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Electricity - 651 entries found

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CIS 10-0184 Guide to inspecting workplace
This guide consists of a series of checklists for workplace inspections involving the following activities and exposures: chemicals and harmful substances; electricity; manual tasks; slips and trips; working at heights; forklifts; new and young workers; machinery and plant; machinery guarding; noise; emergency procedures; violence and aggression; working alone.
Commission for occupational safety and health, 1260 Hay Street, PO Box 294, West Perth, WA 6872, Australia, no date. PDF document, 21p. [in English]

CIS 12-0271 Geadah W., Vega P., Venditti T.
Prevention of electrical hazards
Prévention des risques électriques [in French]
Contents of this two-part article on the prevention of electrical hazards: definitions; main causes of electrical accidents; work offline; live work; personal protective equipment; competent persons and qualified persons; example of approved equipment in Canada; Canadian standards.
Santé Sécurité +, Apr. 2011, Vol. 28, No.1, p.5-8. Illus. (Part 1); Sep. 2011, Vol.28, No.2, p.6-9, Illus. (Part 2).
Prévention_des_risques_électriques(PART-1)_[INTERNET_FREE_ACCESS] [in French]
Prévention_des_risques_électriques(PART-2)_[INTERNET_FREE_ACCESS] [in French]

CIS 12-0270 Guérit G.
Electrical hazards - New regulations, new consequences
Risque électrique - Nouvelles réglementations, nouvelles répercussions [in French]
Contents of this collection or articles en electrical hazards: new decrees in France; interview of the head of safety of the French association of electrical engineering companies; safety and health efforts undertaken by a small French enterprise specialized in the electrical installations of buildings.
Prévention BTP, Sep. 2011, No.145, p.14-19. Illus.
Risque_électrique_[BUY_THIS_ARTICLE] [in French]

CIS 11-0553 Lessons to be learned from electrical accidents
Les leçons à tirer des accidents électriques [in French]
This article presents the findings of a Health and Safety Executive Report according to which 40% of fatal occupational accidents in the United Kingdom implicate electricity. The report is based on the analysis of accidents reported between 1996 and 2008. The article next proposes seven "golden rules" for working safely in the presence of electrical equipment. It also includes boxes containing short electrical accident descriptions together with the lessons to be learned, with reference to the "golden rules".
Prevent Focus, May 2011, p.12-15. Illus.

CIS 11-0111 Marty. D.
No reversal in trends for electrical accidents in 2009!
Keine Trendwende bei den Elektrounfällen 2009! [in German]
Aucun renversement de tendance pour les accidents électriques en 2009! [in French]
This article comments the statistics of electrical accidents in Switzerland established by the Federal inspectorate for high voltage equipment (ESTI). Because of a strong increase in the number of accidents during 2009, there has been no sustainable improvement since 2001. The article reviews the causes of accidents, often related to inadequate training or old defective equipment, and emphasizes the importance of training, inspection and safe working practices.
IZA - Sicherheit und Gesundheit, 2011, No.1, p.20-21. Illus.
Keine_Trendwende.pdf [in German]
Aucun_renversement_de_tendance.pdf [in French]


CIS 11-0859 Sierra Alonso S., Cáceres Amendáriz P., Pérez Formigo M.
"Antistatic" footwear and protective clothing
Calzado y ropa de protección "antiestáticos" [in Spanish]
This technical information sheet explains the degree of protection against static electricity provided by personal protective equipment, footwear, clothing and gloves, and proposes a set of guidelines for selecting these PPEs.
Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Ediciones y Publicaciones, c/Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, Spain, 2010. 6p. Illus. 16 ref.
NTP_887.pdf [in Spanish]

CIS 10-0725
Organisme Professionnel de Prévention du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics (OPPBTP)
Storms: Their formation and precautions to be taken
Les orages: formation et précautions à prendre [in French]
Aimed at construction workers, this information sheet explains how storms form, the risks they represent to persons working on construction sites or outdoors and the precautions to be taken.
Centre d'expédition de la documentation (CED), 74, rue du Petit-pont, BP 94420, 45044 Orléans Cedex 1, France. 2010, 2p. Illus.

