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Mouth and teeth diseases - 35 entradas encontradas

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  • Mouth and teeth diseases


CIS 11-0493 Work-related tooth problems
Mal de dents lié au travail [en francés]
Workers in industrial bakeries as well as in the biscuit, chocolate and sweets industries are exposed to the risk of tooth cavities caused by airborne sugar dust. In the chemical and metal coating industries, workers risk tooth erosion from exposure to acid fumes and aerosols. In Belgium, these problems are considered occupational diseases warranting compensation. This article summarizes the main occupational hazards to teeth, together with the preventive measures to be implemented by employers (limitation of airborne sugar and acids by means of ventilation and good work practices, health programmes aimed at promoting workers' dental hygiene).
Prevent Focus, May 2011, p.16-18. Illus.1 ref.


CIS 08-398 Chevrier C., Dananché B., Bahuau M., Nelva A., Herman C., Francannet C., Robert-Gnansia E., Cordier S.
Occupational exposure to organic solvent mixtures during pregnancy and the risk of non-syndromic oral clefts
The objective of this study was to examine the association between maternal occupational exposure to organic solvents during pregnancy and the risk of non-syndromic oral clefts. Subjects included 164 children diagnosed with a cleft lip with/without cleft palate (CL/P), 76 with a cleft palate (CP) and 236 controls. An expert chemist assessed exposures based on detailed descriptions of the womens' occupational tasks. Data were subjected to analysis by logistic regression. The risks of CL/P and CP clefts were associated with exposure to oxygenated solvents (odds ratio (OR) 1.8 and 1.4 respectively), chlorinated solvents (OR 9.4 and 3.8 respectively) and petroleum solvents (OR 3.6 and 1.2 respectively). A dose-response relationship was observed for oxygenated solvents. However the limited number of subjects and the problem of multiple exposures require that these results be interpreted with caution.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Sep. 2006, Vol.63, No.9, p.617-623. 28 ref.

CIS 07-1076 Purdue M.P., Järvholm B., Bergdahl I.A., Hayes R.B., Baris D.
Exposición profesional y cánceres de cabeza y cuello entre trabajadores de la construcción y las obras públicas en Suecia
Occupational exposures and head and neck cancers among Swedish construction workers [en inglés]
Se ha estudiado la relación entre determinadas exposiciones profesionales y el cáncer de la cavidad bucal, de faringe y de laringe, en base a los datos de una importante cohorte de trabajadores de la construcción y las obras públicas, en Suecia. Entre los años 1971 y 2001 se han identificado 510 carcinomas de células escamosas (171 de la cavidad bucal, 122 de faringe y 227 de laringe) entre 307.799 trabajadores varones. Mediante una matriz empleo-exposición se han evaluado las exposiciones a los gases de escape de los motores diesel, al amianto, a solventes orgánicos, al asfalto, a polvos de madera, a polvos de piedra, a la lana mineral y al polvo de cemento. Se han calculado las tasas de riesgo (RR) en función de la exposición profesional para los cánceres de la cavidad bucal, de faringe y de laringe mediante una regresión de Poisson, con las correcciones adecuadas en virtud de la edad y el tabaquismo. La exposición al amianto estaba vinculada a un incremento de la incidencia de cáncer de laringe (RR 1,9). Entre los trabajadores expuestos al polvo de cemento se ha observado exceso de cáncer de faringe (RR 1,9). No se ha podido demostrar relación alguna entre la exposición profesional y el cáncer de la cavidad bucal. Estos resultados no se modificaron de forma significativa cuando se realizaron los oportunos ajustes para el tabaquismo
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Aug. 2006, Vol.32, No.4, p.270-275. 49 ref.

