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  • OSH training


CIS 82-1153 Santodonato J.
Design and implementation of a workers' right-to-know program
A model programme which focuses on methods for supplying toxicity data to exposed workers, training and education concerning the use of toxic chemicals, and the need for accurate records regarding chemical exposure of employees is described. This programme is designed in compliance with the New York State workers right-to-know law.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Sep. 1981, Vol.42, No.9, p.666-670. 6 ref.

CIS 82-828 Safety information - French National Coalmines
Information sécurité - Charbonnages de France [en francés]
Catalogue of worker information materials on mine safety (posters, films, brochures, slides) produced by the Audiovisual Aids Committee of the French National Coalmines. The first part is classified by subject and lists the aids shown and described in the second part. The subjects covered: machines and plant; falling rock; transport; falls of persons; handling; falls of objects; ventilation, firedamp, dust; electricity; explosives; commuting accidents; safety campaigns; first aid and rescue; surface work (gas, railways, welding, in-plant transport, site machinery and plant).
COMAV, 9 avenue Percier, 75008 Paris, France, 1981. 52p. Illus.

CIS 82-552 Marinenko N.V.
The effectiveness of safety posters
Effektivnost' plakatov po ohrane truda [en ruso]
This literature survey deals with the history of safety posters, their classification, research in the USSR and other countries on the impact of posters, on the importance of the choice of theme, presentation, text, lettering and colours. An analysis of studies provides useful guidelines for improving poster quality and effectiveness.
Ohrana truda, vyp. 2. Vsesojuznyj central'nyj naučno-issledovatel'skij institut ohrany truda, Moskva, USSR, 1981. 51p. 55 ref. Price: Rbl.0.45.

CIS 82-591
Irish Transport and General Workers' Union
ITGWU - Safety in Industry
Contents: ITGWU policy; legal aspects and legislation (Safety in Industry Act 1980 (CIS 81-1790); health, safety and welfare aspects; review of legislation, 1936-1980; common law aspects; State occupational injuries scheme; legal assistance); toxic substances; information on TLVs, dust; fire; lifting and handling; noise; other physical hazards; list of carcinogens; in-plant safety and health organisation, safety committees; safety education, training and information. Appended: list of safety orders and regulations in force on 30 June 1981; European Communities OSH regulations in force in Ireland; list of addresses of OSH institutions in Ireland.
ITGWU, 10 Palmerston Park, Dublin 6, Ireland, Sep. 1981. 86p. 19 ref. Price: IR£1.

CIS 82-228 Papers presented at the Second International Symposium on training in the prevention of occupational risks in the mining industry
Vorträge des Zweiten Internationalen Symposiums über die Heranbildung der Werktätigen im Bergbau zur Arbeitssicherheit [en alemán]
Doklady Vtorogo meždunarodnogo simpoziuma po vospitanii navykov bezopasnogo truda v gornoj promyšlennosti [en ruso]
Texts, in the original language (mainly in English), of 38 papers presented at this symposium (Washington D.C., USA, 9-13 Nov. 1981) organised by the International Social Security Association (ISSA), under the following broad themes: achieving safer and higher production through training; training for coping with special kinds of hazards in mining; approaches to training (case studies); application of educational technology to miner training; role of industy, institutions of higher education and Government in training; factors that influence training (e.g. analysis of accident causes).
Mine Safety Health Administration, 4800 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213, USA, 1981. 590p. Bibl. Price: US-$.30.00.

CIS 82-49
Health and Safety Executive
Training advice on the mounting of abrasive wheels
Improper mounting of abrasive wheels is the cause of many accidents due to wheel bursting. This guidance note gives information on: basic safety rules; flanges (which should be at least 1/3 the diameter of the wheel); washers. How to mount: straight wheels (small or large holes), tapered wheels, cup wheels, cone wheels, abrasive discs and cylinder wheels, cutting-off wheels on fixed machines, depressed-centre and cutting-off wheels used on portable grinding machines. Source of further information.
HM Stationery Office, P.O. Box 569, London SE1 9NH, United Kingdom, June 1981. 4p. Illus. 1 ref. Price: £0.50.