CIS 10-0501 Fordyce T.A., Morimoto L., Coalson J., Kelsh M.A., Mezei G.
Neck injuries among electric utility workers, 1995-2007
The aim of this study was to describe the incidence and impact of neck injuries among electric utility workers. Rates of neck injuries per 10,000 employee-years were calculated for various demographic and occupational factors using data from an injury surveillance database established among 17 electric utility companies over the period 1995-2007. The overall rate of neck injuries was 13.3. Male workers had a slightly higher rate than females, and younger workers (<30) had the highest neck injury rates. Trade/craft workers experienced the highest rates of neck injuries, whereas office-based experienced the lowest. The majority of neck injuries (69%) were sprain/strains, and resulted in less than one lost day of work (76.7%).
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Apr. 2010, Vol.52, No.4, p.441-449. Illus. 38 ref.

CIS 10-0349 Inaba R., Mirbod S.M.
Subjective musculoskeletal symptoms in winter and summer among indoor working construction electricians
To evaluate the effects of cold exposure on the musculoskeletal system, two surveys on the subjective musculoskeletal symptoms among male electricians working in the buildings under construction were performed in winter and summer seasons. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect information on age, occupational career, working habits, present illness and subjective musculoskeletal symptoms. In general, prevalence rates of stiffness, numbness, pain and Raynaud's phenomenon in the fingers, finger cold sensation, dull movement of the fingers, pain in the wrist, knee joint pain, pain and numbness in the foot and foot cold sensation in winter were significantly higher than those in summer. Other findings are discussed.
Industrial Health, Jan. 2010, Vol.48, No.1, p.29-37. 27 ref.
Subjective_musculoskeletal_symptoms.pdf [in English]

CIS 10-0114 Turmo Sierra E.
Static electricity in combustible dusts(II). Safety measures
Electricidad estática en polvos combustibles (II): medidas de seguridad [in Spanish]
This information note on static electricity in combustible dusts describes the safety measures to be adopted against electrostatic discharges in dusts. The phenomenon of electrostatic charges as well as the characteristics of different types of electrostatic discharges are described in a separate note (CIS 10-0113). See also CIS 02-1416.
Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Ediciones y Publicaciones, c/Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, Spain, 2010. 4p. 6 ref.
Electricidad_estática_en_polvos_combustibles.pdf [in Spanish]

CIS 10-0113 Turmo Sierra E.
Static electricity in combustible dusts(I). Characteristics of the electrostatic discharges
Electricidad estática en polvos combustibles (I): características de las descargas eléctrostáticas [in Spanish]
This information note on static electricity in combustible dusts describes the phenomenon of electrostatic charge as well as the characteristics of different types of electrostatic discharges. The safety measures to be adopted are described in a second note (CIS 10-0114). See also CIS 02-1416.
Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Ediciones y Publicaciones, c/Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, Spain, 2010. 4p.
Electricidad_estática_en_polvos_combustibles.pdf [in Spanish]


CIS 11-0858 Lombardi D.A., Matz S., Brennan M.J., Smith G.S., Courtney T.K.
Etiology of work-related electrical injuries: A narrative analysis of workers' compensation claims
Workers' compensation claims routinely collected over a one-year period from a large U.S. insurance provider were used to identify electrical-related injuries. Among the 586,567 reported claims during 2002, electrical-related injuries accounted for 1283 (0.22%) of nonfatal claims and 15 fatalities (1.2% of electrical). Most (72.3%) were male, average age of 36, working in services (33.4%), manufacturing (24.7%), retail trade (17.3%) and construction (7.2%). Body part(s) injured most often were the hands, fingers, or wrist (34.9%); multiple body parts/systems (25.0%); lower/upper arm; elbow; shoulder, and upper extremities (19.2%). The leading activities were conducting manual tasks (55.1%); working with machinery, appliances, or equipment; working with electrical wire; and operating powered or nonpowered hand tools. Primary injury sources were appliances and office equipment (24.4%), wires, cables/cords (18.0%), machines and other equipment (11.8%), fixtures, bulbs and switches (10.4%) and lightning (4.3%). No vector was identified in 85% of cases, and the work process was initiated by others in less than 1% of cases.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Oct. 2009, Vol.6, No.10, p.612-623. Illus. 21 ref.
Etiology.pdf [in English]

CIS 11-0412 Lombardi D.A., Matz S., Brennan M.J., Smith G.S., Courtney T.K.
Etiology of work-related electrical injuries: A narrative analysis of workers' compensation claims
The objective of this study was to provide new insight into the aetiology of nonfatal, work-related electrical injuries. A multistage, case-selection algorithm was developed to identify electrical-related injuries from workers' compensation claims and a customized coding taxonomy to identify pre-injury circumstances. Workers' compensation claims routinely collected over a 1-year period from a large United States insurance provider were used to identify electrical-related injuries using an algorithm that evaluated injury cause information, nature of injury, accident description and injury description narratives. Concurrently, a customized coding taxonomy for these narratives was developed to abstract the activity, source, initiating process, mechanism, vector and voltage. Among the 586,567 reported claims during 2002, electrical-related injuries accounted for 1283 (0.22%) of nonfatal claims. Data on these accidents are broken down by sex, age, sector of activity, body part injured, type of activity and source of electricity.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Oct. 2009, Vol.6, p.612-623. Illus. 21 ref.