CIS 07-1165 Kovacevic M., Belojevic G.
Abrasión dental en trabajadores expuestos al ruido en la industria textil de Montenegro
Tooth abrasion in workers exposed to noise in the Montenegrin textile industry [en inglés]
Este estudio caso-control se ha realizado para examinar la hipótesis según la cual existe una relación entre la exposición al ruido industrial intenso y la abrasión de los dientes. El estudio se ha realizado sobre 225 operarios de una empresa textil de Montenegro. El grupo expuesto estaba constituido por 111 trabajadores (82 hombres y 29 mujeres), sometido a un nivel sonoro intenso (104dB(A) Leq) y, el grupo de control, por 114 trabajadores (32 hombres y 82 mujeres) expuestos a niveles de ruido más bajos (81dB(A) Leq). Un especialista protésico dental procedió a efectuar un examen clínico de todos los participantes. Se tuvieron en cuenta los factores de confusión tales como el sexo, la edad, el nivel socioeconómico y los hábitos respecto del cepillado de los dientes. Comparados con el grupo de control, los odds ratios ajustados de los trabajadores expuestos a ruido intenso, eran significativos para la abrasión de los dientes (3,74 entre las mujeres y 5,48 entre los hombres)
Industrial Health, July 2006, Vol.44, No.3, p.481-485. 16 ref. [en inglés]


CIS 04-410 Pereira Vianna M.I., Sousa Santana V., Loomis D.
Exposición profesional a vapores y gases ácidos y lesiones ulcerativas de la mucosa oral
Occupational exposures to acid mists and gases and ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa [en inglés]
Este estudio examina la hipótesis según la cual los vapores y gases ácidos están asociados a lesiones ulcerativas de la mucosa oral. El estudio incluyó 665 trabajadores varones de un empresa brasileña de procesado de metal. Se calcularon los valores semicuantitativos de exposición partiendo de una matriz de empleo-exposición; y las lesiones ulcerativas de la mucosa oral fueron identificadas mediante exámenes dentales estándar. Se constató una asociación positiva entre antecedentes de exposición a vapores ácidos y lesiones ulcerativas de la mucosa oral, aunque únicamente entre los trabajadores que no podían cerrar los labios en reposo (la tasa de prevalencia ajustada en función de la edad y el consumo de alcohol fue de 3,40). Las observaciones parecen indicar un mecanismo de irritación crónica en lugar de aguda sugiriendo una posible etiología de lesiones bucales malignas, hipótesis que require sin embargo nuevas investigaciones.
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Mar. 2004, Vol.45, No.3, p.238-245. 23 ref.


CIS 00-1604 Gustavsson P., Jakobsson R., Johansson H., Lewin F., Norell S., Rutkvist L.E.
Occupational exposures and squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, and oesophagus: A case-control study in Sweden
This community-based case-referent study was initiated to investigate aetiological factors for squamous cell carcinoma of the upper gastrointestinal tract. The study was based on all Swedish men aged 40-79 living in two regions of Sweden during 1988-90. Exposure to asbestos was associated with an increased risk of laryngeal cancer, and a dose-response relation was present. The RR was 1.8 in the highest exposure group. More than eight years of exposure to welding fumes was associated with an increased risk of pharyngeal cancer (RR=2.3 (1.1 to 4.7)), and laryngeal cancer (RR=2.0). There were indications of a dose-response for duration of exposure. Associations were also found for high exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and oesophageal cancer (RR=1.9). Exposure to wood dust was associated with a decreased risk of cancer at the studied sites. The study indicates that welding may cause an increased risk of pharyngeal as well as laryngeal cancer. The findings corroborate an association between exposure to PAHs and oesophageal cancer.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, June 1998, Vol.55, No.6, p.393-400. 27 ref.


CIS 97-1907 Chaudhry S.I., Harris J.L., Challacombe S.J.
Erosión dental en un comerciante de vinos: ¿riesgo profesional
Dental erosion in a wine merchant: an occupational hazard? [en inglés]
Este informe presenta el caso de un catador de vinos que padecía una erosión dental aparentemente causada por su actividad profesional. La erosión dental ha sido atribuida a numerosos factores, incluido el alcoholismo, pero hasta ahora no se habían encontrado casos documentados que la relacionaran con la degustación de vinos.
British Dental Journal, mar. 1997, vol.182, n°6, p.226-228. Ilus. 11 ref.


