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Paper and paper products industry - 220 entries found

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CIS 90-1539 Izmerov N.F.
Guide to occupational hygiene
Rukovodstvo po gigiene truda [in Russian]
Second of 2 volumes addressed to industrial physicians, specialists in occupational medicine, plant physicians and other medical personnel. Vol.2 is arranged in 16 chapters devoted to occupational hygiene problems in the following industries: mining; coal-mining (opencast and underground); iron and steel (sintering and iron-ore pellet plants, cakes and by-products, blast-furnace processes, steelmaking, ferroalloy smelting processes etc.); non-ferrous metals (manufacturing of alumina, aluminium, copper, lead, mercury, zinc etc.); machinery (foundry, press forging, heat-treating, machine shops etc.); electronics; chemicals; oil and gas extraction and refining; microbiology; synthetic polymers (plastics, man-made fibers, synthetic rubber, rubber products); construction and building materials; asbestos processing; textiles and light industry (textile, clothing, leather goods, shoe making); wood, pulp and paper, woodworking; printing; work with ionising radiation (nuclear power plants, radioactive sources, x-ray equipment, particle accelerators, etc.).
Izdatel'stvo "Medicina", Petroverigskij per. 6/8, 101000 Moskva, USSR, 1987. Vol.2, 446p. 58 ref. Price: SUR 1.90.

CIS 89-1679 Lindberg L., Tyrland S., Landström U.
Analyses of sources of propagation of noise and vibration in control cabins
Identifiering av alstringskällor och utbredningsvägar för buller och vibrationer i manöverrum [in Swedish]
Analyses using spectral analysis and coherence studies of a representative Swedish control cabin in a pulp and paper plant. The noise spectrum inside the control room was dominated by three different tones at frequencies of 5, 25 and 125Hz. The 125Hz tone was generated by the gearing system of the machine for paper winding, the 25Hz tone by the heat-recovery fans, and the 5Hz tone by the dissolvers. The transmission of these noises into the control cabin is analysed. Both vibration and noise levels were below the recommended Swedish exposure limits.
Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Publikationsservice, 171 84 Solna, Sweden, 1987. 26p. Illus. 9 ref.

CIS 89-821 Jäppinen P.
A mortality study of Finnish pulp and paper workers
Mortality among workers in the Finnish pulp and paper industry was evaluated in a retrospective cohort study of 3,520 workers employed for at least 1yr between 1945 and 1961. Six subcohorts were formed according to 6 work areas: sulphite, sulphate, paper and board mills, maintenance department, and power plant. National mortality rates were used for comparison. The mortality of a cohort of 1,290 sawmill workers was also studied in order to have a similar group without the exposures typical of the pulp and paper industry for comparison. Smoking habits were surveyed. Mortality was followed up until 31.12.1981. Overall mortality for the entire cohort did not differ from that expected (1,044 obs, 1,029.4 exp, SMR 101), but there was an excess of deaths from diseases of the circulatory system among the men at all 5 work areas except the sawmill. The smoking data did not explain this finding and it may be associated with occupational exposures.
British Journal of Industrial Medicine, Sep. 1987, Vol.44, No.9, p.580-587. 27 ref.

CIS 88-1172 Heederik D., Burdorf L., Boleij J., Willems H., van Bilsen J.
Pulmonary function and intradermal tests in workers exposed to soft-paper dust
A survey was carried out in the processing department of a paper mill, consisting of environmental and personal monitoring, a short questionnaire concerning chronic non-specific lung disease (CNSLD), spirometry, and intradermal tests. Spirometry was performed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Exposures to paper dust regularly exceeded the Dutch Maximal Allowable Concentrations (MACs) for total and respirable dust. There were indications of a qualitatively different exposure to moulds inside the mill in comparison with the outdoor air. A comparison between a group of workers exposed to paper dust and a control group showed significantly more persons with positive late and delayed intradermal test reactions in the exposed population. The analysis of the spirometric measurements after correction for differences between the groups in age, height, and smoking habits gave evidence of the existence of lower FEV1, MMEF, MEF50, and MEF25 among exposed workers with a positive immediate intradermal reaction on Friday. The same workers showed a decline in pulmonary function over the week compared with the controls. These changes suggest an obstructive airway reaction with an immunologic mechanism to dust exposure in a paper mill.
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 1987, Vol.11, No.6, p.637-645. 18 ref.