CIS 09-912 Chahine C., Losser M.R.
Electrical accidents
Accidents dus à l'électricité [in French]
The occurrence of electrical accidents increased strongly along with the growth in domestic and industrial uses of electricity during the 20th century. The pathological effects of an electrical current passing through the body vary. Life-threatening incidents, extensive burns and trauma require dedicated and pluridisciplinary support. The coordination of first aid is a key step in this process. The meeting or otherwise of certain goals during the first few hours of hospitalization determine the success of future outcomes. Essential steps include ensuring haemodynamic stability and controlling hypovolaemia, acute myoglobinuric renal insufficiency and trauma extension, while initiating the local or surgical treatment. Prognosis is initially difficult, given that the extent of injury is often not visible. Sequelae can be serious and invalidating.
EMC - Pathologie professionnelle et de l'environnement , Pathologie professionnelle et de l'environnement, 2nd Quarter 2009, No.163, 11p. Illus. 16 ref.


CIS 09-665 Cicero L., Craig C.
Managing electrical safety
This article explains and comments the CSA-Z462 Canadian standard on workplace electrical safety, published at the end of 2008 and which may become the basis for National or Provincial legislation. The standard addresses workplace electrical safety requirements for safeguarding workers during such activities as installation, operation, maintenance and demolition of electrical conductors and equipment.
Accident Prevention, Nov.-Dec. 2008, Vol.55, No.4, p.34-38. Illus.

CIS 08-1431 Milham S., Morgan L.L.
A new electromagnetic exposure metric: High frequency voltage transients associated with increased cancer incidence in teachers in a California school
In 2003, the teachers of a school in California complained of an abnormally high incidence rate of cancer. The objective of this study was to investigate the cancer incidence among these teachers, and its cause. A retrospective study of cancer incidence in the teachers' cohort was investigated in relationship to the school's electrical environment. Sixteen school teachers among the 137 teachers working at the school from 1988 to 2005 were diagnosed with 18 cancers. The observed to expected (O/E) ratio for all cancers was 2.78, while the O/E ratio was 9.8 for malignant melanoma, 13.3 for thyroid cancer end 9.2 for uterine cancer. A positive relationship was found between cancer risk and cumulative exposure to high frequency voltage transients on the classroom's electrical wiring. It is concluded that high frequency voltage transients may be a universal carcinogen, similar to ionizing radiation.
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Aug. 2008, Vol.51 No.8, p.579-586. Illus. 10 ref.

CIS 08-1164 Ramos J.C.
General aspects and hazards related to electrical equipment
Generalidades y riesgos en instalaciones eléctricas [in Spanish]
Contents of this review article on hazards related to electrical equipment: Colombian regulations; causes and classification of electrical accidents; electrical contact (direct or indirect); factors having an influence on the intensity of electric discharges; locking and labelling of equipment; personal and collective protection equipment; electromagnetic and electrical fields.
Protección y seguridad, Mar.-Apr. 2008, Vol.54, No.318, p.48-53. Illus. 4 ref.


CIS 08-432 Smith S.
Protecting against arc flash hazards
In 2005, 250 workers died in the United States after coming into contact with an electrical current, often the result of an arc flash occurring from equipment that had not been de-energized before repair or maintenance work began. Most, if not all, of these deaths could have been prevented by ensuring that workers use fire-resistant personal protective clothing, are properly trained and adopt safe practices such as de-energizing or isolating high-voltage equipment.
Occupational Hazards, Jan. 2007, p.61-63. Illus.

CIS 07-914
Health and Safety Executive
Memorandum of guidance on the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 - Guidance on Regulations
This guidance publication contains the text of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 (see CIS 89-1439), together with extensive explicatory text and commentary. The guidance is relevant to all work activities and promises except mines and quarries, certain offshore installations and certain ships. A list of relevant British Standards is included in the appendix. Updates and replaces CIS 03-385.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2WA, United Kingdom, 2nd ed., Mar. 2007. iv, 50p. Illus. 41 ref. Price: GBP 11.95.