CIS 97-555 Goto H., Hosaka M., Ueda T., Yoshida M., Hara I.
Asociación entre la erosión dental y la exposición a ácidos en una planta química
Ichi kagaku kojo ni okeru shokugyo sei shiga sanshoku sho to san bakuro tono kankei [en japonés]
Se llevó a cabo un examen de la erosión dental y una evaluación semicuantitativa de la exposición a ácidos entre 134 trabajadores de una planta química en la Prefectura de Osaka en Japón. Alrededor del 30,6 % de los trabajadores presentaban una erosión dental de grado + o superior, sobre una escala de - a 3+. Dicha erosión afectaba especialmente a los dientes incisivos, siendo mayor la erosión en los dientes del maxilar superior. Los trabajadores fueron divididos en cuatro grupos según su actividad profesional en el momento del estudio: producción, investigación, trabajo de oficinas y otros. Los individuos incluidos en el grupo de producción, encargados de manipular numerosos productos ácidos, presentaban la mayor proporción de erosión dental. Dado que parte del personal de oficinas había estado asignado con anterioridad a la manipulación de ácidos, se detectó en este grupo un mayor número de casos de erosión dental que en los otros subgrupos. Más de la mitad de los trabajadores que habían trabajado en la producción presentaban erosiones de grado ±. Se calculó para cada trabajador la intensidad de la exposición a los ácidos, como índice semicuantitativo de la exposición acumulada a los ácidos. El cálculo se realizó a partir de unos baremos establecidos para cada trabajador en función del tipo de trabajo y de la antigüedad. Pudo observarse una asociación significativa entre la intensidad de la exposición dentaly la manifestación de la erosión dental.
Sangyō Eiseigaku Zasshi, ago. 1996, vol.38, n°4, p.165-171. Ilus. 10 ref.

CIS 96-2206 Ferguson M.M., Dunbar R.J., Smith J.A., Wall J.G.
Erosión del esmalte dental en el trabajo de viticultura
Enamel erosion related to winemaking [en inglés]
Un viticultor presentó dolor en los dientes al ingerir comidas frías. Se encontró una erosión extensiva de la dentición en relación con los tests de degustación que efectuaba al saborear el vino en la boca. Se ha recomendado la aplicación tópica de flúor y enjuagues de boca con substancias alcalinas durante la jornada de trabajo.
Occupational Medicine, abr. 1996, vol.46, n°2, p.159-162. Ilus. 38 ref.


CIS 95-588 Maier H., Sennewald E.
Factores de riesgo de epitelioma espinocelular de la cavidad bucal
Risikofaktoren für Plattenepithelkarzinome im Kopf-Hals-Bereich [en alemán]
En tres casos-estudio realizados entre 1988 y 1991 en Heidelberg, Alemania, 369 pacientes afectados de un epitelioma espinocelular de la boca y la región faringolaríngea fueron comparados con un grupo control formado por 1.476 individuos indemnes de esta patología. Profesión, consumo de tabaco y alcohol y actividades en los ratos de ocio fueron parámetros determinados en ambos grupos. El consumo habitual de tabaco y alcohol estaba en estrecha correlación con un riesgo agudo de cáncer de boca y faringe. Los trabajadores cualificados y no cualificados eran más numerosos en el grupo de los pacientes que en el grupo de control. Los operadores de máquinas, las personas que viven en casas con calefacción de carburantes fósiles así como los trabajadores expuestos al alquitrán de hulla, la brea, los colorantes y el polvo de madera constituyen las categorías de riesgo. Resúmenes en alemán, inglés, francés y español.
Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Abteilung Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Alte Heerstrasse 111, 53754 Sankt Augustin, Alemania, ene.1994. 184p. Ilus. 142 ref.


