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  • Personal protection


CIS 80-1997 Compendium of standards on occupational safety and personal protective equipment
Recueil de normes françaises de sécurité et protection individuelles. [en francés]
Text of 45 standards concerning the following personal protective equipment: insulating gloves; measurement of sound attenuation afforded by hearing protection; fall arresters; safety helmets; safety footwear; protective aprons (meat industry); equipment for protection from heat, flame, and molten metal projections; dust masks; eye protection.
Association française de normalisation, Tour Europe, 92080 Paris-la-Défense Cedex 7, France, 1st edition, 1980. 427p. Illus.

CIS 80-1494 Safety product data.
Annual dataguide, catalogue and directory covering: administrative aids (incentives, award plans; educational and training aids); plant design, maintenance, and operation (electricity and lighting; floors and surfaces, stairs, ladders; cleaning and maintenance; signs and signals); industrial hygiene, first aid, medical aspects (instrumentation and equipment); hazard controls (materials handling equipment, motor transportation, traffic control, overhead protection, machine and tool guarding, fire protection and security, health risk controls); personal protection (eye and face, foot and leg, hand and arm, head, and general body protection; hearing and respiratory protection); list of manufacturers; alphabetical list of brand names; OSH standards and references for selection, use and maintenance of safety equipment.
National Safety News, Mar. 1980, Vol.121, No.3, p.171-275.

CIS 80-1386 How to win the personal protection game.
Most of this issue is devoted to personal protective equipment, with articles on: protective headgear; safety spectacles and eye and face protection (laser filters, chemical hoods and goggles, face shields, emergency eye washes); hearing protection; respiratory protection; protective gloves (classified, with buyer's guide); safety footwear; protective clothing.
National Safety News, Mar. 1980, Vol.121, No.3, p.65-107. Illus. 43 ref.


CIS 80-1990 Mahon R.D., Morrison J.H., Weller L.A.
Survey of personal protective equipment in foundries.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) for hot environments, silica dust, metal fumes, and noise were studied. Questionnaires were sent to 769 establishments (response 57%) and the results were validated by site visits. Metal founding operations in different types of foundry are described. Among the results were: PPE may not adequately protect the wearer from workplace exposures; PPE may not be worn for a variety of subjective and objective reasons; there is a great need for education and training of foundry personnel responsible for the selection, acquisition, wearing, and maintenance of PPE.
DHEW (NIOSH) Publication No.80-100, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226, USA, Nov. 1979. 89p. 15 ref.

CIS 80-1211 Von Zehle W., Farr R.
Protective gear fails during fire.
Description of how 2 fire fighters attempting to extinguish a gasoline fire were trapped in a fire flash. They suffered third degree burns over 15-20% of their skin area, in spite of wearing polycarbonate helmets, neoprene-coated nylon turnout coats, 3/4-length boots and plastic-coated cotton gloves.
Fire Command, Dec. 1979, Vol.46, No.12, p.23-24. Illus.

CIS 80-698
BOHS Technology Committee, Working Party on Hearing Protectors.
Guide for the design of hearing protectors for general industrial use.
Guidance is given on physical requirements for comfortable, durable, and generally acceptable personal hearing protectors: terminology; attenuation; materials; cleaning; durability; physical requirements; colour; comfort; information, instruction and marking. Appendix: apparatus for measuring spring-band forces and pressure of earmuffs. These aspects are not covered by British Standard 5108 (1974) on measurement of attenuation of hearing protectors.
Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 1979, Vol.22, No.3, p.203-211. 11 ref.

CIS 80-619 Bailey M.
Insulated boots - Field and laboratory evaluation.
Description of tests on knee-length insulated fire fighters' boots and aluminised reflective spats to be worn with aluminised protective clothing for aircraft crash fire fighters. These boots incorporate a layer of insulation (urethane foam, wool fleece, or vinyl foam) around the foot and ankle. The boots were evaluated and compared with standard fire fighters' boots for protection afforded, comfort, convenience and durability. Test procedures are described, and heat transfer values of insulated and uninsulated boots are given. Insulated boots are more protective; reflective spats are absolutely necessary if fire fighters are immobilised and exposed to high infrared heat pulses for 30s or longer; heat-reflective surfaces cease to function effectively when soiled (daily cleaning).
Fire Technology, Nov. 1979, Vol.15, No.4, p.283-290. 3 ref.

CIS 80-505 Practice for occupational and educational eye and face protection.
This standard, which applies to all occupational and educational operations or processes, excluding those relating to X-rays, gamma rays, high-energy particulate radiations, lasers, or masers, prescribes methods for the testing, selection, and safe use of face and eye protective equipment. It gives general requirements for welding helmets, hand shields, face shields, goggles, filter lenses, lift-front attachments, eyepieces, eyecup materials, and maintenance and disinfection of eye protectors, with specifications for: heat deformation tests, fittings, lenses (prismatic power, refractive power, astigmatism, transmittances and tolerances in transmittance of various shades of absorptive lenses, filter lenses and plates, visible-light transmission and haze test for plastics, hazemeters).
ANSI Z87.1-1979, American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10018, USA, 27 Feb. 1979. 36p. Illus. 3 ref. Price: US$6.75.