CIS 87-1304 Jäppinen P., Hakulinen T., Pukkala E., Tola S., Kurppa K.
Cancer incidence of workers in the Finnish pulp and paper industry
The cancer incidence of 3,545 workers in the Finnish pulp and paper industry was assessed in a retrospective cohort study. The cohort included workers with continuous employment of at least one year between 1 Jan. 1945 and 31 Dec. 1961 and was followed until 31 Dec. 1980. Six subcohorts were formed (sulfite mill, sulfate mill, paper mill, board mill, maintenance department, and power plant). Separate analyses were made for the 2,597 workers hired after 1 Jan. 1945. Their smoking habits were surveyed. Among the men, 196 cases of primary cancer were detected versus 203.8 expected and there were 47 cancer cases among the women versus 57.9 expected. Lung cancer occurred in 78 men (62.6 expected) and the excess was most prominent for the male board mill workers (40 observed, 18.1 expected), particularly after 20 years' latency (25 observed, 7.8 expected). Analogous excesses of lung cancer occurred among the men (especially the male board mill workers) who began work after 1 Jan. 1945. Their findings were not explained by smoking habits.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, June 1987, Vol.13, No.3, p.197-202. 23 ref.

CIS 87-1090 Tobelem W.
Technical safety data sheet - Straight-edge guillotines
Fiche technique de sécurité - Massicots droits [in French]
This data sheet, intended for managerial staff, engineers and supervisors, examines the hazards associated with straight-edge guillotines used to cut paper, cardboard, plastic sheets, veneer wood and some specific metalsheets. General introduction: description, main characteristics, operating principles; regulations (official directives applicable in France, standards); installation; operation; risk prevention; maintenance and checking. Data concerning risk analysis and means of preventing hazards are presented in table form and numerous technical drawings illustrate devices which can be used to improve the safety of older models.
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Sécurité et hygiène du travail, 1st Quarter 1987, No.126, Note No.1611-126-87, p.1-14. Illus. 5 ref.


CIS 89-593 Mal'ceva L.M., Masič T.A., Kol'cun S.S., Malhas'jan L.I., Mučnik I.B., Tal' A.A., Lokšina V.B.
Computer-assisted assessment of the external respiratory system in expert evaluation of performance abilities of patients with dust-induced bronchitis
Ispol'zovanie ėlektronno-vyčislitel'nyh mašin dlja ocenki sistemy vnešnego dyhanija pri ėkspertize trudosposobnosti bol'nyh pylevym bronhitom [in Russian]
211 patients with dust-induced bronchitis (workers in the ceramics, refractory products and paper-making industries) were examined. Length of exposure for all was more than 10yrs. In addition to detailed clinical and x-ray examination, all patients were subjected to spirography, pneumotachometry and oxyhaemography. Computer-assisted factor analysis was used to derive 4 internal parameters reflecting external respiration status. Of these parameters, the "ventilatory function" factor (VF) gave the best generalised characterisation of the state of the external respiratory system. VF permits an accurate assessment (screening-test) of respiratory system status in workers in dusty occupations.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Oct. 1986, No.10, p.24-27. 7 ref.

CIS 88-1286 Mäkinen R., Kangas J., Korhonen K.
Chemicals in the pulp industry - Use, exposure, and health risks in Finland
Massateollisuuden kemikaalit - käyttö, altistuminen ja terveysvaarat Suomessa [in Finnish]
In 1982 nearly 5.4 million tons of pulp were produced in the mills which responded to the questionnaire (80% of all mills). In order to produce this amount, approximately 1.6 million tons of chemials were required. In addition, 3.4 million tons of chemicals were circulated inside the mills, mainly cooking chemicals. 223 chemicals were reported. Exposure does not appear to be very severe in the pulp industry. Gases and aerosols causing lung damage must be considered the most harmful factors. 44 mills, employing 8,048 workers, gave details on accidents; in 1982, there were 24 chemical accidents, which caused a loss of 340 work days.
Työterveyslaitoksen tutkimuksia, 1986, Vol.4, No.1, p.17-30. Illus. 21 ref.

CIS 88-1352 Blanch González P., Pique Ardanuy T.
The "Slotter" - Risk analysis by the method Nis
Slotter - Análisis de riesgos por el método Nis/Slotter - Análisis de riesgos por el método Nis [in Spanish]
Detailed description of an application of the risk analysis method "Nis" to the "Slotter", a machine used for the printing and cutting of cardboard sheets used in the manufacture of boxes. The risks were classified in accordance with the different work procedures (adjustment, operation of the machine, cleaning). For each procedure, a table was prepared, where the different processes of the machine, the operations performed to achieve the processes and the risks associated with these operations were indicated. A corresponding analysis sheet was then prepared where the risks were identified and described as well as the causes and consequences of possible accidents due to these risk factors, and finally the preventive measures needed to eliminate the risks.
Salud y trabajo, July- Aug. 1986, No.56, p.37-48. Illus. 4 ref.