CIS 09-667 Altmann S., Jühling J., Kieback D., Zürneck H.
Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin
Electrical accidents in Germany
Elektrounfälle in Deutschland [in German]
The report on electrical accidents in Germany includes industry and trade, leisure and household accidents. It is based on several sources of data, including insurance institutions, criminal investigation divisions, forensic medical institutes, regional statistical offices and the Federal Statistical Office. Statistics are published since 1926, when it was believed that a rate of more than 400 fatal accidents/year had to be accepted, and extend to 2003, with 67 fatalities. All analyses show that the causes for electrical accidents in the recent past are primarily found in human error. This includes errors in handling and operation of electrical equipment and systems, improper repairs and poor maintenance. Other findings are discussed. (2002 Edition, see 02-891).
Wirtschaftsverlag NW, Postfach 10 11 10, 27511 Bremerhaven, Germany, 2006. 152p. Illus. 10 ref. Index. Price: EUR 16.00.

CIS 08-431 Prevention of electrocutions among electricity workers
Prevención de electrocuciones en trabajadores del sector eléctrico [in Spanish]
This article contains recommendations aimed at avoiding electrocutions among crane operators and construction site workers working near overhead electric lines, and explains how to proceed in the event of a contact with an overhead electric cable. It also presents a description of five fatal accidents.
Protección y seguridad, Nov.-Dec. 2006, Vol.52, No.310, p.26-33. Illus. 12 ref.

CIS 07-1160 Electrical hazards
Risques électriques [in French]
Elektriciteit [in Dutch]
The objective of the SOBANE approach (screening, observation, analysis and evaluation) is to ensure occupational safety and health by means of a systematic analysis of occupational hazards. This booklet presents the SOBANE approach applied to electrical hazards. Following a review of general aspects of occupational safety and health management, it explains how to proceed with the observation, analysis and evaluation, together with the qualifications required for carrying out these steps. The main aspects of the following topics are summarized on information sheets: basic principles of electricity; circuit breakers; electrical hazards (electrocution, fire); static electricity; charging of batteries; Belgian and European regulations.
Service public fédéral Emploi, Travail et Concertation sociale, rue Ernest Blerot I, 1070 Bruxelles, Belgium, 2006. 84p. Illus. 25 ref. [in French] [in Dutch]

CIS 07-1159 Electrical accidents
Accidents d'origine électrique [in French]
Even though there have been improvements in the management of electrical hazards at the place of work, accidents still occur. This Internet document presents statistical trends showing the decline in the number of accidents in France between 1975 and 2002, including data on the sector of activity and the accident agency. The information resources developed by INRS on electrical safety are listed.
Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris Cedex 14, France, June 2007. Internet document. Illus. Bibl.ref.$FILE/print.html [in French]

CIS 07-819 Sagot F.
Outdoor construction sites - How to work near networks
Chantiers extérieurs - Comment travailler à proximité de réseaux [in French]
This article discusses the requirements that both site owners and construction companies need to fulfill in order to ensure the protection and safety of construction site workers prior to undertaking work near overhead or underground networks. Topics addressed: preparing the construction site near networks; request for information to be addressed to each network operator; cases where disconnection is not possible; emergency situations.
Prévention BTP, Nov. 2006, No.90, p.28-29. Illus. 3 ref.

CIS 07-697
International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS)
Static fields
Medical imaging devices, trains and television sets are examples of man-made equipment that can generate static magnetic or electric fields. In some areas of research and medical imaging, stronger and stronger static magnetic fields are being used. This environmental health criteria document reviews current knowledge on potential health consequences of static fields. Topics addressed: definition, sources and measurement of static electric and magnetic fields; interactions with the human body; dosimetry; studies of effects on cell cultures and animals; possible effects on humans; health risk assessment; protection of the public and workers; needs for further research. The document includes a glossary and detailed summaries in Russian, French and Spanish.
World Health Organization, Distribution and Sales Service, 1211 Genève 27, Switzerland, 2006. xvii, 351p. Illus. Approx. 500 ref. Price: CHF 54.00 (CHF 37.80 in developing countries). Downloadable version free of charge. [in English]

CIS 07-428 Forero A., Arcila J.D., Guerra P.L., Ospina F.C., Ravemark D., Normark B.
Safety in the electricity sector
Seguridad - Sector eléctrico [in Spanish]
Contents of this collection of articles on safety in the electricity sector: activities of the Columbian commission on safety and health in the electricity sector; main hazards and causes of accidents; legislative framework; hazards related to interventions on electrical systems (electrical hazards, methods of protection against electrical hazards, evaluation of vulnerability to electrical hazards, safety of electrical installations); basic principles of electrical safety; history leading to the definition of the Technical Regulations applicable to electrical installations in Columbia (RETIE); advantages of buried electrical cables compared to overhead lines.
Protección y seguridad, July-Aug. 2006, Vol.52, No.308, p.38-79. Illus. 14 ref.

