occurred in the tanning department of an ordnance factory causing five deaths. The investigation reveals that practical safety measures had not been taken. The report lists all statutory violations which had led to the accident, such as absence of monitoring of toxic gases at the workplace, absence of an on-site emergency plan, etc. Recommendations are made for the specific measures which should have been taken and which should be applied in the future.
Regional Labour Institute, Sarvodaya nagar, Kanpur, India, 1989. 22p.

CIS 90-123 Paci E., Buiatti E., Seniori Costantini A., Miligi L., Pucci N., Scarpelli A., Petrioli G., Simonato L., Winkelmann R., Kaldor J.M.
Aplastic anemia, leukemia and other cancer mortality in a cohort of shoe workers exposed to benzene
This report presents the results of a historical cohort study in a shoe manufacturing plant in Florence where cases of aplastic anaemia and leukaemia were reported in the 1960s. A total of 1008 men and 1005 women were considered eligible members of the cohort. For total mortality, comparing the rates of the cohort with the national rates, the standardized mortality ratio (SMR) was 79 for the women and 95 for the men. For the men, excess of risk for aplastic anaemia (SMR 1566) and leukaemia (SMR 400) were observed. The increased risk occurred among workers first employed during the period in which benzene was used, but the expected number of cases in the subsequent period was too small to evaluate whether any reduction in risk had occurred. No increasing pattern with duration of employment was discernible.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Oct. 1989, Vol.15, No.5, p.313-318. 15 ref.

CIS 89-1875 Seniori C.A., Paci E., Miligi L., Buiatti E., Martelli C., Lenzi S.
Cancer mortality among workers in the Tuscan tanning industry
The mortality of 2926 male workers at the tanneries in the "leather area" of Tuscany was examined from 1950 to 1983 comparing it with the national mortality. Cancer mortality was of particular concern because of the many chemicals known to be definite or suspected carcinogens used in the tanning cycle, in particular chromate pigments, benzidine based dyes, formaldehyde, and organic solvents. There was no excess of deaths for cancers of all sites but there were slight increases in deaths from cancers of the lung, kidney and pancreas and from leukaemias. Two cases of soft tissue sarcomas were observed (0.09 expected).
British Journal of Industrial Medicine, June 1989, Vol.46, No.6, p.384-388. 26 ref.

CIS 89-1263 Randall J.A., Gibson R.S.
Hair chromium as an index of chromium exposure of tannery workers
The use of hair chromium (Cr) concentrations as an index of Cr exposure of tannery workers was investigated. Hair samples were collected from 71 male tannery workers from 4 southern Ontario tanneries and from 53 male controls not exposed to Cr in the workplace. Subjects were matched for age, race, and socioeconomic status. Hair samples were washed, ashed in a low temperature asher, and analysed by flameless atomic absorption. The median hair Cr concentrations for the tannery workers (551ng/g) was significantly higher (p=0.0001) than for the controls (123ng/g). For the tannery workers, hair Cr concentrations were positively and significantly correlated with serum Cr (r=0.52, p<0.01) and with the preshift and postshift urinary Cr/creatinine ratios (r=0.43, p<0.01; r=0.64, p<0.01, respectively). These data indicate that trivalent Cr absorbed from leather tanning compounds results in raised concentrations of Cr in hair and that hair Cr concentrations may be used as an index of industrial Cr exposure.
British Journal of Industrial Medicine, Mar. 1989, Vol.46, No.3, p.171-175. Illus. 26 ref.


