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  • Zoonoses


CIS 96-2313
Health and Safety Executive
Riesgos de enfermedades debidas al ganado
Occupational health risks from cattle [en inglés]
Esta nota informativa describe los riesgos profesionales relacionados con la encefalopatía esponjiforme bovina (ESB) y las zoonosis. En el sumario: repaso de la ESB y control de la propagación de la enfermedad; riesgo en el hombre (enfermedad de Creutzfeldt-Jakob); exposición a la ESB y a las zoonosis en el medio laboral; precauciones contra las zoonosis (evitar los cortes y los pinchazos, utilización de prendas de protección individual); seguridad en las operaciones de limpieza de los recipientes que hayan contenido alimentos o de harinas a partir de huesos.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 6FS, Reino Unido, set. 1996. 3p. 1 ref.

CIS 96-2312
Health and Safety Commission, Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens
ESB (encefalopatía esponjiforme bovina) - Balance histórico y general en el medio laboral
BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) - Background and general occupational guidance [en inglés]
Este artículo describe las causas y las características de la ESB, los riesgos profesionales, las posibles formas de transmisión y las medidas de prevención. Las precauciones elementales que deben tomar los grupos de riesgo (agricultores, cirujanos, veterinarios, trabajadores en mataderos) son enumeradas: prevención de heridas por cortes, abrasión o pinchazos, utilización de prendas de protección y máscaras, higiene personal, limpieza de las zonas de trabajo y de los equipos, y métodos adecuados de eliminación de desechos.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 6FS, Reino Unido, ago. 1996. 10p. 14 ref. Precio: GBP 5,50.

CIS 96-2311 Snashall D.
Infecciones de origen profesional
Occupational infections [en inglés]
Esta nota informativa, que forma parte de la serie ABC of Work Related Disorders trata sobre las enfermedades siguientes: carbunco, glanders, anquilostomiasis, brucelosis, leptospirosis, tuberculosis, hepatitis vírica (B y C), infección VIH, enfermedades del ganado, enfermedades no agrícolas (a causa de aceite contaminado, infecciones de oído en los submarinistas, legionelosis, enfermedades en personal sanitario, enfermedad de Lyme en los trabajadores forestales). En relación con el riesgo de infección, los trabajadores de algunas profesiones requieren inmunizaciones específicas.
British Medical Journal, 31 ago. 1996, vol.313, p.551-554. Ilus.

CIS 96-1092 Pellé-Duporté D., Kouyoumdjian S., Tuchais E., Carbonnelle B., Simon B.
Epidemia de ornitosis en una granja avícola
Une épidémie d'ornithose dans un abattoir de volailles [en francés]
La ornitosis es una enfermedad infecciosa causada por una bacteria, Chlamydia psittaci. Las aves de corral y otro tipo de pájaros son los principales portadores de esta bacteria, que se transmite al hombre a través del tracto respiratorio. Este artículo relata el seguimiento de una epidemia de esta enfermedad que apareció en una granja avícola de 56 trabajadores, 18 de ellos comenzaron a desarrollar síntomas forzándoles a interrumpir el trabajo, siendo hospitalizados 4 de ellos. Los síntomas generales combinaban pneumopatías agudas con fiebre unidas a un deterioro general del estado de salud. En otros casos, el cuadro clínico no era tan completo. El diagnóstico se basó en la serología; no se aisló ningún gérmen mediante las técnicas bacteriológicas normalmente utilizadas. Tras un tratamiento mediante antibióticos, la evolución de esta enfermedad fue muy favorable en todos los casos. Los trabajadores afectados fueron compensados económicamente según la tabla nº 87 de enfermedades profesionales del Regimen General de la Seguridad Social.
Archives des maladies professionnelles et de médecine du travail, feb. 1996, vol.57, n°1, p.51-54. 14 ref.


CIS 99-486 Alonso Espadalé R.M., Martí Solé M.C.
La inmunización activa: una herramienta de prevención
Temas tratados: aspectos legales; brucelosis; equinococosis; España; inmunización; leptospirosis; nota informativa; prevención del contagio; rabia; tifus; tuberculosis; vacunación.
Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Ediciones y Publicaciones, c/Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, España, 1995. 4p. 9 ref.

CIS 97-1203
World Health Organization (WHO)
Las mujeres en el trabajo en Europa - El reto de hoy y del mañana
Women at work in Europe - The challenge of today and tomorrow [en inglés]
Este informe examina los datos estadísticos sobre la cifra de mujeres empleadas en el seno de la Unión Europea, concentrándose en sus profesiones, las industrias que las emplean y los riesgos nocivos para la salud a las que están potencialmente expuestas. Principales puntos tratados: afecciones intestinales inflamatorias; cáncer; tuberculosis; enfermedades que se transmiten a través de animales; hepatitis; virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana; cargas de calor y frío; exposición a polvos y fibras, al plomo y a los disolventes; efectos sobre la reproducción; mortalidad perinatal; malformaciones congénitas. Se expone la necesidad de investigación.
Occupational Health Programme, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Scherfigsvej 8, 2100 København Ø, Dinamarca, 1995. 50p. 86 ref.