CIS 95-953 Masalin K., Murtomaa H.
Factores de riesgo dentales y de comportamiento de componente profesional en los confiteros
Work-related behavioral and dental risk factors among confectionery workers [en inglés]
La posibilidad que tienen para mordisquear y "picar" alimentos entre las comidas y la libertad que tienen los confiteros de consumir sus productos constituyen un riesgo para su dentadura.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, dic. 1992, vol.18, n°6, p.388-392. 24 ref.

CIS 95-940 Foppa I., Minder C.E.
Cáncer de boca, faringe y laringe como causa de muerte entre cocineros suizos
Oral, pharyngeal and laryngeal cancer as a cause of death among Swiss cooks [en inglés]
En Suiza, se ha constatado un excedente de mortalidad por cáncer de boca, faringe y laringe entre los cocineros. A pesar del papel preponderante del consumo combinado de cigarrillos y alcohol en la aparición de estas patologías, otros factores, como los compuestos cancerígenos volátiles formados en las tareas culinarias, pueden contribuir a este excedente.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, oct. 1992, vol.18, n°5, p.287-292. Ilus. 37 ref.


CIS 92-1536 Merletti F., Boffetta P., Ferro G., Pisani P., Terracini B.
Occupation and cancer of the oral cavity or oropharynx in Turin, Italy
In a population-based case-referent study, the occupational experience of 86 men with oral or oropharyngeal cancer and 373 referents was analysed with respect to employment in 41 occupations and 40 industries, as well as to exposure to 16 chemicals, as estimated via a job-exposure matrix. Among the occupations and industries at higher risk were machinery operator (odds ratio [OR] 2.0; 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 1.0-4.0), plumber (OR 5.0, 95% CI 1.2-21.5), building industry (OR 2.5; 95% CI 1.3-4.5), textile industry (OR 2.5; 95% CI 0.6-4.6), and electricity production (OR 2.8; 95% CI 0.7-12.1). All the OR estimates were adjusted for age, education, area of birth, tobacco smoking, and alcohol consumption. An association between formaldehyde exposure and oral cancer was suggested (OR for any exposure 1.6, 95% CI 0.9-2.8; OR for probable or definite exposure 1.8, 95% CI 0.6-5.5). No other chemical included in the matrix showed any risk pattern. The evidence of an association between formaldehyde exposure and oral or oropharyngeal cancer is strengthened by the results of this study.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Aug. 1991, Vol.17, No.4, p.248-254. 38 ref.


CIS 91-844 Gupta B.N.
Occupational diseases of teeth
Occupational diseases of the teeth have, in general, received scant attention. The chief cause of this is lack of awareness among occupational physicians. Exposure to various chemical substances is one of the causes of occupation-related dental disorders. Physical and biological factors also contribute. The combination of these factors, together with poor dental hygiene, aggravates the condition. The present article aims to focus the attention of occupational physicians on this important problem.
Journal of the Society of Occupational Medicine, Winter 1990, Vol.40, No.4, p.149-152. 28 ref.


CIS 92-1579 Chamoux A., Jacquand M.
Occupational mouth and tooth disorders
Affections bucco-dentaires d'origine professionnelle [en francés]
Traumas which may affect the teeth or the mucous membranes of the mouth are reviewed in terms of occupational accidents (shocks, dental barotrauma, burns, abcesses) and occupational diseases (abnormal colouring of the mucous membranes and the teeth, stomatitis, dental injuries, periodontal diseases, neuro-sensory and secretory disorders, osteonecrosis, effects on the salivary glands and cancers of the mouth).
Encyclopédie médico-chirurgicale, Intoxications - Pathologie du travail, 1989. 4p. 34 ref.