CIS 07-191
International Social Security Association (ISSA)
Recommendations to promote electrical safety at work
Empfehlungen für den sicheren Einsatz elektrischer Anlagen und Betriebsmittel [in German]
Recommandations relatives à la sécurité électrique au travail [in French]
This booklet provides recommendations for promoting electrical safety at work by means of inspections and controls. Contents: basic requirements; principles for the control and inspection of electrical plant and equipment; inspections to be arranged by the owner; field of application of the recommendations for the inspection of electrical plants and equipment; qualifications of the persons charged with the inspections; purpose of the inspection; dates and intervals of inspection.
International Section of the ISSA on Prevention of Occupational Risks due to Electricity - Gas - Long-Distance Heating - Water, c/o Berufsgenossenschaft der Feinmechanik und Elektrotechnik, Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer, 50968 Bonn, Germany, [ca 2006]. 14p. Illus. [in English] [in French]
link: [in German]

CIS 07-190
International Social Security Association (ISSA)
Guidelines for the selection of personal protective clothing when exposed to thee thermal effects of an electric arc
Leitlinie für die Auswahl von persönlicher Schutzausrüstung gegen thermische Auswirkungen durch einen Störlichtbogen [in German]
Guía para la selección de equipamiento de protección personal contra los efectos térmicos del arco eléctrico [in Spanish]
This booklet provides guidance on the selection of personal protective clothing for workers exposed to the thermal effects of electric arcs. Topics addressed: definitions; effects of electric arcs; assessment of materials; calculation of heat stress parameters; electric arc test procedures; classification of arc resistant protective clothing; quality control; recommendations for selection and wear.
International Section of the ISSA on Prevention of Occupational Risks due to Electricity - Gas - Long-Distance Heating - Water, c/o Berufsgenossenschaft der Feinmechanik und Elektrotechnik, Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer, 50968 Bonn, Germany, [ca 2006]. 64p. Illus. 11 ref. [in English] [in Spanish] [in German]

CIS 07-189
International Social Security Association (ISSA)
Guidelines for assessing the competence of persons involved in live working
Leitlinie für die Beurteilung der Befähigung von AuS-Personal [in German]
Guide pour l'évaluation de la compétence des personnes impliquées dans les travaux sous tension [in French]
Guía para la evaluación de la competencia del personal que realiza trabajos en tensión [in Spanish]
This booklet provides guidance for assessing the competence of persons involved in live work, which consists of working in contact with or near to live conductors. Topics addressed: definitions of live work and competence; developing the competence criteria; factors to be considered; aspects not addressed in this guidance; competence hierarchy; process for assessing live workers. Appendices include further assessment criteria, examples of national criteria and management elements of live working.
International Section of the ISSA on Prevention of Occupational Risks due to Electricity - Gas - Long-Distance Heating - Water, c/o Berufsgenossenschaft der Feinmechanik und Elektrotechnik, Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer, 50968 Bonn, Germany, [ca 2006]. 65p. Illus. [in English] [in French] [in Spanish] [in German]

CIS 07-188
International Social Security Association (ISSA)
Guidelines for assessing the competence of electrically skilled persons
Leitlinie zur Beurteilung der Befähigung von Elektrofachkräften [in German]
This booklet provides guidelines for assessing the competence of persons required to carry out electrotechnical work. Contents: objectives of the guideline; definitions; required knowledge and experience for specific work activities; non-electrical work carried out in the vicinity of electrical installations; work-related task allocation; basic occupational safety and health regulations; competence certification card. Appendices include examples of qualification levels and competence certification cards of various countries.
International Section of the ISSA on Prevention of Occupational Risks due to Electricity - Gas - Long-Distance Heating - Water, c/o Berufsgenossenschaft der Feinmechanik und Elektrotechnik, Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer, 50968 Bonn, Germany, [ca 2006]. 50p. Illus. Bibl.ref. [in English] [in German]