CIS 87-1324
Paper and Board Industry Advisory Committee, Health and Safety Commission
Chemicals in paper and board mills
This guidance note covers the use, handling, storage and transport of chemicals in mills. Discussed are: control measures; organisation; arrangements; chemical manual; strategy for introducing a chemical; collection and assessment of information; application of information to site conditions; consideration of chemicals currently in use; provision of control measures for existing and new chemicals (general considerations, transport, storage, use, disposal, external environment, maintenance of plant, emergency procedures, first aid, personal hygiene, training and information, supervision, maintenance and review of control measures, investigation of accidents etc., health surveillance); strategy for dealing with new information; health and safety awareness: getting the message across; cooperation; involvement; provision of information; education and training; instruction and supervision; sustaining awareness:; glossary; factors affecting risk due to toxic properties or flammability; suppliers' and internal information sheets; segregation table for storage of classes of chemicals; checklist; personal protective equipment; legal requirements; sources of information.
HM Stationery Office, Government Bookshops, 49 High Holborn, London WCIV 6HB, United Kingdom, 1986. 40p. Illus. Price: £8.50.

CIS 87-538
Comité technique national du livre, Caisse nationale de l'assurance maladie
Continuous platen printing presses (Recommendation R 277)
Presses à platine travaillant en continu (Recommandation R 277) [in French]
This text modifies and supplements Recommendation No. 121 (see CIS 86-840). It concerns the hazards presented by the holders for the paper rolls, by the printing elements themselves and by the finishing and folding machinery, and describes appropriate ways of assuring operator safety.
Travail et sécurité, Sep.-Oct. 1986, No.9-10, p.555-556. Illus.

CIS 87-535 Robinson C.F., Waxweiler R.J., Fowler D.P.
Mortality among production workers in pulp and paper mills
A cohort of 3,572 workers employed for at least one year between 1945 and 1955 was followed through 31 March 1977. The 915 deaths observed were 79% of the number expected on the basis of comparable US mortality rates. Statistically non-significant excesses of deaths due to lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma and to stomach cancer were observed. These findings corroborate reports based on state vital statistics, and preliminary case-referent and population-based studies of workers in the pulp or paper industries. No deaths due to nasal cancer were observed, but only 0.6 were expected. The excess risk of lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma was increased only for men who worked in sulfate mills. The excess risk of stomach cancer was limited to men who worked in sulfite mills. Process-specific standardised mortality ratios for these causes were highest after 20 years since first employment in the mills.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Dec. 1986, Vol.12, No.6, p.552-560. 31 ref.

CIS 86-1777 Knutsson A., Akerstedt T., Jonsson B.G., Orth-Gomer K.
Increased risk of ischaemic heart disease in shift workers
A long-term (15 years) follow-up study of 504 Swedish papermill workers showed a significatly increased relative risk of developing ischaemic heart disease among workers with shift-work exposure for a period of 11-20 years. This association was independent of age and smoking history. There was no increase in relative risk for workers with less than 11 years of exposure, and among those with more than 20 (this last is probably due to positive selection bias).
Lancet, 12 July 1986, Vol.2, No.8498, p.89-91. 26 ref

CIS 86-1444 Paper box industry - Safety and health guide for supervisors, joint health and safety committees, employees
Aspects covered: legal requirements in Ontario; hazard analysis; chemical and mechanical safety; static electricity; press operations; materials handling; information sources.
Industrial Accident Prevention Association, 2 Bloor St. West, Toronto, Ontario M4W 3N8, Canada, 1986. 54p.


CIS 87-373
Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften
Printing and paper converting [Federal Republic of Germany]
Druck und Papierverarbeitung (VBG 7i) [in German]
Directive concerning safety regulations for machinery in the printing and paper converting industries.
Carl Heymanns Verlag KG, Gereonstrasse 18-32, 5000 Köln 1, Federal Republic of Germany, 1 Oct. 1985. 23+20p. Illus.

CIS 86-937 Desmoulins J., Turc-Baron P.
Safety in the paper industry - 6. Auxiliary machinery used with dryers
La sécurité dans les industries de la papeterie - 6. Les auxiliaires de sécherie [in French]
This publication deals with the following kinds of auxiliary equipment used with dryers: breaker stacks, size presses, dampening machines, machine glaze cylinders (generalities, description of parts, hazards and general preventive measures). For each type of machine, examples of actual accidents are given: type, circumstances and consequences of accidents; observations and preventive measures to adopt.
Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, 1985. 143p. Illus. Bibl.

CIS 86-840
(Caisse nationale de l'assurance maladie des travailleurs salariés)
Prevention of occupational accidents and diseases in the publishing industry: Recommendation R 121
Prévention des accidents du travail et des maladies professionnelles dans les industries du livre: Recommandation R 121 [in French]
This document contains recommendations for the prevention of risks inherent in the use of machinery in the publishing industry. Preventive measures common to all machines are provided first, followed by measures appropriate for each machine category: printing presses, gilding and embossing machines, hole-punching machines, trimmers, shears, baling presses, binding and stitching machines. An appendix discusses two-hand controls, and electronic guards, and it gives a list of permissible concentrations in workplace air of the principal solvent fumes found in the industry. Examples are given of safety rules and regulations in effect in France.
Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30, rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, Nov. 1985. 239p. Illus.