CIS 92-125 Bimbi G., Battista G., Belli S., Berrino F., Comba P.
Nasal cancers and occupational exposures: A case-control study
Studio caso controllo sui tumori nasali e le esposizioni professionali [en italiano]
A case-control study of malignant epithelial neoplasms of the nose and sinuses and occupational exposures was conducted in Milan, Italy. Cases were patients admitted in the years 1982-85 at the Head and Neck Oncology Department of the National Institute for the Study and Treatment of Cancer. Controls were subjects admitted in the same years, with diagnoses of malignant tumour of the nasopharynx, thyroid and salivary glands. The occupational history was derived from hospital records. The study included 53 cases and 217 controls. Three cases but not controls had worked in the leather industry; the same finding was observed for the wood industry. A significant increase in risk appeared to be associated to work in other sectors, namely the metal industry (RR: 4.5%; 95% confidence interval: 1.4-14.2), the mining and construction industry (RR: 5.3; 1.9-15.0), the textile industry (RR: 2.9; 1.0-8.6), and agriculture (RR: 3.3; 1.3-8.3).
Medicina del lavoro, July-Aug. 1988, Vol.79, No.4, p.280-287. 31 ref.

CIS 91-1904 Aleksandrov V.V., Solncev V.I., Sukonnikov S.E.
Occupational safety and health in the textile and light industries
Ohrana truda v tekstil'noj i legkoj promyšlennosti [en ruso]
This book, intended as a reference guide for managers, engineers, technicians and OSH personnel in light industry undertakings, contains basic regulatory, organisational and methodological materials on occupational safety and health in the industries concerned. Covered are the following aspects: organisation of OSH activities; OSH and conditions of work improvement (planning and financing); accident investigation and reporting; workmen's compensation; degree of disability evaluation; employment injury and other work-related health impairment compensation by undertakings (organisations); medical examinations; occupational safety and health for women and minors; other rules, regulations and instructions. In appendix: OSH management and administration diagram; standard method for calculating OSH performance indices; safety rule compliance chart; high OSH performance bonus calculation, etc.
Izdatel'stvo Legkaja promy¿lennost' i bytovoe obsluživanie, 1-j Kada¿evskij per. 12, 113035 Moskva, USSR, 1988. 400p. Price: SUR 1.50.

CIS 90-1170
Chemical substances in the shoe industry
Kemiske stoffer i skoindustrien [en danés]
Contents of this training booklet giving practical advice on hazardous chemicals used in the shoe industry: responsibilities for the workplace environment, occupational hazards associated with this type of work, preventive measures, labelling, chemical safety data sheets, responsibilities of the supplier and safe working methods. Lists of danger symbols, safety codes (R- and S- phrases) and relevant Danish directives, as well as some examples of chemical safety data sheets are appended.
Arbejdsmiljøfondet, Vermundsgade 38, 2100 København Ø, Denmark, 1st ed. 1988. 23p. Illus. 7 ref.

CIS 89-1873 Olsen J.H.
Occupational risks of sinonasal cancer in Denmark
A new comprehensive data linkage system for the detailed investigation of occupational cancer, established in the Danish Cancer Registry, provides employment histories back to 1964. All 382 cases of cancers of the sinonasal cavaties diagnosed between 1970-84 were analysed to screen for high risk industrial areas in Denmark. Excess risks were confirmed among men and women employed in the manufacture of footwear and other leather products and of wooden furniture. Excess risks were also seen among men in all areas of the basic metal industries and in industries producing metal containers. Most unexpected were raised risks among employees of both sexes in making cocoa, chocolate, and sugar confectionery; these, in combination with the observed risks among female employees in canning and preserving fruits and vegetables and in farming may point to a common aetiology. The new associations discovered in this study must therefore await further confirmation.
British Journal of Industrial Medicine, May 1988, Vol.45, No.5, p.329-335. 38 ref.


CIS 90-723
Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften
Leather finishing and shoe manufacturing machines [Federal Republic of Germany]
Lederverarbeitungs- und Schuhmaschinen [en alemán]
These safety regulations contain information on leather finishing and shoe manufacturing machines. Sections deal with: danger zones, dust, fire hazards, toxic vapours, hot surfaces, marking, operating elements, pedal switches, precautions for automatic start-up, skiving and sharpening machines, glue spreading machines, stitching machines, hand protection, control systems, special leather and shoe presses, machine operation, prohibited work, periodic inspection. Supplement: rules of implementation.
Carl Heymanns Verlag KG, Luxemburger Strasse 449, 5000 Köln 41, Federal Republic of Germany, 1988. 20 + 12p.