CIS 07-187 Larcher C.
Fewer accidents but risks remain
Moins d'accidents mais toujours du danger [in French]
During the last thirty years in France, the overall number of occupational accidents decreased by 38% while those due to electricity decreased by 69%. However, electrical accidents are 28 times more likely to result in a fatality than ordinary accidents. This article summarizes the main statistics of occupational electrical accidents that resulted in lost working days, permanent invalidities or fatalities during 2004, by cause and sector, together with the trends observed since 1990. The breakdown by job level is also given for the 108 fatal accidents included in the EPICEA database that occurred between 2000 and 2004
Travail et sécurité, June 2006, No.663, p.36-37. Illus.$File/TS663page36.pdf?OpenElement [in French]

CIS 07-186 White J.
Preventing arc flash injuries
Between 1992 and 2001, there were 17,201 injuries in the USA caused by electric arc flash burns. This article explains the causes of these types of incidents and their risk factors. It proposes a six-step approach to prevention: hazard analysis; collection of information; performing an arc flash study according to the guidelines of the IEEE 1584-2002 standard; selecting appropriate personal protective equipment; marking equipment; training the workers.
Occupational Hazards, Mar. 2006, Vol.68, No.3, p.47-48. Illus.

CIS 07-185 Calvo Sáez J.A., Palmero Mangado Á.
Fires near electrical power
Incendios en presencia de tensión eléctrica [in Spanish]
The use of fire extinguishers in the presence of electricity is hazardous, particularly if the fire involves high voltage equipment. This article discusses the relationship between the type of fire extinguisher, the voltage of the electrical equipment and the safety distance necessary to avoid all risk of electrical hazards. Main topics addressed: classes of fire; selection of the extinguishing medium; Spanish legislation regarding human interventions on electrical installations; labelling of fire extinguishers according to the UNE-EN 3-7:2004 standard; distances to be observed with respect to power equipment.
Prevención, Jan.-Mar. 2006, No.175, p.56-64. Illus.

CIS 06-1440 Butyn S.
Going against the current
This article describes electrical hazards at the workplace and presents a ten-step approach based on the continual improvement managing system (CIMS) model for preventing the risk of electrocution: leadership (assigning responsibility for the programme); hazard evaluation; implementation strategy; standards; procedures, guidelines and practices; communication; training; measurement; evaluation; improvement.
Accident Prevention, Jan.-Feb. 2006, Vol.52, No.6, p.27-33. Illus. 5 ref.

CIS 06-1441 Sagot F.
Underground electrical networks - Working in a controlled manner
Réseaux électriques enterrés - Intervenir sous contrôle [in French]
Before undertaking earthmoving work, construction enterprises are required to establish the existence and location of underground electrical networks and to take the necessary precautions. This article discusses the various procedures to be followed, the precautions to be taken as a function of the distance between the trenching work and the underground electrical cable ducts, and procedures in the event of an accident.
Prévention BTP, May 2006, No.85, p.26-27. Illus.


CIS 08-928 Guidelines on electrical safety at workplaces
Contents of these guidelines on electrical safety at workplaces: general requirements; conductors; installations; insulating, protective and switching devices; plugs and socket outlets; electric motors; portable apparatus; terminations and joints; switchboards; personal protection; substations;
Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment, Occupational Safety and Health Inspectorate, Level 1-9, Victoria House, Corner St Louis & Barracks Streets, Port-Louis, Mauritius, [ca 2005]. 11p.

CIS 06-1196 Calvo Sáez J.A.
Protection against low voltage electric arcs
Protección contra el arco eléctrico en baja tensión [in Spanish]
Statistics show that 60% of electrical accidents are caused by electric arcs in electrical systems or panels. This article explains how electric arcs are generated and describes their effects (thermal effects, pressure waves) and protective measures to be adopted (compartmentalisation of the installation, automatic circuit breakers). Data concerning the admissible thermal load for cables according to their diameter and type of insulation are presented in tabular form.
Prevención, Jan.-Mar. 2005, No.171, p.48-54. Illus.

CIS 06-696 Bracken T., Senior R., Dudman J.
60-Hertz electric-field exposures in transmission line towers
This study investigated 60-Hz electric field exposures among line workers in 230 to 765-kV transmission line towers. The exposures were based on computations of the unperturbed electric field along climbing routes and at work positions on the towers and on insulated ladders suspended in towers. Computed exposures are generally expressed in terms of the unperturbed electric field averaged over the body surface as stipulated by guidelines. However for realistic on-tower positions, the worker's posture, the uniformity of the field, and the field orientation differ from the guideline exposure scenario of standing erect in a vertical uniform field. The average electric-field exposure during climbing ranged from 10kV/m for a 230-kV tower to 31kV/m for a 765-kV tower, occasionally exceeding the 20kV/m limit given in the recently adopted IEEE Standard C95.6 2002.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Sep. 2005, Vol.2, No.9, p.444-455. Illus. 8 ref.