CIS 86-732 Thormann J., Hansen I., Misfeldt J.
Occupational dermatitis from dibutyl maleinate
Ten of 20 workers in an envelope-making factory develope contact dermatitis. Patch testing showed that the cause was dibutyl maleate ("maleinate"), a component of polyvinyl acetate glues. Dermatitis disappeared from the workforce within 3 months after removal of the dibutyl maleate containing glue from the factory. The glue manufacturer subsequently withdrew dibutyl maleate from its products.
Contact Dermatitis, Nov. 1985, Vol.13, No.5, p.314-316. 5 ref.

CIS 86-555 Guillotine cutters
Aspects covered in this data sheet: description of the various cutters and their safety systems; hazards (hand injuries from knives and clamps); safe operating procedures; maintenance and repair.
National Safety Council, 444 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611, USA, 1985. 8p. Illus. 1 ref.


CIS 86-1248 Hedendahl J., Jacobsson E., Landström U.
Low-frequency noise and pure tones in control cabins. I. Background and estimation of low-frequency noise and pure tones in control cabins. II. Low-frequency noise and pure tones in sawmills, wood pulp factories and iron- and steel-works
Lågfrekvent buller och rena toner i hytter - I. Bakgrund samt bedömningsförfarande avseende lågfrekvent buller och rena toner i hytter. II. Lågfrekvent buller och rena toner i hytter inom sågverk, cellulosaindustri och järn/stålverk [in Swedish]
Part I describes methods for recording and analysing low-frequency nose and pure tones in control rooms and cabs. A procedure for estimating infrasound perception thresholds and changes in noise level is also given. Part II gives results for 87 control cabs in sawmills, pulp factories and iron- and steel-works. In only one cab (a sheet-metal cab for a chip crusher) were Swedish limits for infrasound and pure tones exceeded. In approximately one-fourth of the cabs, infrasound was perceptible. In 35% of the cabs, the infrasound level was higher inside than outside.
Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Publikationsservice, 171 84 Solna, Sweden, 1984. 73p. Illus. 8 ref.

CIS 86-118 Embree V., Enarson D.A., Chan-Yeung M., DyBuncio A., Dennis R., Leach J.
Occupational exposure to chlorophenates: Toxicology and respiratory effects
71 chlorophenate-exposed sawmill workers were identified as part of a group undergoing an extensive health and environmental evaluation in a pulp mill. This group was compared with a group (351) with no physical proximity to the area in which chlorophenates were used. A gradient of exposure was demonstrated from 230ppb in urine and 919ppb in serum for those directly handling the contaminated wood, to 139ppb in urine and 354ppb in serum for those working in the area but not in manual contact as compared with serum levels of 84ppb in the unexposed group. It was noted that the bulk chemical was primarily in the tetrachloro-form but the serum levels contained more pentachlorophenate. The urine proportions were intermediate, approximating the bulk chemical proportions at the lower levels of exposure. No excess prevalence of respiratory symptoms or spirometric abnormalities was found which could be explained by the chlorophenate exposure.
Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology, Oct. 1984, Vol.22, No.4, p.317-329. 14 ref.

CIS 85-1735
Health and Safety Commission, Paper and Board Industry Advisory Committee
Handling reels of paper and board
This guidance publication covers: legal requirements in the United Kingdom; housekeeping, interim storage and layout; mechanical handling equipment; lorries and trailers; storage; manual handling and lifting.
HM Stationery Office, 49 High Holborn, London WC1V 6HB, United Kingdom, 1984. 41p. Illus. 18 ref. Price: £4.00.

CIS 85-1450 Van Aerde M.
Press-type cutting machines in the cardboard industry: hazards and preventive measures, improvements in working conditions
Les presses à découper dans l'industrie du cartonnage: risques et moyens de prévention, amélioration des conditions de travail [in French]
Preventive measures include: equipment as prescribed by French legislation; personnel (training in the workplace, posture); work organisation (material feed, machine cleaning, tidying); maintenance and the environment. Improvements in working conditions apply to machine loading, die handling; workstation planning (platform, lighting).
Prévention et sécurité du travail, 4th quarter 1984, No.143, p.14-18. Illus.

CIS 85-851 Paper machines
This data sheet identifies the hazards from each step of the paper-making process (wet end, handling felts, dryers, calender stacks, reels, winders).
National Safety Council, 444 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611, USA, Rev. 1984. 6p. Illus. Bibl.

CIS 85-850 Haberland W., Meyhak J.
Printing and paper
Druck und Papier [in German]
This loose-leaf collection of all the OSH regulations in force in the Federal Republic of Germany relating to the design, manufacture, installation and use of machines and processes for the wood and plastics industries (particularly, the 1979 version of the law on safety engineering and the safety rules promulgated by the industrial mutual accident insurance associations). This update contains a list of French standards which are equivalent to German ones (with safety specifications), directives for testing laboratories, notifications of the banning of dangerous equipment, various legal cases and the list of MAK values for 1984. A section on international law contains Convention 119 and Recommendation 118 of the ILO concerning machine safety, and the EEC regulations on safe working methods and work with low voltage.
Band 1, Schriftenreihe Maschinenschutz, Deutscher Fachschriften-Verlag, Felsenstrasse 23, 6200 Wiesbaden-Dotzheim, Federal Republic of Germany, 16th update, 1984. Vol.1 complete: 1800p. Price: DM.119.00.

