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Communications industry - 139 entradas encontradas

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  • Communications industry


CIS 86-1141 Sautkin V.S., Šaptala A.A., Brjuhanova S.T.
State of the cardiovascular system in operators of the telephone information service during work
Sostojanie serdečno-sosudistoj sistemy telefonistok spravočno-informacionnoj služby v processe truda [en ruso]
Heart rate, blood pressure, minute volume and electrocardiogram were recorded at intervals during a 6.5hr daytime shift for 58 female telephone telephone operators in the information services of 2 cities. Heart rate, blood pressure and minute volume all increased over the shift, systolic and pulse pressure became more variable, and the shape of the electrocardiogram changed. Apparently the heart, and not the blood vessels, responds to the stress of the job; this produces a desynchronisation of cardiac and vasomotor regulation of the circulatory system. Because the stress is due to the combination of heavy information input and limited physical mobility, it is recommended that the work of telephone operators be broken up by workbreaks with active and passive means of relaxation.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Jan. 1985, No.1, p.11-14. Illus. 6 ref.

CIS 85-1728 Vågerö D., Ahlbom A., Olin R., Sahlsten S.
Cancer morbidity among workers in the telecommunications industry
A retrospective cohort study of 2918 Swedish telecommunication workers, with cancer morbidity examined for the period 1958-1979. Total cancer morbidity was as expected. There was an excess risk of malignant malanoma (12 observed, 4.6 expected), with a particular association found with soldering work within the industry.
British Journal of Industrial Medicine, Mar. 1985, Vol.42, No.3, p.191-195. 20 ref.


CIS 90-1931 Bohère G.
Profession: journalist. A study on the working conditions of journalists
Profession: journaliste - Etude sur la condition du journaliste en tant que travailleur [en francés]
Topics covered in this study: the structure of the profession; employment in the profession; technological and economic constraints and employment problems; ethical standards in the profession; the career and its problems; hours of work, time off and annual leave; pay; safety and health; termination of employment; social security; industrial relations.
ILO Publications, International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 1984. 177p. Bibl. Price: CHF 25.00.

CIS 88-1574 Craipeau S., Marot J.C.
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Telework: Impact on living and working conditions
Télétravail - impact sur les conditions de vie et de travail [en francés]
Telework (i.e. telecommuting) is defined as "work carried out by a decentralised unit (person or group), i.e. a unit separated from its establishment, whose activity calls for the intensive use of telecommunications facilities". This report on a study financed by the CEC covers: the information society; a framework for analysis of telework; three important dimensions (technical and organisational change, modified perception of space and time, workers' perception of and satisfaction in their work). Particular attention is paid to telecommuting in France (public and private sector, interviews with managers and teleworkers, the concepts of autonomy of workers and of integration of telecommuting in the working community and in daily life). Case studies are also provided for: Federal Republic of Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, Italy, USA. Evaluation reports by the Trade Unions' Group, Employers' Group and Governments' Group on the Seminar on the Impact of Telework on Living and Working Conditions (Brussels, Belgium, 30 Nov. 1983). In the appendices: detailed case-studies of telecommuting in the United Kingdom, Italy, the USA and France; analysis of technologies and jobs that can be dispersed.
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, L-2985, Luxembourg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, 1984. 324p. 91 ref. Price: BEF 1100; GBP 16.30; USD 23.50.

CIS 86-970 Hosokawa M.
Study on the health hazard of motorcycle mailmen and others
Since the 1970s, among postmen and food deliverymen using motorcycles, complaints of white finger and numbness of the upper limbs have increased rapidly. An epidemological study on about 16,000 mailmen and health examinations of about 1000 workers showed that the health problems were due to vibration from the engine of the motorcycle, vibration from the wheels operating on bad roads, muscle strain and environmental factors (coldness, wind speed etc.). Measures for the prevention of such health hazards are proposed.
Scientific Reports of Kyoto Prefectural University (Humanities), Dec. 1984, No.36, p.109-140. Illus. 9 ref.