CIS 96-1492 Choudat D., Pairon J.C.
Virus oncógenos y exposiciones laborales
Virus oncogènes et expositions professionnelles [en francés]
Con el fin de ilustrar las posibles conexiones entre los virus oncógenos y los cánceres profesionales en el ser humano, este artículo trata sobre el papel de los papilomavirus y de determinados virus oncógenos aviares. Se repasan los diferentes argumentos a favor del papel que tiene el papilomavirus en el exceso de casos de cáncer bronquial entre los carniceros y los manipuladores de carne. También se revisan citas epidemiológicas, otros estudios sobre las alteraciones sanguíneas y determinados virus, como el virus de la leucemia bovina y los virus oncogénicos aviares. Todavía no se ha demostrado una clara relación entre el cáncer y la exposición laboral a virus oncogénicos. Para progresar en este tema, hará falta la colaboración de médicos, veterinarios, laboratorios de investigación y epidemiólogos.
Documents pour le médecin du travail, 4o trimestre 1995, n°64, p.239-244. Ilus. 47 ref.

CIS 96-510
Health and Safety Executive
Guía de la salud y la seguridad en la explotación agrícola
Ffermio diogel: Eich canllaw i iechyd a diogelwch [en galés]
Traducción de un folleto de carácter pedagógico publicado en 1993 con el título "Farmwise: Your guide to health and safety" (CIS 93-1246), en el que se exponen en términos sencillos los principios de la salud y seguridad en la explotación agrícola. En el sumario: cumplimiento de la ley; seguridad en el uso de las máquinas; transporte y manutención; trabajos forestales; seguridad eléctrica; protección contra incendios y explosiones; trabajos de mantenimiento; trajes y equipos de protección; seguridad infantil; prevención de los riesgos nocivos para la salud; riesgos asociados al contacto con animales; seguridad de utilización de los productos químicos; riesgos sonoros; exposición a polvos y humos; evaluación de los riesgos; cuidado del medioambiente; accidentes y situaciones de emergencia; reglamentación.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury CO10 6FS, Reino Unido, 1995. iii, 36p. Ilus. 45 ref. Precio: GBP 3,50.

CIS 96-1089 Ellis B.A., Mills J.N., Childs J.E.
Virus de la fiebre hemorrágica transmitidos por los roedores, especialmente inportante para los agricultores
Rodent-borne hemorrhagic fever viruses of importance to agricultural workers [en inglés]
Comentarios sobre la etiología, epidemiología, formas clínicas, los tratamientos y la prevención de virus de la fiebre hemorrágica transmitidos por los roedores. La familia de Arenavinidae incluye al virus de Lassa, causante de la fiebre de Lasa en la parte occidental de Africa, así como a cuatro virus de sudamerica, Junín, Machupo, Guanarito y Sabiá. Al menos tres virus del género de Hantavirus, familia Bunyaviridae, causan fiebre hemorrágica con síntomas renales en Europa y Asia. El virus "Sin Nombre" es el responsable del síndrome pulmonar de Hantavirus que ha provocado cerca de 100 casos desde su descubrimiento en el suroeste de los Estados Unidos en 1993. Los agricultores forman un grupo de riesgo debido a su mayor probabilidad de exposición a roedores en los medios rurales.
Journal of Agromedicine, 1995, vol.2, n°4, p.7-44. 178 ref.

CIS 96-1100
Health and Safety Commission, Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens
Clasificación de los agentes biológicos según las distintas categorías de peligrosidad y almacenamiento
Categorisation of biological agents according to hazard and containment categories [en inglés]
La edición de esta guía (edición anterior, ver CIS 91-1019) refleja la necesidad de aplicar dos directivas de la Comunidad Europea respecto a los agentes biológicos (90/679/EEC y 93/88/EEC). Contenidos: información básica concerniente a la caracterización de los agentes biológicos; lista orientativa de bacterias, virus, parásitos y hongos agrupados en cuatro grupos de riesgo; consejos acerca de las medidas de almacenamiento apropiadas; requisitos del almacenamiento de cada uno de los cuatro grupos anteriores, tanto en laboratorios como en aquellos trabajos con animales inoculados con agentes biológicos. Los anexos contienen más recomendaciones sobre el control de agentes biológicos específicos. Se incluye una lista aprobada de los agentes biológicos. Las secciones de la guía que tienen un valor legal están claramente señaladas.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 6FS, Reino Unido, 4a ed., 1995. viii, 152p. 13 ref. Precio: GBP 8,50.

CIS 96-366 Bartelink A.K.M., van Kregten E.
El Streptococcus suis, una amenaza para los criadores de ganado porcino y los trabajadores en mataderos
Streptococcus suis as threat to pig-farmers and abattoir workers [en inglés]
La comunicación informa brevemente de dos casos de shock séptico sobrevenido tras una infección de Steptococcus suis: un trabajador de un matadero que falleció tras la infección, y un criador de ganado porcino que padeció múltiples problemas orgánicos, recuperado tras un tratamiento intensivo. En el ser humano, la infección por Streptococcus suis suele provocar posteriormente el desarrollo de una meningitis. El shock séptico, aunque poco frecuente, suele ser mortal. Es esencial la detección precoz en los criadores de ganado porcino y los trabajadores de los mataderos.
Lancet, 23/30 dic. 1995, vol.346, n°8991/8992, p.1707. 4 ref.

