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Notification of accidents and diseases - 248 entries found

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  • Notification of accidents and diseases


CIS 04-68 Bestratén Belloví M., Gil Fisa A., Piqué Ardanuy T.
Integral management of occupational accidents (I): Documental treatment and accidents investigation
La gestión integral de los accidentes de trabajo (I): tratamiento documental e investigación de accidentes [in Spanish]
Occupational accidents and incidents are an essential source of information for the management of occupational safety and health. This information note discusses the documents required for the notification of occupational accidents as well as the those relating to the analysis of occupational accidents and incidents, in view of their use in implementing preventive measures or modifying certain procedures, thereby achieving improvements in working conditions as part of an integrated management of occupational hazards. See also CIS 04-69 and CIS 04-70.
Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Ediciones y Publicaciones, c/Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, Spain, 2001. 6p. Illus. 3 ref. [in Spanish]

CIS 02-1299
Health and Safety Executive
Reporting accidents in the catering industry
The purpose of this information sheet is to explain the main requirements of the British Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985 (RIDDOR) (see CIS 88-1753) as they apply to the catering industry. It provides several examples of reportable and non-reportable incidents. Contents include: what needs to be reported, and who is responsible for making the report; reportable accidents to members of the public; reportable violence to staff; reportable accidents to contractors; definitions of "major injuries" and "over-three-day injuries" under the regulations; other categories of incidents that need to be reported; when and how to report; whom to report to; records that need to be kept.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2WA, United Kingdom, Apr. 2001. 4p. 3 ref. [in English]

CIS 02-694 Pelclová D., Ameille J., Urban P., Fenclová Z., Lebedová J.
Occupational diseases in the Czech Republic: Criteria for their recognition and compensation
Les maladies professionnelles en République tchèque: critères de reconnaissance et d'indemnisation [in French]
Statistical data concerning occupational diseases in the Czech Republic are presented. Czech criteria for the recognition of occupational diseases and some advantages and disadvantages of the Czech system are discussed. 1751 cases of occupational diseases were recognized in the Czech Republic in the year 2000. Diseases due to physical factors were the most frequent, with 39.9% of the cases in the year 2000; diseases of the respiratory system and skin diseases each accounted for 20.7%; infectious diseases represented 16.4% of all occupational diseases; poisonings were accounted for only 2.1%, and other diseases (i.e. disorders of vocal cords) 0.2%. A disadvantage of the Czech system is the lack of satisfactory incentives for the prevention of occupational diseases. As an illustration, the charges levied on employers are not increased in proportion with the increased incidence of occupational diseases.
Archives des maladies professionnelles et de médecine du travail, Dec. 2001, Vol.62, No.8, p.629-633. Illus. 7 ref.

CIS 02-835 Wesseling C., Van Wendel de Joode B., Monge P.
Pesticide-related illness and injuries among banana workers in Costa Rica: A comparison between 1993 and 1996
Reported occupational injuries and illness among banana workers in Costa Rica during 1993 and 1996 were analysed. Between 1993 and 1996, an overall 35% decrease in injuries was observed, attributable to a marked decline in topical injuries (3.3 compared to 1.9 per 100 workers), whereas systemic poisonings remained the same (0.7 per 100 in both years). In both years, paraquat was the pesticide most frequently associated with injuries, mostly skin and eye lesions. Workers at highest risk per unit time of exposure were nematocide applicators, herbicide applicators, and cleaners of packing plants. Despite control measures, further reduction of systemic illness had not been achieved. The decrease of topical injuries may be partly explained by improved work conditions, but possible underreporting hinders interpretation.
International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, Apr.-June 2001, Vol.7, No.2, p.90-97. 25 ref.

CIS 02-206 ENT cancers (nose, facial sinus, larynx) - Detection, reporting, compensation
Cancers ORL (nez et sinus de la face, larynx) - Comment les repérer, les déclarer, les faire reconnaître, les faire indemniser [in French]
Contents of this booklet describing the compensation system for occupational ENT (nasal, facial sinus and laryngeal) cancers in France: introduction and general considerations on occupational cancers; reporting procedures; occupational activities having possibly given rise to exposures to agents known to cause ENT cancers (wood dust, vapour or smoke of certain nickel compounds, asbestos dust, sulfuric acid fog or smoke) as well as the corresponding compensation systems. It duplicates the section of the general booklet on the compensation of occupational cancers in France (see CIS 02-201) applicable specifically to ENT cancer.
Ligue nationale contre le cancer, 14 rue Corvisart, 75013 Paris, France, 2001. 13p.

