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Petrochemical industry - 262 entries found

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CIS 86-1154 Safety recommendations for users or owners of land crossed by underground pipelines belonging to PEMEX
Recomendaciones de seguridad para usuarios o propietarios de terrenos donde se alojan ductos de petróleos mexicanos [in Spanish]
This illustrated bulletin describes safety precautions for owners of land that are crossed by underground oil or gas pipelines.
Petróleos Mexicanos, Av. Marina Nacional No.329, Edif. A. Colonia Huasteca, México, D.F., C.P.11311, Mexique, 1981. 23p. Illus.

CIS 86-1060 Basic safety rules for the handling of ethylene oxide
Reglas básicas de seguridad para el manejo de óxido de etileno [in Spanish]
This illustrated guide covers the essential aspects of safety and health related to the production and handling of industrial quantities of ethylene oxide. A supplement in comic strip format is included.
Petróleos Mexicanos, Av. Marina Nacional No.329, Edif. A. Colonia Huasteca, México D.F., C.P.11311, Mexique, 1981. 40p. Illus. Suppl.

CIS 86-1058 Basic safety rules for the industrial handling of acetic acid
Reglas básicas de seguridad para el manejo de acido acético en la industria [in Spanish]
This illustrated guide covers the essential safety and health aspects related to the production and handling of large quantities of acetic acid.
Petróleos Mexicanos, Av. Marina Nacional No.329, Edif. A. Colonia Huasteca, México, D.F., C.P.11311, Mexico, 1981. 17p. Illus.

CIS 86-1057 Basic safety rules for handling butadiene
Reglas básicas de seguridad para el manejo de butadieno en la industria [in Spanish]
This illustrated data sheet covers all the safety and health aspects related to the industrial production of butadiene. A summary in comic strip format is included.
Petróleos Mexicanos, Av. Marina Nacional No.329, Edif. A. Colonia Huasteca, México D.F., C.P.11311, Mexico, 1981. 31p. Illus. suppl.

CIS 86-1056 Basic safety rules for the handling of acrolein
Reglas básicas de seguridad para el manejo de acroleína [in Spanish]
This illustrated guide provides information on the hazards and safe handling of acrolein used for the production of acrylonitrile. A summary in comic strip form is included.
Petróleos Mexicanos, Av. Marina National No.329, Edif. A. Colonia Huasteca, México D.F., C.P.11311, Mexico, 1981. 29p. Illus. suppl.

CIS 83-101 Richter K.H.
Radiant heat exposure in the vicinity of a chemical plant flare in the event of a blowdown
Zur Wärmestrahlenbelastung der Umgebung einer Hochfackelflamme im "blow-down"-Fall von Chemieanlagen [in German]
Study on the radiant heat intensity at ground level underneath a gas flare in relation to the distance and the interval following gas release, and measurement of the thermal flux density on the surface of a tank truck in the radiation field. Radiant heat intensity was higher than calculated values and exceeded the skin pain threshold; it was therefore necessary to mark out a safety zone at the base of the flare. Measurements on the tank truck showed a rise of the temperature in the gaseous phase inside the tank, which would be a hazard in the case of empty tanks. In view of the complexity of the phenomena in question, it is possible that the thermal radiation may rise to levels even higher than those measured.
Zeitschrift für die gesamte Hygiene und ihre Grenzgebiete, Mar. 1981, Vol.27, No.3, p.199-203. Illus. 17 ref.

CIS 82-1953 Rushton L., Alderson M.R.
An epidemiological survey of eight oil refineries in Britain
Report of a mortality study of over 34,000 workers employed in 1 of 8 oil refineries in Britain for at least 1 year between 1950 and 1975. Observed mortality was compared with expected UK male mortality rates adjusted for regional mortality variations and was found overall to be lower than expected; mortality from specific causes (e.g. heart disease, stroke, bronchitis, and pneumonia) was also lower. Mortality due to all neoplasms was lower than expected; there was a much lower level of lung cancer mortality than expected, but raised mortality due to gastro-intestinal neoplasms was found in several refineries. Malignant melanoma and nasal cavity and sinus neoplasms also caused higher than expected mortality. Further study is required to ascertain whether these patterns are due to an occupational factor and, if so, to identify the physical or chemical nature of the risk.
British Journal of Industrial Medicine, Aug. 1981, Vol.38, No.3, p.225-234. Illus. 32 ref.

CIS 81-1455 H2S - A refinery on the look-out
H2S - Une raffinerie sur ses gardes. [in French]
Extensively illustrated report on the hazards of and safety measures against accidental H2S leakage in the vicinity of the desulfurisation unit in a petroleum refinery: fencing off danger zones with red and white plastic chains; piping and tanks containing H2S marked with violet warning signs; prohibition on entering danger zones unaccompanied; individual use of walky-talkies, H2S detectors and a respirator hung from the belt; air bags indicating the wind direction.
Travail et sécurité, Jan. 1981, No.1, p.10-18. Illus.