CIS 96-204 Langley R.L., Pryor W.H., O'Brien K.F.
Riesgos para la salud entre los veterinarios - Encuesta y estudio bibliográfico
Health hazards among veterinarians - A survey and review of the literature [en inglés]
Los resultados de una encuesta por cuestionario realizada entre 701 médicos veterinarios de Carolina del Norte (E.E.U.U.) reveló que un 67% de los participantes había sido víctima de un accidente grave asociado con los animales y que un 8,2% había sido hospitalizado a causa de algún accidente asociado al trabajo. Los riesgos registrados incluían las infecciones zoonóticas, las alergias a los animales o incluso la exposición accidental a pesticidas, vacunas, productos farmacéuticos, gases anestésicos y radiaciones en los reconocimientos radiográficos. Se evaluó también la utilización de equipos de control de la exposición y protección personal. Se formulan recomendaciones útiles para reducir los riesgos.
Journal of Agromedicine, 1995, vol.2, n°1, p.23-52. 93 ref.

CIS 95-1520 Hayes M., Williams F.J.
Toxoplasmosis - ¿quién es el responsable?
Toxoplasmosis - whose responsibility? [en inglés]
Safety and Health Practitioner, feb. 1995, vol.13, n°2, p.20-25. Ilus. 20 ref. ###

CIS 95-1168
Ministère des Affaires sociales, de la Santé et de la Ville
Decreto nº95-52 del 12 de enero de 1995. Cuadros de enfermedades profesionales - Modificaciones y aportaciones [Francia]
Décret n°95-52 du 12 janv. 1995. Tableaux de maladies professionnelles - Modifications et adjonctions [France] [en francés]
El decreto nº95-52 aporta las modificaciones siguientes: ampliación de la lista limitativa de trabajos potencialmente causantes de alguna enfermedad del cuadro nº42 "Sordera provocada por ruidos lesivos"; Creación de nuevos cuadros: nº92 Infecciones profesionales por streptococo suis; nº93 "Lesiones crónicas del segmento anterior del ojo provocadas por la exposición a las partículas circulantes en los pozos de minas de carbón".
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Hygiène et sécurité du travail, 1er trimestre 1995, n°158, nota n°1985-158-95, p.101-102. 28 ref. También en: Journal officiel, 18 ene. 1995.


CIS 96-1327 Parkes W.R.
Neuropatías de etiología profesional
Occupational lung disorders [en inglés]
Principales puntos del sumario de este manual: morfología del aparato respiratorio; fisiología pulmonar; deposición y depuración de los aerosoles; patogénesis de las nuemoconiosis minerales; imagen óptica de las neuropatías de etiología profesional; epidemiología; bronquitis crónica; obstrucción del paso de aire y enfisema; bronquitis, obstrucción de las vías aéreas y profesión; neumoconiosis asociadas a los minerales no fibrógenos, el carbón y a otras materias carbonosas; silicosis y patologías asociadas; alteraciones relacionadas con el amianto y los silicatos no asbestósicos; beriliosis; disfunciones no neoplásicas debidas a agentes metálicos, químicos y físicos; cáncer pulmonar; neumonía de hipersensibilidad; asma profesional y bisinosis; patologías infecciosas y zoonosis; patologías causadas por otros agentes orgánicos; los pulmones en el espacio y grandes alturas; pulmones y submarinismo.
Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd., Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP, Reino Unido, 3a ed., 1994. xix, 892p. Ilus. Ref.bibl. Indice. Precio: GBP 145,00.

CIS 95-2034 Wald P.H., Stave G.M.
Riesgos profesionales de naturaleza física o biológica
Physical and biological hazards of the workplace [en inglés]
Manual de nivel universitario que contiene información actualizada y muy detallada sobre los riesgos físicos y biológicos, destacando aquellos que afectan a los trabajadores y puestos de trabajo en los Estados Unidos. Cada riesgo o patología viene acompañado de un estudio exhaustivo sobre el diagnóstico, el tratamiento, la supervisión médica y la prevención. En el sumario: riesgos físicos - interacción hombre-máquina (riesgos ergonómicos y alteraciones de las extremidades superiores, manutención manual de los materiales, vibraciones, energía mecánica); entorno de trabajo físico (ambientes calientes o fríos, trabajo con presión hiperbárica o hipobárica, trabajo por turnos); energía y radiaciones electromagnéticas (ionizantes, ultravioletas, visibles, infrarrojos, láser, microondas, radiofrecuencias y extremadamente bajas frecuencias; ruido; electricidad, incluyendo los accidentes por rayos). Riesgos biológicos - principios generales de microbiología y enfermedades infecciosas; síntomas clínicos y efectos patológicos de la exposición profesional; prevención de las patologías debidas a los riesgos biológicos; virus; bacterias; microbacterias; hongos; rickettsias y clamidias; parásitos; envenenamiento (artrópodos, serpientes, etc.); alergenos; células malignas; organismos recombinantes, endotoxinas; polvos de madera.
Van Nostrand Reinhold, 115 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10003, USA y International Thomson Publishing, Berkshire House, 168-173 High Holborn, London WC1V 7AA, Reino Unido, 1994. xxi, 511p. Ilus. Ref.bibl. Indice. Precio: GBP 59,00.