CIS 80-196 Gorodinskij S.M.
Personal protective equipment for work with radioactive substances
Sredstva individual'noj zaščity dlja rabot s radioaktivnymi veščestvami [en ruso]
Contents: classification of personal protective equipment; studies on materials used (contamination tests, permeability to radioactive substances, general strength); evaluation of equipment from the point of view of physiology and hygiene; evaluating protective qualities; insulating clothing for maintenance and repair work (air-supplied or autonomous) and its evaluation; air-supplied respiratory apparatus; protective clothing in current use; gloves, shoes and other equipment; decontamination of equipment.
Atomizdat, ul. Ždanova 5, 103031 Moskva K-31, USSR, 1979. 294p. Illus. 358 ref. Price: Rbl.3.40.

CIS 80-192 International Symposium on Personal Protective Equipment, Torremolinos 8-11 May 1979.
Colloque international sur les équipements de protection individuelle, Torremolinos, 8-11 mai 1979. [en francés]
The papers presented at the Symposium (organised by the International Labour Office, the International Social Security Association and the Spanish Social Service for Occupational Safety and Health) are reproduced in the original language, under the following main themes: role of personal protective equipment in an occupational safety and health (OHS) policy (examples from Spain, Italy and the USSR); respiratory protection (historical background, problems of wearing respirators, European standardisation, limits to the use of respirators, West-German regulations, evaluation of respiratory protection in various types of work, other aspects); protection against falls (biomechanical and ergonomic criteria for choice of personal protective equipment, anthropometric data, safety nets, scaffolds and overhead walkways, national standards for safety helmets, recent additions to available fall arresters, West-German standards for safety helmets and protective gloves, adherence of safety shoes). Exhaustive Italian bibliography on personal protective equipment, covering the period 1968-1978 (the works cited are abstracted, with comments).
Servicio social de higiene y seguridad del trabajo, Torrelaguna 73, Madrid 27, Spain, 1979. 982p. Illus. 448 ref.

CIS 80-187
State Standards Committee (Gosudarstvennyj komitet po standartam).
Method for determining the work capacity of persons wearing personal protective equipment
Metod opredelenija rabotosposobnosti čeloveka v sredstvah individual'noj zaščity [en ruso]
This standard (effective 23 Mar. 1979) prescribes the conditions to be observed when testing the work capacity of persons wearing protective clothing, respirators and other personal protective equipment, rules for preparing the tests and procedures for determining indices of capacity (ergometric tests, energy expenditure) and for evaluating the results. Appended: description of a method for determining a controlled physical load and forms for evaluating eye protectors and work capacity.
GOST 12.4.061-79, Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per.3, Moskva D-557, USSR, 23 Mar. 1979. 13p. Price: Rbl.0.05.

CIS 79-1434 Koščeev V.S., Sedov A.V., Bogačuk G.P.
Assessment of insulating personal protective equipment from the viewpoint of hygiene and toxicology
Sanitarno-toksikologičeskaja ocenka izolirujiščih sredstv individual'noj zaščity [en ruso]
This paper is devoted to the determination of exposure limits to harmful substances present in the respirable air inside insulating clothing and masks. These harmful substances are given off by the constituent materials of the protective equipment itself, or eliminated in sweat. If the respirable air is insufficiently purified, the concentration of these substances can rapidly reach a level which diminishes working capacity. Research was carried out on gaseous mixtures containing carbon monoxide, phenol, ammonia, acetone, dimethylamine and methane. The following TLVs are recommeded for gases inside insulating equipment: 15mg/m3 (CO); 300mg/m3 (aliphatic hydrocarbons); 1mg/m3 (amino compounds); 50mg/m3 (acetone); 0.3mg/m3 (phenol); 150mg/m3 (oxidisable organic compounds).
Gigiena i sanitarija, Mar. 1979, No.3, p.28-31. 11 ref.

CIS 79-1447 Balocco L.
Safety in electric welding
La sicurezza nell'elettrosaldatura [en italiano]
The first instalment of this article reviews occupational safety and health (OSH) precautions to be observed on account of the hazards in arc welding of electrocution, burns, fire, radiation, and poisoning (isolating transformers, voltage reducers, contact voltage protection, earthing; screens and welding booths; exhaust removal of welding fume). Other welding processes are described (resistance, gas-shielded arc, electroslag, plasma arc, electron beam, laser, thermit) with the corresponding OSH measures. The second instalment is devoted to general OSH rules common to all welding processes: working conditions in metal enclosures, welding of containers which previously held flammable liquids (replacement of the explosive gas/air mixture), protection of the eyes, face and respiratory tract, protection against burns and radiation, exhaust devices; first aid.
Rivista di meccanica, Jan. 1979, No.681, p.103-115, and Apr. 1979, No.687/B, p.195-205. Illus.