CIS 02-205 Lung cancer - Pleural cancer (mesothelioma) - Detection, reporting and compensation
Cancers du poumon - Cancers de la plèvre (mésothéliomes) - Comment les repérer, les déclarer, les faire reconnaître, les faire indemniser [in French]
Contents of this booklet describing the compensation system for occupational lung cancer and pleural mesothelioma in France: introduction and general considerations on occupational cancers; reporting procedures; occupational activities having possibly given rise to exposures to agents known to cause lung cancer (asbestos, arsenic, bis-chloromethyl ether, sulfuric acid fog and smoke, chromium compounds, tars, soot, nickel compounds, iron oxide, radioactive dust or smoke, silica, cobalt dust in association with tungsten carbide) as well as the corresponding compensation systems. It duplicates the section of the general booklet on the compensation of occupational cancers in France (see CIS 02-201) applicable specifically to lung cancer.
Ligue nationale contre le cancer, 14 rue Corvisart, 75013 Paris, France, 2001. 21p.

CIS 02-204 Skin cancer - Detection, reporting and compensation
Cancers de la peau - Comment les repérer, les déclarer, les faire reconnaître, les faire indemniser [in French]
Contents of this booklet describing the compensation system for occupational skin cancer in France: introduction and general considerations on occupational cancers; reporting procedures; occupational activities having possibly given rise to exposures to agents known to cause skin cancer (arsenic, tars, coal combustion products, crude oil-derived mineral oils, ionizing radiation) as well as the corresponding compensation systems. It duplicates the section of the general booklet on the compensation of occupational cancers in France (see CIS 02-201) applicable specifically to skin cancer.
Ligue nationale contre le cancer, 14 rue Corvisart, 75013 Paris, France, 2001. 13p.

CIS 02-203 Bladder cancer - Detection, reporting and compensation
Cancers de la vessie - Comment les repérer, les déclarer, les faire reconnaître, les faire indemniser [in French]
Contents of this booklet describing the compensation system for occupational bladder cancer in France: introduction and general considerations on occupational cancers; reporting procedures; occupational activities having possibly given rise to exposures to agents known to cause bladder cancer (aromatic amines, tars, soot, coal combustion products - in particular polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) as well as the corresponding compensation systems. It duplicates the section of the general booklet on the compensation of occupational cancers in France (see CIS 02-201) applicable specifically to bladder cancer.
Ligue nationale contre le cancer, 14 rue Corvisart, 75013 Paris, France, 2001. 13p.

CIS 02-202 Leukaemia and lymphoma - detection, reporting and compensation
Leucémies et lymphomes - Comment les repérer, les déclarer, les faire reconnaître, les faire indemniser [in French]
Contents of this booklet describing the compensation system for occupational leukaemia and lymphoma in France: introduction and general considerations on occupational cancers; reporting procedures; occupational activities having possibly given rise to exposures to agents known to cause leukaemia and lymphoma (ionizing radiation, arsenic, benzene, ethylene oxide), as well as the corresponding compensation systems. It duplicates the section of the general booklet on the compensation of occupational cancers in France (see CIS 02-201) applicable specifically to leukaemia and lymphoma.
Ligue nationale contre le cancer, 14 rue Corvisart, 75013 Paris, France, 2001. 15p.

CIS 02-201 Occupational cancer - Detection, reporting and compensation
Cancers d'origine professionnelle - Comment les repérer, les déclarer, les faire reconnaître, les faire indemniser [in French]
Contents of this booklet describing the compensation system for occupational cancers in France: introduction and general considerations on occupational cancers; reporting procedures; occupational activities having possibly given rise to exposures to agents known to cause lung cancer, mesothelioma, ear, nose and throat cancer, leukaemia and lymphoma, skin and bladder cancer, as well as the corresponding compensation systems; addresses of occupational pathology services by French region.
Ligue nationale contre le cancer, 14 rue Corvisart, 75013 Paris, France, 2001. 29p.