CIS 85-1458 The working environment and safety and health
Milieu de travail, sécurité et hygiène du travail [en francés]
General information booklet prepared by the ILO to serve as a background document during the meeting of the Joint Committee for Postal and Telecommunications Services. It tries to synthesise information available at the ILO, replies to a questionnaire sent by the ILO to various governments and information provided by the Postal, Telegraph and Telephone International (PTTI). Main topics covered: technological change and its effects on occupational safety and health; main hazards in the industry; legislation; preventive measures.
Report III, Joint Committee for Postal and Telecommunications Services, International Labour Office, First Session, 1984. ILO, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 36p. Price: SF.10.00.

CIS 85-875 Shute S.J., Starr S.J.
Effects of adjustable furniture on VDT users
An 8-week study focussed on advanced video display terminal (VDT) workstation tables and a 5-week study focussed on advanced chairs and 4 combinations of advanced and conventional telephone operator workstation components were compared. Although on-the-job discomfort was reduced when either conventional component was replaced with an advanced component, the effect was greater when the advanced table and chair were used together. The adjustments of the advanced furniture were reported to be easy to use, and advanced furniture was rated more highly than conventional furniture.
Human Factors, Apr. 1984, Vol.26, No.2, p.157-170. 14 ref.

CIS 84-1180 Ilmarinen J., Louhevaara V.
Oxygen consumption and heart rate in different modes of manual postal delivery
Oxygen consumption (VO2) and heart rate (HR) were measured in 11 healthy men during 5 modes of simulated postal delivery: on level ground by foot, bicycle and push-cart, and on stairs by foot and push-cart. Each delivery mode was performed at a standard pace recommended by postal services and at a free pace. For all delivery modes the free pace resulted in significantly higher physiological stress and strain than the standard pace. The mean values of the different delivery modes varied from 1.0 to 1.7l/min for VO2, from 30.6 to 54.3% for relative aerobic strain and from 104 to 136 beats/min for HR. Maximal allowable delivery times (h/day) are proposed with respect to age, sex, delivery mode and pace.
Ergonomics, Mar. 1984, Vol.27, No.3, p.331-339. 10 ref.


CIS 86-558 Lowe G.S., Northcott H.C., Trytten T.
Working conditions and job stress among Edmonton post office workers
This study, based on a mailed questionnaire survey, shows that working conditions at the post office do affect employee health. Most adversely affected are those who work with automated letter sorting machinery. Those least affected are the letter carriers who work outside of the main postal plant.
Department of Sociology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H4, Canada, Nov. 1983. 96p. 20 ref. Appendices.

CIS 85-834 Kučma V.R.
Evaluating the workload and stress of mail sorters
Ocenka tjažesti i naprjažennosti truda sortirovščikov počtovyh otpravlenij i operatorov svjazej [en ruso]
The working conditions of mail sorters were assessed by time-and-motion studies, physiological measurements and environmental observations; the study was restricted to workers of bulk printed matter and small packages. The workers (mainly women) perform repetitive manipulations, often of heavy loads, in a noisy, dusty and poorly lit environment, but they showed few quantitative physiological signs of stress. The physical, sensory and mental fatigue experienced by the workers could be reduced by mechanisation, noise and dust control, and better lighting.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Nov. 1983, No.11, p.20-24. Illus. 11 ref.

CIS 84-675 de Groot J.P., Kamphuis A.
Eyestrain in VDU users: physical correlates and long-term effects
43 female subjects at a telephone enquiry service were studied shortly before and after, and 2 years after, introduction of visual display units (the first 2 phases of the study covered 73 and 65 women respectively). The number, type, and severity of complaints did not change over time. Optometric measurements were not useful for predicting complaints and showed no deterioration other than aging effects.
Human Factors, Aug. 1983, Vol.25, No.4, p.409-413. 11 ref.