CIS 81-1804 In safe hands
This film, designed to instruct beginning drivers and improve the skills of experienced drivers, demonstrates techniques for safe handling and operation of fork-lift trucks, including steering, preshift checking, approaching a loaded pallet and unstacking, approaching blind corners, and driving up and down ramps. Correct operating procedures are shown for diesel, electric, and high-reach fork-lift trucks in a variety of situations.
International Film Bureau Inc., 332 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60604, USA. Price: US-$375.00.

CIS 81-2051 Watch that space - confined space hazards in the construction industry
This 16-min colour film is designed to alert construction crew workers to the dangers of work in confined spaces and the necessary safety measures to avoid accidents. Specific hazards described include toxic gases, explosion and fire, excessive oxygen in the air, and suffocation. The training programme dramatises an incident in which 3 workers suffocated after entering a manhole without testing the atmosphere and shows how the tragedy could have been prevented by use of a simple safety procedure.
American Educational Films, 132 Lasky Drive, Beverly Hills, Cal. 90212 USA. Price: $.410.00.

CIS 81-2092 Bazas T., Harrington J.M.
Evaluation of an accident prevention campaign in a major Greek industry
Results of a study to determine whether a two-month accident prevention campaign carried out in a large Greek cotton company had resulted in an increase in safety knowledge of spinning mill workers. The campaign is described (a questionnaire competition on safety knowledge followed by the distribution of an illustrated booklet on accident prevention, publication of articles in the company newspaper and display of posters). Some 6 weeks later the safety knowledge of participants was tested again, and the results were compared with those during the competition. Of the 56 competition participants who had subsequently read the booklet and the articles, 28 answered more questions correctly than previously, 14 the same number and 14 less questions. The difference between those who showed an increase in the number of correct answers and those who showed a decrease is statistically significant.
International Journal of Health Education, 1981/82, Vol.24, p.118-121. 9 ref.

CIS 81-1763 Catalogue of films distributed by the French National Research and Safety Institute - July-August 1981
Répertoire des films de l'Institut national de recherche et de sécurité - juillet-août 1981 [en francés]
Catalogue of films (usually 35 and 16mm) distributed by the French National Research and Safety Institute (INRS). The films are grouped under 3 headings: 1. General problems, safety organisation; 2. Hazards and problems common to a number of industries (lifting and hoisting, manual and mechanical handling, etc.; fires and explosions; electricity; machinery and plant; environmental factors; industrial medicine and hygiene; harmful substances; personal protection; commuting accidents); 3. Specific hazards (iron, steel and non-ferrous metals industries; building and civil engineering; quarrying; woodworking and plastics processing; printing and bookbinding; rubber industry, paper and board industry; textile, clothing and food industries, transport and materials handling). Information as to how to obtain the INRS films and those from other sources. The catalogue can be removed from the periodical in which it appeared to form a useful reference document.
Travail et sécurité, July-Aug. 1981, No.7-8, p.345-392.

CIS 81-1760 Catalogue of posters produced by the French National Research and Safety Institute
Répertoire des affiches de l'Institut national de recherche et de sécurité [en francés]
Illustrated catalogue of posters classified under 3 headings: general safety and texts required by law; hazards and problems common to numerous industries (lifting and hoisting, manual and mechanical handling, explosions, electricity, etc.); specific hazards (iron, steel and non-ferrous metals industries, building and civil engineering, printing and bookbinding, chemical industry, transport). Advice on the use of posters, and a list of posters by serial number. The catalogue can be removed from the periodical to form a useful reference brochure.
Travail et sécurité, Apr. 1981, No.4, p.173-204. Illus.

CIS 81-1792 Alberta Workers' Health, Safety and Compensation Division, Occupational Health and Safety Library film collection
Films from Canadian, American, British and other sources on general and industrial safety and occupational diseases and on occupational health and safety legislation are listed.
Occupational Health and Safety Division, 3rd Floor, 9820-106 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T5K 2J6 Canada, no date. 44p.

CIS 81-1450 Scaffolds.
This audiovisual programme describes how to identify maximum distributed load capacities, the support spacing, the size and type of lumber used for various types of scaffolds, and how to calculate a maximum safe load. Instruction is provided in the construction and use of suspension and rolling scaffolds.
Title No.007518/LF. Instructor Guide, sound slide set, 69 colour slides, 14min. audiocassette. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Washington D.C. 20210, USA. Price: US-$31.25.

