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Confined spaces - 312 entries found

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CIS 75-642
Industrial Safety and Health Division, Ministry of Labour, Tokyo.
Ordinance No.42 of 1972 concerning hazards of oxygen deficiency.
This ordinance under the Japanese Industrial Safety and Health Act 1972 lays down various safety measures to be observed in work where there is an oxygen deficiency hazard. Sections are devoted to: monitoring oxygen levels in the work environment; ventilation; lifelines; respiratory protective equipment; special safety measures to be taken for work in tanks and enclosed spaces and other special types of work; training of foremen and supervisors.
Collection of regulations and ordinances concerning occupational health, Japanese Industrial Safety Association, 35-1, 5-Chome, Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 1972. p.412-425.

CIS 74-536 Hösch A.
Blast-furnace relining
Zustellung eines Hochofens [in German]
A description of the equipment and processes involved in the reconditioning of a blast furnace and its ancillary plant. Particular reference is made to: refractory materials; the use of radioactive materials as indicators of blast-furnace wall wear; dismantling, demolition and rebuilding operations; and scaffolding and materials-conveying arrangements. Various safety aspects are highlighted and safety measures are indicated.
Amtstätigkeit der Arbeitsinspektorate im Jahre 1971, p.89-97. 2 ref. Verlag des Zentral-Arbeitsinspektorates, Stubenring 1, Wien I, Austria, July 1972.

CIS 72-2211 Safe work in confined spaces
Veilig werken in besloten ruimten [in Dutch]
The introduction reviews the hazards of work in tanks (poisoning, explosive gas/air mixtures, asphyxia, etc.). The main body of the document is devoted to safety measures and is divided into a number of chapters dealing with the following subjects: access openings; permits to work; measures to be taken before entering a tank; wind direction and meteorological conditions, elimination of dangerous substances, choice of fan, measurement of gas concentration, electrical equipment, ventilation, etc. Other sections are devoted to personal protective equipment (respiratory protective equipment, protective clothing, etc.), and signalling. Extracts of the relevant Netherlands legislation are included.
Arbeidsinspectie, Directoraat Generaal van de Arbeid, Voorburg, Netherlands, 2nd edition, 1972. 16p. Illus.

CIS 72-2712 Górczak F., Piórek S.
Maintaining air purity at the welder's work point in shipbuilding by use of the IWO-8 ventilation system
Zapewnienie czystości środowiska powietrznego na stanowiskach pracy spawaczy okrętowych za pomocą urządzenia wentylacyjnego IWO-8 [in Polish]
After reviewing the various techniques available for the ventilation of shipbuilding welders' work points, the authors indicate the requirements to be met by a local exhaust ventilation system and describe the device designed for welding in confined spaces to which access is difficult, and in tanks. This system, the "IWO-8', was suitable in field trials and reduced welding fume concentrations in double-bottoms and ships' tanks to below prescribed levels.
Prace Centralnego instytutu ochrony pracy, 1972, Vol.22, No.73, p.93-103. Illus. 7 ref.

CIS 72-2647 Rescue wristlets
Illustration of a lifeline with wrist attachments in use by the Du Pont Company. This device enables to lift a man vertically, with arms overhead, through a small manhole, should he be overcome by toxic gases or vapours.
National Safety News, Apr. 1972, Vol.105, No.4, p.16. Illus.

CIS 73-194 Grupinski L., Goebel W.
Fatal accidents in a sewer access shaft
Tödliche Unfälle in einem unterirdischen Kanalschacht für Dränagewasser [in German]
With reference to the relevant Federal German safety regulations, the authors comment on an accident in which 2 workers died asphyxiated in a sewer access shaft. They conclude that the air in the shaft had not been tested and that the workers were wearing neither lifelines nor respiratory protective equipment when they entered the shaft. The authors attribute these faults to a lack of staff training. Atmospheric analyses in the shaft in which the accident occurred revealed the presence of high concentrations of methane and carbone dioxide and a low oxygen concentration.
Arbeitsschutz, July-Aug. 1972, No.7-8, p.263-266. 4 ref.

CIS 73-349 Dalgaard J.B.
Fatal poisoning and other health hazards connected with industrial fishing
The literature on disease and severe or even acute poisoning due to work in confined spaces with trash fish used for fish-meal production is reviewed and 3 cases of fatal hypoxia in fishing boats and several cases of non-fatal illness in trash-fish handling are described. A survey carried out on air composition in the holds and forecasting of Danish fishing boats is described; in several instances, the low oxygen and/or high carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide concentrations encountered were considered hazardous to life. The poisoning hazards seems greatest during the landing of trash-fish or trash-fish processing in meal plants. Persons under the influence of alcohol may be particularly susceptible. Raw material quality should be improved, safety belts and lifelines should be provided for work in confined spaces, mechanical ventilation should be employed and air testing carried out; fishermen should have an adequate medical service.
British Journal of Industrial Medicine, July 1972, Vol.29, No.3, p.307-316. Illus. 13 ref.