CIS 94-1761 Cristofolini A., Bassetti D., Schallenberg G.
Zoonoses transmitted by ticks (tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme borreliosis): Preliminary results
Le zoonosi trasmesse da zecche nei lavoratori forestali (tick-borne encephalitis e Lyme Borreliosis): Risultati preliminari [en italiano]
To investigate the diffusion of infections transmitted by ticks (Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) and Lyme borreliosis) in forest workers, a serological investigation was carried out in the Province of Trento (Northern Italy) on the sera of 465 subjects at potential risk (foresters, hunters, woodcutters, gamekeepers). Antibodies for TBE virus were found in five subjects working in the same area, and antibodies for Borrelia burgdorferi were found in 15 subjects. All three clinical cases of TBE identified reported that they had been bitten by ticks in the same geographical area. The presence of specific antibodies for TBE virus was tested on the sera of animals grazing in several areas: four positive cases were observed in the same area as the human cases reported above.
Medicina del lavoro, Sep.-Oct. 1993, Vol.84, No.5, p.394-402. 35 ref.

CIS 94-1760 Ferguson I.R.
Rats, fish and Weil's disease
Leptospirosis is a potential hazard to farmers, agricultural workers and those coming into contact with rats or natural inland waters. The discovery and nature of the disease are described along with the means of transmission via infected animals, the effects of the disease in humans and occurrences of the disease in the British Isles since 1922. A table shows occupational/risk groups from 1970-1992 with numbers affected and deaths. Guidance is given on reducing the risk of the disease along with methods of treatment and prevention.
Safety and Health Practitioner, Dec. 1993, Vol.11, no.12, p.12-16. Illus.

CIS 94-1411 Thompson P.J., Cousins D.V., Gow B.L., Collins D.M., Williamson B.H., Dagnia H.T.
Seals, seal trainers, and mycobacterial infection
In 1986, three seals died in an Australian marine park; postmortem tissue culture suggested infection with Mycobacterium bovis. In 1988, a seal trainer employed at the park until 1985 developed pulmonary tuberculosis caused by M. bovis while working in a zoo 3,000km away. Culture characteristics, biochemical behaviour, sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and restriction endonuclease analysis suggested that the strains of M. bovis infecting the seals and trainer were identical but unique and differed from reference strains and local cattle strains of M. bovis. The infection in both the seals and trainer had a destructive but indolent course. This is the first time that M. bovis has been observed in seals and the first time that tuberculosis infection has been documented to be transmitted from seals to humans. Those working with seals and other marine animals should be monitored for infection.
American Review of Respiratory Disease, Jan. 1993, Vol.147, No.1, p.164-167. Illus. 18 ref.

CIS 94-600
Health and Safety Executive
Health and safety in horse riding establishments
Contents of this guidance booklet: legal duties; management of health and safety; health and safety training; manual handling; notification of accidents and incidents and provision of first aid; assessing and controlling hazards associated with harmful substances, dust, zoonoses and tetanus; precautions during veterinary treatment; environment and welfare; inspection and maintenance of tack; riding and road safety (protective equipment); electrical safety; safe use of machinery. Appendices include: horse behaviour; self-audit checklist; advice on safety policy statement; sample reporting forms for injuries and diseases.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury CO10 6FS, Suffolk, United Kingdom, 1993. iv, 76p. Illus. 49 ref. Price: GBP 8.50.

CIS 94-716 Vignon M., Dupas D., Géraut C.
Streptococcus suis meningitis: A severe noncompensated occupational disease
Méningite à Streptococcus suis: une maladie professionnelle grave non indemnisable [en francés]
French version of article published in English in the Journal of Occupational Medicine and abstracted under CIS 93-2072. Meningitis caused by Streptococcus suis type 2, a rare disease first recognized in 1968 (108 cases worldwide in 1989), is contracted by occupational exposure to pigs and often results in very severe disabilities (definitive deafness and ataxia in 50% of cases). The case of an employee in a rendering plant whose initial symptom was deafness is reported. A detailed analysis of medical and veterinary literature is provided concerning the epidemiology of the disease, the clinical forms in man, bacteriological diagnosis and the role of the pig as a healthy carrier. It is recommended that this occupational disease be officially recognized for compensation in France.
Archives des maladies professionnelles, 1993, Vol.54, No.6, p.487-494. 40 ref.

CIS 94-373 Blanchin N., Abadia G., Leprince A.
Risk of infection associated with the management and handling of experimental animals in animal facilities
Risques infectieux liés à la maintenance et à la manipulation des animaux de laboratoire pour le personnel travaillant dans les animaleries [en francés]
Contents of this information sheet on the risk of infection associated with the handling of laboratory animals: 1. main infectious agents of animal origin which are pathogenetic in men (table on the use of vertebrate animals in 1990); 2. real risks in relation to the animals handled and their sources (table of bacterial, viral, parasitic, ectoparasitic and fungal diseases, with information on: name of the aetiological agent, degree of pathogenicity in man, animal vectors, mode of contamination diagnosis and treatment); 3. guidelines for the prevention of infectious risks in laboratory animal facilities (vaccinations, safety precautions in case of a bite or any other contaminating incident, training and information of employees).
Documents pour le médecin du travail, 1st Quarter 1993, No.53, p.3-23. 61 ref.

CIS 94-149 Leptospirosis; Leptospirosis in pigs
Two safety brochures devoted to leptospirosis (also known as Weil's disease and swineherds' disease), a common zoonosis caught from cattle, pigs, deer and some wild animals. Symptoms, means and spread of infection, persons at risk and preventative measures are described.
Occupational Safety and Health Service, Department of Labour, P.O. Box 3705, Wellington, New Zealand, [1993?]. 2 brochures of 2p. each. Illus.