CIS 81-1448 Trenching.
This audiovisual programme describes: causes of cave-ins; safe and unsafe shoring installations; safety practices in excavation; trenching hazards; accident prevention.
Title No.007516/LF. Instructor Guide, sound slide set, 88 colour slides, 14min. audiocassette. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Washington D.C. 20210, USA. Price: US-$38.00.

CIS 81-1238 Ladders.
This audiovisual programme provides training in the safe use of ladders. Topics covered include: hazards of wood and metal ladders; safe angles and dimensions for fixed ladders; use of cages, landing platforms and safety devices; inspection and maintenance of portable ladders; accident prevention.
Title No.007513/LF. Instructor Guide, sound slide set, 56 colour slides, 9min. audiocassette. Occupational Safety and Health Admin.istration, Washington D.C. 20210, USA. Price: US-$27.00.

CIS 81-1237 Walking and working surfaces.
This audiovisual training programme describes how to keep walking and working surfaces free of hazards and, specifically, how to prevent slipping or tripping accidents by the use of guardrails, floor hole covers, hand rails and clearly marked exits.
Title No.007512/LF. Instructor Guide, sound slide set, 88 colour slides, 14min. audiocassette. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Washington D.C. 20210, USA. Price: US-$38.00.

CIS 81-1333 Occupational lead poisoning - It needn't be.
This film introduces the basic principles of a health programme for the lead industry. The intention is to motivate the cooperation of management and employees in developing an effective health programme for their particular operations.
Lead Industries Association, 292 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017, USA, 1981. 16mm colour film. 21min. To order specify show date, no charge to borrow, viewer pays only return postage.

CIS 81-1437 Weld in safety.
Safety measures and precautions which must be observed when using gas welding or cutting equipment are demonstrated in this film. Topics covered include: cylinders; properties of oxygen, acetylene and propane; correct assembly and use of equipment; lighting up and closing down procedures.
International Film Bureau Inc., 332 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60604, USA, 1981. 16mm film or videocassette. 23min. Purchase: US$425.00; film rental: US$45.00 for 3 days; US$60.00 for 5 days.

CIS 81-1332 Hazardous chemicals training package.
This slide programme, with training manuals, is designed to instruct workers on safe job practices in handling hazardous substances. The 8 presentations cover: flammable liquid safety; toxic substances; reactive chemicals; compressed gases; corrosive chemicals; emergency response; waste disposal; protective equipment.
Eileen Donahue, Eastek Corporation, 3543 Baldwin Drive, Easton, PA 18042, USA, 1981. 120 colour slides. Cost: US$285.00.

CIS 81-1189
US Department of Labor
This film introduces the agency and its efforts to help protect the American workforce. Workers and representatives of labor, business, and government discuss real safety and health problems and their solutions.
Association Films, Inc., 600 Grand Avenue, Ridgefield, NJ 07657, USA, 1981. 16mm film. 30min. Hire: US$.20.00, purchase: US$.185.00 plus shipping charge.

CIS 81-1188
US Department of Labor
Can't take no more.
This film presents a history of occupational safety and health in the United States. Old photographs and film clips show the growth of national concern for worker protection in this century. The narrative is interwoven with examples of present-day efforts to eliminate workplace hazards.
Association Films Inc., 600 Grand Avenue, Ridgefield, NJ. 07657, USA, 1981. 16mm film. 30min. Hire: US$.20.00, purchase: US$.185.00 plus shipping charge.

CIS 81-1187
US Department of Labor
Worker to worker.
A film on employee rights under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. Workers who exercised safety and health rights tell their own stories.
Association Films, Inc., 600 Grand Avenue, Ridgefield, NJ 07657, USA, 1981. 16mm film. 30min. Hire: US$.20.00, purchase: US$.185.00 plus shipping charge.

CIS 81-1151
University of Aston in Birmingham
Series of 7 BBC safety films.
These 7 safety films are entitled: the role of the safety representative; noise; chemicals I (chemicals, dust and fumes); chemicals II (working with chemicals); safe systems; inspection; keeping up-to-date. A booklet with background notes (51p.) is available.
16mm films, each 25min. running time. BBC Enterprises, Villiers House, The Broadway, Ealing, London W5 2PA, United Kingdom. Purchase: £240 (film); £120 (video cassette); hire facilities available.