CIS 73-534 Regulations respecting entry into and occupancy of hazardous confined spaces in federal works, undertakings and businesses (Canada Confined Spaces Regulations)
Règlement concernant l'accès aux espaces clos dangereux et leur occupation dans les ouvrages, entreprises ou affaires de compétence fédérale [in French]
Issued pursuant to the Canada Labour Code, Part IV (Safety of Employees), these regulations apply to entry into and occupancy of confined spaces in federal works, undertakings and businesses. Safe ingress and egress must be assured for employees wearing prescribed protection equipment. Precautions include: person in charge must observe each entry; prevention of inadvertent or accidental entry; hazard evaluation and warning; pre-entry emergency and rescue procedures, instruction and training; safety levels of toxic airborne substances; correction of oxygen deficiency; removal and prevention from entry of liquids and free-flowing solids; occupancy time limit; pure air breathing apparatus; safety harness; ventilation equipment with safety alarm; inspection, maintenance and defective equipment procedures. Replaced by CIS 86-1483.
Canada Gazette - Gazette du Canada, 9 Feb. 1972, Part II, Vol.106, No.3, p.156-161.


CIS 72-2480 Wege H.
Safety precautions and measures for inspection of and work on liquefied-gas storage tanks
Vorbereitungen und Schutzmassnahmen für innere Untersuchungen und Arbeiten an Flüssiggas-Lagertanks [in German]
Safe working procedures and safety measures include: tank purging and cleaning (residue to be blown or burnt off, tank heating, blanking off of pipes, filling tank with water); permit-to-enter (gas analysis, ventilation); tank cleaning; internal inspection (permit-to-enter, life line between worker in tank and supervisor outside, pressure testing); permit-to-work and permit to weld; refilling.
Flüssiggas-Dienst, May 1971, Vol.17, No.5, p.14-15. 10 ref.

CIS 72-2342 Gaberden V.
Physical environmental factors in welding shops
Fyzikální klima ve svařovnách [in Czech]
Study of physical environmental factors (dust, noise, temperature, airspeed) during welding work on large parts, inside enclosed spaces or in poorly ventilated premises in 6 welding shops showed that dust is the greatest hazard, that dust concentrations in the breathing zone of welders in confined spaces were 40 times the Czechoslovak TLV (10mg/m3), and that only during weld grinding did noise exceed the maximum acceptable levels. The results are tabulated.
Zváranie, Feb. 1971, Vol. 20, No.2, p.58-61. Illus.


CIS 92-1063 Ordinance on the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases in chimney sweeping and on safety measures during work on factory chimneys and heating installations (of 18 Oct. 1963) [Switzerland]
Verordnung vom 18. Oktober 1963 über Verhütung von Unfällen und Berufskrankheiten bei Kaminfegerarbeiten sowie über damit zusammenhängende Schutzmassnahmen bei Hochkaminen und Feuerungsanlagen [in German]
Ordinanza del 18 ottobre 1963 concernente la prevenzione degli infortuni e delle malattie professionali nei lavori da spazzacamino, come pure le misure protettive nei camini di fabbrica e negli impianti di combustione [in Italian]
Ordonnance du 18 octobre 1963 concernant la prévention des accidents et des maladies professionnelles dans les travaux de ramonage ainsi que les mesures de protection à prendre lors des travaux aux cheminées d'usine et aux installations de chauffage [Suisse] [in French]
Contents of this Ordinance (effective 1 Nov. 1963): general safety measures; ways of access; particular measures relating to chimney sweeping. In annex: illustrations of appropriate ladders and aerial baskets to use in chimney work.
SUVA, Sektion Administration, Postfach 4358, 6002 Luzern, Switzerland, 1963. 8p. Illus. [in German] [in Italian] [in French]


CIS 07-1175 Entering tanks and other enclosed spaces
Einsteigen in Behälter und andere geschlossene Räume [in German]
Entrée dans les réservoirs et autres espaces clos [in French]
This information note describes the hazards which may be encountered when workers enter a tank or other enclosed space and provides guidance on fundamental precautions and procedures for the prevention of accidents.
International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre (CIS), International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, May 1962. 13p. Illus.

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