CIS 85-771 Enarson D.A., Maclean L., Dybuncio A., Chan-Yeung M., Grzybowski S., Johnson A., Block G., Schragg K.
Respiratory health at a pulpmill in British Columbia
The spirometric parameters of 392 white male pulpmill workers were measured by standardised procedures and compared with those of a control group made of 310 white male railyard workers. There was a significant excess of respiratory complaints among the pulp mill workers. Younger non-smokers in the group, who worked in areas with detectable levels of chlorine, showed a reduction in airflow, and older non-smokers in the maintenance group a reduction in forced vital capacity.
Archives of Environmental Health, Sep.-Oct. 1984, Vol.39, No.5, p.325-330. 12 ref.

CIS 85-849 Paper bag manufacturing
This data sheet identifies the hazards related to paper bag manufacturing processes and describes safety precautions to be followed.
National Safety Council, 444 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611, USA, Rev. 1984. 4p. Illus. 4 ref.

CIS 85-848 Kangas J., Jäppinen P., Savolainen H.
Exposure to hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans and sulfur dioxide in the pulp industry
An occupational health survey of 10 paper mills in Finland revealed concentrations in air varying from 0 to 20ppm H2S, 0 to 15ppm methyl mercaptan and dimethyl sulfide, 0 to 1.5ppm dimethyl disulfide and up to 20ppm SO2. The exposed workers complained of headache and a decrease in concentration capacity. Their frequency of sick leave was greater than among a control group. Contaminant concentrations and health problems differed with the types of processes used.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Dec. 1984, Vol.45, No.12, p.787-790. 13 ref.

CIS 85-845
Paper making machines
Maskiner för papperstillverkning [in Swedish]
Contents of these regulations (effective 1 Jan. 1988) which apply to machines for the manufacture of paper and cardboard and to pulp making equipment: definitions; safety measures against nip hazards (mechanised web threading, mechanised web transfer to a new reel, measures against crushing and dragging hazards, winding and unwinding, reel handling, paper shears, pulp digesters, vats); guarding of lifting and lowering devices; hosing; access to the inside space of machines; inching controls; emergency stop devices; handling aids; operating instructions. Detailed commentaries with examples of guards are appended. English translation available from Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden.
LiberDistribution, 162 89 Stockholm, Sweden, 16 Jan. 1985. 28p. Illus.

CIS 85-539 Milham S., Demers R.Y.
Mortality among pulp and paper workers
Mortality among 2113 US and Canadian members of the Pulp, Sulfite and Paper Workers' Union, from 1935 to 1964, was studied using a proportionate mortality analysis. The distribution of the data according to location and type of cancer suggests that cancer mortality in pulp and paper workers may be related both to pulping process and to the tree species processed.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, Nov. 1984, Vol.26, No.11, p.844-846. 6 ref.

CIS 85-537 Burdorf L., Heederik D., van Bilsen J., Boleij J., Willems H.
Occupational health survey in a paper mill
Bedrijfshygiënisch onderzoek in een papierfabriek [in Dutch]
Comparative study of 48 winder operators exposed to paper dust and 48 non-exposed office workers of the same paper mill. Parameters investigated were the total and respirable dust concentrations, bacterial and mould contents of dust, state of the workers' respiratory system (questionnaire and spirometry), and sensitisation (skin test and serological reaction). All results are tabulated. There were relatively more persons with a positive (both late and delayed) intradermal reaction in the exposed group than in the control group. An analysis of the spirometric results using multiple regression and allowing for differences with regard to age, height and smoking habits revealed a lower FEV1, maximal mid-expiratory flow (MMEF), maximal expiratory flow 50 (MEF50) and MEF25 in exposed workers with positive dermal reactions.
Tijdschrift voor sociale gezondheidszorg, 26 Sep. 1984, Vol.62, No.19, p.766-772. Illus. 35 ref.

CIS 85-231 Haberland W., Meyhak J.
Printing and paper
Druck und Papier [in German]
This loose-leaf compendium contains all the safety and health regulations in effect in the Federal Republic of Germany relating to the design, construction, installation and use of machinery in the printing and paper industries (such as the law on safety engineering, 1979 version, and the codes of practice and safety regulations laid down by the industrial mutual accident insurance associations). This update contains notifications of compliance labels, comments on the law on safety engineering, and a list of MAC values. Convention 119 and Recommendation 118 of the International Labour Organisation relating to machine guarding and European Economic Community regulations relating to technical working rules and to low-voltage electric work are listed under "International Law".
Band 1, Schriftenreihe Maschinenschutz, Deutscher Fachschriften-Verlag, Felsenstrasse 23, 6200 Wiesbaden-Dotzheim, Federal Republic of Germany, 15th update, 1984. Vol.1 (complete): 1700p. Price: DM.119.00.