CIS 86-1059 Basic safety rules for the handling of styrene monomer
Reglas básicas de seguridad para el manejo de monómero de estireno [in Spanish]
This illustrated guide provides information on the hazards and safe working methods related to the production of styrene monomer in the Mexican petrochemical industry.
Petróleos Mexicanos, Av. Marina Nacional No.329, Edif. A. Colonia Huasteca, México, D.F., C.P.11311, Mexique, 1980. 29p. Illus.

CIS 86-1055 Basic safety rules for the industrial handling and use of vinyl chloride
Reglas básicas de seguridad para el manejo de cloruro de vinilo en la industria [in Spanish]
This illustrated guide covers all the safety aspects related to the industrial handling and use of vinyl chloride. A summary in comic strip format is included.
Petróleos Mexicanos, Av. Marina Nacional No.329, Edif. A. Colonia Huasteca, México D.F., C.P.11311, Mexico, 1980. 37p. (+ Illus. suppl.) Illus.

CIS 81-1814 Petrenko B.A.
Scientific bases for explosion safety of electrical equipment in the mining and petrochemical industries
Naučnye osnovy ėlektrovzryvobezopasnosti v gornodobyvajuščej i neftehimičeskoj promyšlennosti [in Russian]
Contents: fundamental physical laws concerning the ignition of gases and flame propagation in gases; minimum ignition energy of electric sparks; ignition of gases due to disruptive discharges in low-voltage electric circuits; influence of arcing on explosion safety of electrical equipment.
Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", Profsojuznaja ul. 90, 117 684 GSP-7 Moskva, USSR, 1980. 121p. Illus. 125 ref. Price: Rbl.1.30.

CIS 81-1456 Bieliński T., Dzieciuchowicz J., Kaleta J., Knipfelberg A., Knyziak J., Kołosowski H., Matlakiewicz S., Płandowski J., Rosiak W., Róźycka M., Szelejak D., Szulc Z., Wałęga K., Wikiera S., Woźniak J.
Occupational safety and health in the chemical industry
Bhp w przemyśle chemicznym [in Polish]
Collective work intended for management and supervisors in petrochemical plants and petroleum refineries. Contents: basic OSH legislation; employment of women and young persons; OSH organisation; accident prevention and fire precautions; basic information on ergonomics, physiology and industrial hygiene; radiation protection; safety colours and signals; toxic chemicals (mechanism of action, hygiene standards, carcinogens); operation of pressure vessels and systems, and of electrical installations; repair and maintenance of machinery and installations; work in workshops, on construction and assembly sites; handling and storage; safe work in laboratories; dangerous work; medical examination of workers; personal protection equipment; rescue and first aid.
Instytut wydawniczy CRZZ, Warszawa, Poland, 1980. 328p. 37 ref.

CIS 81-450 Brief R.S., Lynch J.
Applying industrial hygiene to chemical and petroleum projects.
Techniques for controlling fugitive emissions (leaks, ineffective exhaust systems) and episodic exposures (intentional or unintentional short-term releases, often of high concentrations) at the stages of process development, preliminary project, and detailed engineering, are discussed. Close interaction between the design engineer and the industrial hygienist, from the earliest stage on, is stressed. The alternative of retrofitting the operating plant with controls omitted during design can be ineffective, costly, and unproductive. A design basis for specifying features to reduce benzene emissions is presented.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Nov. 1980, Vol.41, No.11, p.832-835.

CIS 81-15 Rambeau D.
Fire protection problems in a large refinery
Une grande raffinerie face à l'incendie. [in French]
Study of fire prevention measures in a large refinery in Normandy (France): general and specific fire hazards in refineries; general fire prevention methods (eliminating the presence of heat sources and air/hydrocarbon vapour mixtures, fire spread limitation); fire fighting (organisation of fire fighting service, available methods and equipment); first aid; personnel training.
Revue de la sécurité, July-Aug. 1980, Vol.16, No.170, p.6-14. Illus.

CIS 80-2051 Quintela Câmara M., Salmeron Netto M., Von Sohsten L.A.
Prevention of occupational hazards in the petrochemical industry
Prevenção de riscos profissionais na indústria petroquímica [in Portuguese]
Conclusions and proposals of the 17th National Occupational Accident Prevention Congress (Salvador, Brazil, 21-25 Oct. 1979): the petrochemical industry in Brazil; occupational diseases found in this industry; principles of occupational disease prevention; toxicology and health hazards; an occupational and safety medical policy for petrochemical plants (health and safety programme; OSH activities; safety and health organisation); list of toxic agents and their effects; respiratory disorders, dermatoses, disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system, cardiovascular disorders, low-back pain, neck pain; psychosomatic disorders; preventive measures (industrial hygiene, medical supervision).
Revista brasileira de saúde ocupacional, Apr.-May-June 1980, Vol.8, No.30, p.68-76. 11 ref.