CIS 84-515 Wells J.A., Zipp J.F., Schuette P.T., McEleney J.
Musculoskeletal disorders among letter carriers - A comparison of weight carrying, walking and sedentary occupations
In Jan. 1980 the US Postal Service raised the maximum weight carried by mailmen from 25 to 35lb. A group of mailmen subject to this weight increase, a group not subject to it, and groups of gas readers and postal clerks as controls were studied. Letter carriers experienced excess shoulder, and perhaps neck and back, disability due to weight bearing on the job. Increase in weight carried was related to excess shoulder disability.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, Nov. 1983, Vol.25, No.11, p.814-820. 12 ref.

CIS 83-2055
National Board of Occupational Safety and Health (Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen)
General recommendations concerning risks of violence in the workplace
Allmänna råd beträffande våldsrisker i arbetsmiljön [en sueco]
Recommendations for workers whose occupations expose them to the risk of violence (bank and post-office employees, policemen, jewelers, night watchmen, prison guards, psychiatric hospital personnel); safety measures (planning and layout of facilities in ways to eliminate the risk, TV-camera surveillance and alarm systems, security routines, training of personnel exposed to the risk of violence); measures to comfort, reassure or care for personnel who have suffered aggression; recording and reporting of cases of aggression; collaboration between employers and workers; reference to Swedish publications on means of warning and defense. Check lists for risk-limiting measures, routine precautions, support and rehabilitation of victims and reporting are appended.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 25 Feb. 1983. 15p. 26 ref.


CIS 84-381 Starr S.J., Thompson C.R., Shute S.J.
Effects of video display terminals on telephone operators
145 operators using a video display terminal (VDT) to give telephone listings, and 105 controls doing the same work from printed paper records were studied by questionnaire. There were few differences in work-related physical discomfort, job satisfaction, and job security concerns. Both groups used contact lenses and eye glasses to the same extent. VDT operators did not obtain special corrective lenses for work. Replacement of paper documents with VDTs did not adversely affect the comfort and morale of office workers.
Human Factors, Dec. 1982, Vol.24, No.6, p.699-711. 19 ref.

CIS 83-1867 Matsumoto T., Yokomori M., Harada N., Fukuchi Y., Kanamori M., Gotoh M.
Mailmen's vibration hazards induced by motorcycle riding: results of cooling load tests
Skin temperature of the finger and vibratory sensation thresholds were measured, and nail press tests carried out, in 181 postal workers. Statistically significant differences were found in the values of peripheral circulation and vibratory sensation, obtained by the cooling load test, between groups using motorcycles and those using bicycles or working indoors. Disorders were severe in the group with waxy white changes in the fingers. The maximum vibration acceleration level on the handle bars of motorcycles on paved roads exceeds the exposure guidelines of the ISO.
Industrial Health, 1982, Vol.20, No.3, p.167-175. Illus. 14 ref.


CIS 82-971 Gunnarsson E., Söderberg I., Elfosson S.
Statstjänstemannaförbundet (Union of Government Employees)
Field study on the use of visual display units in PTT services
Fältexperiment vid bildskärmsrutiner på televerket [en sueco]
The object of this study was to gather basic data for developing recommendations on the permissible duration of work with computer terminals, and to devise a method of measuring visual stress during this work. Sections cover: description of work stations and jobs; data on the workers observed and examined; method used (interviews, questionnaire, measurement of visual accomodation - near point and point of convergence, statistical analysis); results (eye disorders and visual stress during normal work and during the observation period, relation between accommodation changes (near point) and visual disorders occuring during the observation period); personal testimonials by workers on the introduction of computer terminal working. Lesson to be drawn: if computerisation is to succeed, the work must be organised so that visually stressing tasks alternate with less demanding tasks.
Rapport 278/A. Arbetarskyddsfonden, Sveavägen 166, 113 46 Stickholm, Sweden, 1981. 52p. Illus. 17 ref.

