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  • Agricultural chemicals


CIS 88-1252 Albrecht W.N.
Toxicology and hazard assessment of 1,3-Dichloropropene (Telone II)
Potential adverse health effects from occupational exposure to 1,3-dichloropropene (DCP) are reviewed and hazards assessed. Further toxicologic evaluations should be conducted using only high-purity material that is free from possibly confounding impurities and stabilisers. Safety considerations when handling the material are included.
Archives of Environmental Health, Sep.-Oct. 1987, Vol.42, No.5, p.292-296. 35 ref.

CIS 88-1251 Albrecht W.N.
Occupational exposure to 1,3-dichloropropene (Telone II) in Hawaiian pineapple culture
1,3-dichloropropene (DCP), the primary constituent of Telone II, is a subsoil fumigant that has supplanted 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) and ethylene dibromide (EDB) as primary fumigant in Hawaiian pineapple culture. To determine the potential for adverse health effects, an environmental survey was done to assess worker exposures. Exposures were predominantly below 1ppm, which is the no-effect level determined with experimental animals, and the Threshold Limit Value (TLV) recommended by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH).
Archives of Environmental Health, Sep.-Oct. 1987, Vol.42, No.5, p.286-291. Illus. 7 ref.

CIS 88-1246 Duncan Saunders L., Ames R.G., Knaak J.B., Jackson R.J.
Outbreak of Omite-CR-induced dermatitis among orange pickers in Tulare County, California
An outbreak of dermatitis cases among 198 orange pickers employed by a Tulare County, California, packinghouse was investigated. Dermatitis was contracted by 114 (58%) of the 198 workers exposed when Omite-CR-treated fields were harvested. The dermatitis occurred predominantly in the exposed areas of the neck and chest. A dose-response association with dermatitis was suggested for Omite-CR (Propargite) exposure, but not for Carzol, Omite-CR + Carzol, or other pesticides. Because no violations of pesticide preharvest intervals or application rates were found, it appears that residue degradation was not given adequate consideration in the registration of Omite-CR, thus compromising the safety of the worker.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, May 1987, Vol.29, No.5, p.409-413. Illus. 6 ref.

CIS 88-1273 Lisi P., Caraffini S., Assalve D.
Irritation and sensitization potential of pesticides
A pesticide series of 36 substances was patch tested in 652 subjects to establish the optimal test concentration and the frequency of irritant and allergic reactions. Allergic reactions to fungicides were found in 46 thiophthalimides (captan, folpet and difolatan) were the most common. Irritant and allergic reactions to other pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, etc.) were rare. Sensitivity to pesticides was significant in patients who work, or have worked, on the land. Cross sensitivity to bis-dithiocarbamates or thiophthalimides is possible.
Contact Dermatitis, Oct. 1987, Vol.17, No.4, p.212-218. 25 ref.

CIS 88-1272 Kurtz P.H., Shaw G., Kelter A., Jackson R.J.
Assessment of potential acute health effects in agricultural workers exposed during the application of chlordimeform
Agricultural workers exposed to chlordimeform (Cdf) used as a pesticide on cotton were monitored. Cdf metabolites were found in the urine of 132 workers and were positively correlated with the length of exposure and nature of job activity. Persons mixing and loading and engaged in miscellaneous tasks such as cleaning and maintenance of equipment had the greatest exposure. There was no evidence of urinary tract irritation by microscopic analysis of the urine, nor were significant differences found between preseason and postseason serum chemistry results. Despite the use of protective clothing and closed system transfer devices, Cdf was absorbed by workers as evidenced by urinary metabolite excretion.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, July 1987, Vol.29, No.7, p.592-595. 7 ref.

CIS 88-1271 Ratcliffe J.M., Schrader S.M., Steenland K., Clapp D.E., Turner T., Hornung R.W.
Semen quality in papaya workers with long-term exposure to ethylene dibromide
A cross-sectional study of semen quality was conducted among 46 men employed in the papaya fumigation industry in Hawaii, with an average duration of exposure to ethylene dibromide (EDB) of 5yrs and a geometric mean breathing zone exposure to airborne EDB of 88ppb (8h TWA) and peak exposures of up to 262ppb. The control group consisted of 43 unexposed men from a nearby sugar refinery. Significant decreases in sperm count per ejaculate, the percentage of viable and motile sperm, and increases in the proportion of sperm with specific morphological abnormalities (tapered heads, absent heads, and abnormal tails) were observed among exposed men by comparison with controls after consideration of smoking, caffeine and alcohol consumption, age, abstinence, history of urogenital disorders, and other potentially confounding variables. No effect of exposure to EDB on sperm velocity, the overall proportion of sperm with normal morphology, or YFF bodies was observed. These data strongly suggest that EDB may increase the risk of reproductive impairment in workers at exposure levels near the NIOSH recommended limit of 45ppb (as an 8h TWA) and far below the current standard of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of 20ppm.
British Journal of Industrial Medicine, May 1987, Vol.44, No.5, p.317-326. 48 ref.