CIS 01-1776 Pool G.
Health and Safety Executive
Reducing carbon monoxide incidents
This report describes a project aimed at reducing the number of carbon monoxide (CO) related incidents associated with the use of piped gas. Specific topics examined include the development of a common strategy in Europe for collating CO incident data, assessing indoor air quality relating to gas utilization and the medical issues associated with both acute and chronic CO poisoning. Several meetings have been held with representatives of gas utilities of several European countries and research organizations to share knowledge and best practice. Outputs from the project have included a video aimed at improving the diagnosis of CO poisoning by those in the medical profession and an agreement between gas companies to pursue a better practice for the gathering and reporting of CO related incident information.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2WA, United Kingdom, 2001. vi, 42p. Price: GBP 10.00.

CIS 01-1277
Department of Labor - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Occupational Injury and Illness Recording and Reporting Requirements: Final Rule [USA]
This is the latest revision of the rules applying to the recording and reporting of occupational injuries and diseases in the United States (previous abstract: CIS 97-354). It changes the forms used by employers to record these injuries and diseases, with the aim of producing more useful injury and disease records, collect better information about the incidence of occupational accidents and diseases, promote safety awareness by workers, simplify recording and reporting procedures and permit greater use of computers. Effective date of the final rule: 1 Jan. 2002.
Federal Register, 19 Jan. 2001, Vol.66, No.13, p.5916-6135 (only p.5916 and p.6122-6135 kept by CIS). [in English] [in English]

CIS 01-937 Government Decree No.326 of 3 March 2001 to to approve the Rules of investigation and reporting of accidents and other injuries of workers resulting from their occupational activities [Kazakhstan]
Pravila rassledovanija i učeta nesčastnyh slučaev i inyh povreždenij zdorov'ja rabotnikov, svjazannyh s trudovoj dejatel'nost'ju [in Russian]
This Decree provides for the procedures for investigating and notifying occupational accidents and other injuries.
Aktiler Žinagy - Sobranie Aktov, Apr. 2001, No.9, p.113-139.

CIS 01-777 Reinisch F., Harrison R.J., Cussler S., Athanasoulis M., Balmes J., Blanc P., Cone J.
Physician reports of work-related asthma in California, 1993-1996
Work-related asthma was studied in California over a 36-month period. Cases were identified from Doctor's First Reports (DFRs), a mandated physician reporting system. Structured follow-up telephone interviews of DFR asthma cases were conducted to collect work history, exposure, and medical information. Statewide employment data was used to calculate disease rates among industry groups. Based on 945 cases of work-related asthma, the average annual reporting rate for work-related asthma in California was 25/million workers. It is believed that the real rate is considerably higher after adjustment for underreporting. Janitors and cleaners (625/million) and firefighters (300/million) had the highest reporting rates of work-related asthma. Half of all work-related asthma cases were associated with agents not known to be allergens. A greater proportion of work-related asthma associated with irritant exposures was identified than has previously been reported.
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Jan. 2001, Vol.39, No.1, p.72-83. Illus. 28 ref.


CIS 07-1048 Recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases
Ghi chép, khai báo vê tai nan lao đông và bênh nghê nghiêp [in Vietnamese]
Vietnamese version of the Code of Practice (CIS 96-2083) adopted by a tripartite Meeting of Experts held in Geneva from 3 to 11 Oct. 1994. The purpose of the Code of Practice is to help with the international harmonization of the procedures for the collection, recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases. Contents: extracts from the Report of the Meeting of Experts; general provisions; policies and principles for the recording, notification and investigation of occupational accidents and diseases, dangerous occurrences and related statistics (at the national and enterprise level); legal, institutional and administrative arrangements for setting up reporting, recording and notification systems; reporting at the enterprise level; arrangements for recording; arrangements for notification; extension of systems to self-employed persons; compilation and publication of statistics; classification and investigation of occupational accidents and diseases and of dangerous occurrences. In annex: relevant ILO Conventions and Recommendations; schedules, lists and classification systems for occupational injuries and diseases, economic activities, occupations, status in employment and accidents
Nhà Xuât Bàn Lao @Djông - Xã Hôi, Hanoi, Viet Nam, 2000. 192p. 8 ref.