CIS 79-1200 18th Annual product dataguide.
This reference guide, containing literature listings for some 2,000 products from more than 900 manufacturers serving the safety, fire protection, industrial hygiene and occupational medical fields, is divided into major product groups: fall protection, fire protection, housekeeping and sanitation; industrial hygiene; machine and tool safety; materials handling; medical health facilities; noise control and hearing conservation; personal protective equipment; plant engineering; safety education and training, etc. The catalogue also contains short articles on safe clearances, noise control, compliance measures, first aid and evacuation procedures, fall protection, truck vibration, ground fault protection, etc. and is completed by an index of manufacturers.
Occupational Hazards, Jan. 1979, Vol.41, No.1, 176p.

CIS 79-1111 How to select respiratory equipment.
The design and use of respirators are explained: mechanical filters (for dusts, mists, metal fumes and smoke); chemical cartridges (for 10-1,000ppm of known, low toxicity gases and vapours); gas masks (for specific substances of known, low concentrations); air-line (substances not immediately harmful); hose masks (when uncontaminated air is near); air supplied suits (for rescue or emergency repair work in acutely toxic atmospheres); self-contained apparatus (in toxic atmospheres where gas masks are unusable). Care of the respirators is dealt with.
National Safety News, Feb. 1979, Vol.119, No.2, p.32-41. Illus. 12 ref.


CIS 90-1765
Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social
Guantes de protección frente a agresivos químicos
Technical standard on protective gloves, brought into legal force by a Resolution of the Dirección General de Trabajo on 6 May 1977. Contents: definitions; classification; characteristics of protective gloves; requirements for gloves with and without support; testing. In the appendix: ministerial Order dated 17 May 1974 on the type testing of personal protective equipment.
Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, Spain, 1978. 33p. Illus. 8 ref.

CIS 80-805 Zdravković M.
Use of personal protective equipment in industrial work
Upotreba individualnih zaštitnih sdrestava u industrijskim uslovima rada [en serbocroata]
Papers read at a symposium: social and ergonomic aspects of the manufacture, choice and use of personal protective equipment (PPE); stress factors at the workplace; accident causes and use of PPE; physiological problems of hearing protection; ergonomic evaluation of hearing protection; ergonomic approaches to thermal stress and PPE against radiant heat; toxicological, ergonomic and hygienic criteria for respiratory protective equipment; evaluation of PPE against ionising radiation; standardisation of PPE in Yugoslavia; safety shoes and gloves - physiological, ergonomic and hygienic design critera; safety glasses and filters.
Institut za dokumentaciju zaštite na radu, Redakcija udžbenika, Višegradska bb, Niš, Yugoslavia, 1978. 346p. Illus. 316 ref.

CIS 79-1433 Respiratory protection: An employer's manual - a guide for the employee.
These 2 booklets are written for small or non-technically oriented employers for compliance with regulations and to inform employees. The employers' guide describes the respiratory protection programme; respirator selection procedure; medical aspects of usage; issuance to personnel; fitting; maintenance; inspection for defects; use in special conditions (dangerous atmospheres, confined spaces, low and high temperatures); programme surveillance evaluation; employee training; determination of concentrations; jobs requiring respirators; sources of assistance. The employees' guide contains respirator selection; medical aspects of usage; fitting; maintenance; employee responsibilities; descriptions of particulate-removing, chemical cartridge and supplied air respirators, and self contained breathing apparatus.
DHEW (NIOSH) Publications No.78-193A and 78-193B, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226, USA, Oct. 1978. 2 booklets. 92 and 32p. Illus.

CIS 79-1491 The system of CMEA occupational safety and health standards
Sistema standartov SĖV po ohrane truda [en ruso]
A collection of published standards on the following themes: classification of hazardous and harmful work factors (physical, chemical, biological and psychosomatic); general rules concerning the structure of the system of standards (5 sub-systems concerning organisation and methods, TLVs and their enforcement, guarding of machinery and plant, safety of processes, and personal protection); terminology and definitions (in Russian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, German, Polish, Czech); general safety rules for production equipment (safety by design, ergonomics, electrical safety, safety engineering and occupational hygiene, design and layout of controls, safety devices); personal protective equipment - general rules and classification.
ST SĖV 790-77 and 829-77, ST SĖV 1084 to 1086-78, Permanent Committee on Standards, Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (Postojannaja komissija po standartizacii, Sovet ėkonomičeskoj vzaimopomošči), Friedrichroda, Germany (Dem.Rep.), Dec. 1977, and Sofija, Bulgaria, June 1978. 2 booklets: 6 and 14p. Price: Rbl.0.06 and 0.09.

CIS 79-1118 Partida Perdigones E., Cortés Díaz J.M., Morón Rodríguez J., Martínez Monasterio J.
Guantes de protección - Riesgos más frecuentes - Ensayos
Contents: introduction and general remarks; tests for traction, tearing, penetration resistance, shrinkage, abrasion, impermeability, resistance to detergents, organic solvents and chemical agents (leather, textile fabric, plastic and rubber gloves). Performances of various makes of glove as regards protection against mechanical hazards and chemical agents are presented in tabular form.
Medicina y seguridad del trabajo, Apr.-June 1978, Vol.26, No.102, p.70-87. Illus. 12 ref.