CIS 88-922 Pall H.S., Williams A.C., Waring R., Elias E.
Motorneurone disease as manifestation of pesticide toxicity
Case study of a man who sprayed in an unventilated room with an antkiller aerosol containing chlordane and permethrin. He lost consciousness for half an hour, then seemed to recover fully. Two weeks later he became dysarthric and then progressively developed the various symptoms of motorneurone disease, ending in death within 18 months of exposure. The metabolism of the pesticides in question is explored.
Lancet, 19 Sep. 1987, Vol.II, No.8560, p.685. 5 ref.

CIS 88-914 Deer H.M., McJilton C.E., Harein P.K.
Respiratory exposure of grain inspection workers to carbon tetrachloride fumigant
The point at which peak exposure occurs during the grain inspection process has been identified as the off odor test in which the inspector smells the grain sample for rancidity, sourness, etc. Ambient concentrations of CCl4 in 7750 grain samples submitted for inspection were determined by colorimetric tube, and these concentrations were an estimate of peak grain inspector exposure to CCl4. The average ambient concentration of CCl4 per grain sample was 1.69ppm ±8.35. Approximately 380 time-weighted average (TWA) CCl4 exposures for grain inspection workers were determined by using passive dosimeters. All TWA exposures were less than 2ppm. Variables are examined, such as location of work, grain type, time of year and grain transportation vehicle - all of which are known to the sampler or inspector before performing their job functions and which affect potential exposure.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, June 1987, Vol.48, No.6, p.586-593. 30 ref.

CIS 88-818 Tetradifon health and safety guide
Chemical safety information sheet based on WHO Environmental Health Criteria 67: Tetradifon (CIS 86-1713). Acaricide. Toxicity: irritation of the eyes, skin and upper respiratory tract.
World Health Organization, Distribution and Sales, 1211 Genève 27, Switzerland, 1987. 40p. Illus. Price: CHF 5.00.

CIS 88-807 Kelevan health and safety guide
Chemical safety information sheet, based on WHO Environmental Health Criteria 66: Kelevan (CIS 86-1714). Insecticide. Is absorbed through the skin.
World Health Organization, Distribution and Sales, 1211 Genève 27, Switzerland, 1987. 20p. Illus. Price: CHF 5.00.

CIS 88-796 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) health and safety guide
Chemical safety information sheet based on WHO Environmental Health Criteria 29: 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) (CIS 85-191). Herbicide. Toxicity: skin absorption; irritation of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract.
World Health Organization, Distribution and Sales, 1211 Genève 27, Switzerland, 1987. 48p. Illus. Price: CHF 5.00.

CIS 88-920 Ramos Antón A.
Medidas de seguridad para la utilización del amoníaco como fertilizante en la agricultura/Medidas de seguridad para la utilización del amoníaco como fertilizante en la agricultura
Contents of this article written to serve as a guide for farmers concerning the safe use of ammonia as a fertiliser: chemical properties of ammonia; the distribution system for agricultural ammonia in Spain; general recommendations for the safe use of tractors and trailers; instructions for the transfer of ammonia from vacuum tanks to fertiliser spreaders; rules concerning the use of transfer hoses; advice for the safe use of vacuum tanks and fertiliser spreaders; personal protective equipment; emergency measures; first-aid procedures.
Prevención, Apr.-June 1987, No.100, p.27-34. Illus. 6 ref.

CIS 88-931 Health monitoring in factories where organophosphorus pesticides are produced
Organik fosfor bileşikleri içeren pestisid üreten işyerlerinde sağlik taramasi [en turco]
Blood cholinesterase activity was significantly related to age in workers exposed to organophosphorus pesticides, but not in controls. An English-language summary is inserted.
İSGÜM, PK: 393 Yenişehir, Ankara, Turkey, 1987. 25p. 10 ref.