CIS 91-667 Hofmann F., Sydow B.
Immunity against mumps among hospital personnel
Zur Frage der Mumps-Immunität bei Krankenhausbeschäftigten [en alemán]
Mumps occurs among adults and hospital personnel have an elevated risk of infection. Between 1986 and 1988 immunity against mumps of 566 employees of the paediatric section of the University Hospital in Freiburg, Germany, was determined by mumps antibody tests. More than one third had no antibodies. Of these 41 participated in a vaccination programme and 33 developed antibodies.
Arbeitsmedizin - Sozialmedizin - Präventivmedizin, 1989, Vol.24, No.5, p.115-117. Illus. 14 ref.

CIS 90-214 Tuominen M., Tuominen R., Ranta K., Ranta H.
Association between acid fumes in the work environment and dental erosion
A sample of 186 workers was drawn from four factories. Among the 157 dentulous (having natural teeth) participants, 76 were working in departments containing acid fumes, and 81 had never worked under such conditions and were used as referents. Of the acid workers 18.4% had one or more teeth with erosion, and the corresponding figure for the referents was 8.6%. With a longer duration of exposure the proportion of subjects with erosion increased. The acid workers had more teeth with erosion than the referents, especially upper anterior teeth. The findings suggest that even today exposure to inorganic acid fumes from the work environment may increase the erosion of teeth, especialy of the upper anterior teeth, which are not continuously protected by saliva and the lips.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Oct. 1989, Vol.15, No.5, p.335-338. 16 ref.


CIS 92-1026 Kaplan K.M., Marder D.C., Cochi S.L., Preblud S.R.
Mumps in the workplace: Further evidence of the changing epidemiology of a childhood vaccine-preventable disease
The changing epidemiology of mumps and the economic aspects of an outbreak of the disease are discussed. The first documented mumps outbreak took place in 1987 when 119 cases of mumps occurred among employees at three Chicago futures exchanges and their household contacts; only three patients had written documentation of mumps immunisation. The outbreak is consistent with an increase in reported cases in the young adult populations. Since mumps vaccine has only been in universal use since 1977, many young people entering the workforce are under-immunised. Vaccination of susceptible employees could prevent the substantial health impact of mumps.
Journal of the American Medical Association, 9 Sep. 1988, Vol.260, No.10, p.1434-1438. Illus. 28 ref.

CIS 90-294 Fleury J.F., Deboets D., Voisin D., Assaad C., Maffre N.M., Viou F., Bellaiche G.
Dental pains provoked by altitude. Report on one case
Les aérodontalgies - Mise au point à propos d'une observation [en francés]
Tooth pain occurring in diseased, treated or healthy teeth during flights at altitudes above 1,600 meters may affect flight crews and passengers. The circumstances of occurrence, causative dental lesions, characteristics of the pain, predisposing factors and treatment are reviewed. The central role of the dental pulp is confirmed. Flight crews should be the object of strict dental surveillance, given the incapacitating effects of pain and its effect on safety.
Revue de stomatologie et de chirurgie maxillo-faciale, 1988, Vol.89, No.1, p.15-20. 33 ref.


CIS 86-954 Moulin J.J., Mur J.M., Kauffer E., Meyer-Bisch C., Massin N.
Occupational hazards in the man-made fibre manufacturing industry - A review of epidemiological studies
Risques professionnels dans l'industrie productrice de fibres minérales artificielles - Analyse bibliographique des études épidémiologiques [en francés]
This is a review of epidemiological studies undertaken in North America and Europe since 1982 on the effects of man-made mineral fibres, studies that have used methods similar to those used in measuring pollution levels and their health effects on workers. Morbidity studies did not find any increased risk of developing pulmonary diseases among workers with long-term exposure. The increased incidence of broncho-pulmonary cancer found in animal experiments was not noted in the establishments studied. However, the risk of developing such diseases, particularly after more than 30 years of exposure, cannot be completely ruled out. Two studies suggest a possible increased risk of developing cancers of the upper respiratory and digestive tract, but these studies did not take proper account of confusing factors (alcohol and tobacco).
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Sécurité et hygiène du travail, 2nd quarter 1986, No.123, Note No,1575-123-86, p.131-144. 60 ref.