CIS 79-991
GOST 12.4.051-78, State Standards Committee (Gosudarstvennyj komitet po standartam), Moskva, 8 June 1978.
Personal hearing protection - General technical conditions
Sredstva individual'noj zaščity organa sluha - Obščie tehničeskie uslovija [en ruso]
This standard, effective 1 Jan. 1979, applies to earmuffs, earplugs and acoustic helmets. Contents: classification; technical requirements for equipment of this type (mass, adherence strength, approval of materials used in manufacture (which should not harm the skin), possibility of adjustment to head measurements, etc.); standardised patterns and models; rules for taking delivery, periodic checks and compliance testing; test methods (at least 5 normal subjects for each type of protector; adjustment and fitting of personal hearing protection for a noise level of 70dB(A); pure tone binaural audiometry at 7 frequencies from 125 to 8,000Hz; standard data for soundproof room and audiometry unit, etc.); marking and packaging; rules for guidance in the selection of personal hearing protection; manufacturer's guarantee.
Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per. 3, Moskva D-557, USSR, 1978. 6p. Price: Rbl.0.03.

CIS 79-800 NIOSH certified equipment list as of July 1, 1978.
The personal protective equipment and measuring devices certified by the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) are listed: coal mine personal dust sampler units, detector tubes, respiratory protective devices (self-contained breathing apparatus; gas masks; supplied-air respirators; dust, fume, and mist respirators; chemical-cartridge respirators), and approved components, sound level meter sets, indicating in each case the names and addresses of manufacturers and distributors in the United States, and giving a list of available test procedures for certification.
DHEW (NIOSH) Publication No.79-107, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226, USA, Nov. 1978. 88p.

CIS 79-511 Cuckov M.E., Ardasenov V.N.
Catalogue - Safety shoes, hand, eye, face and ear protection
Katalog - Specobuv', sredstva zaščity ruk, glaz, lica i organa sluha [en ruso]
Some 200 articles are listed, with a brief description and the manufacturer's address. Sections: protective shoes and boots (against mechanical hazards, slips, heat, cold, radioactivity, electrostatic discharges, water, acids and caustic substances, organic solvents, petroleum and petroleum products, etc.); protective gloves (mechanical hazards, non-toxic dust, heat, cold, X-rays, electricity, acids and other corrosive liquids, etc.); skin protection; safety glasses and face masks; earmuffs and earplugs; recommendations for maintenance of personal protective equipment.
Vsesojuznyj central'nyj naučno-issledovatel'skij institut ohrany truda VCSPS, Obolenskij per.10, Moskva G-21, USSR, 1978. 57p. Price: Rbl.0.55.

CIS 79-186 Personal protective equipment - General rules
Personlig verneutstyr - Alminnelige regler [en noruego]
These directives form a compendium of rules for the testing and marking of personal protective equipment, and rules for the use and maintenance of this equipment. Contents: general (requirements respecting safety and comfort, testing and inspection, etc.); special rules regarding protection of the head and scalp, ear protection (earplugs, earmuffs; sound attenuation efficiency of this equipment), eye protection (safety spectacles, face shields, filter glasses etc.), respiratory protection (air purifying and particulate removing respirators, supplied air respirators, self-contained breathing apparatus), protection of the feet and legs, safety belts with lifelines. Requirements for testing and marking, applying in all the Nordic Countries, are set out in detail.
Bestillingsnr. 250, Directorate of Labour Inspection (Direktoratet for arbeidstilsynet), Postboks 8103 Dep., Oslo 1, Norway, Feb. 1978 (revision). 56p. Illus. Gratis.

CIS 78-1200 Wright R.R., Caffrey G., Nelms J.C., Clark R.R., Theodore M., Miller R., Militello J.V., Rodenhouse L.N., Swift R.L., Stevens A.M., Pennington S., Houston D.E.
How ISEA protects the health and safety of workers.
The Industrial Safety Equipment Association (ISEA) is a non-profit trade association of 80 U.S. manufacturers of safety equipment, whose programmes and activities are divided in 12 major product groups: emergency eyewashes and showers; eye and face protection; protection against falls; first aid; head protection; hearing protection; machinery guards; respiratory protection; industrial safety and health instruments; safety cans for flammable liquids; protective clothing; warning devices and signs. Articles by various authors take stock of the progress made in each of these 12 fields, discussing the equipment, with some details of the hazards at work and characteristics of the equipment, especially in relation to U.S. occupational safety and health legislation and standards.
National Safety News, Mar. 1978, Vol.117, No.3, p.61-120. Illus. 47 ref.


CIS 79-1116 Personal protective equipment - Information catalogue
Ochrony osobiste - Katalog informator [en polonés]
This catalogue of personal protective equipment manufactured in Poland consists of the following 10 parts contained in a loose-leaf binder: general information; head, eyes and face; hearing; respiratory tract; hands, feet; clothing; falls from a height; miscellaneous. Each part contains a number of general data sheets (in particular, a classification of equipment) and information sheets for individual models of equipment, indicating their use, technical data concerning manufacture, the protection they provide, instructions for use and upkeep, and name of manufacturer.
Central Institute for Worker Protection (Centralny instytut ochrony pracy), ul. Tamka 1, 00-349 Warszawa, Poland, 1977. 303p. Illus.