CIS 88-572 Consolidated list of products whose consumption and/or sale have been banned, withdrawn, severely restricted or not approved by governments, second issue
This publication contains information on chemical products (agricultural and industrial chemicals and consumer products regulated because of their chemical composition) submitted to the International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals by national governments. It includes information received by IRPTC before 15 March 1986. Part 1 presents the names of countries that have taken restrictive regulatory decisions on particular substances, and the nature of the decisions taken. Part 2 is a compilation of trade names, brand names and manufacturer information for a large proportion of the products covered in Part 1. There are indexes by common name, trade name, and Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number.
United Nations Publications, 1211 Genève 10, Switzerland, 1987. 655p. Bibl.

CIS 88-539 Dally S., Thomas G.
Phenyoxyacetic acid herbicides and human cancer
Herbicides dérivés de l'acide phénoxyacétique et cancers humains [en francés]
This note reviews the information presently available on these products: case-control studies of soft-tissue sarcomas and non-Hodgkins lymphomas; cohort studies of subjects occupationally exposed to phenoxy herbicides, workers in phenoxy herbicide production, persons accidentally exposed to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxin (TCDD) and farmers (mortality in different groups); animal experiments with 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T), 2,4,5-trichlorophenol and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). It remains difficult to evaluate the hazards presented by these products.
Documents pour le médecin du travail, 1st Quarter 1987, No.29, p.3-7. 46 ref.

CIS 88-551 Loevinsohn M.E.
Insecticide use and increased mortality in rural Central Luzon, Philippines
This mortality study covered the inhabitants of 4 municipalities in a major rice-growing area of the island of Luzon (Philippines). Two periods were compared, one of low pesticide use (1961-1971), and one of high use (1972-1984). The non-traumatic mortality rate for adult men increased between the 2 periods by 27%, while that of women and children decreased significantly. It is suggested that the significant mortality increase in men is entirely due to exposure to insecticides among farmers, who wear normally no protective clothing during the spraying of insecticides such as carbofuran, endrin, parathion and monocrotophos (= azodrin).
Lancet, 13 June 1987, Vol.1, No.8546, p.1359-1362. Illus. 30 ref.

CIS 88-531 Ivanova O.P., Manenko A.K.
Bases for a MAC for vinyl phosphate in workplace air
Materialy k obosnovaniju PDK vinilfosfata v vozduhe rabočej zony [en ruso]
Vinyl phosphate (VP) (insecticide) toxicity was tested on mice, rats and guinea pigs in acute and chronic experiments in order to determine an occupational exposure limit. The compound displayed low toxicity when administered orally, by inhalation or percutaneously. Lim(ac), Lim(ch) and Lim(sp) upon inhalation exposure were 94.88, 10.54 and 31.6mg/m3, respectively. LD50 for different species studied ranged from 1170.8 to 2480mg/kg. No sensitising effects were observed. The VP preparation's cumulative effects subsided with the lowering of the daily dose. A MAC of 1mg/m3 (vapour + aerosol) was proposed and approved (hazard class III).
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Jan. 1987, No.1, p.47-49. 7 ref.

CIS 88-550 Ogaram D.A.
Pesticide hazards in Uganda
Discussed are the need for pesticides, some applications, hazards, factors that increase risks (rural, socioeconomic, human, method of sales), what is being and what needs to be done.
East African Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety, 15 Apr. 1987, p.8-10. Illus. 2 ref.

CIS 88-549 Mahathevan R.
Pesticide hazards in the tropics
The problems with pesticide use in the tropics are different because of lack of guidance, hot environment and minimal clothing, aggravated ecological problems, need for formulation without proper controls, use and misuse in rural and urban areas. Poisoning and fatalities are noted; the information necessary for a monitoring system is given.
East African Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety, 15 Apr. 1987, p.4-7. Illus. 13 ref.

CIS 88-285 The Sandoz warehouse fire
This fire (near Basle, Switzerland, 1 Nov. 1986) and its consequences are described: the warehouse; effects on health; ecological damage; psychological effects on the population; safety measures after the fire; problem of the fire extinguishing water; compensation for damages; clean-up.
Loss Prevention Bulletin, June 1987, No.075, p.11-17. Illus.

CIS 87-1364 Rosario del Grayham D.A.
The invisible danger: Pesticide problems and solutions
Discussion of the practical aspects of safe use of pesticides in the United Kingdom: self-regulation; communication breakdown; labelling of pesticides; survey of pesticide use. Symptoms and health effects of exposure to various pesticide groups are presented in tabular form.
Safety Practitioner, July 1987, Vol.5, No.7, p.29-32. 9 ref.