CIS 82-667 Matsumoto T., Yokomori M., Harada N.
Mailmen's vibration hazards induced by motorcycle riding
The subjective complaints, health status and number of working hours outdoors were studied in groups of postoffice workers required to ride motorcycles, motorcycles and bicycles, and only bicycles in the course of their work. Complaints of numbness and coldness in fingers and hands were higher in motorcycle riders than in bicycle riders. Physical examinations of the peripheral blood circulatory system and the peripheral nervous system, made using tests of finger skin temperature, nail press, vibratory sense threshold and pain sense threshold, showed statistically significant differences between 100 motorcycle riders and 20 control bicycle riders. Motorcycle riders were exposed to vibration at acceleration levels often in excess of ISO guidelines at the handle bars, for ≥ 2h/day.
Japanese Journal of Industrial Health - Sangyō-Igaku, Sep. 1981, Vol.23, No.5, p.485-495. 42 ref.


CIS 81-1096 Fischbein A., Thornton J., Blumberg W.E., Bernstein J., Valciukas J.A., Moses M., Davidow B., Kaul B., Sirota M., Selikoff I.J.
Health status of cable splicers with low-level exposure to lead: Results of a clinical survey.
90 telephone cable splicers were studied. Clinically overt lead poisoning was rare, but the prevalence of central nervous system symptoms was 29% and that of gastrointestinal symptoms 21%. Symptoms were directly related to zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) levels but not with blood lead concentration, which were significantly elevated in only 5% of workers. The difference in biological significance between exposure tests (blood lead levels) and biological response tests (ZPP) is stressed. Both types of test should be used in the medical surveillance of lead-exposed workers.
American Journal of Public Health, July 1980, Vol.70, No.7, p.697-700. 28 ref.

CIS 80-1749 Davis P.R., Sheppard N.J.
Pattern of accident distribution in the telecommunications industry.
Analysis of records of 100,000 engineers over 12 months showed that 25% of accidents resulting in more than 3 days' absence were back injuries. Handling accidents and falls accounted for 65% of accidents; handling accidents caused 65% of back injuries. 23 occupations, constituting 33% of the engineer population, gave rise to 70% of accidents. The 6 highest accident rates were for: rodding and cabling; general purpose installation; maintenance of switching equipment; aerial rigging parties, and cable fault location. Accidents occurred most frequently in workers aged 31-48 years.
British Journal of Industrial Medicine, May 1980, Vol.37, No.2, p.175-179. 9 ref.

CIS 80-869 Käll C., Frisk C., Wennhager M., Hägg G., Kilbom Å., Jonsson B., Åstrand I.
Ardous work of town postmen
Påfrestande arbete inom stadsbrevbäringen [en sueco]
The work, undertaken on foot, by bicycle, or by motor car, is described: study plan, persons observed (21 men, 16 women); ergometric tests and determination of physiological variables in the laboratory; observations and measurements during work (recording of heart rate and skin temperature by portable instruments; climatic conditions); results (state of health, heart rate, oxygen consumption, climatic quantities, skin temperature of hands and fingers, amount of mail distributed, design and arrangement (accessibility) of mailboxes).
Undersökningsrapport 1980:1, Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, 171 84 Solna, Sweden, 1980. 60p. Illus. 23 ref. Price:


CIS 80-1960 Jakovleva T.P.
Influence of social and hygiene factors on the frequency of asthenic reactions in telephonists
Vlijanie nekotoryh social'no-gigieničeskih faktorov na častotu asteničeskih reakcij u telefonistok [en ruso]
Factors such as work motivation, family situation, presence of children and satisfaction in private life, are studied in relation to the incidence and severity of asthenic reactions in female telephone operators, whose work involves considerable neuropsychic stress. Such reactions were more common and more marked in the telephone operators than in a control group. Their incidence was related to length of service. Work motivation has a major effect on neuropsychic asthenia in women over 30 years of age, mothers being more susceptible than women without children. Mothers of young children should have a special work schedule.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Nov. 1979, No.11, p.14-17. 3 ref.