CIS 02-168 Choudat D.
Reporting, recognition and compensation of occupational respiratory diseases
Déclaration, reconnaissance, indemnisation des maladies respiratoires professionnelles [in French]
Current procedures for compensation for victims of occupational diseases in France are complex. Legislation has been progressively adapted as knowledge has improved and agreements have been reached between social partners. The reporting procedure is theoretically simple: the patient can report solely on the basis of a suspected occupational origin of the disease. Knowledge concerning the occupational cause of the disease is obtained either by presumption if all the medical and administrative criteria defined in the appropriate lists are met, or by the regional occupational diseases commission if certain administrative criteria are lacking or if the disease is severe. This recognition can lead to compensation and health care benefits within certain limits. Certain specific conditions due to inhalation of mineral or metallic particles or special situations concerning the different sections of the national health care insurance are discussed.
Archives des maladies professionnelles et de médecine du travail, Dec. 2000, Vol.61, No.8, p.536-544. 15 ref.

CIS 01-1284 Ministerial Resolution concerning the reporting of occupational diseases [Nicaragua]
Resolución ministerial relativa a la notificación de las enfermedades profesionales [Nicaragua] [in Spanish]
This legal instrument quotes the Labour Code (CIS 99-1751) in defining an occupational disease as any pathological condition due to causes connected with factors at work or in the workplace. The Resolution requires the setting up of a national statistical register for occupational diseases, and it requires employers to declare all cases of occupational disease so that the information can be entered into this register. It also foresees preventive activities, to be based on the information obtained from the register. In annex: sample notification form, with explanations.
La Gaceta - Diario Oficial (Nicaragua), 6 July 2000, Year CIV, No.128, p.3543-3545. [in Spanish]

CIS 01-613 Decree on the recognition, investigation, registration and notification of occupational accidents [Bulgaria]
Naredba za ustanovjavane, razsledvane, registrirane i otčitane na trudovite zlopoluki [in Bulgarian]
This Decree (effective 1 Jan. 2000) concerns the obligations of employers and/or occupational physicians in dealing with occupational accidents
Dăržaven vestnik, 21 Jan. 2000, No.6, p.5-7.

CIS 00-1306
Health and Safety Executive
Riddor explained
This booklet provides a simple guide to the responsibilities of employers and the self-employed under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995 (see CIS 95-1930). Topics covered: general description of RIDDOR; situations for which reports are required; records to be kept; definition of major injuries, dangerous occurrences and diseases; reportable dangerous occurrences; reportable diseases. A sample report form is included.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2WA, United Kingdom, Aug. 2000. 12p.


CIS 01-616 Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance (Amendment of schedule 2) Order 1999 [Hong Kong]
This regulation amends the order of 1997 (CIS 99-1756) by adding carpal tunnel syndrome and legionnaires' disease to the list of occupational diseases requiring notification. It includes the shoulder for traumatic tendon inflammations and extends the list of agents which may cause occupational asthma to all substances.
Government of the Hong Kong SAR Gazette, 11 June 1999, Vol.3, No.23, Legal Supplement No.2, p.B1497-B1499.

CIS 00-1312 Cornelis K., Van der Steen M.
Reporting of occupational accidents
La déclaration des accidents du travail [in French]
De aangifte van arbeidsongevallen [in Dutch]
This guide describes the legal requirements for occupational accident reporting in the private sector in Belgium. It explains the different sections of the occupational accident notification form and provides in the appendices lists of codes needed to fill in the form. It also shows examples of accident reports.
PREVENT, rue Gachard 88, Bte 4, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium, 2nd ed., 1999. 31p. Illus. 5 ref.

CIS 00-913 Decree No.198 of 23 February 1999 on the recognition of occupational diseases [Lithuania]
Položenie o rassledovanii i včete professional'nyh zabolevanij [in Russian]
Topics: law; Lithuania; notification of occupational diseases; occupational diseases; registers of occupational diseases.
Vedomosti Litovskoj Respubliki, 10 Apr. 1999, No.10, p.2-5.

CIS 00-1070
Gruppo di lavoro per la sorveglianza del mesotelioma in Romagna
Reporting and compensation of mesothelioma associated with occupational exposure to asbestos in Romagna, Italy (1986-1994)
Denuncia ed indennizzo del mesotelioma da esposizione professionale ad asbesto in Romagna (1986-1994) [in Italian]
The working group for mesothelioma surveillance investigated 94 cases reported to the Cancer Registry of the Romagna region of Italy between 1986 and 1994 with respect to reporting practice, compensation criteria and decisions, and occupational history, including asbestos exposure. The involvement of hospital and company physicians, the rates of reporting and compensation, and past coverage of cancer and mesothelioma records were found to be insufficient. A more accurate diagnostic process and swifter notification to the occupational health authorities appear desirable for improved compensation.
Medicina del lavoro, May-June 1999, Vol.90, No.3, p.460-472. 33 ref.