CIS 78-1415 Klén T.
Use of personal protectors and their influence on accidental head injuries of lumberjacks
Henkilökohtaisten suojainten käyttö ja suojausvaikutus metsätyöntekijän päähän kohdistuneissa tapaturmissa [en finlandés]
This questionnaire study of similar injured and non-injured lumberjacks was intended to prevent or reduce the severity of head injuries. Younger, untrained and inexperienced workers had more accidents on the average. Except for eye protectors, trained or experienced lumberjacks wore personal protectors more often, but the difference between injured and non-injured groups was insignificant. Eye protection was not used because it interfered with the work. More than 90% using chain saws wore helmets and ear protectors; 65% wore eye protectors. The workers' reasons for not using the protection are given. It appears that 7% of the injuries would be prevented and 16% less severe if helmets had been used; for eyes 33% and 10%, respectively. Helmets would have reduced sick leave 60% and eye protection 10% of the remaining leave.
TTL 131, Institute of Occupational Health (Työterveyslaitos), Helsinki, Finland, 1977. 124p. 34 ref. Price Fmk.25.00.

CIS 78-924 Semenov A.N.
Prevention of spark discharges by personal protective equipment
Predotvraščenie ėlektrostatičeskih iskrovyh razrjadov putem primenenija individual'nyh sredstv zaščity [en ruso]
Results of a comparative mathematical analysis of the energy of spark discharges which occur when special clothing is worn to ensure gradual discharge (antistatic gloves and workclothes) and when wearing equipment allowing for constant discharge of static electricity (conductive footwear, wrist bands connected to earth via a protective resistance, clothing with earthed conductors). The analysis shows that the devices for gradual discharge afford better protection against the production of sparks and painful shocks from the discharge of static electricity.
Himičeskaja promyšlennost', July 1977, No.7, p.29-31.

CIS 78-804 Eye protection equipment - Instructions for manufacturers, sellers and users - III. Eye protection
Personlige beskyttelsesmidler - Anvisninger for fabrikanter, forhandlere og brugere - III. Řjenvćrn [en danés]
These directives, valid in all Nordic countries, cover protective glasses, face screens (including welders' masks) and hoods. Contents: responsibilities of manufacturers, sellers, employers and workers; general rules (corrosion resistance, heat insulation, physical properties, minimum dimensions of eyepieces etc.); special rules (design and execution; testing; optical and mechanical tests). Appendix: classification of degrees of optic absorption; hazards and corresponding protective measures; compliance tests required for various eye protectors.
Publikation nr.74, Directorate of Labour Inspection (Direktoratet for Arbejdstilsynet), Rosenvćngets Allé 16-18, 2100 Křbenhavn, Denmark, June 1977. 27p. Illus. Gratis.

CIS 78-491 Quam G.N.
A new design of head, body, and groin shields.
A head shield of polycarbonate, a chest shield of polycarbonate backed by ballistic nylon plus Kevlar (polyamide) fiber, and a groin shield of Kevlar covered by ballistic nylon were designed and tested. This portable body shield gave protection against .22 caliber bullets and can be used in the laboratory while handling sensitive chemicals.
National Safety News, Aug. 1977, Vol.116, No.2, p.92-94. Illus.

CIS 78-192 Koščeev V.S., Salivon S.G., Bogačuk G.P.
Basic principles for the evaluation of personal protective equipment from the aspects of health and hygiene, toxicology, and physiology
Osnovnye principy sanitarno-toksikologičeskoj i fiziologo-gigieničeskoj ocenki sredstv individual'noj zaščity (SIZ) [en ruso]
Description of 3 stages to be observed in evaluating personal protective equipment: 1. prior testing of materials used in manufacture to eliminate those which may involve dermatological or similar hazards; 2. laboratory tests of personal protective equipment to determine its compatibility for the conditions in which it is to be used (heat exchange, freedom of movement, etc.); 3. on-the-job performance testing of equipment for optimisation of its adaptation to man.
Gigiena i sanitarija, Jan. 1977, No.1, p.56-60. 7 ref.

CIS 77-2011
Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Unfallforschung, Dortmund.
Personal protective equipment - Types, technical data, suppliers
Persönliche Schutzausrüstungen - Arten, Eigenschaften, Bezugsquellen [en alemán]
Loose-leaf catalogue of various types and models of personal protective equipment marketed in the Fed.Rep. of Germany: protection of the head, face and eyes; hearing protection; respirators; protection of the body, hands and feet; protection from falls from height. Each chapter has an introduction explaining the type of protection provided, the materials used and the specifications required by standards and regulations. The loose-leaf data sheets have illustrations of the models available, with details of manufacture and code numbers referring to an alphabetical index of manufacturers and/or suppliers.
Verlag TÜV Rheinland GmbH, Am grauen Stein, 5000 Köln 91, Germany (Fed.Rep.), 1977. Approx. 600p. Illus. Price: DM.66.00.