CIS 87-934 Lammert K.H.
Occupational dental, mouth and jaw diseases
Berufsschäden im Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferbereich [en alemán]
The results of medical supervision and examinations show that, as a result of many occupational influences, periodontal diseases or more frequent caries cause more damage to the mouth than is the case with the average population. In response, a model stomatological service for the affected persons has been established. Pathogenesis, prevention, recommendations for therapy and rehabilitation measures are discussed.
VEB Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, Neue Grünstrasse 18, DDR-1020 Berlin, 1985, 2nd ed., 164p. Illus. Bibl. Price: M.31.00.


CIS 83-1407 Ross R., Nichols P., Wright W., Lukes R., Dworsky R., Paganini-Hill A., Koss M., Henderson B.
Asbestos exposure and lymphomas of the gastrointestinal tract and oral cavity
An epidemiological case-control study of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas revealed an excess of male patients with large-cell lymphomas primary to the gastrointestinal tract and oral cavity who had evidence of substantial exposure to asbestos. Histopathological slides from 26 of 28 cases of men interviewed between 1977 and 1981 about environmental exposure, showed evidence of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the large-cell type. When neighbourhood controls were matched to patients for age, race and sex, 13 matched pairs were discordant for asbestos exposure, and in 12 of these the exposed individual was a lymphoma patient. 10 patients and 1 control also reported a history of malaria.
Lancet, 20 Nov. 1982, Vol.2, No.8308, p.1118-1119. 16 ref.

CIS 83-1064 Remijn B., Koster P., Houthuijs D., Boleij J., Willems H., Brunekreef B., Biersteker K., Van Loveren C.
Zinc chloride, zinc oxide, hydrochloric acid exposure and dental erosion in a zinc galvanizing plant in the Netherlands
Picklers were estimated to work 27% of their time in concentrations above the MAC-C value for HCl. 70% of the zinc fumes were present in the form of the chloride. Erosion of incisor teeth occurred in 90% of workers. Causality is not clear, as no control group was used.
Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 1982, Vol.25, No.3, p.299-307. Illus. 13 ref.


CIS 83-1711 Melehin A.V., Agarkov V.I.
Sensitisation to compounds of fluorine and manganese and the state of oral organs of workers producing electrically welded pipe
Sensibilizacija k soedinenijam ftora, marganca i sostojanie organov polosti rta u rabočih truboėlektrosvaročnogo proizvodstva [en ruso]
The leukocyte lysis tests of Alekseeva and Dueva showed that 51% of the welded-tube plant workers examined were sensitive to either or both fluorine and manganese, whereas no cases of sensitivity were detected in a control group. This sensitisation was correlated with an elevated frequency of inflammation of the soft tissues of the mouth in the tube workers, periodontitis and increased deposits on their teeth.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Aug. 1981, No.8, p.12-14. 3 ref.


CIS 81-2019 Karagezjan T.A.
Occupational oral and dental pathology in aluminium industry workers
O professional'noj patologii polosti rta i zubov u rabotnikov aljuminievogo proizvodstva [en ruso]
A survey conducted in the potroom of an aluminium smelter has shown that the concentration of hydrofluoric acid and fluorides frequently exceeds the TLV by factors of 2-5. Of 23 potroom workers, 87% suffered from paradontosis or gingivitis (against 35% of the controls). Saliva samples taken at the end of the work shift contained 5-7 times more fluorine that the samples taken at the beginning of the shift. Medical prevention measures are recommended.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, 1980, No.8, p.42-44.

CIS 81-189 Hyodo K., Suzuki S., Furuya N., Meshizuka K.
An analysis of chromium, copper, and zinc in organs of a chromate worker.
The content of chromium, copper, and zinc and the valency of chromium were determined in organs of a worker with considerable exposure to hexavalent chromium for 30 years in a chromate producing plant, who died of maxillary and lung cancer 10 years after his retirement. The chromium in the worker's lung averaged 3,555ppb compared to 86-399ppb in controls. Other organs also contained more chromium than those of the controls. The amounts of copper and zinc did not vary as widely. The ratio of hexavalent chromium to total chromium was 29.3% in the worker's and 12.9 to 38.7% in controls; the ratio for the other organs was higher.
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, June 1980, Vol.46, No.2, p.141-150. 21 ref.