CIS 00-967
Health and Safety Executive
Reporting incidents of exposure to pesticides and veterinary medicines
Topics: agriculture and forestry; industrial physicians; legal aspects; legislation; notification of occupational accidents; pesticides; pharmaceutical products; responsibilities of employers; training material; United Kingdom; veterinary assistants; veterinary services.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 6FS, United Kingdom, Feb. 1999. 16p. Illus.

CIS 00-977 Lord R.
Accident investigation and reporting
Topics: accident investigation; analysis of accident causes; cost of accidents; developing countries; human factors; minor accidents; notification of occupational accidents; role of management; South Africa; unsafe acts.
On Guard, Mar. 1999, Vol.6, No.16, p.13-16.

CIS 99-1893 Sullman M.J.M., Kirk P.M., Parker R.J., Gaskin J.E.
New Zealand logging industry accident reporting scheme: Focus for a human factors research programme
A voluntary accident reporting scheme is described which has been used to identify the requirements for, and monitor the effectiveness of, interventions within the New Zealand logging industry. Two examples are used: the development of chainsaw cut-resistant legwear, and determinination of the most appropriate color for high visibility clothing. The underlying rationale for each intervention is described and the effectiveness of the intervention is evaluated, based on data drawn from the accident reporting scheme. Topics: case study; chain saws; forestry and logging; leg protection; New Zealand; notification of occupational accidents; protective clothing; visibility.
Journal of Safety Research, Summer 1999, Vol.30, No.2, p.123-131. Illus. 18 ref.

CIS 99-2068 Warwick R.
Good practice in incident reporting: It's in the blood
The U.K. National Blood Service (NBS) which collects, processes, tests and dispatches blood and blood products is required by law to have high standards and to follow "quality" principles. The activities of the NBS are outlined, and the integration of accident and near-miss reporting into the "quality" system principles is described. Topics: biological hazards; blood; health services; immunodeficiency syndrome; infection control; infectious hepatitis; information of personnel; injection injuries; legal aspects; notification of occupational accidents; plant safety and health organization.
Safety and Health Practitioner, Apr. 1999, Vol.17, No.4, p.24-26. Illus. 5 ref.

CIS 99-1924
Health and Safety Executive
RIDDOR offshore
Guide to the U.K. legal requirements for reporting of offshore incidents. Replaces CIS 96-718. Topics: dangerous occurrences; injuries; legislation; notification of accidents and diseases; offshore oil extraction; United Kingdom.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 6FS, United Kingdom, Apr. 1999. 12p. 1 ref.


CIS 00-1762 Denis M.A., Poyard G., Saury A., Cadiot M., Forissier M.F., Lery L., Nargues P., Reymond E., Robert O., Volckmann C., Ecochard R., Vigier S.
Under-reporting of accidental occurrences of exposure to blood in a University hospital
La sous-déclaration des accidents d'exposition au sang dans un C.H.U. [in French]
Topics: blood; cross-sectional study; health care personnel; hepatitis; hospitals; immunodeficiency syndrome; injection injuries; notification of occupational accidents; safety and health training; saliva; skin injuries; statistical evaluation.
Archives des maladies professionnelles et de médecine du travail, July 1998, Vol.59, No.4, p.242-248. 9 ref.

CIS 00-907 Royal Order of 4 December 1998 amending the Royal Order of 28 December 1971 establishing the format and the timing limitations for the notification of occupational accidents [Belgium]
Arrêté royal du 4 décembre 1998 modifiant l'arrêté royal du 28 décembre 1971 établissant le modèle et le délai de déclaration d'accident du travail [Belgique] [in French]
4 December 1998 - Koninklijk besluit tot wijziging van het koninklijk besluit van 28 december 1971 tot vaststelling van het model en de termijn van aangifte van een arbeidsongeval [in Dutch]
Topics: Belgium; law; notification of occupational accidents; occupational safety; responsibilities of employers; temporary workers.
Moniteur belge - Belgisch Staatsblad, 24 Dec. 1998, Year 168, No.247, p.40823-40830.