CIS 77-1694 Personal protective equipment - Instruction for manufacturers, retailers and users - IV. Respiratory protection
Personlige beskyttelsesmidler - Anvisninger for fabrikanter, forhandlere og brugere - IV. Ĺndedrćtsvćrn [en danés]
Contents of this Instruction: duties of manufacturers and retailers; employers' and workers' responsibilities; general rules for respirator design; special rules for the design and manufacture of dust masks (particulate removing respirators), gas masks, hose masks with or without blower, compressed air line breathing apparatus, compressed air cylinder breathing apparatus and closed circuit breathing apparatus; instructions for use of these types of respirators (with synoptic table of technical data); rules for testing (efficacy of filters, air-tightness of facepiece, breathing resistance, etc.).
Publikation nr.69, Directorate of Labour Inspection (Direktoratet for arbejdstilsynet), Rosenvćngets Allé 16-18, 2100 Křbenhavn, Denmark, Mar. 1977. 39p. Illus. Gratis.

CIS 77-1404 Safety shoes: a new material for soles
Chaussures de sécurité: un nouveau matériau de semelage. [en francés]
This article discusses the use of Softane (a polyurethane) as a material for safety shoe soles. Qualities: resistance to cuts and abrasion, flex strength, shock absorption, resistance to chemicals, good electrical insulation, lightness, flexibility, comfort, good adherence. Contraindications: temperatures above 100°C, concentrated acids and bases, special organic solvents (dimethylformamide, tetrahydrofuran, ketones).
Machine-outil, Apr. 1977, No.340, p.109.

CIS 77-822 Tessier M.H.
Workers' protective clothing - Advantages and disadvantages
Les vętements de protection des travailleurs - Avantages et inconvénients. [en francés]
MD thesis. A review of statistical data (breakdown of occupational accidents and diseases by site of injury) and considerations on French occupational safety and health legislation are followed by a detailed enumeration of the various types of personal protective equipment and the parts of the body they are intended to protect (hands, feet, head, eyes, ears). A short chapter is devoted to ways of ensuring that personal protective equipment is used.
Université de Bordeaux II, Unités d'enseignement et de recherche des sciences médicales, Bordeaux, France, 1977. 83p. 51 ref.


CIS 78-1099 Nikiforov I.N., Kaminskij S.L., Afanas'eva E.N.
Methodical recommendations for the choice and use of equipment for protecting the respiratory system
Metodičeskie rekommendacii po vyboru i primeneniju sredstv individual'noj zaščity organov dyhanija [en ruso]
Contents: general information (classification of respirators, basic criteria for choice); air purifying respirators (dust masks, gas masks and all-purpose respirators, canister-type respirators, basic rules for their choice and use); supplied air respirators (hose masks and hoods with or without blower or for airline supply; recommendations for use); maintenance, storage and distribution of respirators; simplified methods for testing breathing resistance, and for leakage testing.
Vsesojuznyj naučno-issledovatel'skij institut ohrany truda VCSPS, Leningrad, USSR, 2nd edition 1976. 37p. Illus. 12 ref. Price: Rbl.0.20.

CIS 77-1883 Christ E.
Individual hearing protection and accident hazard
Persönlicher Schallschutz und Unfallgefährdung [en alemán]
An argument against the wearing of hearing protectors is that changes in the noise quality of machines can contribute to assessment of the smooth running of production processes and to the prevention of accidents. The example of acoustic information indicating malfunction during drop forging shows that the choice of appropriate hearing protection can help the individual adaptation necessitated by changes in the sound characteristics: drop forge noise, sound levels and spectra of the hammer impact, influence of hearing protectors on the noise perceived. Criteria for the choice of hearing protectors which do not impair supervision and evaluation of machine noise are presented.
Die Berufsgenossenschaft, Dec. 1976, No.12, p.474-480. Illus. 8 ref.

CIS 77-824 Personal protective equipment
Les moyens de protection individuelle. [en francés]
This issue is almost entirely devoted to personal protective equipment. Contents: introduction (Lechien P.); gloves, mittens and hand guards; dermatological preparations; safety shoes, spats and leggings; scalp protectors and safety helmets; safety belts; hearing protection; types of ear protectors (Lehoucq A.); safety spectacles and eye shields; personal protection against ionising radiation (Delhove J., Mambour C., Havaux A., Rygaert J.); work clothes; personal protective equipment used in the Belgian National Railway Company (Van Roy R.). Summaries in Dutch.
Cahiers de médecine du travail - Cahiers voor arbeidsgeneeskunde, Sep. 1976, Vol.13, No.3, p.147-225. 7 ref.