CIS 87-1363 Abbott I.M., Bonsall J.L., Chester G., Hart T.B., Turnbull G.J.
Worker exposure to a herbicide applied with ground sprayers in the United Kingdom
This study was designed to measure potential dermal and respiratory exposure during the application of 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid, with 5 types of application equipment commonly used in the United Kingdom. Potential dermal exposure was higher during mixing and loading all tractor-powered sprayers than during spraying. Potential dermal exposure from tractor-powered sprayers fitted with conventional hydraulic nozzles was lower than from knapsack sprayers, with exposure from a tractor-powered sprayer fitted with controlled-droplet application equipment intermediate in this regard. There was no difference in potential dermal exposure between tractor-mounted and tractor-drawn sprayers fitted with conventional hydraulic nozzles. The hands were the most highly exposed part of the body during mixing and loading operations for all sprayers, and during spraying with tractor-powered sprayers. The lower legs of the workers were exposed principally when knapsack sprayers were used. For all 5 sprayers, potential respiratory exposure, where detectable at all, was negligible compared with potential dermal exposure.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Feb. 1987, Vol.48, No.2, p.167-175. Illus. 8 ref.

CIS 87-750
Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po standartam
Gloves for protection against toxic substances. Methods for determining permeability, cleanability and stability [USSR]
Sredstva individual'noj zaščity ruk ot toksičnyh veščestv. Metody opredelenija pronicaemosti, očiščaemosti i stojkosti [en ruso]
This standard (effective 1 Jan. 1988) applies to gloves of natural and synthetic rubber, gums and polyvinyl chloride, with or without textile reinforcement, and gives methods for determining their permeability, cleanability and stability with respect to liquid pesticides with maximum saturated vapour concentrations greater than 10mg/m3 at 25°C. Permeability is determined by exposing one side of a sample of glove material to pesticide and measuring the amount of pesticide absorbed by a piece of filter paper in contact with the opposite side of the sample. Cleanability is determined by measuring the amount of pesticide adhering to a sample of material before and after washing with an alkaline soap solution. Resistance to pesticides is determined by measuring the puncture strength (unreinforced material) or ultrasound attenuation (reinforced material) of a sample before and after exposure to pesticide.
Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per.3, 123840 Moskva, USSR, 1987. 13p. Illus. Price: Rbl.0.05.

CIS 87-927 Wysocki J., Kalina Z., Owczarzy I.
Effect of organophosphoric pesticides on the behaviour of NBT-dye reduction and E rosette formation tests in human blood
These investigations revealed a significant decrease in the values of the examined cellular parameters of human immunity and in the absolute lymphocyte count in peripheral blood in 31 workers, as compared to 30 controls. Moreover, the NBT-dye reduction decrease was correlated with a reduced acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity. The exposure time showed a negative linear correlation with the phagocytic index of the NBT-dye reduction test. It is concluded that depressed NBT-dye reduction and diminished spontaneous E rosette formation may be regarded as a reflection of the effect of organophosphoric chemicals on metabolic and membrane damage of human cells. A possible role of endogenous acetylcholine poisoning in the development of these pathologic conditions is also discussed.
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 1987, Vol.59, No.1, p.63-71. 18 ref.

CIS 87-595 Vineis P., Terracini B., Ciccone G., Cignetti A., Colombo E., Donna A., Maffi L., Pisa R., Ricci P., Zanini E., Comba P.
Phenoxy herbicides and soft-tissue sarcomas in female rice weeders: A population-based case-referent study
From an original sample of 135 cases, 68 cases were used in a questionnaire and interview study; there were 158 referents. The women had been exposed to the herbicides in the early 1950s. The relative risk of sarcoma was 2.7; the risk was greater for the women exposed for the whole period 1950-1955 and for younger age groups.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Feb. 1987, Vol.13, No.1, p.9-17. 28 ref.

CIS 87-267 Crop protection index
Index phytosanitaire [en francés]
Alphabetic listing of insecticides, acaricides, fungicides, herbicides and work- and rodent-controlling products sold commercially in France. The analytical section provides information for each substance on its toxicity, uses, conditions of use, distributor, international formulation code, concentration; there is an alphabetic listing by trade name and by active constituent.
Association de coordination technique agricole, 149 rue de Bercy, 75595 Paris Cedex 12, France, 23rd edition, 1987. 472p. Price: FF.75.00.