CIS 93-2068 Davies P.T.G., Jahfar S., Ferguson I.T., Windl O.
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in individuals occupationally exposed to BSE
A case of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is briefly reported in a dairy farmer who was directly exposed to cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) on his farm. This second such report still does not associate CJD and BSE on statistical grounds, although it does emphasise the continuing importance of accurate diagnosis and reporting of all cases of CJD, especially those from potentially at risk occupations.
Lancet, 11 Sep. 1993, Vol.342, No.8872, p.680. 1 ref.

CIS 93-2062 Moore R.M., Davis Y.M., Kaczmarek R.G.
An overview of occupational hazards among veterinarians, with particular reference to pregnant women
Veterinarians are challenged by a large number of occupational hazards, including exposure to ionising radiation, injury, infectious agents, and chemicals. In this paper, the health hazards in a typical veterinary practice are inventoried, and the risks of each are assessed. During the past few decades, there has been a significant increase in women entering the veterinary profession. Information is presented concerning the impact of various occupational hazards on the health of female practitioners and paraprofessionals, particularly with regard to the reproductive system. Many of the occupational hazards are exclusively, or more significantly, detrimental to females (particularly when pregnant) and to their unborn. Women must be aware of and avoid these hazards in their clinical environment. The purpose of this review is to assist practitioners in identifying and assessing the hazards in their practice and determining what steps must be taken to eliminate or reduce them.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Mar. 1993, Vol.54, No.3, p.113-120. 62 ref.

CIS 93-1246
Health and Safety Executive
Farmwise: Your guide to health and safety
This booklet describes in straightforward terms the principles of health and safety on the farm. Contents: compliance with the law; safe use of machines; transport and handling of materials; farm forestry operations; safe use of electricity; guarding against fire and explosion; maintenance work; protective clothing and equipment; child safety; avoiding health problems; livestock hazards; safe use of chemicals; dangers of noise; exposure to dust and fumes; risk assessment; caring for the working environment; accidents and emergencies; legislation.
HMSO Books, P.O. Box 276, London SW8 5DT, United Kingdom, 1993. iii, 36p. Illus. 45 ref. Price: GBP 3.50.

CIS 93-1033
Health and Safety Executive
The occupational zoonoses
Details are given of 17 zoonoses. Information provided includes: name of disease and responsible organism; animals carrying the organism; incidence; hazard to humans; means of transmission; occupations and activities at risk; means of control; clinical diagnosis; immunisation; legislation relating to notification of the disease. An introductory chapter outlines general regulatory requirements for hazard assessment, prevention and control, health surveillance and supply of information to employees. The diseases considered are: anthrax; bovine tuberculosis; brucellosis; cryptosporidiosis; hantavirus disease; hydatid disease (echinococcosis); leptospirosis (Weil's disease and cattle form); Lyme disease; Newcastle disease; orf; ovine chlamydiosis; psittacosis; Q fever; rabies; ringworm; Streptococcosis suis. A list of occupations with associated zoonosis hazards is appended.
HMSO Books, P.O. Box 276, London SW8 5DT, United Kingdom, 1993. viii, 32p. Bibl.ref. Price: GBP 5.00.


CIS 94-187 Cherniack M.G.
Diseases of unusual occupations: An historical perspective
An historical review of the nature and occurrence of some unusual occupational diseases is presented: coal miners' nystagmus; scrotal cancer and chimney sweeps; phossy jaw and matchmaking; mercurialism and hatters' shakes; painters' colic; potters' rot and endemic silicosis; chauffeurs' knee and the diseases of transportation; glanders and unusual infectious occupational diseases (factory fever, woolsorters' disease); diseases affecting work in marine-related occupations (mariners' tuberculosis, caisson disease); craft neuroses and trade palsies (writers' and telegraphers' cramps); unusual occupations and contemporary occupational diseases.
Occupational Medicine: State of the Art Reviews, July-Sep. 1992. Vol.7, No.3, p.369-384. 82 ref.

CIS 93-2072 Dupas D., Vignon M., Géraut C.
Streptococcus suis meningitis - A severe noncompensated occupational disease
Meningitis caused by Streptococcus suis type 2, a rare disease first recognised in 1968 (108 cases worldwide in 1989), is contracted by occupational exposure to pigs and often results in very severe disabilities (definitive deafness and ataxia in 50% of cases). The case of an employee in a rendering plant whose initial symptom was deafness is reported. A detailed analysis of medical and veterinary literature is provided concerning the epidemiology of the disease, the clinical forms in man, bacteriological diagnosis and the role of the pig as a healthy carrier. It is recommended that this occupational disease be officially recognised for compensation in France.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, Nov. 1992, Vol.34, No.11, p.1102-1105. 28 ref.

CIS 92-1941
Health and Safety Commission, Education Services Advisory Committee
Health and safety in animal facilities
This booklet describes the hazards encountered by laboratory animal workers and provides recommendations on safe working methods. Contents: the statutory framework (health and safety legislation, other legislation, European Directives); specific hazards (biological, chemical and physical hazards, fire hazards, waste disposal, security and welfare). Appendices include a summary of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985 (RIDDOR) and a list of typical routine electrical checks for portable apparatus.
HMSO Books, P.O. Box 276, London SW8 5DT, United Kingdom, 1992. 30p. 71 ref. Price: GBP 4.00.