CIS 80-850 Thomas T.L., Decoufle P., Moure-Eraso R.
Mortality among workers employed in petroleum refining and petrochemical plants.
The cause-specific mortality experience in 1947-1977 of 3105 members of Texas union locals was studied. Proportionate mortality ratios for cancers of the liver and biliary passages, pancreas, lung, and skin, were elevated, although risks did not increase with length of membership. The frequency of stomach cancer, brain cancer, leukaemia and multiple myeloma was increased in white males with >10y membership.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, Feb. 1980, Vol.22, No.2, p.97-103. 18 ref.

CIS 80-849 Mañas Lahoz J.L.
Basic safety in the chemicals and petroleum industry
Seguridad básica en la industria química y petrolera [in Spanish]
Contents: general information on hazards and their prevention in the chemical industry, and on hazardous chemicals; safety organisation and preventive measures (safety by design; furnaces, reactors, compressors, exchangers, etc.; detection and analysis of toxic gases; electrical installations in chemical plants, in the petrochemical industry and in petroleum refineries); fire protection; safe handling and storage of chemicals; transport of hazardous chemicals; personal protective equipment; safety in laboratories; safety investigations, inspections, hazard evaluation and analysis; Spanish legislation, foreign and international standards; list of national and international organisations concerned with safety in the chemicals industry.
ASEPEYO, Mutua Patronal de Accidentes de Trabajo No.151, 36 Via Augusta, Barcelona 6, Spain, 1980. 495p. Illus. 54 ref. Price: Pes.900.


CIS 83-1698 Fincham S.M., Egedahl R.D., Grace M., Wark W., Hanson J., Dewar R.
Occupational malignancies among petrochemical workers in Alberta
A self-report questionnaire, designed to abstract information on identity, job history, occupational exposure to chemicals, history of tobacco use and educational status, was distributed to 15,513 male petrochemical workers in Alberta. Respondents were assigned to groups according to exposure, and then matched with the Alberta Cancer Registry using record-linkage techniques. Between 1952 and 1977, 75 cases of cancer were diagnosed among 5,777 workers in the exposed group and 20 cases were diagnosed among 1,645 unexposed workers. In 1978, 15 cases of cancer were diagnosed in exposed workers whereas 16.2 were expected. For unexposed workers 4 cases were diagnosed, while 6.1 cases were expected. Case-control and clinical studies are recommended on cancer incidence and morbidity in exposed workers. The development of an occupational industrial coding system specifically for health research and which would include estimates of exposure for individual job descriptions is also recommended.
Occupational Health and Safety Div., Alberta Workers'Health, Safety and Compensation, 10709 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3N3, Canada, 1979. 125p. 68 ref.

CIS 83-1181 Wynn S.C.
The impact of the twelve hour shift on petrochemical process operators
90% of workers were satisfied with the 12h shift, and reasons for this are analysed. Factors influencing operators' attitudes to the 12h shift were: previous working experience; orientation to time (hours per day vs. days per week; value placed on leisure; general outlook). Some negative effects of the 12h shift occurred: more than 25% of respondents felt more tired after work; 15% thought their workplace was less safe. Recommendations to be considered before conversion to a rearranged work schedule are given.
Alberta Workers' Health, Safety and Compensation, Third Floor, Oxbridge Place, 9820-106 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5K 2J6, July 1979. 195p. 167 ref.

CIS 81-1744 Vincent B.G., Krasner L.M.
Safety assessment of petroleum and gas producers
Accident and illness data were collected and documented and current regulations and related research were investigated to provide a basis for the identification of hazards to personnel and the development of recommendations for improvements in problem areas and processes. A significant injury problem was identified in the area of extraction. Fire hazards were present in processing areas. Storage areas presented the least hazard to personnel. Appendices provide: existing safety regulations and standards for the petroleum industry; a bibliography on ongoing research into injury and illness problems; a coding manual for loss incidents reports; NIOSH computer printouts of the data on which much of this report is based; case histories of specific incidents in the three problem areas identified.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20852, USA, May 1979. 151p. Illus.

CIS 81-484 Bulatova F.D., Sof'ina L.I.
Pancreatic disorders in workers in the petrochemical industry
Funkcional'noe sostojanie podželudočnoj železy u rabočih, zanjatyh na neftehimičeskih proizvodstvah [in Russian]
Pancreatic internal and external secretion tests in 346 workers exposed to saturated, unsaturated and aromatic hydrocarbons (concentrations approximating their TLVs) showed a predominance of pancreatic disorders in subjects with chronic cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia without symptoms of inflammation. Conclusions to be drawn regarding medical supervision of workers.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Dec. 1979, No.12, p.28-30. 13 ref.