CIS 80-978 Alaminos Juan P.
Medida del ruido impulsivo en el auricular de operadora
Report on an investigation of the physiological effects of impulse noise to which telephone operators are exposed through their headphones. Detailed description of methods and equipment for measuring this impulse noise. Conclusion: no impulse exceeds the effective level 135-140dB; as far as is known at present, the perceived impulse noise does not seem to cause hearing damage. Tables: calibration of measuring apparatus and oscilloscopes; measurement results; effective sound pressure levels; instantaneous sound wave pressure levels; peak pressures.
Medicina y seguridad del trabajo, July-Sep. 1979, Vol.27, No.107, p.14-28. Illus. 14 ref.

CIS 80-489 Jensen M., Roed-Petersen J.
Itching erythema among post office workers caused by a photocopying machine with wet toner.
Reports of irritation of the eyes and skin from several Danish post offices all led to suspicion of the photocopying machines used, especially when exposed to direct sunlight and ventilation was not sufficient. The composition of the toner was not known, and it was not possible to ascribe the symptoms to specific chemicals.
Contact Dermatitis, Dec. 1979, Vol.5, No.6, p.389-391. 1 ref.

CIS 79-1757 Dessors D., Teiger C., Laville A., Gadbois C.
Working conditions of telephone operators and health and other consequences
Conditions de travail des opératrices de renseignements téléphoniques et conséquences sur leur santé et leur vie personnelle et sociale. [en francés]
The study was based on group discussions, simulation of work activities, and direct observation. The chief charateristics of the work are: intense demands on near vision (reading of information from microfiches displayed on a screen); constant monoaural hearing effort; mental activity of information-seeking under time pressure; tension due to psychosocial stress at work (regulated pauses, prohibition of conversations among staff, constant supervision, rapid work rhythm, etc.). Health and other effects noted: visual fatigue, persistence of reflex actions after working hours, digestive disorders, sleep disturbances, absenteeism, behavioural disturbances. Overall ergonomic redesigning of this type of work is necessary.
Archives des maladies professionnelles, Mar.-Apr. 1979, Vol.40, No.3-4, p.469-500. Illus. 30 ref.


CIS 79-810 Liégeois R.
Telecommunications in mines and speech intelligibility
Les télécommunications dans les mines et l'intelligibilité des messages. [en francés]
Problems of speech intelligibility (which obviously affect safety) arise in mines where the workers are of different nationalities (especially where immigrant workers are involved), or speak local dilects or use technical terms which vary from one coalfield to another. This creates a linguistic barrier which must be overcome. Research on this question is in progress in the Belgian National Institute for the Mining Industries (Institut national belge des industries extractives) with the financial support of the European Coal and Steel Community. The need for having standardised procedures for mine telecommunications is already recognised. This article gives a detailed account of current research consisting of a linguistic study of conversations between mineworkers and the possibility of automatic translation of oral messages exchanged in 2 or more languages.
Annales des mines de Belgique - Annalen der Mijnen van België, Dec. 1978, No.12, p.1205-1227. 26 ref.

CIS 79-844 Gilbert P.
Visual display units - are they safe?
This article, by the Principal Medical Officer of the Occupational Health Service, British Post Office Telecommunications, gives background information on the design and development of visual display units (VDUs), followed by considerations on: real and doubtful health problems (possibility of ionising or non-ionising radiation from defective equipment; visual fatigue; subjective symptoms such as headache, irritability, nausea, anxiety, depression, etc.); eye strain due to wearing spectacles of focal length unsuited to the distance from the screen; ergonomic aspects; current research (including a 5-year investigation commenced in 1977 by the British Post Office). Immediately following the article (on p.363) is a commentary by a VDU operator, which endorses the guidelines for VDU operators issued by the Printing Industries Committee of the Trades Union Congress, recommending as a minimum at least a 30min break after every period of 2h work at a VDU.
Occupational Health, Aug. 1978, Vol.30, No.8, p.357-362. Illus. 8 ref.