CIS 81-1155 Felton J.S.
Teaching occupational health at the secondary level.
A course on occupational health at a college-preparatory day school in California is described. Topics studied cover all the signifiant current issues facing occupational health professionals in the USA, ranging from federal mandates to toxicological problems. Enrolment is the largest in any elective course offered at the school.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, Jan. 1981, Vol.23, No.1, p.27-29. Illus. 7 ref.


CIS 95-863
Centre national de Prévention et de Protection (CNPP)
S... de seguridad
S... comme sécurité [en francés]
Este videocasete está dirigido a todo el personal de una empresa, incluyendo a aquellos recién incorporados, y tiene como objetivos resaltar la importancia de los servicios de seguridad de la empresa y estimular al equipo humano para que se respeten las reglas de seguridad.
La Médiathèque du Risque, 5 rue Daunou, 75002 Paris, Francia, 1980. Videocasete VHS o diaporama (duración: 12min). Precio: FRF 1155,00 (+ IVA). ###

CIS 92-421 Safety rules for the construction worker
Jianzhu anzhuang gongren anquan jishu caozuo guicheng [en chino]
832 rules in 40 groups under 4 main headings: general provisions; construction work itself; equipment and facilities; machinery and its fabrication.
State Construction Engineering Office, Beijing, China, May 1980. 166p. Price: CHY 0.25.

CIS 88-159
Division of Training and Manpower Development
Nonionizing radiation (583)
Manual designed for a training course. Coverage: electromagnetic fundamentals; microwaves; ultraviolet, visible and infrared radiation; lasers. Subheadings under each type of radiation include: sources; biological effects and hazards; monitoring and hazard evaluation; protection and control; appropriate laws, regulations and exposure limits.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45226, USA, 1980. 1 vol. Illus. Bibl.

CIS 88-151 Curso monográfico general de construcción - Edificación - Manual para el alumno/Curso monográfico general de construcción - Edificación - Manual para el alumno
Illustrated manual to be used in training courses for construction workers, with many exercises and explanations of terms used. Coverage: electrical safety on the construction site; handling, storage and transportation; order and cleanliness; safety colours and warning signs; manual tools; lifting equipment; work at height; earthmoving and excavation work; circulation on the site; metallic structures; concrete work; temporary and permanent structures.
Servicio Social de Higiene y Seguridad del Trabajo, Torrelaguna 73, Madrid 27, Spain, 1980. 293p. Illus.

CIS 87-163 Ergonomics
Ergonomie [en francés]
Contents of a course on ergonomics for safety and health professionals, consisting of 7 modules (physical workload; mental workload; environmental factors; work organisation; ergonomics and psychology; ergonomics and sociology; the practice of ergonomics).
Centre de promotion du travail de la Communauté culturelle Wallonie - Bruxelles, Commissariat général à la Promotion du Travail, Ministère de l'emploi et du travail, 53 rue Bélliard, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium, 1980. 2 vols. 438p. Illus. Bibl.

CIS 84-1157
(Ministério do Trabalho)
Course for occupational safety supervisors
Curso de supervisores de segurança do trabalho [en portugués]
Aspects of OSH covered by this 2-volume handbook, written for the instruction of Brazilian safety officers: Basic definitions and concepts; occupational safety (accident costs; layout; safety by design; labelling and warning signs; transportation, storage and handling of materials; laboratory safety; tools; pressure vessels; welding; electricity; construction and public works; traffic safety; protective devices); occupational hygiene (noise; vibration; extreme temperatures and pressures; radiation; harmful chemical and biological substances; ergonomic problems; occupational diseases); vibration control; fire protection; environmental dangers; standards and legislation; OSH services within the enterprise; occupational psychology; burn prevention; first-aid measures; statistical methods.
Fundacentro, Al. Barão de Limeira, 539, C.P. 30291, 01202 São Paulo, Brazil, 1980. 2 vols. (Vol.1: 309p; Vol.2: 325p.). Illus. Bibl.