CIS 88-1520 Harms-Ringdahl L.
Learning by accident - Testing of a systematic approach to the investigation and prevention of occupational accidents at two paper mills
Vis av skadan - Försök att systematiskt utreda och förebygga olycksfall vid två pappersbruk [in Swedish]
Report on an experiment involving a systematic investigation of 15 accidents and near accidents carried out at 2 Swedish paper mills. Two special investigation groups were formed in order to analyse the accidents, propose measures for increased safety, and follow up the proposals. The analysis was based on the identification of deviations from the normal production process occurring before the accidents. The countermeasures proposed on the basis of this analysis were evaluated using a checklist.
Kungl. Tekniska Högskolan, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden, Mar. 1983. 71p. Illus. 20 ref.

CIS 87-966 Ionising radiation
This guidance note is intended to assist mills in the paper and paper products industry to meet legal obligations to avoid radiation risks. Covered are: population exposure; types of radiation; effect of exposure; principles of protection; what employers and employees should do; what suppliers, agents, or installers should do; legal requirements; emergency procedures; substance, level and profile gauges; miscellaneous uses in the industry; glossary.
HMSO Bookshop, 49 High Holborn, London WC1V 6HB, United Kingdom, 1983. 18p. Illus. Bibl. Price: £2.60.

CIS 85-993
Health and Safety Executive, Paper and Board Industry Advisory Committee
Ionising radiations
This guidance publication covers the prevention of exposure to ionising radiation used in the paper and board industry. Coverage: types of radiation; effects of exposure; principles of protection; duties of employers and employees; legal requirements; emergency procedures; types of substance gauges; positioning; shielding; warning signals and notices; level gauges; profile gauges; miscellaneous uses in industry.
H.M. Stationery Office, 49 High Holborn, London WC1V 6HB, United Kingdom, 1983. 18p. Illus. Price: £2.60

CIS 85-1144
Health and Safety Commission, Paper and Board Industry Advisory Committee
Safe systems of work for paper making machines
This guidance publication defines safe systems of work, describes operations requiring them in the paper making industry, gives the legal requirements in the United Kingdom and checklists for the preparation and assessment of safe systems of work, and provides detailed examples in the industry.
H.M. Stationery Office, 49 High Holborn, London WCIV 6HB, United Kingdom, 1983. 12p. Price: £2.00.

CIS 84-1390 Grenquist-Nordén B.
Respiratory effects of industrial chlorine and chlorine dioxide exposure
Academic dissertation. Workers with recent or past accidental exposure to high levels of chlorine or chlorine dioxide, and workers with long-term (≥5 years) exposure to typical ambient levels of the gases, were identified from the records of 14 Finnish pulp and paper companies. The 3 exposed groups and a control group of non-exposed workers from the same companies were subjected to interviews, chest x-rays and lung function tests. The effects of exposure were milder than those reported in earlier studies; cough, respiratory distress and chest pain were the most frequently reported symptoms. Men who were accidentally exposed to abnormally high levels of the gases secreted more pulmonary mucus and had more fibrosis of the lungs and more pleural changes than did unexposed men, but had normal lung function as a group. Men with long-term exposure had more chronic cough and mucus hypersecretion that did unexposed men, but no x-ray or lung function abnormalities. The apparent high chlorine tolerance of the population studied here may be due to chlorine-sensitive workers' transferring to other work early in their careers.
Institute of Occupational Health, University of Helsinki, Haartmaninkatu 1, Helsinki, Finland, 1983. 83p. Illus. Bibl.

CIS 84-1445 Paperbox industry safety and health guide
Contents of this guide: legal requirements in Ontario; specific hazard analysis by process step; chemical hazards, recognition and control; physical hazards; safety precautions and procedures; resource materials.
Industrial Accident Prevention Association, 2 Bloor St. E., Toronto, Ontario M4W 3C2, Canada, 1983. 154p. Bibl.

CIS 84-512 Triebig G., Bestler W., Baumeister P., Valentin H.
Studies on the neurotoxicity of industrial substances - IV. Measurement of motor and sensory nerve conduction velocity in occupational exposure to solvent mixtures
Untersuchungen zur Neurotoxizität von Arbeitsstoffen. IV. Messung der motorischen und sensorischen Nervenleitgeschwindigkeit bei beruflicher Exposition gegenüber Lösemittelgemischen [in German]
66 workers exposed for an average of 5 years to aliphatic, aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons were studied. There was no clinical evidence of nervous system disorders. Mean sensory conduction velocity (NCV) was significantly reduced in workers with medium to long-term exposure to solvents of more than 25 months. The incidence of pathological NCV increased from 12 to 36% in relation to duration of exposure. 23% workers in all had abnormal findings.
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, July 1983, Vol.52, No.2, p.139-150. 21 ref.

