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Alcohols - 2 entradas encontradas

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  • País / Organización: Estados Unidos
  • Alcohols


CIS 98-21
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Ordenanza por consenso sobre las pruebas aplicables al fenol [USA]
Testing consent order for phenol [USA] [en inglés]
Esta Ordenanza, puesta en vigor el 17 de enero de 1997, se emitió en aplicación de la Ley de Control de las Substancias Tóxicas (CIS 89-23). Temas tratados: riesgos químicos; legislación; notificación de las substancias peligrosas; fenol; comunicación de la información; efectos tóxicos; evaluación de la toxicidad; USA.
Federal Register, 17 ene. 1997, vol.62, n°12, p.2607-2611.


CIS 91-364
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
EPA Final Rule - Preliminary assessment information and health and safety data reporting; Addition of chemicals [USA]
EPA is adding 4 chemical substances to 2 model information-gathering rules contained in the Toxic Substances Control Act (see CIS 89-23): the Preliminary Assessment Information Rule (PAIR) and the Health and Safety Data Reporting Rule. Manufacturers, processors and importers of these chemicals will be required to report end-use, exposure, volume and unpublished health and safety data to the EPA. The substances are: 2-butanone oxime; 2-propanol; 2-methoxy-2-methyl-propane; N- [5-[bis[2-(acetyloxy)ethyl]-amino]-2-[(bromo-4,6-dinitrophenyl)azo]-4-etho xyphenyl]-acetamide (Disperse Blue 79). In addition, a 5th substance (phosphoric acid, tributyl ester) was added to PAIR and is now designated for response within 12 months. Details of the 2 Rules and an economic analysis of their impact follow.
Federal Register, 14 Nov. 1986, Vol.51, No.220, p.41328-41331.