CIS 98-1566 Reglamento de 1986 sobre las condiciones de seguridad y salud en los lugares de trabajo en donde se utilizan pesticidas [Indonesia]
Regulation of 1986 on safety and health conditions in work sites managing pesticide [Indonesia] [en inglés]
En el sumario: límite de edad; Indonesia; legislación; reconocimientos médicos; equipos de protección personal; envenenamiento por pesticidas; fumigación con pesticidas; pesticidas; cualificaciones; responsabilidades; formación sobre seguridad en la industria; prestaciones sanitarias; almacenamiento; notificación de riesgos; prestaciones higiénicas.
Fotocopias, 4p. Con CIS.

CIS 97-1423 Salud y Seguridad - Reglamento de 1986 sobre el Control de los Pesticidas [Reino Unido]
Health and Safety - The Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986 [United Kingdom] [en inglés]
Este Reglamento (efectivo en su mayoría el 6 de octubre de 1988) fue emitido en aplicación de la Ley de 1985 sobre Medioambiente y Alimentación. En el sumario: definiciones y campo de aplicación; áreas de intervención de los diferentes Ministerios competentes en materia de reglamentación y supervisión del uso de los pesticidas (incluyendo la autoridad para confiscar y la obligación de informas al público). Los anexos tratan sobre las condiciones de abastecimiento, uso, almacenamiento, venta y publicidad de los pesticidas.
HMSO Publications Centre, P.O.Box 276, London SW8 5DT, Reino Unido, 1986. 11p.

CIS 92-958
Commission of the European Communities
Biological indicators for the assessment of human exposure to industrial chemicals: Alkyl lead compounds, dimethylformamide, mercury, organophosphorus pesticides
The available data on the human health effects, metabolism and biological indicators of these substances are reviewed. Conclusions reached: determination of the substance (or its metabolites) in urine may be used for assessment of occupational exposure to organic lead, dimethylformamide, mercury vapours and inorganic mercury compounds; the measurement of mercury in blood may be used for evaluating exposure to organic mercury compounds; for organophosphorus pesticides, urinary excretion of metabolites is the best indicator of internal dose, while measurement of blood cholinesterase is the most important indicator of exposure.
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2985 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 1986. 77p. Illus. Bibl.ref.

CIS 89-1131 Malathion
Chemical safety information sheet. Exposure limit: ACGIH TLV = 10mg/m3. Toxicity: skin absorption, neurotoxic effects (cholinesterase inhibition).
Indian Chemical Manufacturers Association, India Exchange, India Exchange Place, Calcutta 700 001, India, 1986. 1p.

CIS 89-1311
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Arbeitsgruppe Toxikologie der Kommission für Pflanzenschutz-, Pflanzenbehandlungs- und Vorratsschutzmittel
Collected data on herbicide toxicology
Datensammlung zur Toxikologie der Herbizide [en alemán]
Loose-leaf collection published by the Toxicology Working Group of the Pesticides Committee of the German Research Association. Instalments 1-4 have been cited in CIS 79-520, 83-1130 and 84-231. Instalments 5 and 6 offer new or updated information (including trade names and manufacturers) on bromacil, flurenol, flurenol butyl ester, metolachlor, chlorflurenol methyl ester, chlorthiamid, cyanazine, daminozide, lenacil, diquat, butylate, cycloate, amitrole, atrazine, bromoxynil, chloramben, chloridazon, chlorpropham, chlortoluron, 2,4-D, dalapon, dicamba, dichlobenil, dichlorprop, diuron, DNOC, ioxynil, linuron, maleic acid hydrazide, MCPA, mecoprop, monolinuron, sodium chlorate, paraquat, picloram, simazine, 2,4,5-T, terbutryne, metoxuron, allyl alcohol, chlormequat, chlorphenprop-methyl, isocarbamide, methabenzthiazuron, metribuzin, monuron, pentanochlor, phenmedipham, prometryn, propham, and TCA. The 1st 9 compounds are cited in the CIS database for the first time.
VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Postfach 1260/1280, 6940 Weinheim, Federal Republic of Germany, 1984. Vol.2. Instalment 5. (reprinted 1986). 141p.; 1986. Instalment 6. 138p. Whole collection approx. 1050p. Illus. Bibl.ref.