CIS 77-597 Best's safety directory 1977.
This book serves both as a reference manual to the latest OSHA requirements and safety guidelines, and as a source of information on over 4,000 types of safety products and services in the USA. It is divided into sections on: administration, personal protective equipment, noise, operational safety (machine guards, process guidelines, tool handling, handling ordinary and hazardous materials), pre-operational plant safety (workplace preparation and maintenance, electrical and lighting safety, fire), industrial hygiene (sanitation and employee health, environmental controls), security. Each section contains a buyers' guide, and there are numerous indexes of products, services and suppliers.
A.M. Best Company, Inc., Ambest Road, Oldwick, New Jersey 08858, USA, 17th Edition, Oct. 1976. 1,083p. Illus. Price: US-$20.00.

CIS 77-503 Balocco L.
Personal protection - Protection of the respiratory tract
Prevenzione personale: protezione delle vie respiratorie [en italiano]
After an introduction on the physiology of respiration and the hazards affecting respiration (lack of oxygen, presence of harmful substances in air), this article reviews various types of respirators which can be chosen according to the hazard and environment (mechanical and chemical filter, respirators, hose masks, self-contained breathing apparatus (oxygen or compressed air)). Tables show oxygen consumption depending on type of activity, choice of respirator according to hazard, and categoriges of gas filters (with the colour codes). Notes on use and maintenance of respirators.
Rivista di meccanica, May 1976, No.618, p.67-74; Sep. 1976, No.624/a, p.25-30. Illus.

CIS 77-502 Balocco L.
Personal protection - Protection of upper limbs and trunk
Protezione personale: difesa degli arti superiori e del corpo [en italiano]
Description, with numerous examples, of the protective functions and features of protective gloves (leather, plastics, special fabrics), barrier creams and protective clothing (against aggressive substances, toxic gases, cold, contamination, fire and radiant heat), and certain fabrics used in the manufacture of protective clothing. A French translation may be obtained from INRS, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France.
Rivista di meccanica, Jan. 1976, No.610, p.51-56; Feb. 1976, No.611, p.25-29. Illus.

CIS 76-1993 Cutting and clearing vegetation.
The safe use of tractor or power hand mowers and brush cutting tools and chemical spraying are detailed; also selection of workers; personnel protection; mowing hazards (prevention techniques and corrective action); techniques for mowing slopes.
Data Sheet 575, Revision A (extensive), National Safety Council, 425 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611, USA, 1976. 7p. Illus. 4 ref.

CIS 76-1989 Personal protective equipment in the building industry
Persoonlijke beschuttingsmiddelen in het bouwbedrijf [en holandés]
Contents: necessity for personal protection; employers' responsibilities and workers' obligations; quality and maintenance of equipment; protection against falls from heights (safety belts, fall arresters, etc.); body protection (safety helmets, safety spectacles, face shields, earmuffs, earplugs, respirators, protective gloves, safety footwear, protective clothing (especially against bad weather)); life-saving equipment (rope-descent brakes, harness, etc.); reference to Netherlands legislation.
P No.62, Inspectorate of Labour, Directorate General of Labour (Arbeidsinspectie, Directoraat-Generaal van de Arbeid), Postbus 69, Voorburg, Netherlands, 2nd edition 1976. 17p. Illus.

CIS 76-1868 Personal hearing protection
Persönlicher Schallschutz [en alemán]
This data sheet gives general information on various types of personal hearing protection (earplugs, earmuffs, helmets) available in Germany (Fed.Rep.) with the distinctive features of each model (supplier, noise attenuation and price), set out in tabular form. Noise attenuation in relation to frequency range is shown graphically. The text of the directive of the Association of German Engineers VDI 2560 respecting personal hearing protection (types of hearing protectors, required characteristics, selection and use of protectors) is appended.
Lärmschutz-Informationsblatt LSI 01-830, Federation of Industrial Mutual Accident Insurance Associations (Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften), Langwartweg 103, 5300 Bonn 1, Germany (Fed.Rep.), 1976. 10 + 9p. Illus. 14 ref.


CIS 77-497 Bavro G.V., Šaškov I.F.
Influence of weight of personal protective equipment on the functional status of the body during physical work in various microclimatic conditions
Vlijanie vesa sredstv individual'noj zaščity (SIZ) na funkcional'noe sostojanie organizme pri fizičeskoj rabote v različnyh mikroklimatičeskih uslovijah [en ruso]
Results of research carried out in volunteers wearing protective clothing weighing 1-11kg in various climatic conditions (12, 23 and 45°C, relative air humidity 20-75%). On the basis of the results, relating to energy expenditure, sweat loss, pulmonary ventilation and heart rate recorded during the experiments, the authors recommend the following criteria for weight of personal protective clothing: under 7kg for work of average laboriousness in conditions enabling thermal balance to be maintained; under 3kg in conditions giving rise to heat stasis; up to 11kg in conditions where heat removal is facilitated.
Gigiena i sanitarija, Sep. 1975, No.9, p.60-62. 5 ref.