CIS 00-705
U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Recordkeeping guidelines for occupational injuries and illnesses
Topics: data sheet; directive; fatalities; glossary; health service records; notification of accidents and diseases; occupational accidents; occupational diseases; responsibilities of employers; safety service records; USA.
OSHA Office of Statistics, Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue , NW, Washington, DC 20210, USA, 1998. iii, 82p. Illus. Index.

CIS 99-717 Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences Order 1998 [Falkland Islands]
This Order (entry into force 1 Feb. 1998) implements the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (CIS 95-1930) with respect to offshore oil installations. Topics: dangerous occurrences; Falkland Islands; fatalities; injuries; law; notification of accidents and diseases; offshore oil extraction; petroleum and natural gas industry; safety service records; schedule of occupational diseases.
Falkland Islands Gazette Supplement, 30 Jan. 1998, Vol.9, No.5, p.44-65.

CIS 99-504 Vázquez Villanueva J.R.
Usefulness of accident declaration forms for occupational accident statistics
Utilidad de los partes de accidente en las estadísticas de siniestralidad laboral [in Spanish]
Topics: analysis of accident causes; brick and tile industry; hand injuries; notification of occupational accidents; statistical aspects.
Prevención, Apr.-June 1998, No.144, p.34-44. Illus. 9 ref.

CIS 99-474 Halkier-Sørensen L.
Occupational skin diseases: Reliability and utility of the data in the various registers; the course from notification to compensation and the costs - A case study from Denmark
Analysis of data from The Danish Register of Occupational Diseases showed that nearly all occupational skin diseases were eczematous in nature (98%). Most cases were in the younger age group, women predominated over men and the dominant type of occupational eczema was irritant. Skin diseases (eczemas) ranked first among both recognized and compensated cases and were the most expensive. The data in the Register may provide a basis for establishing the most relevant preventive activities. Topics: compensation of occupational diseases; compilation of statistics; Denmark; eczema; irritation; notification of occupational diseases; registers of occupational diseases; sensitization dermatitis; sex-linked differences; skin allergies; skin diseases.
Contact Dermatitis, Aug. 1998, Vol.39, No.2, p.71-78. Illus. 2 ref.

CIS 99-482 Henderson A.K., Payne M.M., Ossiander E., Evans C.G., Kaufman J.D.
Surveillance of occupational diseases in the United States
Managers of state-based occupational diseases surveillance programmes were interviewed for information on their programme's characteristics and factors that contributed to their success. There were 68 programmes in 52 jurisdictions. Reportable conditions ranged from a specific disease to "all occupational diseases". Of these programmes, 56% met at least one of their objectives. Occupational conditions associated with successful programmes usually had short latency periods, were easily diagnosed and were related to a workplace hazard. They included agricultural injuries, burns, respiratory diseases, cumulative trauma disorders and poisonings due to lead, pesticides or carbon monoxide. Successful programmes had large budgets and more staff than did unsuccessful programmes, and also took actions after notification of a condition. Topics: burns; comparative study; compilation of statistics; economic aspects; enforcement; inspection; medical supervision; notification of occupational diseases; occupational diseases; poisoning; programme evaluation; repetitive strain injury; respiratory diseases; USA.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Aug. 1998, Vol.40, No.8, p.714-719. Illus. 10 ref.

CIS 99-137 Report on the Notifiable Occupational Disease System to the end of June 1997
Topics: asthma; asbestos; case study; harmful substances; hearing loss; infectious diseases; neurotoxic effects; New Zealand; notification of occupational diseases; occupation disease relation; occupational diseases; public OSH institutions; repetitive strain injury; report; respiratory diseases; statistical aspects.
Occupational Safety and Health Service, Department of Labour, PO Box 3705, Wellington, New Zealand, July 1998. 36p. Illus. 12 ref.

CIS 99-231 National Asbestos Registers - Annual Report 1996-97
Topics: asbestos; asbestosis; exposure records; lung cancer; mesothelioma; New Zealand; occupation disease relation; pleural diseases; registers of occupational diseases; report; respiratory impairment.
Occupational Safety and Health Service, Department of Labour, PO Box 3705, Wellington, New Zealand, 1998. 20p. Illus. 13 ref.