CIS 88-1633 Nilsson C.A., Eriksson K., Kragh E., Nygren O.
Exposure to dust and mancozeb during the transplanting of pine seedlings
Exponering för damm och mancozeb vid upptagning av tallplantor [en sueco]
Report on exposure to dust and Mancozeb during the manual transplanting of pine seedlings at a Swedish tree-nursery. These seedlings are treated with the fungicide Mancozeb (which contains manganese) during the growing period (1-2 years). In this study the total dust was measured and analysed with regard to manganese content. The results showed that exposure to Mancozeb was very low, less than 0.02mg/m3. No significant difference was found between samples from a surface treated with Mancozeb and another untreated one. The mean exposure to total dust was 2.2mg/m3 (time weighted average for a whole working day).
Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Publikationsservice, 171 84 Solna, Sweden, 1986. 11p. Illus. 8 ref.

CIS 88-1254 Eršova E.A., Žmin'ko P.G.
Toxicological characteristics of cyclofos
Toksikologičeskaja harakteristika ciklofosa [en ruso]
Animal experiments with cyclofos (a Soviet insectoacaricide) to study its toxicological characteristics. Cyclofos is a compound of medium toxicity (percutaneous LD50 : 1025mg/kg). It showed no irritant action on skin or mucosae of warm blooded animals. Accumulation coefficient > 5. Hazard class 2. Calculated TSEL for cyclofos in workplace air: 0.5mg/m3 (vapour + aerosol).
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Nov. 1986, No.11, p.52-53. Illus. 6 ref.

CIS 88-1313
Health and Safety Executive
Storage and handling of ammonium nitrate
Guidance note intended to set a standard for the safe storage and handling of ammonium nitrate, including ammonium nitrate fertilisers (avoidance of contact with heat, fire, and contaminants). Contents: properties and hazards; uses (as a fertiliser, as an ingredient in blasting explosives); ammonium nitrate and ammonium nitrate, including ammonium nitrate fertilisers with nitrogen concentrations above and below 28%.
HMSO Sales, P.O. Box 276, London SW8 5DT, United Kingdom, Oct. 1986. 5p. 6 ref.

CIS 88-1244 Pis'ko G.T., Tovstenko A.I., Gupalo Ju. M., Beljanina T.V.
Toxicological characteristics and hygienic regulation of sodium 4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinate in workplace air
Toksikologičeskie svojstva i gigieničeskaja reglamentacija natrievoj soli 4-amino-3,5,6-trihlorpikolinovoj kisloty v vozduhe rabočej zony [en ruso]
On intragastric administration of the title compound (SATCHPA), the LD50 for rats was 4000mg/kg, for mice 1350mg/kg (hazard class 3). It shows slight cumulative effects (accumulation coefficient >5), not produce irritant or resorptive effects and is not an allergen. Concentrations of 107.5, 24.2 and 3.5mg/m3 were studied in chronic experiments: 24.2mg/m3 was close to the threshold limit and 3.5mg/m3 was inactive. Recommended MAC of SATCHPA aerosol in the workplace air: 5mg/m3. SATCHPA is an intermediate in the manufacture of the herbicide picloram.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Sep. 1986, No.9, p.43-44. 10 ref.

CIS 88-1275 Izmajlova G.D., Derevjanko L.D.
Hygienic characteristics of the working conditions in agricultural aviation and state of health of maintenance personnel
Gigieničeskaja harakteristika uslovij truda i funkcional'nogo sostojanija tehnikov sel'skohozjajstvennoj aviacii [en ruso]
Agricultural aviation maintenance personnel, unlike transport aviation maintenance workers, are exposed to pesticides which produce hepatotoxic effects. They have high incidences of diseases of the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, and of radiculitis during their first 5 years of work, resulting in temporary disability. To improve working conditions, loading of pesticides should take place at loading points provided with special machines to prevent contamination of the workplace air and of workers' skin. All repair work and equipment regulation should be conducted with obligatory use of personal protective equipment. It is necessary to determine total and direct bilirubin and β-lipoproteins, activity of alkaline phosphatase alanine aminotransferase and histidase for timely detection of liver function disorders.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Sep. 1986, No.9, p.27-30. 4 ref.

CIS 88-820
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals (IRPTC); USSR State Committee for Science and Technology (GKNT); USSR Commission for UNEP
Warfarin (Zoocoumarin)
Chemical safety information sheet. Rodenticide. Exposure limit: MAC=0.01mg/m3. Toxicity: blood coagulation disorders; irritation and sensitisation of mucous membranes. Warfarin is absorbed through the skin.
Centre for International Projects, GKNT, Moskva, USSR, 1986. 11p. 24 ref.