CIS 97-640 EMFs in the workplace
Los EMF en el lugar de trabajo [in Spanish]
This data sheet concerns exposure to electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) in the workplace. Sources of EMFs are outlined along with average magnetic field exposures for different types of workers, health effects (some studies have associated high magnetic field exposures with increased cancer risks), exposure guidelines, and basic control measures (increasing worker distance from the EMF source, use of low-EMF designs where possible, and reduction of EMF exposure times).
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45226, USA, Sep. 1996, Dec. 2005. 4p. Illus. [in English] [in Spanish]


CIS 05-108 Safety in the construction sector
Seguridad en el sector de la construcción [in Spanish]
The construction sector is among those presenting the highest accident rates. In Colombia, it employs around 10% of the working population. Despite the lack of reliable statistics, it is obvious that there are serious gaps in the occupational safety and health situation within this sector. Topics covered in this review article on safety in the construction sector in Colombia: occupational safety and health organization in construction enterprises; subcontracting; occupational accident statistics for the year 2002 and trends between 2000 and 2002; electrical hazards and protective measures; Colombian legislation and regulations, and international agreements; personal protective equipment.
Protección y seguridad, Mar.-Apr. 2004, Vol.50, No.294, p.53-72. Illus.


CIS 03-1732 Bishop P.G., Bloomfield R.E., Emmet L.O., Johnson C., Black W., Hamilton V., Koorneef K.
Health and Safety Executive
Learning from incidents involving E/E/PE systems - Part 1 - Review of methods and industry practice; Part 2 - Recommended scheme; Part 3 - Guidance examples and rationale
The overall objective of this project was to create a scheme for learning from incidents that involve electrical, electronic or programmable electronic (E/E/PE) systems. Part 1 reviews existing learning processes and causal analysis techniques, examines industry practice and makes recommendations for a new scheme. Part 2 presents the recommended scheme and Part 3 gives accompanying guidance, examples and rationale.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2WA, United Kingdom, 2003. Part 1: viii, 68p. Illus. 35 ref. Price: GBP 15.00. Part 2: viii, 57p. Illus. 4 ref. Price: GBP 15.00. Part 3: x, 78p. Illus. 4 ref. Price: GBP 15.00. (Part 1) [in English] (Part 3) [in English] (Part 2) [in English]

CIS 03-1852 Specification for electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 11: Intrinsic safety "i"
This standard is identical to IEC 60079-11. It specifies the construction and testing of intrinsically safe apparatus intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres and for associated apparatus, which are intended for connection to intrinsically safe circuits which enter such atmospheres. It also contains details of the test apparatus for intrinsically safe circuits.
Singapore Productivity and Standards Board, 1 Science Park Drive, Singapore 118221, Republic of Singapore, 2003. 98p. Illus. Price: SGD 87.00.

CIS 03-1858 McCann M., Hunting K.L., Murawski J., Chowdhury R., Welch L.
Causes of electrical deaths and injuries among construction workers
This study evaluates electrical deaths and injuries to construction workers based on two sources of data: 1,019 electrical deaths identified by the US Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries for the years 1992 to 1998, and 61 electrical injuries identified between November 1, 1990 and December 31, 1998 from a George Washington University Hospital Emergency Department database. Contact with "live" electrical wiring, equipment and light fixtures was the main cause of electrical deaths and injuries among electrical workers, followed by contact with overhead power lines. Among non-electrical workers, contact with overhead power lines was the major cause of death. Other causes included contact with energized metal objects, machinery, power tools and portable lights. Adoption of a lockout/tagout standard for construction and training for non-electrical workers in basic electrical safety would reduce the risk of electrical deaths and injuries in the construction industry.
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Apr. 2003, Vol.43, No.4, p.398-406. Illus. 21 ref.

CIS 03-1349 Legaz Arrese C., Gómez Gómez A., Martínez Gimeno F.
Safety procedures for work carried out in junction boxes of prefabricated electrical cable ducts
Procedimientos de seguridad para trabajos en cajas de derivación de canalizaciones prefabricadas para la distribución de la corriente eléctrica [in Spanish]
Prefabricated electrical cable ducts represent a safety guarantee to workers, but they also involve certain hazards. In order to avoid serious accidents that may have fatal outcomes, it is therefore highly important that workers be aware of the hazards related to each type of task to be carried out, and that clear procedures be defined . This article describes safety procedures that apply to the various tasks carried out in junction boxes of prefabricated electrical ducts.
Mapfre seguridad, 3rd Quarter 2003, Vol.23, No.91, p.3-11. Illus. 3 ref.