CIS 79-230 Moulin E.
A workpost study of a letter coding job (in a postal sorting office)
A propos d'une étude de poste de travail d'indexation mixte (dans une administration publique). [en francés]
This MD thesis gives the results of a survey of postal workers employed in automatic or mechanised letter coding, to determine whether special medical supervision was necessary for workers engaged in these tasks. The survey covered 21 employees, and consisted of an on-the-spot investigation, with job description, a complete eye examination, a thorough medical overhaul and a critical analysis of a number of subjective disorders ascribed to this type of work (signs of auditive, visual and neuropsychic fatigue). This study emphasises the preponderance of noise as a factor contributing to health damage, the specificity of the ophthalmological problem, and individual neuro-psychic tolerance. The author observed definitely good general tolerance among workers who alternated between automatic coding and manual sorting. Preventive measures: noise control; complete eye examination on entering into employment, and periodic eye examinations; importance of transfer from time to time from automatic coding to mechanical sorting.
Université de Paris V, Faculté de médecine Cochin - Port-Royal, Paris, France, 1978. 29p.

CIS 78-1673 Prohorov A.A., Perekrest A.I., Kudrin V.A., Kopirovskij K.M., Tyšler Ė.Ju., Kirpičnikov A.B.
The laryngeal disease hazard in telephone operators
Nekotorye voprosy riska zabolevanij gortani u telefonistok [en ruso]
Results of medical examinations of 169 telephonists and, as controls, 253 telegraph operators working under the same microclimatic conditions, to study the incidence of chronic laryngitis and absenteeism. Occupational overloading of the vocal apparatus gives rise to a much higher incidence of chronic laryngitis in telephonists, and abseenteeism due to acute laryngitis or chronic laryngotracheitis was several times that found in the control group. Telephone operators with a predisposition to laryngeal disease should be transferred to a different job.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Mar. 1978, No.3, p.16-19. 3 ref.


CIS 78-1227 Moreau J.C.
Construction of overhead telecommunication lines
Construction de lignes aériennes de télécommunication. [en francés]
Construction of telecommunication lines can give rise to accidents due to tipping over or breakage of wooden poles already in place, or electric shock either through contact with a neighbouring electric power line during lifting of poles or by direct contact with electric conductors on poles used for both installations. These situations and general precautions (especially administrative) are examined in the light of the relevant French directives or regulations. The practical measures to be taken at the different stages of the work are set out (mechanical drilling; raising, driving or removing poles; unwinding of lines; removal of wires and cables) and an extract from the relevant instructions issued by the Telecommunications Directorate for its officers.
Cahiers des Comités de prévention du bâtiment et des travaux publics, Nov.-Dec. 1977, No.6, p.297-305. Illus. 5 ref.

CIS 78-858 Oja P., Louhevaara V., Korhonen O.
Age and sex as determinants of the relative aerobic strain of nonmotorized mail delivery.
The relative aerobic strain (RAS) of non-motorised mail delivery was assessed in 54 Finnish mail carriers who represented both sexes, the entire work-age range and both downtown and suburban delivery districts. The mean RAS of the entire delivery time was 55% of the maximal oxygen uptake (ml/kg/min). It was higher for women than for men, and higher for suburban than for downtown delivery. The RAS tended to increase systematically with age after the age of 50. The work strain of mail carriers of over 50 years of age, especially of older women carriers in suburban areas, was high enough to lead to possible excessive strain on the workers.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Dec. 1977, Vol.3, No.4, p.225-233. 10 ref.

