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Clothing and finished textile products industry - 108 entradas encontradas

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  • Clothing and finished textile products industry


CIS 78-1590 Pogožev S.V.
Lessons drawn from the use of glow-discharge air ionisers in a garment cutting shop
Opyt primenenija ėlektroėffljuvial'nogo aėroionizatora v zakrojnom cehe švejnogo proizvodstva [en ruso]
Description of trials with these ion generators installed in the ventilation system openings to assess the value of atmospheric ionisation for air cleaning. Results of dust measurements at different time intervals with and without ionisation (gravimetric dust concentration, particle and bacterial count). The use of glow-discharge air ionisers is recommended, since they effectively reduce the respirable dust and bacterial content of the air.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Dec. 1977, No.12, p.44-46. 2 ref.

CIS 78-1230 Guards for industrial sewing machines
Protecteurs pour machines à coudre industrielles. [en francés]
An illustrated description of 2 devices to guard against the needle penetrating the operator's fingers; one designed and developed by the French National Research and Safety Institute (INRS) and the other by a French garment manufacturing company. Both consist of a finger guard which is separate from the needle arm and foot and is therefore operative even when the foot is raised. The second device has proved its effectiveness in actual shop conditions, and is being gradually mounted on the 170 sewing machines in the company's machine stitching shop.
Travail et sécurité, Dec. 1977, No.12, p.552-555. Illus.

CIS 78-1125 Health and safety guide for metal furniture and mattress manufacturers.
Illustrated by humorous drawings and instructive sketches, this booklet describes safe practices, encouraging compliance with U.S. health and safety regulations. Contents: health and safety programme; employee training; general information for manufaturers of this type of furniture for office and household use; occupational health and environment control; control of exposure to hazardous substances; frequently violated regulations (walking and working surfaces; the standard guard rail and toeboard, fixed industrial stairs, portable ladders, fixed ladders; exits and exit markings; paints; orgnic solvents; cotton dust; chromic acid); noise; hazardous materials; spray painting; personal protective equipment; fire protection; medical and first aid; compressed air equipment; materials handling and storage; machinery and machine guarding; hand and portable powered tools; welding, cutting, and brazing; the National Electrical Code, etc.; recordkeeping; checklists; information sources.
DHEW (NIOSH) Publication No.78-101, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226, USA, Aug. 1977. 78p. Illus.


CIS 78-233 Oestreich I., Zimmer D.
Occupational safety in the clothing industry
Arbeitsschutz in der Konfektions-Industrie [en alemán]
This booklet points to accident hazards and gives suggestions for the improvement of working conditions in the delivery and storage of textiles, in cutting, tailoring, ironing, quality control and expedition. Hints for good lighting.
Verlag Tribüne, Am Treptower Park 28-30, DDR-1193 Berlin, 1976. 49p. Illus. Price: M.0.80.

CIS 77-553 François M.
The various processes in fitted carpet manufacture
Les différents procédés de fabrication de moquette. [en francés]
Methods of manufacturing woven, fleeced, tufted and other types of fitted carpeting, the associated hazards and the various prevention measures: accidents due to ejection of the shuttle from the loom (need for shuttle guards); sprains (the floor should be kept in good condition); falls (guardrails); shearing, cutting and raising machines (need for effective protection); powdery substances (masks and gloves); very high voltage current; pedestrian traffic and trucks during handling operations (need for separate doors); risk of cuts by bamboo sticks used as reel cores).
Prévention et sécurité du travail, 2nd quarter 1976, No.108, p.13-20. Illus.

CIS 76-1472 Granati A., Lenzi R.
Ergonomic design of the working environment and the workplace
Progettazione ergonomica dell'ambiente e del posto di lavoro [en italiano]
Illustrated by 30 full-page photographs and several sound level diagrams, this article describes ergonomic improvements effected at assembly plants (sitting posture in work at various machines); guarding of garment presses, embossing presses; microclimate studies (effects of temperature variations on clothing industry workers); problems of lighting, noise control (garment preses, cutting dies, machinery). The problem of TLVs is discussed, and an example given of symptoms in a worker using methyl 2-cyanoacrylate (air concentration 2mg/m3; U.S. TLV 5mg/m3) and correction by means of an exhaust hood. Reduction of the TLV to 1mg/m3 is proposed. The last point dealt with is work organisation (selection, training, work rhythm). Studies in 2,000 clothing industry workers are briefly reported, involving performance tests, work studies, EEG, etc., and the problem of fatigue resulting from monotonous work is examined.
Medicina del lavoro, Jan.-Feb. 1976, Vol.67, No.1, p.73-120. 7 ref.


CIS 76-1744 Occupational safety and health in the textile, clothing, laundry and dry-cleaning industries
La sécurité et l'hygiène dans les industries des textiles, du vêtement et de la blanchisserie-teinturerie. [en francés]
This brochure, published on the occasion of a national safety campaign, considers the factors which may give rise to accidents or cause material damage: technical factors connected with the construction of the workplace or the way in which the work is carried out (congestion or blocking of passageways and exits, slippery or uneven floor surfaces, hazardous transport and stacking of materials, etc.), machines (total lack of protection or insufficient guarding of moving parts, sharp edges or points; hazards of cleaning or greasing running machinery) and electrical apparatus; environmental factors (noise, lighting, dust, toxic substances); ergonomic factors. The corresponding preventive measures are given under each heading, with reference to the relevant Belgian regulations where appropriate. Part 2 of the brochure lists information on Belgian occupational safety and health organisations and services which are actively involved in in-plant safety.
Commissariat général à la promotion du travail, 53 rue Belliard, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium, 1974. 42p. Illus.

CIS 75-48 Scharmer H.W.
Velocity of arm movement in the danger zone of leather and textile presses equipped with electronic safety devices
Greifgeschwindigkeiten bei der Verarbeitung von Leder und Textilien auf Stanzen und Pressen mit berührungslos wirkenden Schutzeinrichtungen [en alemán]
After defining terms, the author discusses experiments (methods and evaluation of results) designed to determine the velocity of arm movement in the danger zone of presses. Distance-time and velocity-time graphs provide information on the movements between the start and end of the hand movement. Speeds recorded: 2.75m/s in normal circumstances, and 3m/s in the event of a reflex reaction to an abnormal situation (faulty positioning of the workpiece).
Die Berufsgenossenschaft, Apr. 1974, No.4, p.156-162. Illus. 4 ref.

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