CIS 96-1889 Brucelosis: Estudio descriptivo sobre factores de riesgo laboral y condiciones de trabajo
Estudio de la brucelosis de etiología profesional en España. En el sumario: análisis de los datos estadísticos sobre brucelosis (1985.1989); impacto socio-económico de la enfermedad; objetivos del estudio; métodos de estudio (diseño de los estudios, cuestionarios utilizados, sector geográfico); análisis de los resultados (análisis de los casos declarados, casos declarados según profesión y actividad económica, incapacidades temporales para trabajar, casos según época del año); síntomas clínicos y pruebas de laboratorio; análisis según fuente de infección potencial e implicaciones para la higiene veterinaria; instalaciones para el ganado; análisis de otros factores (provincia, edad, sexo, instalaciones para lavarse, hábitos higiénicos, tipo de enfermedad); conclusiones (frecuencia en la población activa, clasificación de los factores de riesgo, registros); recomendaciones para la prevención. En un anexo: lista de abreviaturas; lista de ilustraciones y de tablas; cuestionarios.
Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Ediciones y Publicaciones, c/Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, España, 1991. 148p. Ilus.

CIS 94-718 Müller E., Wittig M.
Is chlamydia still an important pathogen to man? A case study
Chlamydien als Infektionserreger für den Menschen noch von Bedeutung? Eine Fallbeschreibung [en alemán]
A case of interstitial pneumonia was traced to Chlamydia ovis as causative agent. A female patient had worked three weeks before the outbreak of the disease on a temporary basis in a laboratory where chicken eggs were inoculated with Chlamydia ovis for producing a vaccine against the pathogen. Symptoms and treatment are described. A literature survey of known cases of infections with Chlamidiaceae reveals among other things birds and cattle as carriers of the pathogen. The importance of work history, serum diagnosis and chest radiography is stressed.
Arbeitsmedizin - Sozialmedizin - Präventivmedizin, Apr. 1991, Vol.26, No.4, p.153-156. 18 ref.

CIS 92-738
Ministère des affaires sociales et de l'intégration
Order of 23 August 1991 on vaccination: List of occupations concerned [France]
Arrêté du 23 août 1991 sur la vaccination: professions concernées [France] [en francés]
Order of 23 Aug. 1991 (published in the Journal officiel of 3 Sep. 1991). This order, which completes Act 91-73 and orders of 6 Feb. 1991 and 15 Mar. 1991 (abstracted under CIS 91-1754), provides a list of medical and health care personnel to be immunised against hepatitis B, diptheria, tetanus and poliomyelitis.
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Sécurité et hygiène du travail, 4th Quarter 1991, No.145, Note No.1862-145-91, p.739.

CIS 92-667 Kligman E.W., Peate W.F., Cordes D.H.
Occupational infections in farm workers
This paper deals with occupational infections which can cause disease and disability in agricultural workers. Prevention and control methods discussed include: personal protective equipment; educational efforts; workplace revisions and engineering controls; animal control measures, such as vaccines and antibiotics. To the physician treating a farmer with various symptoms the paper offers checklists of questions concerning work activities, exposures, and medical history. The symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment, and prevention and control of the 11 most common agricultural infections are presented: anthrax; ascariasis; brucellosis; viral encephalitis; leptospirosis; Q fever; rabies; Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever; staphylococcal infections; tetanus; tularaemia.
Occupational Medicine: State of the Art Reviews, July-Sep. 1991, Vol.6, No.3, p.429-446. 18 ref.

CIS 92-666 Fanning A., Edwards S.
Mycobacterium bovis infection in human beings in contact with elk (Cervus elaphus) in Alberta, Canada
Following an epizootic of M. bovis infection in domesticated elk, in Alberta, Canada, 466 human contacts of elk herds were identified, of whom 394 were assessed. Of 81 contacts whom were tuberculin skin-test positive, 50 had been in contact with culture-positive animals. The mode of transmission of M. bovis from these farm animals to man is likely to be aerosolisation of infected particles. Because of the apparent susceptibility of farmed Cervidae (deer) to M. bovis infection, and the evidence of spread to man, control measures to prevent human infection should be developed.
Lancet, 16 Nov. 1991, Vol.338, No.8777, p.1253-1255. 8 ref.

CIS 91-1754
Ministère des affaires sociales et de la solidarité
Act of 18 January 1991 and Orders of 6 February and 15 March 1991: Vaccination. Compulsory vaccinations. Conditions of immunisation [France]
Loi n°91-73 du 18 janvier 1991 et arrêtés du 6 février et du 15 mars 1991: Vaccination - Obligations. Conditions d'immunisation [France] [en francés]
All persons exposed as a result of their professional activity in a public or private health care or medical prevention establishment to the risk of contamination as well as all medical students must be immunised against hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus and poliomyelitis. Employees of biomedical analysis laboratories must also be vaccinated against typhoid fever. The cost of vaccination must be borne by the employer or the educational establishment concerned. The Order of 6 February 1991 lays down the conditions of immunisation of persons covered by article L.10 of the Public Health Code. The Order of 15 March 1991 provides a list of public or private health care or public health establishments in which exposed personnel must be vaccinated. Act No.91-73 was published in the Journal officiel of 20.01.1991. Decrees of 6 Feb. 1991 and 15 March 1991 were published in the Journal officiel of 21 Feb. 1991 and 3 April 1991, respectively.
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Sécurité et hygiène du travail, 1st Quarter 1991, No.143, Note No.1833-143-91, p.291 and 292.