CIS 98-1638
Health and Safety Executive
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995: Guidance for employers in the healthcare sector
Topics: comment on law; dangerous occurrences; data sheet; health services; infectious diseases; injuries; legislation; notification of accidents and diseases; United Kingdom.
HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 6FS, United Kingdom, 1998. 4p. 1 ref.


CIS 00-985 Occupational accidents: Europe harmonizes its statistics
Accidents du travail, l'Europe harmonise ses statistiques [in French]
Topics: age-linked differences; agriculture; construction industry; European Communities; fatalities; frequency rates; manufacturing industries; national variables; notification of occupational accidents; occupational accidents; services; sex-linked differences; statistical aspects; transport industry.
Travail et sécurité, Sep. 1997, No.564, p.18-21. Illus.

CIS 98-623 Benammar R., Nouaigui H., Ben Lallahom L., Kechrid R., Maâloul A.
Occupational diseases
Les maladies professionnelles [in French]
Topics: compensation of occupational diseases; early diagnosis; epidemiology; notification of occupational diseases; occupational diseases; occupational medicine; schedule of occupational diseases; statistical aspects; Tunisia; work aptitude.
SST - Santé et Sécurité au Travail, Mar. 1997, No.2, p.2-21. Illus.

CIS 98-10 Health and Safety at Work (Administration) Regulations 1997 [Fiji]
These Regulations (entry into force 1 Jan. 1998) were made under the Health and Safety at Work Act (No.4 of 1996) (CIS 97-351). They deal with the notification of accidents, incidents and diseases at the workplace. Topics: accident investigation; dangerous occurrences; Fiji; health service records; law; notification of accidents and diseases; penalties; responsibilities of employers; safety and health committees; safety service records.
Fiji Republic Gazette Supplement: Legal Notice, 19 Dec. 1997, No.49, p.529-535.

CIS 97-2059 Burke S., Madan I.
Contamination incidents among doctors and midwives: Reasons for non-reporting and knowlege of risks
A 6-month retrospective study of 384 doctors and 293 midwives at two hospitals revealed that only 9% of doctors and 46% of midwives had reported the contamination incidents they had received. The doctors' main reason for non-reporting was that it was too time consuming; midwives felt that nothing could be done, although they were aware of the services offered by occupational health departments. 77% of doctors and 69% of midwives underestimated the risk of contracting hepatitis B virus from a needlestick injury. Strategies for improving knowledge of potential risks and methods for facilitating ease of reporting are outlined.
Occupational Medicine, Aug. 1997, Vol.47, No.6, p.357-360. 19 ref.

CIS 97-1519 Rosenman K.D., Reilly M.J., Kalinowski D.J.
A state-based surveillance system for work-related asthma
A surveillance system for work-related asthma instituted in Michigan, USA in 1988 is described and results of the first 6 years of the programme are summarized. Sources used to identify cases included physicians' reports, workers' compensation claims, and reports from hospitals. Between 1988 and 1994, 725 reports of work-related asthma were received; the overall annual incidence rate was 2.9 cases per 100,000 workers. Isocyanates and machining coolants were the two most common causes of asthma. The system has proven successful in identifying new cases of asthma and in identifying workplaces with a high prevalence of workers with respiratory symptoms who may benefit from health interventions.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, May 1997, Vol.39, No.5, p.415-425. 24 ref.

CIS 97-1175 Cornelis K., Van der Steen M.
Legislation in practice - 11. Notification of occupational accidents
Législation en pratique: 11. La déclaration des accidents du travail [in French]
Wetgeving in de praktijk: 11. De aangifte van arbeidsongevallen [in Dutch]
Practical information on how to fill in accident notification forms in Belgium, as defined by various pieces of legislation. Special provisions relating to electrical installations, pressure vessels, ionizing radiation and explosives in mines and quarries are also considered.
Association nationale pour la prévention des accidents du travail (ANPAT), rue Gachard 88, Boîte 4, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium, 1997. 32p. 10 ref.

CIS 97-354
Department of Labor - Occupational Safety and Health Administrattion (OSHA)
Reporting occupational injury and illness data to OSHA: Final rule [USA]
This regulation came into effect on 13 Mar. 1997. It amends existing regulations requiring employers to report information to OSHA contained in records that they have been required to create and maintain. It clarifies OSHA's authority to collect establishment-specific data by mail for use in agency self-evaluation, deployment of agency resources, periodic reassessment of existing regulations and standards, and rulemaking. Extensive discussion of the background to the regulation.
Federal Register, 11 Feb. 1997, Vol.62, No.28, p.6434-6442.