CIS 08-433 Controlling electrical hazards
Electricity has long been recognized as a serious workplace hazard, exposing employees to electric shock, electrocution, burns, fires and explosions. In 1999 for example, 278 workers died from electrocutions at work, accounting for almost five percent of all on-the-job fatalities that year in the United States. This safety guide on controlling electrical hazards addresses the following topics: OSHA electrical safety standards; basic facts about electricity (flow through conductors and through water, causes of shocks, effects of shocks on the body); protection against electrical hazards (types of insulators, guarding, grounding); training of personnel; programmes and services proposed by OSHA.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 200 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20210, USA, 2002. iii, 64p. Illus. [in English]

CIS 05-690
Health and Safety Executive
Keeping electrical switchgear safe
Failure of electrical switchgear can cause death, serious injury and major damage. This guide is aimed at owners and operators of electrical switchgear in industrial or commercial organizations. It provides guidance on their responsibilities and duties in the selection, use and maintenance of high-voltage and low-voltage switchgear.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2WA, United Kingdom, Oct. 2002. iv, 48p. Illus. 38 ref. Price: GBP 9.50.

CIS 03-1867 Hillert L., Berglind N., Arnetz B.B., Bellander T.
Prevalence of self-reported hypersensivity to electric or magnetic fields in a population-based questionnaire survey
The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of self-reported hypersensitivity to electric or magnetic fields in the general population and to describe characteristics of the group reporting such hypersensitivity with regard to demographics, other complaints, hypersensitivities and traditional allergies. A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted in 1997 among 15,000 men and women between 19 and 80 years of age in Stockholm county. The response rate was 73%. One and a half percent of the respondents reported hypersensitivity to electric or magnetic fields. Prevalence was highest among women and in the 60-69 age group. The hypersensitive group reported all symptoms, allergies and other types of hypersensitivities included in the survey to a significantly greater extent than the rest of the respondents.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Feb. 2002, Vol.28, No.1, p.33-41. 21 ref.

CIS 03-1351 Soltani C., Kahouach L., Zekri S., Ben Mansour H., Ben Laïba M.
Prevention of electrical hazards
La prévention des risques électriques [in French]
Contents of this feature article on the prevention of electrical hazards: definition of electricity; effects of electricity on the human body; protection against electrical hazards; examples of means of protection against electrical hazards; connection and disconnection procedures; formal procedures and training of personnel.
SST - Santé et Sécurité au Travail, Oct. 2002, No.23, p.2-18. Illus. 22 ref.

CIS 03-1350 Talon R., Biot P., Reiss G., Gabreau E., Claret J.L.
Electricity: A dossier
Dossier: Electricité [in French]
Contents of this collection of articles on electrical hazards: fire hazards among electrical fitters; safety of electrical equipment (transformers, distribution panels, fuses, equipment); regulations applicable to electrical fire hazards; equipment inspections for insurance purposes; industrial accidents caused by electrical malfunction.
Face au risque, Mar. 2002, No.381, p.5-18. Illus.

CIS 03-854 Fire fighters exposed to electrical hazards during wildland fire operations - Description of hazard
Bomberos expuestos a riesgos eléctricos durante operaciones de extinción de incendios en terrenos sin cultivar - Descripción del riesgo [in Spanish]
Electrical hazards are among the various hazards faced by fire fighters during waste land fire operations. Between 1980 and 1999, ten firefighters died from contact with electricity during wasteland fires. Contents of this information note on electrical hazards to fire fighters during wasteland fire operations: situations where fire fighters can be exposed to electrical shock hazards; description of two accident cases; measures to be implemented by fire departments and fire fighters to prevent electrocution, electrical shock and electricity-related burns while fighting wasteland fires.
Publications Dissemination, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45226-1998, USA, Jan. 2002. 4p. 9 ref. [in Spanish] [in English] [in English]

CIS 03-385
Health and Safety Executive
Memorandum of guidance on the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 - Guidance on Regulations
This guidance publication contains the text of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 (see also CIS 89-1439), together with extensive explicatory text and commentary. All aspects of work with electricity are covered, with a special section devoted to the use of electricity in mines. A list of relevant British Standards is included in the appendix. Updates and replaces CIS 90-1339, essentially with references to more recent legislation.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2WA, United Kingdom, Apr. 2002. iv, 52p. Illus. Price: GBP 4.00.

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