CIS 91-2069 Occupational diseases affecting persons who work in contact with animals and their products and wastes
Al-amrāḍ ul-mihniyya allati tasaadifu ladaa l-aškhaas allathiina yu(amaluun bi tamaass ma(a l-hayawaanaat wa muntajaatiha wa fadlaatiha [en árabe]
Review emphasising the infectious diseases associated with animal husbandry. The diseases, the causative organisms, routes of infection and preventive measures are mentioned.
Arab Labour Office, Arab Institute for Occupational Health and Safety, P.O. Box 5770, Damascus, Syria, 1991. 34p.


CIS 92-1367 Teyssier-Cotte C.
Vaccinations at work. Regulations and responsibilities of the various people concerned [France]
Vaccinations en milieu de travail. Réglementation et obligation des différents acteurs [France] [en francés]
In certain occupations some vaccinations are compulsory and others are recommended. Outside of these occupations, some vaccinations may be practical for the prevention of a particular occupational risk. Various compulsory and recommended vaccinations in France are presented, along with vaccinations under international regulations and requirements for vaccination at work. The responsibilities of the various people involved (employees, employers, industrial physicians) are explained and examples are given of how this responsibility may be assigned in two particular situations: contamination of a non-immunised individual and accidents with vaccines.
Documents pour le médecin du travail, 4th Quarter 1990, No.44, p.367-371. Illus. 23 ref.

CIS 92-871 Nguewou Z.
Occupational medicine in Cameroon - Problems associated with workmen's compensation
Médecine du travail au Cameroun - Problèmes de réparation des préjudices corporels [en francés]
Contents of this book on problems associated with workmen's compensation in Cameroon: I - Historical survey. II - Problems respecting compensation of occupational accidents and diseases. III - Future of occupational medicine and accident prevention in Cameroon. Appendix: Main OSH laws: Law of 13 July 1977 concerning compensation for and prevention of industrial accidents and occupational diseases, including the schedule of occupational diseases (see CIS 79-2096); Law of 18 Nov. 1968 pertaining to the organisation of the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases and comments on Law of 23 Dec. 1982 pertaining to OSH committees.
Editions Sopecam, BP 1218, Yaoundé, Cameroon, 1990. 248p. Illus. 50 ref.

CIS 91-1366 Disposal of potentially contaminated animal wastes
This data sheet is a revision of the 1984 edition (CIS 85-1003). It outlines the planning and procedures necessary for safe handling and disposal of potentially contaminated animal wastes in biomedical laboratory facilities, veterinary, clinical, research or teaching institutions, animal quarantine units, and other facilities where diseased animals are housed.
National Safety Council, 444 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611, USA, 1990. 4p. 22 ref.

CIS 91-1019
Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens
Categorisation of pathogens according to hazard and categories of containment
Contents of this guide: introductory comments on assessing the dangers of pathogenic organisms, a review of categorisation, physical containment of work and implementation of preventive measures; categories of pathogens (allocation of pathogens to hazard groups; definition of hazard groups; matching hazard group with containment level; modification to containment; categorisation lists; vaccination; vaccinia immunisation; sources of vaccines and other immunological products); categories of containment (model rules; local adjustments to levels of containment; laboratory and animal room containment levels). Appendices include: recommendations for certain types of virus, the use of Class II microbiological safety cabinets, respiratory protective equipment and training of laboratory personnel.
HMSO Books, P.O. Box 276, London SW8 5DT, United Kingdom, 2nd ed., 1990. 68p. 17 ref. Price: 6.00.

CIS 91-322 Collins C.H., Grange J.M.
The microbiological hazards of occupations
Topics covered in this book: descriptions of various types of microorganisms and methods of identification; host defence mechanisms, allergies, vaccination and immunisation; sources and routes of occupational infections and descriptions of job-associated diseases; respiratory allergies associated with microorganisms; safe working practices; sterilisation and disinfection of microbiological waste; microbiological monitoring; microbiological hazards of air conditioning, plumbing and humidifying systems; food-borne illnesses; working in controlled or sterile environments; use of microorganisms in industry; hazards and benefits of genetic engineering; personal protection; legal aspects.
Science Reviews Ltd. and H & H Scientific Consultants Ltd., P.O. Box MT27, Leeds LS17 8QP, United Kingdom, 1990. 134p. Illus. 38 ref.


CIS 92-813 Biosafety in the laboratory: Prudent practices for the handling and disposal of infectious materials
Manual on the safe handling and disposal of hazardous biological materials in the laboratory. Contents: descriptive epidemiology of occupational infections of laboratory workers; safe handling of infectious agents (pathogenic and other microorganisms, hazards from vertebrate animals and from insects, primary and continuous cell cultures, necroscopy and surgical specimens, good laboratory practices, transportation of specimens, prevention of aerosol and droplet generation, containment equipment, biosafety in large-scale and small-volume laboratories); safe disposal of infectious laboratory waste; safety management. Appendices include: guidelines on biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories; recommendations for prevention of HIV transmission; summary of zoonotic pathogens causing disease in man.
National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20418, USA, 1989. xii, 222p. Illus. Bibl.ref. Index. Price: USD 29.95.