CIS 08-1252 Regulation 27/1996 (28 Aug.) of the Ministry of Welfare concerning the notification and investigation of occupational diseases and cases of increased exposure [Hungary]
27/1996. (VIII. 28.) NM rendelet a foglalkozási betegségek és fokozott expozíciós esetek bejelentéséről és kivizsgálásáról [in Hungarian]
This Regulation applies to all employees in Hungary with the exception of those to whom other legal provisions apply (people carrying out emergency and disaster relief, and people involved in the armed forces, the police and prison services). Contents: definitions; notification of occupational diseases and cases of heightened exposure; investigation of the circumstances that gave rise to occupational diseases or heightened exposure. In annex: classified list of occupational diseases subject to notification (those due to chemical, physical, biological and other [overuse, psychosocial and ergonomic] factors); prescribed contents of notification forms.
Magyar Közlöny, 28 Aug. 1996, No.71, p.4524-4539. Archival copy is from an Internet site. [in Hungarian]

CIS 00-1311
International Labour Office (ILO)
Recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases: An ILO Code of Practice
Korean version of the Code of Practice (CIS 96-2083) adopted by a tripartite Meeting of Experts held in Geneva from 3 to 11 Oct. 1994. The purpose of the Code of Practice is to help with the international harmonization of the procedures for the collection, recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases. Contents: extracts from the Report of the Meeting of Experts; general provisions; policies and principles for the recording, notification and investigation of occupational accidents and diseases, dangerous occurrences and related statistics (at the national and enterprise level); legal, institutional and administrative arrangements for setting up reporting, recording and notification systems; reporting at the enterprise level; arrangements for recording; arrangements for notification; extension of systems to self-employed persons; compilation and publication of statistics; classification and investigation of occupational accidents and diseases and of dangerous occurrences. In annex: relevant ILO Conventions and Recommendations; schedules, lists and classification systems for occupational injuries and diseases, economic activities, occupations, status in employment and accidents.
ILO Publications, International Labour Office, 1211 Genève 22, Switzerland, 1996. v, 78p. 8 ref.

CIS 00-1337 Bassanets A., Boutoux M., Leroyer C., Dewitte J.D.
Diagnosis and compensation of occupational asthma in Eastern European countries: Ukraine in the light of the French system
Reconnaissance et indemnisation de l'asthme professionnel dans l'Europe de l'Est: l'exemple de l'Ukraine à la lumière du système français [in French]
Topics: asthma; change of employment; comparative study; compensation of occupational diseases; France; legislation; notification of occupational diseases; Ukraine.
Archives des maladies professionnelles et de médecine du travail, Nov. 1996, Vol.57, No.7, p.538-543. 12 ref.

CIS 99-124 Ares Camerino A., Sainz Vera B., Soto Pino M.L.
Occupational disease trends in Spain (1987-1993)
Evolución de las enfermedades profesionales en España (1987-1993) [in Spanish]
Topics: agriculture; construction industry; fatalities; industries; notification of occupational diseases; occupational diseases; services; severity rates; Spain; statistical trends; statistics.
Medicina y seguridad del trabajo, 1996, Vol.XLIII, No.171, p.27-35. 11 ref.

CIS 98-1248 Occupational diseases (compensation system)
Les maladies professionnelles (régime général) [in French]
Topics: compensation of occupational diseases; France; legislation; medico-legal aspects; notification of occupational diseases; occupational diseases; schedule of occupational diseases.
Institut national de recherche et de sécurité (INRS), 30 rue Olivier-Noyer, 75680 Paris cedex 14, France, 1996. 63p.

CIS 97-1843 Choi B. C. K.
Recording, notification, compilation, and classification of statistics of occupational accidents and diseases: The Thai experience
This is a report of an ILO project in Thailand, conducted in 1995, in order to improve the national notification of accidents and diseases. The ILO code of practice on recording and notification was found to be appropriate for the local requirements. The existing notification form was redesigned and suggestions were specified for cross-checking the data base of the Workmen's Compensation Fund.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Nov. 1996, Vol.38, No.11, p.1151-1160. 22 ref.

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