CIS 83-2051 Haberland W., Meyhak J.
Printing and paper
Druck und Papier [in German]
A loose-leaf collection of all the legislation currently in force in the Federal Republic of Germany with regard to the design, construction, installation and use of machines and processes in the printing and paper industry (especially the 1979 version of the law on safety engineering and the safety rules promulgated by the industrial mutual accident insurance associations). The updates contain alphabetical and numerical lists of applicable standards, list of testing institutions and their seals of approval, notifications of prohibition of dangerous materials, and the official list of MAC values. A section on international law contains Convention 119 and Recommendation 118 of the ILO, concerning machine safety, and EEC regulations on safe working methods and low-voltage work.
Band 1, Schriftenreihe Maschinenschutz, Deutscher Fachschriften-Verlag, Felsenstrasse 23, 6200 Wiesbaden-Dotzheim, Federal Republic of Germany, 12th, 13th and 14th updates, 1983. Vol.1 complete: 1700p. Price: DM.119.00.

CIS 83-1643
(Institut national de recherche et de sécurité)
Ethyl acrylate
Acrylate d'éthyle [in French]
Synonym, uses, physical and chemical properties, storage, methods of detection and determination in air, fire hazards, pathology and toxicology (animal tests show that it is an irritant; it irritates human skin and mucous membranes - American (ACGIH) TLV: 5ppm). French regulations on occupational health and safety and neighbourhood protection are mentioned, as are French and international transport regulations. Technical and medical recommendations are offered.
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Sécurité et hygiène du travail, 3rd quarter 1983, No.112, p.433-436. 16 réf.

CIS 83-1528
(Comité central de coordination, Caisse nationale de l'assurance-maladie)
Gilding and embossing presses
Presses à dorer et à gaufrer [in French]
Recommendations adopted 23 Feb. 1983. They cover all enterprises using such presses (including used and older equipment), except enterprises in the hides and leather industry. General safety measures concern hazards of mechanical origin, falls, control of the machines, signals and signage, older equipment and good operating practice. Specific measures are applicable to hand presses (especially fly-presses) and motor-driven presses (for which it is recommended that the danger zone be rendered inaccessible by placement or guarding).
Cahiers de notes documentaires - Sécurité et hygiène du travail, 3rd quarter 1983, No.112, Note No.1445-112-83, p.417-420. Illus.


CIS 86-936 Ulysse J.F., Turc-Baron P.
Safety in the paper industry - 5. Storage and handling of materials and products
La sécurité dans les industries de la papeterie - 5. Stockage, manutention des matières et produits [in French]
Regulations and standards applicable in France relating to the storage and handling of raw materials (timber, dressed logs, wood pulp, among others) and of semi-finished and finished products; lifting methods; mechanical and manual handling. Hazards encountered: sources, consequences and prevention. Tables and illustrations are used to provide details of actual accidents and of the preventive measures subsequently adopted (falling objects and persons, accidents connected with the use of fork-lift trucks and portable tools, accidents in loading docks, traffic accidents, etc.).
Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, 1982. 167p. Illus. Bibl.

CIS 86-935 Desmoulins J., Turc-Baron P.
Safety in the paper industry - 4. The wet end
La sécurité dans les industries de la papeterie - 4. La partie humide [in French]
This publication deals with safe utilisation of machinery manufacturing paper from wood pulp, and of machinery used to dry the paper. Summary: hazards, their consequences and prevention; French regulations; the wire end; the wet press; the reverse press; the smoothing press.
Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, 1985. 202p. Illus. Bibl.

CIS 84-764 Abboud R.T., Yu P., Chan-Yeung M., Tan F.
Lack of relationship between ABH secretor status and lung function in pulp mill workers
The ABH (blood group antigens) secretor status of 1422 pulp mill workers was investigated: there were 331 non-secretors (23.3%). Respiratory symptoms and lung function test results were not significantly different between secretors and non-secretors. ABH secretor status is not related to respiratory symptoms or spirometric abnormalities in pulp mill workers, and ABH non-secretor status is not a significant risk factor in the development of chronic obstructive lung disease.
American Review of Respiratory Disease, Dec. 1982, Vol.126, No.6, p.1089-1091. 21 ref.

CIS 83-2049 Kangas J., Turunen E., Louhelainen K.
Exposure to sulfur compounds in pulp mills
Rikkiyhdisteet selluloosatehtaiden työilmassa [in Finnish]
Sulfur compound concentrations were measured in the air of 4 pulp mills using the sulfite digestion process, and in 6 using the sulfite process. The compounds measured were hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, dimethyl sulfide and dimethyl disulfide. In sulfite mills the concentration of sulfur dioxide was also measured. Between 100 and 160 air samples were taken in each mill. Analysis was by a gas chromatograph equipped with a flame photometer. The highest concentrations of sulfur compounds were those of sulfur dioxide in sulfite process mills, and those of methyl mercaptan and dimethyl sulfide in sulfite process mills. They often exceeded the TLVs. Sulfur compound concentration by location in the mills is analysed. Maintenance, cleaning and laboratory workers are most exposed to sulfur compounds, since production workers work in well-ventilated control rooms.
Työterveyslaitos, Julkaisutoimisto, Laajaniityntie 1, 01620 Vantaa 62, Finland, 1982. 41p. Illus. 70 ref. Price: Fmk.25.00.