CIS 91-323 Counter E.
Toxoplasmosis - A summary of the occupational health concern
La toxoplasmose - Un résumé des risques sur le plan professionnel [en francés]
Toxoplasmosis is an infectious disease caused by contact with infected animals or meat. The disease may also be passed from a pregnant woman to her foetus. Special precautions are required for workers involved in animal care, slaughterhouse work, agriculture and gardening, laboratory work and health care.
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, 250 Main Street East, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 1H6, Canada, Aug. 1989. 5p. 13 ref.

CIS 90-2069
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (Worksafe Australia)
Diseases acquired from animals
This safety guide to zoonoses is aimed principally at farmers, abattoir workers, food processing workers, health workers in contact with animals, biological researchers, livestock handlers, workers in the pet industry and workers in wildlife parks, circuses and zoological gardens. Contents: identification of zoonoses; basic information on the most commonly seen zoonoses in Australia (Murray Valley fever, Q fever, psittacosis, acute gastroenteritis, leptospirosis, ringworm, hydatid disease, brucellosis, orf, anthrax); prevention and management of exposure to zoonoses in an occupational setting.
Australian Government Publishing Service, GPO Box 84, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia, Dec. 1989. 30p. Illus. 8 ref. Price: AUD 5.95.

CIS 90-1724 Liberman D.F., Gordon J.G.
Biohazards management handbook
This handbook is divided into 3 main sections: 1. Facility considerations: design and ventilation of biomedical and other facilities and certification of biosafety cabinets; management programmes for pests and hazardous chemicals; hazard control on the animal research facility. 2. Biosafety principles and practices: laboratory and industrial perspectives on biosafety; hospital epidemiology and infection control; personal protection and hygiene and medical surveillance; infections waste management; safe use and disposal of chemotherapy agents; chemical health risks. 3. Regulatory agency consideration: controlling the release of microorganisms; consideration of OSHA standards as applied to laboratories; training program to meet the OSHA requirement on HBV/HIV.
Marcel Dekker Journals, 270 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, USA, 1989. 466p. Illus. Bibl. Price: USD 125.00 (for USA and Canada); USD 150.00 (for all other countries).

CIS 90-1728 Bertolini R.
Psittacosis (Ornithosis) - A summary of the occupational health concern
La psittacose (ornithose) - Résumé des risques sur le plan professionnel [en francés]
Psittacosis is an occupational health hazard for those whose work brings them into contact with birds. It is primarily a lung disease caused by inhalation of airborne microorganisms or by handling an infected bird. Preventive measures include proper feeding of birds, avoidance of overcrowding and adequate ventilation systems.
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, 250 Main Street East, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 1H6, Canada, June 1989. 4p. 9 ref.

CIS 90-1225 Wiggins P., Schenker M.B., Green R., Samuels S.
Prevalence of hazardous exposures in veterinary practice
462 female graduates of a major U.S. veterinary school were surveyed by questionnaire to obtain details of hazard exposure during the most recent year worked and during all pregnancies. Small-animal practitioners reported the highest rates of exposure to anaesthetic gas (94%), X-rays (90%), and pesticides (57%). Large-animal practitioners reported greater rate of trauma (64%) and potential exposure to prostaglandins (92%), Brucella abortus vaccine (23%), and carbon monoxide (18%). 41% of respondents who reported taking X-rayss did not wear film badges, and 27% of the respondents exposed to anaesthetic gases worked at facilities which did not have waste anaesthetic gas scavenging systems. Women who worked as veterinarians during a pregnancy attempted to reduce exposures to X-rayss, insecticides, and other potentially hazardous exposures which are common in veterinary practice. Measures to educate workers and to reduce these exposures should not await demonstration of adverse health effects.
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, July 1989, Vol.16, No.1, p.55-66. Bibl.


CIS 90-1018 Southcott R.V.
Some harmful Australian insects
Survey of the toxic effects, allergic reactions and infections caused by bites of or other contact with common Australian insects, often in an occupational context (farmers, beekeepers, entomologists). The insects are: bees; wasps; ants; flies and mosquitoes; moths, butterflies and caterpillars; fleas; lice; hemiptera.
Medical Journal of Australia, 5-19 Dec. 1989, Vol.149, No.1112, p.656-662. Illus. 49 ref.

CIS 89-1552 Uecker E.
Safety in animal production. 2 - pigs
Arbeitsschutz bei der Tierproduktion 2 - Schwein [en alemán]
Fundamental safety rules and managerial measures in pig production are stated. Instructions on how to avoid injury by pigs follow. Technical measures and safe behaviour in order to prevent mechanical injuries and infection in feeding, faeces removal and animal transport, breeding and veterinary operations are outlined. Hints for small farmers are included. Annexed is a list of typical occupational diseases, exposures and necessary fitness examinations as well as relevant legal documents and other references. Addressed to those engaged in practical animal husbandry.
Verlag Tribüne, Am Treptower Park 28/30, DDR-1193 Berlin, 1988. 93p. Illus. Bibl.

CIS 89-317 Baxter J.A.
Rabies - A summary of the occupational health concern
This data sheet covers: what is and what causes rabies; latent period; source; how common in Canada; how do infections occur; occupations at risk; signs of the disease; laboratory tests; treatment; protection of workers; precautions for control; immunisation for workers; workplace hygiene recommendations.
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, 250 Main Street East, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 1H6, Canada, Mar. 1988. 9p.

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