CIS 88-794
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals (IRPTC); USSR State Committee for Science and Technology (GKNT); USSR Commission for UNEP
Chemical safety information sheet. Insecticide. Exposure limit: tentative safe effective level = 0.1mg/m3. Toxicity: is absorbed through the skin; inhibits cholinesterase.
Centre for International Projects, GKNT, Moskva, USSR, 1986. 14p. 26 ref.

CIS 88-941 Lander F., Skytthe A., Jeune B.
Working environment and health of gardeners
Gartnernes arbejdsmiljø og helbred [en danés]
A questionnaire survey, mainly of greenhouse workers handling potted plants and flowers, covered: use of protective gloves (38%); occurrence of contact dermatitis (23%); dermatitis (26%); urticaria (11%); eye irritation (isolated cases). Aetiological and protective measures are discussed. There was no higher prevalence of hay fever and asthma than in the general population.
Arbejdsmiljøfondet, Vesterbrogade 69, 1620 København V, Denmark, 1986. 44p. Illus. 19 ref.

CIS 88-396 Izmerov N.F.
USSR Commision for UNEP
Chemical safety information sheet. Insecticide. Toxicity: cholinesterase inhibitor; is absorbed through the skin. Exposure limit (USSR): tentative safe effective level = 0.3mg/m3.
Centre for International Projects, GKNT, Moscow, USSR, 1986. 16p. 34 ref.

CIS 88-382 Safe handling of anhydrous ammonia
Data sheet intended for farmers. Aspects covered are: properties, accident causes, nurse tanks, applicators, personal protective equipment, emergencies, and safe operating procedures.
Farm Safety Association, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, Apr. 1986. 2p.

CIS 88-596
Health and Safety Executive
Health surveillance of workers exposed to organo-phosphorus and carbamate pesticides
This guidance note (revised edition), written for medical officers, describes the health risks associated with the use and handling of these pesticides as well as the medical prevention measures that should be undertaken. Contents: potential occupational sources of exposure; routes of absorption; biological effects; clinical manifestations of organo-phosphorus poisoning; measurement of cholinesterase activity as an index of organo-phosphorus uptake and effect; health surveillance; electro physiological monitoring; emergency treatment; notification requirements.
HM Stationery Office, P.O. Box 276, London SW8 5DT, United Kingdom, Feb. 1986. 4p. 5 ref.

CIS 88-552 Kuz'minov B.P., Šarova T.I., Kokot V.R., Žuk S.Š., Vus M.M.
Hygienic regulation of bis-fosfit in workplace air
Gigieničeskaja reglamentacija bis-fosfita v vozduhe rabočej zony [en ruso]
Animal experiments with bis-fosfit showed that this emulsifier is moderately toxic (LD50 rat: 8.0g/kg). It is a local irritant and produces lesions of the nervous system. Recommended MAC for bis-fosfit in workplace air: 0.3mg/m3 (vapour + aerosol). Hazard class II.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Aug. 1986, No.8, p.56-57. 8 ref.

CIS 88-112 Paraoxon
Dietyyli-p-nitrofenyylifosfaatti [en finlandés]
Toxicity: LD50 = 1.8mg/kg; TLV = 0.1mg/m3. Ingestion of, inhalation of or skin contact with paraoxon causes headache, nausea, and visual disturbances; fever, cyanosis and pulmonary oedema. Mandatory European labelling: T, R26, R27, R28, S1, S13, S28, S45.
Register of Safety Information of Chemical Products, National Board of Labour Protection, Box 536, 33101 Tampere, Finland, July 1986. 2p. Original on microfiche.

CIS 88-273 Legaspi Velasco J.A., Martínez Murillo F.
Intoxicación por plaguicidas - Organicofosforados y carbamatos/Intoxicación por plaguicidas - Organicofosforados y carbamatos
Contents of this booklet written for occupational physicians: general classification of pesticides; organophosphorus insecticides; negative effects on cholinesterase activity; cholinergic effects; diagnosis; treatment; medico-legal aspects; prevention.
Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Paseo de la Reforma 476, 06698 México, D.F., Mexico, 1986. 1st ed. 42p. Illus. 18 ref.