CIS 77-1850 An easy method of hole boring
Des trous sans peine. [en francés]
Description of a new boring machine intended mainly for digging holes for telegraph poles. It consists of a slewing platform at the back of a 13ton all-purpose lorry; an articulated jib with a reach of 4.5m; a cylindrical boring tool at the end of the jib; with 3 tungsten carbide teeth at its bottom edge and 3 knives which broaden the circular cut. As it revolves, the cylinder cuts out a core, 70cm high, which is removed and ejected by 2 hydraulic cylinders. The tool increases productivity, facilitates the work, and improves safety, obviating the hazards associated with the use of explosives.
Travail et sécurité, May 1977, No.5, p.284-285. Illus.

CIS 77-2066 Roed-Petersen J., Hjorth N., Jordan W.P., Bourlas M.
Postsorters' rubber fingerstall dermatitis.
An outbreak of dermatitis in a Danish post office caused by minute amounts of isopropylphenyl-p-phenylenediamine (IPPD) in fingerstalls is reported. The manufacturer denied the presence of IPPD in the fingerstalls, and the question of declaration of contents is discussed.
Contact Dermatitis, June 1977, Vol.3, No.3, p.143-147. Illus. 6 ref. [en esloveno] [en esloveno]


CIS 77-544 Normas de seguridad en el trabajo
This profusely illustrated handbook provides a codification of the manuals, directives, circulars, etc. effective in the CTNE, concerning occupational safety and health in telecommunications. General considerations on the nature of accidents occurring in the CTNE and occupational safety and health organisations in Spain are followed by the text of 11 detailed safety standards on: ladders; work on facades and inside buildings; tools; electricity (effects of electricity on the human body, high-voltage lines, underground cables, special voltages, telephone exchanges, earth connections, etc.); buildings and equipment (stairways, emergency exits, floors and floor coverings, water supply, stores, garages, lifts, telephone switchboards, etc.); work on overhead lines, telephone poles, etc.; cable laying; vehicles; materials handling trucks; materials handling. Chapters on personal protective equipment and commuting accidents.
Spanish National Telephone Company (Compañía telefónica nacional de España, CTNE), Madrid, Spain, 1976. 287p. Illus. 31 ref.


CIS 76-1133 Česnokova V.I., Sul'g V.Ė., Tjutjunnik N.V., Zaharova I.P., Zajcev V.A.
Compendium of occupational safety and health regulations in the services and on the worksites of telecommunications organisations
Sbornik postanovlenij i pravil po tehnike bezopasnosti i ohrane truda na predprijatijah i v stroitel'nyh organizacijah svjazi [en ruso]
Contents: basic legislation; the labour inspectorate; responsibilities; safety-oriented work organisation; personal protection; supply of milk and other prophylactic diet; safety training; medical supervision; compensation of occupational diseases; accident investigations; role of trade unions; safe work with earthmoving equipment, machinery and vehicles on work sites, in erecting and repairing overhead lines and laying and repairing underground cables, in telephone exchanges and telegraph offices, post offices and postal clearing and sorting centres, and safe work with pressure vessels.
Izdatel'stvo "Svjaz'", Čistoprudnyj bul'var 2, 101000 Moskva, USSR, 1975. 528p. Illus. Price: Rbl.2.30.


CIS 74-1483 Foret J.
Sleep and irregular working hours
Sommeil et horaires de travail irréguliers. [en francés]
This thesis is devoted to a study of sleep disturbances caused by the irregular hours worked by main-line train drivers, postal sorting workers and Paris Transport Authority workers. An account of how paradoxical sleep particularly suited this study and which quantities were used to measure it is followed by the results of measurements of day and night sleep made on 24 subjects. The 1st part describes how sleep, taken in its entirety, organises itself when it is artificially displaced in the daily cycle (hours of sleep, duration, overall percentages of various stages, temporal structure). The 2nd part centres on paradoxical sleep, its relation to the internal organisation of sleep and to the circadian rhythm. In conclusion, an account is given of the studies which have helped to approach the notion of internal sleep organisation, which seems to be closely linked to the organisation of the entire daily cycle. Based on the results obtained, the author examines the effect on this organisation when one artificially modifies the sleeping schedule and discusses modifications in terms of the schedule.
Université des sciences et techniques de Lille, France, 1973. 103p. Illus. 66 ref.