CIS 80-768 Lammert K.H.
Occupational injury of the teeth, mouth and jaw
Berufsschäden im Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferbereich [en alemán]
This book, addressed primarily to stomatologists, deals with pathogenesis, prevention, therapy and rehabilitation. Chapters deal with physical effects (mechanical factors, dust, vibration, accidents, ionising radiation, heat, variation at atmospheric pressure, extreme conditions); acids, bases, phosphorus, fluorine, mercury, inorganic and organic compounds, lead, metals, halogens, sulfur, solvents, carbon monoxide, ammonia, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide, phenols, tar products, fungicides, insecticides, herbicides; infections; zoonoses; summary of clinical symptoms.
VEB Verlag Volk Gesundheit, Neue Grünstrasse 18, DDR-1020 Berlin, 1979. 174p. Illus. Price: M.31.00.

CIS 80-185 Whitaker C.J., Moss E., Lee W.R., Cunliffe S.
Oral and pharyngeal cancer in the North-west and West Yorkshire regions of England, and occupation.
163 male and 117 female patients with these cancers (cases) were matched with patients having cancers not associated with textile work (controls). Only in one group of women were there significantly more textile workers in the cases than controls. The type of textile work was not a significant factor. The results do not confirm an association between textile work and oral or pharyngeal cancer.
British Journal of Industrial Medicine, Nov. 1979, Vol.36, No.4, p.292-298. 12 ref.


CIS 78-1680 Philbert M.
Occupational mouth and tooth lesions
Lésions buccodentaires d'origine professionnelle. [en francés]
These lesions often permit the practitioner to detect or confirm an occupational disease. Those described are: lesions of lips and mucosae of cheeks and mouth; paradentosis and paradentolysis; caries, dental dystrophy and discoloration; barodontalgia (aerodontalgia); osteopathy of the jaw; salivary gland disorders.
Année du médecin 1977, Editions Flammarion médecine-sciences, 20 rue de Vaugirard, 75006 Paris, France, 1977, p.303-307.

CIS 78-795 Laudenbach P., Philbert M.
Occupational diseases and stomatology
Maladies professionnelles et stomatologie. [en francés]
Classification of stomatological lesions of occupational origin, according to tissue involved: dental disease (loss of dental substance, discolouration, pulpar disease); paradontal lesions; lesions of the mucosae (infections, gingivo-stomatitis, leukoplastic keratosis, lichen planus and carcinoma); maxilliary osteopathy (osteosis and osteonecrosis); lesions of the salivary glands; cutaneous dermatoses; adenitis; lesions of the trigeminal nerve; loss of taste, etc.; muscular involvement. The description of each class of disorders is accompanied by data concerning their causes, the occupations involved and reference (where applicable) to the French list of statutory occupational diseases.
Encyclopédie médico-chirurgicale. Stomatologie, Fascicule 22089 A10, 6-1977. 18 rue Séguier, 75006 Paris, France. 4p. 32 ref.


CIS 76-476 Spitzer W.O., Hill G.B., Chambers L.W., Helliwell B.E., Murphy H.B.
The occupation of fishing as a risk factor in cancer of the lip.
Study in 339 patients with squamous-cell carcinoma of the lip and 3 control groups (similar carcinomas of the mouth, and head and neck, respectively, and general population), in Newfoundland, Canada, also involving cohort analysis. Fishermen have a 65% higher probability (p<0.01) of developing lip cancer than comparable controls, and about a one-third chance of cancer of the mouth (p<0.001). Based on cohort analysis the lip cancer risk was 4.5 times higher. Surprisingly, use of the mouth as a "third hand" to handle tar-coated nets seemed to protect fishermen from the disease (incidence halved). Neither a specific work activity nor a carcinogen was identified.
New England Journal of Medicine, 28 Aug. 1975, Vol.293, No.9, p.419-424. 46 ref.