CIS 80-1055 Bulatova F.D.
Incidence and clinical picture of biliary tract diseases in petrochemical industry workers
Rasprostranennost' i kliničeskoe tečenie zabolevanij želčnyh putej u rabočih neftehimičeskih proizvodstv [in Russian]
346 workers with different levels of exposure to synthetic products and 79 controls were studied: the incidence of biliary tract diseases was greater in the exposed group and was related to length of service. Cholecystitis was the chief cause of unfitness for work. The clinical picture was dominated by dyskinesia due to autonomic instability, frequently giving rise to hepatic and pancreatic disorders.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Aug. 1979, No.8, p.8-11. 13 ref.

CIS 79-1427 Thériault G., Goulet L.
A mortality study of oil refinery workers.
This study comprised 1,205 men employed for more than 5 years since 1928. The standard mortality ratio was lower than expected for all causes of death. There was a statistically higher incidence of brain cancer among young people who died less than 20 years after start of employment. Cancer of the digestive system was suspected of being associated with work in oil refineries. The lung cancer death rate was low.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, May 1979, Vol.21, No.5, p.367-370. 11 ref.

CIS 79-1083 Hanis N.M., Stavraky K.M., Fowler J.L.
Cancer mortality in oil refinery workers.
Cancer mortality for 1964-1973 was studied in 15,032 refinery workers in Canada. Those with jobs exposing them to crude petroleum or its products had more than 3 times the risk of oesophageal and stomach cancer, and about twice the risk of lung cancer, than non-exposed controls. There was a relation between cancer risk and duration of employment. Comparisons of refinery with non-refinery workers, without reference to petroleum exposure, showed the former to have twice the risk of cancer of the intestines and other digestive organs. The results cannot be ascribed with certainty to a carcinogenic effect of petroleum, and further study is called for. Numerous statistical tables illustrate the text.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, Mar. 1979, Vol.21, No.3, p.167-174. 17 ref.


CIS 81-1796 Darby G.H., Dukich A., Hargens C.W., Hill H.G,, Hsiao S.H., Suter D.L., Mason R., Miller L.M.
Information profiles on potential occupational hazards
General overview information, with bibliographies, is provided for the industrial processes: Manufacturing and use of corrosion inhibitors and rosin core solder; manufacturing of explosives and fireworks, plastics and resins, pharmaceuticals, synthetic rubber, tires, paints and related products; firefighting; aluminium reduction; caisson and tunnel work; petrochemical plants; petroleum refining; spray painting; photographic processing; electroplating; sewage treatment; incineration. Information is also provided for the physical agents radiofrequency, microwave and ionising radiation; magnetic fields; impact noise.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Rockville, Maryland 20852, USA. Apr. 1978. 315p. 599 ref.

CIS 79-1409 Waldbott G.L., Lee J.R.
Toxicity from repeated low-grade exposure to hydrogen fluoride - Case report.
There is a sparsity of data on the early stage of chronic hydrogen fluoride (HF) poisoning. This is a detailed case report and discussion of a 57-year-old man who had operated an alkylation unit at a major oil company for 10 years. The insidious onset of a wide spectrum of subtle symptoms is emphasised. In view of the marked expansion of the use of HF in industry, physicians should be alerted to the manifestations of chronic systemic poisoning. Preventive measures include adequate exhaust ventilation and the use of protective masks.
Clinical Toxicology, Oct. 1978, Vol.13, No.3, p.391-402. 32 ref.

CIS 79-1079 Belomytceva L.A.
Chronic bronchitis morbidity in petrochemical plant workers
Rasprostranennost' hroničeskogo bronhita sredi rabočih neftehimičeskih proizvodstv [in Russian]
Results of an epidemiological survey in factories producing synthetic alcohols and butadiene-α-methylstyrene (2,984 workers classified by sex, age, profession, length of service and smoking habits). The workers were exposed to various hydrocarbons, catalyser dust, noise and weather conditions. Chronic bronchitis was present in 16.2% (17.5% of men, 13.7% of women). The incidence of chronic bronchitis was proportional to age, number of cigarettes smoked and length of service. The most affected occupation was that of maintenance and repair engineers. Morbidity was higher in female machine operators than non-smoking men with the same occupation.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Oct. 1978, No.10, p.5-8.