CIS 74-884 Ferguson D.
A study of occupational stress and health.
This paper, delivered at the 9th Annual Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Australia and New Zealand (Adelaide, 24-25 Aug. 1971), describes medical and environmental studies carried out among telegraphists employed by an Australian communications organisation, to ascertain impact of occupational stress on health, on the basis of absence records over 2-5 years. Detailed ergonomic and occupational hygiene investigations were also made in the work environment. Absenteeism attributed to neurosis was significantly higher among telegraphists than in other sectors. The author examines the interaction of neurosis, attitudes and habits, job satisfaction, emotional instability and indulgence in habits detrimental to health. Much of the informtion is given in tabular form. He proposes various measures to combat effects of occupational stress on health (scientifically based selection for the task; reorganisation of the work to lessen working group size effects and increase job satisfaction; mental health programmes).
Ergonomics, Sep. 1973, Vol.16, No.5, p.649-664. 26 ref.


CIS 73-420 Gončarov N.R.
Occupational safety and health in telecommunications
Ohrana truda na predprijatijah svjazi [en ruso]
Individual chapters are devoted to: occupational safety and health (legislation, telecommunications organisation, acccident-prevention work); occupational hygiene (fundamentals, ergonomics, building-in at the design stage, lighting, heating and ventilation, protection against atmospheric contamination and thermal and ultraviolet radiation, noise and vibration protection); electrical safety (effect of electricity on the human body, contact protection, insulation inspection, protective earthing, personal protective equipment, protection against high frequency radiation); safety measures in the construction and maintenance of telecommunications installations (lighting protection, erection of overhead lines, laying of underground cables, machinery guarding); fire protection (organisation, fire prevention, extinguishers and extinguishants).
Izdatel'stvo "Svjaz", Čistoprudnyj bul'var 2, Moskva, USSR, 1971. 392p. Illus. 55 ref.

CIS 73-421 Nosov G. Ja.
Occupational safety and fire protection in post-office and telecommunications premises
Tehnika bezopasnosti i protivopožarnaja tehnika na predprijatijah svjazi [en ruso]
An occupational safety handbook for post-office and telecommunications employees. Individual sections are devoted to: the fundamentals of occupational safety (organisation, reporting and investigation of occupational hygiene, fire protection, first aid); safety in transmitter stations (installation work, safe operation of transmitters, rectifiers, amplifiers and receivers, work on transmission towers, etc.); safety in telephone and telex communciations and radio-beam transmitter installations (including construction, assembly and maintenance work); safety in post offices.
Izdatel'stvo "Svjaz", Čistoprudnyj bul'var 2, Moskva, USSR, 1972. 272p. Illus.


CIS 91-358 Presidential Decrees (D.P.R.) Nos 322/323 of 20 Mar. 1956 containing standards for the prevention of occupational accidents and for occupational hygiene in the film and TV industry and in telephone installations [Italy]
D.P.R. 20 marzo 1956, n.322/323, contenente norme per la prevenzione degli infortuni e l'igiene del lavoro nell'industria della cinematografia e della televisione [e] ... negli impianti telefonici [en italiano]
Contents of Decree No.322, dealing with OSH in the film and TV industries: safe setting up of sets (permanent or temporary); locales and technical equipment; electrical apparatus; filming; hygienic requirements; penalties. Decree No.323 deals with the occupational safety requirements of telephone installations.
In: L.R. Levi Sandri: Codice del lavoro, Milano: Giuffrè, Italy, 3rd ed., 1974, p.932-941. Also in: Gazzetta ufficiale, 5 May 1956, No.109.

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