CIS 84-539 Alvarez Herrera C.
Normas de higiene y seguridad en el trabajo para la construcción de grandes obras
This manual was written for the training of OSH officers of large construction sites (dams, petrochemical complexes). Topics covered: OSH structure and division of responsibilities; industrial safety standards, excavating, handling of flammable and explosive substances; safe handling of mechanical equipment (electricity, scaffolding, builders' hoists, tools, cranes, welding and cutting); personal protective equipment; fire fighting equipment; signalling; industrial hygiene (definitions, standards, exposure evaluation); personal hygiene (showers, transportation, protection agaist insects, waste removal and disposal); occupational medicine (medical examinations, medical personnel, statistics); appendices (TLVs for exposure to noise, dust and gases; drinking-water).
CONCISA, Avda. Roque Sáenz Peña 825, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1980. 163p. Illus.

CIS 83-1793 Tooley R.W.
Occupational Health Training for Safety Officers : A syllabus
The scope of training outlined covers: classroom instruction on general principles of occupational health and medicine; specific hazards likely to be encountered in New Brunswick; preliminary assessment of potential hazards in the plant; demonstration of the use of a portable gas sampler and sound level meter and interpretation of the results; in-service training; demonstrations and discussion in the course of visits to plants by individual safety officers and medical officers or occupational hygienists.
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, 250 Main Street East, Hamilton, Ont. L8N 1H6, Canada, Oct. 23, 1980. 56p. Illus.

CIS 83-575 A list of audiovisual materials produced by the United States Government for industrial safety
This annotated catalogue lists audiovisual materials produced for safety training in agriculture, construction, first aid, the general industrial environment, the laboratory, materials handling, and mining.
National Audiovisual Center, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Order Section/RQ, Washington, D.C. 20409, USA, June 1980. 18p.

CIS 82-1761 Oushiro O.M.
Accident prevention manual for the textile worker
Manual de prevenção de acidentes para o trabalhador têxtil [en portugués]
Definition of occupational accidents; accident hazards (housekeeping, floor surfaces); machinery and equipment (carding machines, calenders, etc.; machine guards); hand tools; electricity; workplace environmental hazards (chemical, physical, biological); handling, transport and storage of materials; personal protective equipment; fire prevention and fire fighting; safe working methods; goods lifts; accident prevention (textile machinery); weaving; dyeing and finishing of textile products; textile printing machines; boilers; preparation of caustic soda (splashes; eyebaths, showers); safe handling of chemicals; first aid (artificial respiration, cardiac arrest, wounds, burns, fractures, poisoning).
FUNDACENTRO, Alameda Barão de Limeira, C.P. 30291, São Paulo, Brazil, 1980. 127p. Illus. 18 ref.

CIS 82-1471 Projected still pictures (slides and opaque and overhead projections)
This data sheet covers the planning, production and use of safety training and education programmes based on slides, opaque projections or overhead projections.
National Safety Council, 444 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611, USA, 1980. 12p. Illus. 3 ref.

CIS 82-1474 Frumkin H., Hu H.
Occupational and environmental health. A resource guide for health science students
This guide is designed to provide information about jobs, volunteer opportunities, speakers and reading materials available from a wide range of private and governmental organisations, in the USA, interested in occupational and environmental health. Entries include addresses, names and telephone numbers of contact persons, and summaries of the opportunities offered.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226, USA, Mar. 1980. 59p.

CIS 82-524 Hazards in the scaffolding industry
This 2-part slide-tape presentation covers basic safety requirements in the choice, design, foundation, spacing and tying of general purpose independent scaffolding and provides some useful reminders of dangerous practices to be avoided in the use of scaffolding.
Camera Talks Ltd., 31 North Row (Park Lane), London WIR 4EN. Price: Slides £12.95 per part; Filmstrips £9.95; Cassette tape commentary £7.95; Printed commentary £0.95.

CIS 81-2033 Baligand J.
Ministry of Agriculture
Safety training in use of agricultural equipment
La formation à la sécurité à l'égard des matériels agricoles [en francés]
Profusely illustrated training course textbook on safe work with agricultural equipment. Contents: commented statistics on occupational accidents in agricultue; reference to relevant regulations and OSH institutes in France, occupational accident analysis; personal protection; lifting and carrying heavy objects; hazardous areas of machines; slips and falls; tools; electricity; tractors and self-propelled agricultural machinery; soil cultivation machines; machines for crop protection and pesticide spraying; machines for green forage and roughage harvesting silage; cereal crop harvesters; miscellaneous harvesters; transport equipment; brushwood strippers; tractor-mounted augers.
Centre national d'études et d'expérimentation de machinisme agricole (CEMAGREF), Parc de Tourvoie, 92160 Antony, France, 1980. 244p. Illus. 23 ref.