CIS 78-2052 Brief R.S., Lynch J.
Industrial hygiene engineering in the petrochemical industry.
This article discusses how industrial hygiene engineering can be applied during the development of new petrochemical technology, during the design of chemical manufacturing units, during routine and non-routine production operations, and during plant turnaround (periodic tearing down and rebuilding of process units), in order to minimise leaks, spills, fugitive emissions and other releases. Continuous industrial hygiene surveillance is necessary, and the industrial hygienists should interact closely with engineering groups and plant personnel to implement control measures.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Aug. 1978, Vol.39, No.8, p.620-625.


CIS 77-1297 Lighting for petroleum and chemical plants.
This report outlines established lighting practices in these industries, defines the work tasks requiring good visibility and makes a number of recommendations. Data is tabulated on: recommended lighting levels (according to area of activity and type of operation) for production requirements and workers' comfort; type of luminaire for safe illumination in different categories of areas with explosion hazard; lighting levels satisfying safety requirements.
Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society, Apr. 1977, Vol.6, No.3, p.184-192. Illus. 8 ref.


CIS 78-1447 Lawley H.G.
Size up plant hazards this way.
This article proposes a method for searching systematically for every conceivable deviation from the norm involving potential hazards in hydrocarbon processing plants. The technique is based on a checklist of guide words for generation of deviations (possible causes; process deviation; possible consequences - hazard, operating problem or trivial incident). The article considers: principles of the method; cause and effect; planning the study, procedure, analysis, evaluation of problems, action to be taken, study team work and leadership; mandatory checks and continuous studies. Example: operability and hazard study of a proposed ethylene oxide feed system for batch reactors (tables, with checklist of guide words, causes, consequences, action, and diagram).
Hydrocarbon Processing, Imperial Chemical Industries, Petrochemicals Division, Safety and Loss Prevention Group, Wilton, Middlesborough, Cleveland TS6 8JE, United Kingdom, 1976. 9p. Illus. 2 ref. Gratis. Offprint from London, United Kingdom, Apr. 1976, Vol.55, No.4, p.247.

CIS 78-323 Safety rules for chemical and petrochemical plants where there is a fire and explosion hazard
Pravila bezopasnosti vo vzryvoopasnyh i vzryvo-požaroopasnyh himičeskih i neftehimičeskih proizvodstvah (PBVHP-74) [in Russian]
Contents of this collection of directives: planning of location of industrial premises and their layout; design of heating, ventilation and lighting installations, etc. from the fire and explosion safety viewpoint; operational procedures; design of safety systems and devices (pressure limiting devices, compressors, pipes and fittings); mechanisation of heavy or hazardous work; automation and signalling; location of instruments for detecting explosive atmospheres; corrosion protection; use of inert gases; explosion-proof electrical equipment; auxiliary workshops; anti-gas protection brigades; fire fighting; maintenance and repair (work in confined spaces, preventive maintenance, permits-to-work, etc.); personal protective equipment and personal hygiene; responsibilities).
Izdatel'stvo "Nedra", Tret'jakovskij proezd 1/19, 103633 Moskva K-12, USSR, 1976. 79p. Price: Rbl.0.20.

CIS 77-1819 Ševčenko N.F., Arnopolin A.G., Mel'nik G.I., Begali S.V., Alekseenko L.I.
Explosion-proof electrical equipment for the petroleum and gas industries
Vzryvozaščiščennoe ėlektrooborudovanie dlja neftjanoj i gazovoj promyšlennosti [in Russian]
Contents of this practical handbook: classification and labelling of explosion-proof electrical equipment of Soviet manufacture; asynchronous and synchonous electric motors, electric valve actuators and pump sets; starting and regulating gear, electric control and signal elements; measurement and monitoring equipment; automation devices; lighting equipment; advice on assembly and use of electrical equipment designed for explosive atmospheres.
Izdatel'stvo "Nedra", Tret'jakovskij proezd 1/19, 193633 Moskva K-12, USSR, 1976. 183p. Illus. 22 ref. Price: Rbl.0.58.

CIS 77-1394 Bulatova F.D., Muhametova G.M., Sof'ina L.I.
Biliary secretion in petrochemical industry workers with chronic biliary tract diseases
Ėkskretorno-biliarnaja funkcija pečeni u rabočih neftehimičeskih proizvodstv s hroničeskimi zabolevanijami želčnyh putej [in Russian]
Study of the clinical course of liver and biliary tract disease in workers exposed to small concentrations of hydrocarbons and aromatic compounds in the air of petrochemical plants. Study of hepato-biliary functions in 346 workers showed that chronic cholecystitis has a very painful evolution because of biliary system dyskinesia and biliary secretion dysfunction. The authors frequently observed hepatic insufficiency, with severity related to length of service. They recommend that the very specific clinically observable course taken by cholecystitis in persons employed in petrochemical plants should be borne in mind when prescribing therapeutic and preventive measures and in assessing aptitude for this kind of work.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, July 1976, No.7, p. 23-27. 6 ref.