CIS 75-1700 Reinhardt J., Kittner E.
Occupational dental disease due to acids
Berufsbedingte Säureschäden der Zähne [en alemán]
Statistical analysis, by industrial sector, sex and length of exposure of 1,016 cases notified between 1971 and 1973 in the Fed.Rep. of Germany. 90% of the dental decay was due to organic acids (bakers' caries), most of the cases being found among workers in bakeries, pastry and confectionery establishments, and flour mills. The other 10% of dental decay cases was due to inorganic acids used in various industries. The article examines the aetiology of dental decay due to organic acids, dietary habits being considered the prime cause of caries. Description of the causes and signs of dental damage due to inorganic acids. Because microbial action is involved in bakers' caries, whereas dental disease due to mineral acid is caused by a decalcification process, the signs and location of dental decay are different in the 2 cases.
Zentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin und Arbeitsschutz, Mar. 1975, Vol.25, No.3, p.72-75. Illus.

CIS 75-1761 Basic guidelines for preventive check-ups in occupational medicine - Danger of dental disease due to formation of organic acids in the mouth
Berufsgenossenschaftliche Grundsätze für arbeitsmedizinische Vorsorgeuntersuchungen - Gefährdung der Zähne durch organische Säuren, die sich in der Mundhöhle bilden [en alemán]
These guidelines for medical examinations for the prevention and early detection of diseases due to the formation of organic acids in the mouth, lay down the scope and methodology of pre-employment medical examinations and periodic check-ups of bakery, pastry and confectionery workers. Additional information is provided on sources of hazard, mode of action of the acid-forming substances, clinical picture and information for exposed workers.
Arbeitsmedizin - Sozialmedizin - Präventivmedizin, Feb. 1975, Vol.10, No.2. p.35-36. 1 ref.


CIS 74-2054 Moss E., Lee W.R.
Occurrence of oral and pharyngeal cancers in textile workers.
The occupations of male textile workers who died of oral and pharyngeal cancers in the 5 years 1959-63 were examined to discover whether the high incidence of such cancers observed in these workers is associated with particular textile occupations or fibres. An excess of oral and pharyngeal cancers in male textile workers compared with the general population was found in all the occupational sub-groups, with the exception of weavers and knitters. The excess is greater among fibre preparers, with a marked excess among the wool fibre preparers. It is pointed out, however, that occupations recorded on death certificates are not always the best indicators of occupational history. Further surveys already initiated will provide more accurate information.
British Journal of Industrial Medicine, July 1974, Vol.31, No.3, p.224-232. 11 ref.


CIS 73-204 Grozdev I.
Changes in the buccal cavity in workers exposed to cadmium compounds
Otnosno săstojanieto na ustnata kuhina u rabotešti v kontakt s kadmievi săedinenija [en búlgaro]
Symptoms found in certain structures of the buccal cavity are of great importance in the diagnosis of cadmium poisoning, in particular a golden yellow colouring of the teeth due to cadmium sulfide, and the cadmium line at the base of the incisors, which is considered a decisive early symptom. The author examined 47 workers (31 men and 16 women) employed in the cadmium department of a Bulgarian non-ferrous metals plant, aged 18-55 years (with up to 12 years' exposure). In most cases, the pathological processes were not specific either clinically or morphologically. Their great prevalence and their simultaneous appearance with other paraclinical divergencies confirmed the influence exerted by the toxic substance. The yellow cadmium line at the base of the teeth occurs on exposure to even small concentrations of cadmium at the workplace. For specific diagnosis, it is necessary to use hystochemical methods for detecting tissue cadmium.
Naučni trudove na NIOTPZ - Razdel uši-nos-gărlo i stomatologija, June 1971, Vol.18, p.267-271. 10 ref.