CIS 90-238 Puhov S.N., Nikitina I.A., Kondakova M.V., Strel'cov S.V., Zapol'skij Ju.M., Koročkin S.V.
Specific rates of emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere during the production of rubber shoe soles
Udel'nye vybrosy vrednyh veščestv v atmosferu pri proizvodstve reziny dlja niza obuvi [en ruso]
Specific emission rates were calculated on the basis of material balances for each of the 6 operations in sole manufacture; the results are presented in a table. The largest quantity of gaseous pollutants are emitted during vulcanisation (85-95% of the total emissions for the process). Of the 4 types of sole produced, coloured porous rubber gave the largest amounts of gas, black solid rubber the smallest. The average composition of the gaseous emissions was: 1.2% aldehydes, 28% aromatic hydrocarbons (of which 2% styrene), 1.5% amines, 7% naphthenes, 8% normal and iso-paraffins (3-7 carbons), 7.5% normal and iso-olefins, 16% for 8-14-carbon paraffins, 12% for 8-14-carbon olefins, and 20.3% unidentified. An equation was derived for predicting the quantity of emissions from the amounts of natural rubber, blowing agent, regenerated rubber and mineral filler used in the process.
Koževenno-obuvnaja promyšlennost', Sep. 1987, No.9, p.18-19.

CIS 90-237 Kondakova M.V., Strel'cov S.V., Puhov S.N., Zapol'skij Ju. M.
Removing contaminants from the air in recycled rubber sole production
Očistka vozduha ot vrednyh vybrosov v proizvodstve podošvennogo regenerata [en ruso]
Air sampling around the extruders of rubber devulcanisers in several plants showed that the principal contaminants emitted by black regenerated rubber are styrene and plasticiser fumes. Ammonia is emitted only when plasticisers have been used in the rubber. An experimental device with a capacity of 100m3/h for cleaning the air collected by local exhaust systems was constructed and tested. In the device, the air is bubbled through MP-75 oil, then passed through a bed of fluorinated plastic chips and a glass fibre filter. The device reduced plasticiser fume levels by as much as 97.4%.
Koževenno-obuvnaja promyšlennost', Sep. 1987, No.9, p.16-18. Illus. 3 ref.

CIS 88-1927 Plastics, leather and footwear - A list of HSC/E and relevant industry publications
This bibliography indicates how to obtain the publications and it provides brief annotations on about 120 publications concerning: dust and fume exposure and control; electrical equipment; transport, storage, and handling, and monitoring of hazardous substances; plant equipment and machinery; general compliance and responsibilities for safety; specialist toxicity reviews. Details are also given on relevant journals, other sources of information, agents, and order forms.
Health and Safety Executive, Broad Lane, Sheffield S3 7HQ, United Kingdom, Sep. 1987. 15p.

CIS 88-1203 Walrath J., Decouflé P., Thomas T.L.
Mortality among workers in a shoe manufacturing company
A case-control analysis of patient files at a large cancer treatment facility indicated that several bladder cancer patients had worked at a large shoe manufacturing company in the state of New York, USA. A mortality study was initiated to determine whether there was an unusual cancer risk associated with employment in this facility. Because company records were not available, local newspaper obituaries were used to identify former company employees who died between 1960 and 1979. Proportionate mortality analyses were conducted by using 4,734 death certificates and the general U.S. population for comparison. There were no excess deaths from nasal cancer or bladder cancer, and mortality from leukaemia was slightly lower than expected. Increased relative frequencies of digestive cancers were seen among men and women. There were significant excesses of deaths from multiple myeloma among both men and women.
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 1987, Vol.12, No.5, p.615-623. 37 ref.

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