CIS 77-1402 Safronova N.A.
Protective clothing and footwear for workers in the chemical and petrochemical industries and in oil refineries
Specodežda i specobuv' dlja rabotnikov himičeskoj, neftepererabatyvajuščej i neftehimičeskoj promyšlennosti [in Russian]
Contents of this handbook: materials used in the manufacture of protective clothing and footwear; types of protective clothing and footwear (protective clothing against humidity, acids, mineral oils and greases, organic solvents, dust, heat, etc.; boots and ankle-boots in impermeable materials (acid and grease proof), in dielectric and antistatic materials, etc.); protective gloves, barrier creams, skin detergents, safety helmets; care and maintenance, supply and use of personal protective equipment.
Izdatel'stvo "Himija", ul. Stromynka 13, 107076 Moskva, USSR, 1976. 152p. Illus. 9 ref. Price: Rbl.0.49.

CIS 77-845 Tepljakov A.S., Sibilev M.S.
Occupational safety and health manual for the petrochemical and petroleum processing industries - New and amended rules, regulations and instructions
Spravočnik po ohrane truda i tehnike bezopasnosti v neftepererabatyvajuščej i neftehimičeskoj promyšlennosti - Novye i peresmotrennye pravila, normativy i instrukcii [in Russian]
Compendium of Soviet regulations and standards, supplementing the manual abstracted as CIS 74-1156 : recent legislation on safe work in petroleum and natural gas processing plants; precautions with pyrophoric compounds; standards for the design of heating and ventilation systems; design and operation of production plants for ethylene, ethanol and synthetic rubber; safety, health and fire protection in the production of carbon black; protection against static electricity; safe work with gas scrubbers and dust collectors; repair work; work in confined spaces; explosion safety and sealing of compressors and pumps; storage tanks for flammable and explosive gases.
Izdatel'stvo "Himija", ul. Stromynka 13, 107076 Moskva, USSR, 1976. 456p. Price: Rbl.2.20.

CIS 77-625 Sultanovič A.I.
Electrical safety in petroleum refineries and petrochemical plants
Ėlektrobezopasnost' na neftepererabatyvajuščih i neftehimičeskih zavodah [in Russian]
Contents: electrical hazards and effect of electric current on the human body; specific features of electrical installations in refineries and petrochemical plant; safety measures (inaccessibility of conducting elements, earthing or connection to neutral, protective relays, isolating transformers, circuit-breaker interlocks, use of safe voltage, protective equipment for hot work, etc.); safety in work on electrical plant and machinery; first aid and resuscitation; explosive atmospheres (classification); design of explosion-proof electrical equipment; fire safety, elimination of static charges and lightning protection.
Izdatel'stvo "Himija", Stromynka 13, 107076 Moskva, USSR, 1976. 160p. Illus. 21 ref. Price: Rbl.0.30.

CIS 77-178 Bahn A.K., Rosenwaike I., Herrmann N., Grover P., Stellman J., O'Leary K.
Melanoma after exposure to PCB's.
The authors draw attention to a possible new carcinogenic agent (Aroclor 1254, a polychlorinated biphenyl) used in a petrochemical plant during a 9-year period. 2 malignant melanomas were found among the 31 workers who were heavily exposed to this compound, with an additional case in another group of 41 workers believed to have had less exposure.
New England Journal of Medicine, 19 Aug. 1976, Vol.295, No.8, p.450. 6 ref.


CIS 76-1779 Combaz M.
Constitutional inaptitude or conditional aptitude for shift work - Chronic tetany or spasmophilia
Inaptitude constitutionnelle ou aptitude conditionnelle au travail posté: la tétanie chronique ou spasmophilie. [in French]
General considerations on shift work are followed by a brief survey of previous literature on the subject. The author describes a clinical survey he carried out over a period of more than 4 years in 1,200 shift workers (mostly working in 3 continuous 8h shifts) and 1,200 day workers, in a petroleum refinery and adjoining research centre. One element common to the workers experiencing difficulty in adjusting to shift work was noted: a constitutional tendency to spasmophilia (tetany) distinguished by neuromuscular hyperexcitability evidenced by Chvostek's sign and by cerebral lability with depressive tendencies. Careful screening in pre-employment examinations should eliminate maladjusted persons of this kind from shift work, while possible decompensation in known spasmophilic subjects can be prevented by oral administration of vitamin D and calcium.
Archives des maladies professionnelles, Oct.-Nov. 1975, Vol.36, No.10-11, p.585-592. 18 ref.