CIS 81-1766 A guide to worker education materials in occupational safety and health: Volume II
Materials produced by labour unions are listed in 3 sections containing: a source index of labour organisations; subject index; other indexes (newsletters, audiovisual materials, foreign language materiels).
US Department of Labor - OSHA, Office of Publication Distribution, Third and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington D.C. 20210, USA, June 1980. 83p.

CIS 81-1759 Better working environment
This manual is designed to be used, with an audiovisual and discussion programme, to introduce workers to general occupational safety and health topics. Sections cover: working environment education; environment; people, the working environment and technical equipment (risks in the workplace); ergonomics and lighting; noise; chemical risks to health; daily occupational safety and health work; model national legislation; checklists for work safety routine inspection. Spanish and Portuguese-language versions of the manual exist.
International Metalworkers' Federation, 54 bis route des Acacias, 1227 Geneva, Switzerland, 1980. 186p. Illus.

CIS 81-1436 Röbenack K.D., Weikert F.
Practical examples of accidents for welders' training courses
Praktische Beispiele für Schweisserbelehrungen [en alemán]
Booklet containing descriptions of accidents causing bodily injuries and material damage, which occurred during welding and cutting operations, or when handling equipment, due to: incorrect welding techniques; irresponsible behaviour (lack of care, horseplay) when handling gases and oxygen; faulty handling of acetylene generators; faulty handlng of gas cylinders and welding equipment. Accidents occurring in arc welding and other techniques. Text of Standard TGL 30270 concerning OSH in welding and cutting (German Democratic Republic).
Verlag Tribüne, Am Treptower Park 28-30, DDR-1193 Berlin, 1980. 148p. Illus. Price: M.3.60.

CIS 81-1495
USSR Central Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute (Vsesojuznyj central'nyj naučno-issledovatel'skij institut ohrany truda)
Catalogue of equipment on view at the Occupational Safety and Health Exhibition 78
Katalog ėksponatov vystavki "Ohrana truda - 78" [en ruso]
Catalogue based on data collected at the Occupational Safety and Health Exhibition (Moscow, USSR, Nov. 1978 - Mar. 1979). Contents: new techniques for improving working conditions and safety (classified by industry); collective protective equipment (ventilation equipment, dust removal equipment, noise and vibration control, electrical safety, radiation protection, equipment for occupational hygiene and medicine laboratories); personal protective equipment (safety shoes, protective clothing, protective equipment for face, eyes, hearing, hands); OSH campaign and training equipment and literature.
Profizdat, ul. Kirova 13, 101000 Moskva, USSR, 1980. 231p. Illus. Price: Rbl.1.40.

CIS 81-1288 Wehner G.
Technical knowledge and instruction for those responsible for radiation protection
Fachkunde des Strahlenschutzbeauftragten [en alemán]
Definition of the respective roles of the person responsible for radiation protection (the plant manager or head of an undertaking), his authorised agent (workshop head) and the safety officer responsible for radiation protection under the regulations in force in the Federal Republic of Germany; review of the provisions of various German regulations on radiation-protection officers' training and the technical knowledge they are expected to possess; reference to more detailed directives under the above directives, concerning, inter alia, the degree of medical knowledge these safety officers are required to have. Short list of W. German institutes offering courses on radiation protection.
Zentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz, Prophylaxe und Ergonomie, Oct. 1980, Vol.30, No.10, p.374-380. Illus. 10 ref.

CIS 81-1139 The working environment in the construction industry - List of publications in the Nordic Countries
Byggeplassens arbeidsmiljø - Nordisk litteraturliste [en noruego]
List of Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish publications (legislation, directives, statistics etc.) which appeared in 1970-79 inclusive. The publications are classified in the same way as the CIS ABSTRACTS.
Norges Byggforskningsinstitutt, Postboks 322, Blindern, Oslo 3, Norvège, 1980. 40p.