CIS 77-198 Rentos P.G., Kamin J.I.
Occupational safety research specifically related to personal protection - A symposium.
Papers read at this symposium, sponsored by the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and held in Cincinnati, Ohio, 10-11 Jan. 1974, were: definition and scope of the injury problem (Blackman A.C.); need and procedure for standards development (Mahon R.D.); development of standards for head protective devices (Scalone A.); neural trauma research (Omaya A.K.); standards for eye and face protective devices (Dunham T.); protection of eyes, face and body against high impacts (Quam G.N.); polar region worker protection requirements (Firenze R.J.); certification testing of personal protective equipment (Vining J.F.); prevention of accidental head injury (Nahum A.M.); assessment of need for protective clothing (Barnhart L.); protective clothing standards for firefighters (Utech H.P.).
HEW Publication no.(NIOSH)75-143, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226, USA, May 1975. 252p. Illus.

CIS 76-1992 Ristić D.
Performance tests on personal protective equipment
Ispitivanje zaštitnih osobina sredstava za ličnu zaštitu [en serbocroata]
Description of some procedures followed in laboratories for testing personal protective equipment: determination of the permeability ratio; testing tightness of protective clothing by radioactive aerosols (description of exposure chamber and generator of radioactive aerosols, determination of particle size distribution and electric charge of particles); experimental and mathematical determination of the degree of protection; testing of respirators for gas-tightness with non-radioactive aerosols and oil mist.
Jugoslovenska i inostrana dokumentacija zaštite na radu, 1975, Vol.11, No.4, p.7-27. Illus. 4 ref.

CIS 76-1988 Friberg M., Nilsson H.
Personal protective equipment worn during logging work: Ergonomic study
Personlig skyddsutrustning vid huggningsarbete: Ergonomisk studie [en sueco]
The ergonomic design of personal protective equipment (safety helmets, earmuffs, eye nets, leg pads) was evaluated in the field and laboratory. The air temperature in the safety helmet was 30-33°C (outside 22-26°C) during work in the shade. Shorter distances between the helmet shell and the head were more comfortable. Skin temperatures under earmuffs were 32-36°C (outside 16-26°C). The mean pressure of the earmuffs on the head was 22.1±6.2N; optimum pressure was not determined. The eye protective nets reduced the amount of transmitted light by 32-45%; larger mesh apertures give more light but less protection. Nylon cord appeared to be better than other materials for leg pads. Safety engineers recommend lighter protective equipment and tools.
Undersökningsrapport AMA 010/75, Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Arbetsmedicinska avdelningen, Fack, 100 26 Stockholm, Sweden, Sep. 1975. 30p. Illus. 9 ref. Price: Swe-cr.6.00.

CIS 76-1866 Brokmann W.
Personal hearing protection
Persönlicher Schallschutz [en alemán]
This article recalls the permissible noise levels fixed in Germany (Fed.Rep.) as criteria for recommended (85dBA) or mandatory (90dBA) wearing of hearing protection. Personal hearing protection should be chosen on the basis of its noise attenuation factor and physiological comfort in wearing, but the safety aspect should not be sacrificed to these considerations. List of German manufacturers and tables of various types of ear plugs and ear muffs.
Angewandte Arbeitswissenschaft, 1975, No.59, p.42-52. 8 ref.

CIS 76-1986 Lindström K.G., Sundström-Frisk C.
Determining factors in incentive to wear personal protective equipment - Survey in the logging industry
Faktorer som pĺverkar användning av personlig skyddsutrustning - en studie inom skogsbranschen [en sueco]
Results of a survey covering Swedish lumbermen to determine the reasons why they do or do not use personal protective equipment. Contents: analysis of notified accidents, 1968-73 (site of injury); Swedish regulations; results of previous surveys (workers' age, level of awareness, training and experience), methods used in the survey; results (sample used for the survey - age, experience, personal opinion, knowledge of the hazards involved and of the law); frequency of wearing helmet, earmuffs, leg protectors, etc.; detailed analysis of the various reasons why loggers use (or do not use) personal protective equipment, according to article of equipment. The text of Swedish directives concerning the mandatory use of personal protective equipment and questionnaires are appended.
Undersökningsrapport AMP.103/75, Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Fack, 10026 Stockholm 34, Sweden, May 1975. 133p. Illus. 30 ref. Price: Swe-cr.18.00.

CIS 76-1102
General Directorate of Labour (Dirección general de Trabajo), Madrid.
Normas técnicas de homologación de materiales de protección
Collection of 9 standards issued as resolutions of the General Directorate of Labour under the Order of 17 May 1974 to harmonise workers' personal protective equipment: standards MT-2 (hearing protectors), MT-3 (welders' screens), MT-4 (electricians' insulated gloves), MT-5 (safety footwear), MT-6 (electricians' insulating stools), MT-7,8,9 and 10 (respiratory protective equipment: 1. general; 2. mechanical filters; 3. dust masks; 4. chemical and combined chemical/mechanical filter respirators for ammoniac). Each standard contains definitions, classifications, minimum standards and characteristics of various types of equipment, test procedures for approval and rules for evaluation of results. These standards were originally published in Boletín oficial del Estado, Madrid, 1-6, 8, 9 and 10 Sep. 1975, Vol.315, No.209-217.
Seguridad, Nov. 1975, No.57, Supplement, 31p. Illus.

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