CIS 76-1512 Kulikov A.V., Rybak M.B.
Means and systems of prevention of emergencies in undertakings
Sredstva i sistemy predupreždenija avarijnyh situacij na predprijatijah [in Russian]
Description of some new safety, signalling and automatic shutoff systems for petroleum refineries and petrochemical plants: remote level indicators obviating manual level gauging of petroleum products; gas sampling and analysis equipment to replace manual sampling; exhaust systems for gas leaks from glands; automatic transfer of petroleum products to tank wagons. Four control circuits for gas distribution and shutoff valves are reproduced. Recommendations on application of automatic safety systems to reforming plants.
Bezopasnost' truda v promyšlennosti, May 1975, No.5, p.43-44. Illus.

CIS 76-1160 Mihajlov A.
Ergonomic aspects of the working conditions (noise and microclimate) in compressor rooms
Ergonomski aspekti uslova rada u kompresorskim stanicama sa osvrtom na buku i mikroklimatske uslove [in Serbocroatian]
Results of an ergonomic survey in the compressor rooms of 2 Yugoslav petroleum refineries. Measurements taken at different points show that the noise levels and effective temperatures to which the personnel is exposed exceed the tolerable limits. The results make it possible to adapt the design of compressors to the requirements of occupational hygiene.
Sigurnost u rudnicima, 1975, Vol.10, No.2, p.67-71. Illus. 9 ref.

CIS 76-615 Sibilev M.S., Svistunov N.P., Aksenov M.S.
Reference manual for fire safety and fire protection in the chemical industry, the petroleum processing industry and petrochemical industries
Spravočnik po požarnoj bezopasnosti i protivopožarnoj zaščite na predprijatijah himičeskoj, neftepererabatyvajuščej i neftehimičeskoj promyšlennosti [in Russian]
Contents: general fire safety rules (extracts from the Soviet regulations on the organisation of fire fighting); fire safety in research, planning and operation of plants and premises for the processing and storage of flammable liquids; rules, standards and recommendations concerning fire fighting.
Izdatel'stvo "Himija", Stromynka 13, 107076 Moskva, USSR, 1975. 455p. Illus. Price: Rbl.2.04.

CIS 76-312 King R.
Major fire and explosion hazards in hydrocarbon processing plants.
Reference is made to a number of disasters caused by unconfined vapour cloud explosions involving large quantities of hydrocarbon gas or vapour mixed with air. The author considers in turn the factors which constitute the hazard inherent in hydrocarbon handling and processing plants and units (the hazard rating scale developed by the Dow Chemical Co. is discussed) and the special but not uncommon hazard presented by the sudden mixture of water with hot hydrocarbon liquid (or vice versa) resulting in the generation of steam and the development of considerable pressure surge.
Protection, Nov. 1975, Vol.12, No.9, p.11-14. 6 ref.

CIS 76-415 Gething J.
Tetramethyllead absorption: a report of human exposure to a high level of tetramethyllead.
Description of the accidental exposure of a chemical worker to a high concentration of tetramethyllead (TML) following the ejection of an autoclave valve. The worker was knocked unconscious to the floor and was covered with a mixture containing 30% TML. The resulting atmospheric lead contamination in the building was 95.7mg/m3 on the 1st floor and 376.5mg/m3 on the 2nd floor. The patient's biochemical findings are presented, discussed and compared with those of similar accidental exposures to tetraethyllead (TEL). The patient had high levels of urinary lead but no symptoms of lead poisoning; ALA levels were not significantly raised. The case described confirms that TML is less toxic to humans than TEL.
British Journal of Industrial Medicine, Nov. 1975, Vol.32, No.4, p.329-333. Illus. 15 ref.


CIS 76-1672 Health guide to BP petroleum products.
Contents of this guide to the acute effects of exposure to petroleum products: terminology, types of exposure, toxicity scales, threshold limit values, preventive measures, hazardous circumstances, health aspects and emergency treatment (natural gases, liquefied petroleum gases, gasolines, low-aromatic hydrocarbon solvents, aromatic solvents, kerosine-related fuels, gas-oil related fuels, lubricating oils and fluids, lubricating greases and compounds, petroleum extracts, waxes, fuel-oil, bitumens).
BP Marketing, Strand, London WC2R ODX, United Kingdom, Oct. 1974. 27p. 18 ref.

CIS 75-1513 Vervalin C.H.
Fire protection manual for hydrocarbon processing plants.
This manual has been written by an array of noted fire-protection authorities with experience in the industry. The first chapter contains about 90 detailed case histories of fires, explosions and detonations, indicating causes and remedies and drawing conclusions. The next chapters deal with the fundamentals of fire protection and fire-fighting materials, the various factors operative in explosions and detonations, and the dangers of static electricity and electrical installations. Fire-protection facilities in all types of hydrocarbon-processing plant and methods of fighting hydrocarbon fires are described. Further chapters are devoted to safe startup and shutdown procedures of process units, inspections and investigations and disaster planning. An appendix contains a list of specialised organisations and supplementary literature.
Gulf Publishing Company, Book Division, 3301 Allen Parkway, Houston 1, Texas 77001, USA, 2nd edition, 1974. 488p. Illus. 334 ref. Price: US-$35.00.