CIS 88-254 Žmin'ko P.G.
Characteristics of the toxic action of cyclofos under conditions of continuous and intermittent exposure
Osobennosti toksičeskogo dejstvija ciklofosa v uslovijah monotonnogo i intermittirujuščego vozdejstvija [en ruso]
Continuous intratracheal administration of cyclofos caused a more pronounced toxic effect than intermittent administration did. Inhibition of the monooxygenase enzyme system of the liver and lungs was observed on continuous exposure, and induction of this system with more evident changes in lungs on intermittent exposure. The results were used as a basis for a MAC for cyclofos in workplace air for agriculture of 0.5mg/m3 (vapour + aerosol), with indication "penetrates through skin; hazard class 2".
Gigiena i sanitarija, Aug. 1986, No.8, p.42-44. Illus. 4 ref.

CIS 88-253 Riza L.V.
Experimental basis of a MAC for ricid-II in workplace air for its agricultural application
Ėksperimental'noe obosnovanie predel'no dopustimoj koncentracii ricida-II v vozduhe rabočej zony dlja uslovij ego sel'skohozjajstvennogo primenenija [en ruso]
Experimental studies on animals with the organic thiophosphate ricid-II (Kitazin P) revealed no marked embryotoxic effect and no adverse effects on progeny. A single ricid-II inhalation showed no mutagenic action in rats. It showed allergenic properties on intracutaneous injection. The recommended MAC for ricid II in workplace air is 0,5mg/m3 (hazard class 2 with indication "allergen").
Gigiena i sanitarija, Sep. 1986, No.9, p.77-78. 11 ref.

CIS 88-252 Ščickova A.P., Nikolaeva N.I., Gadolina I.D.
Hygienic assessment of the cardiotoxic action of some pesticides
Gigieničeskaja ocenka kardiotoksičeskogo dejstvija nekotoryh pesticidov [en ruso]
The cardiovascular system in rats (mature animals and embryos) exposed to pesticides (acetochlor, dianat, isophos-3, sumilex) was studied. A complex of cytomorphological, histochemical, biochemical and electrophysiological methods was used in the study. All the above-mentioned chemicals administered in high doses produced stereotypic heterogeneous disorders of cell structure and function, as well as vascular and microcirculatory disturbances. Lesions in the elements of the cardiovascular system depend on concentration and duration of exposure: effects were more evident in rats exposed to dianat and acetochlor, less evident in those exposed to isophos-3 and sumilex. Administration of low doses of pesticides revealed some features of their biological action on the elements of the cardiovascular system that dependend on the chemical structure of the individual compounds. Cardio-bioelectric activity in rats at different stages of ontogenesis was studied. The pesticides showed an ability to cross the placenta and affect the foetus.
Gigiena i sanitarija, June 1986, No.6, p.4-7. Illus.

CIS 87-1415 IARC Monographs on the evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans - Some halogenated hydrocarbons and pesticide exposures
Conclusions of a meeting of experts (Lyon, France, Feb. 1986) on: dichloromethane; 1,1,1,2-tetrachloroethane; pentachloroethane; 1,3-dichloropropene; 1,2-dichloropropane; bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether; methyl chloride; methyl bromide; methyl iodide; chlorofluoromethane; chlorodifluoromethane; 2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane; polybrominated biphenyls; amitrole; occupational exposures to chlorophenols and chlorophenoxy herbicides.
International Agency for Research on Cancer, 150 Cours Albert-Thmas, 69372 Lyon Cedex 2, France, 1986. Vol.41, 443p. Bibl. Prix: SF.65.00.

CIS 87-1367 Pedrosa R.C., Midio A.F.
Toxilogical aspects of human exposure to Paraquat
Aspectos toxicológicos da exposição humana ao Paraquat [en portugués]
Literature survey. Contents: chemical structure, chemical and physical properties, principal preparation methods, paths of entry into the organism, toxico-kinetics, pathological and biochemical changes due to this herbicide, mechanism of toxic action, clinical manifestations of poisoning, treatment, dangerous interactions, LD50 values in various experimental animals, maximum residue concentrations allowed in different food-stuffs by Brazilian law.
Revista brasileira de saúde ocupacional, Jan.-Mar. 1986, Vol.14, No.53, p.33-41. Illus. 80 ref.

CIS 87-1366 Lisi P., Caraffini S., Assalve D.
A test series for pesticide dermatitis
A pesticide patch test series was tested in 200 subjects, 50 of whom were agricultural workers. Positive reactions to fungicides were found in 24, almost all to thiophthalimides, especially captan, difolatan and folpet. Reactions to bis-dithiocarbamates and benomyl were rare, and to other pesticides not significant.
Contact Dermatitis, Nov. 1986, Vol.15, No.5, p.266-269. 10 ref.

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