CIS 81-1153 Safety advice for beginner technicians in their first jobs in plants or on construction sites
Veiligheidswenken voor aanstaande technici tijdens het werken in fabrieken of werkplaatsen en op bouwwerken [en holandés]
Contents of this information sheet: personal protective equipment adapted to work; hazardous equipment (transmission systems, hand tools); materials handling (manual lifting and carrying of loads); hazards of work at machine tools, in foundries, in confined spaces; hazards of welding and work on ladders.
Arbeidsinspectie, Directoraat-Generaal van de Arbeid, Postbus 69, 2270 MA Voorburg, Netherlands, 1980. 11p. Illus. Price: Fl.0.50.

CIS 81-1150
Labor Occupational Health Program
Working for your life.
This documentary film looks at the hazards faced by working women, and shows women actively seeking solutions by organising health and safety committees, testifying at hearings, and requesting government investigations. It lets the workers speak for themselves: a company that forces women to be sterilised or lose their jobs, a tragic industrial accident, stringent working conditions, toxic exposures.
16mm colour film, running time 57 min. LOHP Films, Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, Berkeley CA 94720, USA, 1980. Price: rental US$65.00; purchase US$475.00.

CIS 81-624 Endicott D.T.
Training accidents do happen.
Description of a fire fighting training accident in which 7 trainees were injured. Degree of burns depended on the type of personal protective equipment worn, especially gloves. Recommendations to eliminate future incidents of this kind.
Fire Command, Sep. 1980, Vol.47, No.9, p.46-48. Illus.

CIS 81-837 Dräger films synchronised slide and sound shows
Dräger Filme und Tonbildschauen [en alemán]
Catalogue of films and audiovisual kits (colour slides and synchronised commentary) available from Drägerwerk, covering the following fields: respiratory protection, gaz analysis, emergency medical treatment, diving. The catalogue gives the following information: summary; format; running time; year of production; conditions of hire; sale price.
Drägerwerk AG, Abt. Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Postfach 1339, 2400 Lübeck 1, Federal Republic of Germany, 1980. 41p.

CIS 81-574 Collection of safety posters issued by the French National Research and Safety Institute, April 1980
Répertoire des affiches de l'Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, avril 1980. [en francés]
Reproduction, by 4-colour printing process, of French National REsearch and Safety Institute (INRS) posters, arranged under the following headings: general problems; common hazards and problems (lifting), materials handling, in-plant vehicle and pedestrian traffic; electricity; commuting accidents; machinery, plant and equipment; work environment; fires and explosions, first aid, occupational hygiene; building and civil engineering; woodworking; book industry; food industry; transport industry; chemical industry; garbage collecting). Advice on use of posters. Numerical classification. An offprint of this poster collection is available free of charge (INRS Edition No.390, Apr. 1980, Order code: 4945).
Travail et sécurité, Apr. 1980, No.4, p.207-231. Illus.

CIS 81-261 Catalogue of safety films
Filme für den Arbeitsschutz - Katalog [en alemán]
Catalogue listing 81 films on general or specific subjects and topics in the field of OSH (e.g. responsibility in case of accidents, OSH in works canteens, housekeeping, hazards of falling, respirators, scaffolding, noise control, ladders, live work, pesticides, explosive-actuated tools, woodworking). Each title is followed by an abstract of the film, indicating producer/distributor, film dimension, running time, type of sound track, colour or black-and-white production date. These films are available from the labour inspectorates attached to the Regional Administrative Committee of the Federation of Trade Unions.
Verlag Tribüne, Am Treptower Park 28-30, DDR-1193 Berlin, 1980. 29p.

CIS 80-1930 "Hazardous substances and preparations" campaign: thorough knowledge means thorough protection
Campagne "substances et préparations dangereuses": bien les reconnaître pour bien se protéger. [en francés]
This booklet gives basic technical information on hazardous substances and preparations: awareness of these substances and attendant hazards; classification of products by hazard; sources of information; control measures (general preventive action; particular safety measures for certain categories of product; everybody's role in OSH); labelling, warning notices; first aid and emergency treatment; alphabetical index.
D/1980/1202/12, Commissariat général à la promotion du travail, 53 rue Belliard, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium, 1980. 45p. Illus.

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