CIS 75-1457 Voggenberger F., Wollinek A.
Warning systems and displays for petrochemical processes
Gefahrenmeldeanlagen und Messwertanwahl für petrochemische Prozesse [in German]
Description, with diagrams, of a plant producing acetylene from petroleum (annual capacity 300,000t) equipped with a fully electronic warning system with peripheral computers. For safety reasons 3 broadly independent systems with 2 computers were planned: optic and acoustic signalling system; recording of production troubles with their time of occurrence; temperature display by means of a selector.
Maschinenwelt-Elektrotechnik, Feb. 1974, Vol.29, No.2, p.26-29. Illus.

CIS 75-1137 Farenhorst J.B.
Safety starting from the earliest stage in the construction of a chemical plant
Veiligheid vanaf het prilste bouwstadium van een chemisch bedrijf [in Dutch]
An account of the safety planning and organisation before and during the construction of a petrochemical plant in the Netherlands: accident prevention and first-aid organisation on the construction site; contacts with local authorities (labour inspectorate, fire services, etc.); planned purchase of fire fighting equipment; organisation of a plant safety, fire fighting and guard department; safety training of new employees; supervision of construction work; introduction of ban on smoking and permits-to-work as soon as the first hydrocarbons arrived on the site; information of the neighbourhood population and dealing with complaints about environmental nuisances.
De veiligheid, Oct. 1974, No.10, p.413-416. Illus.

CIS 75-848 Svodnova N.S.
The state of health of young apprentice operators of technical equipment in the petroleum processing industry
Sostojanie zdorov'ja podrostokov, osvaivajuščih professiju operatora tehnologičeskih ustanovok neftepererabatyvajuščej promyšlennosti [in Russian]
Results of a 3-year follow-up study of 180 apprentices exposed to harmful environmental factors in petroleum refineries (mainly to hydrocarbons and hydrogen sulfide). The exposed apprentices displayed more frequently impaired sedimentation rates, had a worse sickness absence record in relation to the exposure time and suffered to a greater extent from functional disorders and chronic diseases than the control group. It is therefore recommended that only apprentices of 18 years and over should be admitted to this type of employment, that the time they spend in the plant should be limited, and that they should be exempted from maintenance and repair work, which generally involves severe exposure.
Sovetskoe zdravoohranenie, Apr. 1974, No.4, p.30-34. Illus. 4 ref.

CIS 75-639 Kletz T.A.
The protection of pressure vessels against fire.
Article explaining how these vessels can be protected: sloping the ground so that spillages of flammable material do not accumulate underneath; thermal insulation; water drenching; de-pressuring the vessel; rate at which pressure should be reduced and methods of reducing it. Describes accidents in France and the USA to show that a relief valve, no matter how large, cannot save a vessel from bursting if the vessel itself becomes too hot. The heat weakens the vessel to such an extent that it bursts at a pressure below the set point of the relief valve.
Fire Prevention, May 1974, No.103, p.17-21. Illus. 20 ref.

CIS 75-478 Lefcoe N.M., Wonnacott T.H.
Chronic respiratory disease in four occupational groups.
In a prevalence survey of 1,072 Western Ontario farmers, chemical workers, firemen and physicians, chronic respiratory disease rates differed significantly. Farmers and chemical workers showed higher rates of chronic bronchitis and rhonchi heard on auscultation and lower forced expiratory volume rates (FEV1) than physicians and firemen. The asthma rates were high in all occupational groups, averaging 5.2%, related possibly to the damp climate and the high mould and pollen-spore production in Western Ontario. Other information indicated a definite effect of age (corrected for smoking) on chronic bronchitis and asthma.
Archives of Environmental Health, Sep. 1974, Vol.29, No.3, p.143-146. 12 ref.

CIS 74-2051 Robinson T.R.
20-year mortality of tetraethyl lead workers.
This study compares the mortality experience over 20 years (1947-67) for 592 tetraethyl lead (TEL) workers and 660 non-TEL workers in a plant manufacturing TEL. The average annual crude death rates and age-adjusted death rates were similar for the 2 groups. There were no obvious peculiarities in the specific causes of death in either group. While recognising some deficiencies in the study, the conclusion is drawn that these TEL workers have shown no adverse experience in their mortality either overall or in specific disease categories.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, Sep. 1974, Vol.16, No.9, p.601-605. 7 ref.

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