CIS 83-1681 Chip-heap disease
Hakekasasairaus [in Finnish]
Flishögssjukan [in Swedish]
A dozer driver clearing heaps of birch chips in a large Finnish pulp mill complained of tiredness, headache and feeling sick after exposure to chip dust. Other exposed workers frequently showed similar symptoms and increased body temperature at the end of the shift. The dozer driver's state exacerbated, and he complained about dry cough and muscle pain. Air samples taken at chip heaps contained high concentrations of mould spores (results are tabulated). Determination of precipitating antibodies in the driver suffering from "chip heap disease" yielded a precipitin titre of 1:8 for Aspergillus fumigatus. It is suggested to improve the ventilation system of the dozer driver cab and to provide it with a filter. If this is not feasible, the driver should wear an air stream helmet. CIS has only the Swedish-language version.
Teollisuusvakuutus - Industriförsäkring, 1982, No.1, p.16-19. Illus.

CIS 82-2056 Haberland W.
Printing and paper industry
Druck und Papier [in German]
This loose-leaf folder contains all the safety and health regulations in force in the Federal Republic of Germany concerning the design, construction, installation and use of machinery and equipment for the printing and paper industries (in particular, the Technical Safety Act, 1979, and the safety regulations issued by the German Industrial Mutual Accident Insurance Associations - Berufsgenossenschaften). The 11th updating supplement contains lists of standards and technical rules, safety regulations and directives, a new list of test institutions (with their compliance marks) and notifications prohibiting certain hazardous materials. The texts of ILO Convention 119 and Recommendation 118 on machinery guarding are also reproduced.
Band 1, Schriftenreihe Maschinenschutz, Deutscher Fachschriften-Verlag, Felsenstrasse 23, 6200 Wiesbaden-Dotzheim, Federal Republic of Germany, 11th supplement, Sep. 1982, Vol.1 (whole book): 1470p. Price: DM.119.00.

CIS 82-847 Haberland W.
Printing and paper industry
Druck und Papier [in German]
This loose-leaf folder contains all the safety and health regulations in force in the Federal Republic of Germany concerning the design, construction, installation and use of machinery and equipment for the printing and paper industries (in particular, the Technical Safety Act, 1979, and the safety regulations issued by the German Industrial Mutual Accident Insurance Associations - Berufsgenossenschaften). The 10th updating supplement contains lists of prohibited dangerous equipment, testing establishments and new TLV's, and the text of safety regulations or directives on dry cleaning, chlorine, electrostatic-painting, hydrofluoric acid and silk-screen printing installations. The texts of ILO Convention 119 and Recommendation 118 on machinery guarding are also reproduced together with extracts from the ILO's Model Code of Safety Regulations.
Band 1, Schriftenreihe Maschinenschutz, Deutscher Fachschriften-Verlag, Felsenstrasse 23, 6200 Wiesbaden-Dotzheim, Federal Republic of Germany, 10th supplement, Jan. 1982, Vol.1 (whole book): 1680p. Price: DM.119.00.


CIS 83-1744 Ivergård T., Istance H., Günther C.
Study of the ergonomics of computerised systems being introduced in the process industries. II. The paper industry
Systemergonomisk studie av datorisering inom processindustrin. Bransch II - Pappersindustrin [in Swedish]
The impact of computerisation on the tasks of operators was studied to analyse the presentation of information and the lay-out of controls and to learn the changes computerisation produces in the working conditions and well-being of the operator. Contents: methods used in the study; theoretical aspects; ergonomic study (descriptions of paper-making equipment, of work organisation and the tasks of machine operators, and of computer-assisted control systems; impact of computerisation on the operator; commentary and discussion); questionnaire survey comparing the working conditions in computerised and non-computerised factories; the psychosocial working environment.
Ergonomilaboratoriet AB, Renstiernas gata 12, 116 31 Stockholm, Sweden, 1981. 157p. Illus. ll ref.

CIS 82-2057 The caustic liquor room
Sequence of operations for caustic liquor in a sulfate pulp mill where cooking liquors are made or reconverted for use in processing wood chips by cooking in digesters. Use of lime and attendant hazards; green liquor; chemical splash hazards; emergency shower and eye wash facilities; white liquor; black liquor; preventive maintenance to eliminate possibility of liquor leakage; sampling points; guarding of openings into tanks and vats at floor level; splash aprons and other protective clothing (cotton material, rubber footwear, as alkalis attack wool and leather); access (ladders, platforms, catwalks).
National Safety Council, 444 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Il.60611, USA, revised 1981. 4p. Illus.

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