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Protective clothing - 429 entries found

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CIS 83-792 Harley D.
Personal protective equipment - A new fibre for protecting men working in contact with toxic substances and chemicals
Protection individuelle - Une nouvelle fibre pour la protection de l'homme au contact des substances toxiques et chimiques [in French]
Description of a new fibre ("Tyvek") and a spunbonded fabric made from it and designed for the manufacture of protective work clothes (effectiveness, cost, comfort factors, safety features). Examples are given of its use in clothing worn by technicians working on the assembly of the European space satellite (eliminates contamination hazards), nuclear industry and sterile room workers, and in clothing used to prevent airborne dust penetration to give protection to paint sprayers, etc.
Revue de la sécurité, Mar. 1983, Vol.19, No.199, p.41-43. Illus.


CIS 85-1393
(Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po standartam)
Women's clothing protecting against general industrial contamination and mechanical action - Technical requirements
Kostjumy ženskie dlja zaščity ot obščih proizvodstvennyh zagrjaznenij i mehaničeskih vozdejstvij. Tehničeskie uslovija [in Russian]
This standard (effective 1 Jan. 1983) applies to women's clothing consisting of jackets with trousers or semicoveralls intended to protect against general contamination and mechanical action in different branches of industry. Contents: types and sizes (tables); technical requirements (materials, appearance, manufacture); acceptance criteria and quality control, marking, packing, transport and storage. Instructions for use and maintenance (washing, ironing) are appended.
Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per. 3, 123840 Moskva, USSR, 1982. 13p. Price: Rbl.0.05.

CIS 84-1401 Makuhin D.V., Pletenskij Ju.G., Rajhman S.P., Rimskaja L.M.
Setting microclimate and working time standards applicable to the use of personal protective equipment
Normirovanie mikroklimata i prodolžitel'nosti raboty pri ispol'zovanii sredstv individual'noj zaščity [in Russian]
28 healthy male volunteers were tested in 349 climate-chamber experiments at temperatures of 10-50°C and relative humidities of 20-100%. Maximum possible levels of stabilisation were determined for rectal temperature, body heat content and heart rate during light, moderate and heavy work. These levels provide criteria for the microclimate within protective suits. The criteria were applied to an air-fed insulating suit. Permissible working times were tabulated for different combinations of effort and microclimatic conditions.
Gigiena i sanitarija, Dec. 1982, No.12, p.65-68. Illus. 4 ref.

CIS 84-597
(Vsesojuznyj central'nyj naučno-issledovatel'skij institut ohrany truda)
Deposited manuscripts (Labour protection)
Deponirovannye rukopisi (Ohrana truda) [in Russian]
The 2nd edition of an annual guide to manuscript studies on various aspects of occupational safety and health. The 11 cited papers cover: personal protective equipment and protective clothing, work under Central Asian conditions, the cotton industry, safety propaganda, work organisation and turnover in relation to safety and health.
Vsesojuznyj central'nyj naučno-issledovatel'skij institut ohrany truda, Vsesojuznyj Central'nyj Sovet Professional'nyh Sojuzov, Obolenskij per. 10, 119021 Moskva, USSR, 1982. 9p. Price: Rbl.0.10.

CIS 84-80 Bal'bert B.M., Barac Ju.M., Ostapenko V.I.
GROT, a personal cooling device
Individual'nyj pnevmatičeskij kondicioner GROT [in Russian]
An air-cooled vest for use in hot workplaces such as deep mines is described. The device is designed for workers expending energy at rates of 10.5-42kJ/min at environmental temperatures of 40°C and relative humidities of 100%. The worker's chest is cooled by perforated plastic panels held in place by straps. The panels are fed with cooled (25°C) dehumidified air from a miniature refrigeration unit hung from the waist. Air and power are both supplied by the compressed-air system of the mine: part of the incoming compressed air (0.4-0.6MPa) is expanded in a heat exchanger to produce cold, while the remainder of the air is passed over the heat exchanger and on to the vest. The refrigeration pack is small enough to fit in a standard battery case; it is connected to the mine's compressed air system by a hose with quick-disconnect fittings. The refrigeration pack weighs 1kg, the vest 0.8kg. A worker fitted with the vest was able to sustain work of moderate effort for 220min at 35-36° and 98-100% relative humidity; a control subject without the vest could tolerate only 80min.
Ugol', Apr. 1982, No.4, p.45-46. Illus.

CIS 83-1880 Koščeev V.S., Makarov V.I., Bavro G.V.
Possibility of maintaining the temperature and work capacity of the extremities
O vozmožnosti podderžanija temperatury i rabotosposobnosti konečnostej [in Russian]
A water-heated suit that did not reach the wrists was capable of maintaining the skin temperature of the wrists and the dexterity of the hands at ambient temperatures of -25 and -45°C when water of 42-43°C was circulated through the suit; the hands and wrists were protected only by thin gloves. The system tested is far more effective than insulating clothing in enabling a worker to perform fine tasks in arctic environments.
Gigiena i sanitarija, Feb. 1982, No.2, p.24-26. 6 ref.

CIS 83-1397 Foussereau J., Hervé-Bazin B., Cavelier C., Certin J.F.
A case of allergy to dibutylthiourea caused by divers' footgear
Ein Fall einer Allergie gegenüber Dibutylthioharnstoff in Taucher-Füsslingen [in German]
Un cas d'allergie à la dibutylthiourée de chaussons de plongée [in French]
A case of allergy to dibutylthiourea in divers' footgear is reported. The course of the observed eczema was modulated by the composition of the diving suit worn with the footgear. Dibutylthiourea was identified as a potential allergen by analysing solvent extracts of the rubber foam of which the footgear and suit were made. The allergy was specific for dibutylthiourea: diethylthiourea and diphenylthiourea produced no reaction; this emphasises the importance of identifying and testing specific compounds, rather than treating members of a chemical class as equivalent.
Dermatosen in Beruf und Umwelt, 1982, Vol.30, No.2, p.58-59. 8 ref. (Offprint in French, 2p.)

CIS 83-976 Shapiro Y., Pandolf K.B., Sawka M.N., Toner M.M., Winsmann F.R., Goldman R.F.
Auxiliary cooling: Comparison of air-cooled vs. water-cooled vests in hot-dry and hot-wet environments
Water-cooled, air-cooled, and ambient air-ventilated cooling vests were evaluated in a hot-wet (HW) and a hot-dry (HD) environment. Both cooling vests improved subjects' physiological status. There were no significant differences between air- or water-cooled vests in either HD or HW climates. The ambient-air vest had low effectiveness in HW climates and was dangerous in HD climates.
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, Aug. 1982, Vol.53, No.8, p.785-789. 15 ref.

CIS 83-695 Sallé F.
A solution for work in a hostile, radioactive environment: the "Scalhene" air-supplied airtight suit
Une solution au travail en milieu hostile radioactif: la tenue étanche ventilée, type "Scalhène" [in French]
This MD thesis assesses the workload of workers wearing a "Scalhene" air-supplied airtight suit for work in highly hostile atmospheres (in this case in air contaminated with radioactive particles). The ergonomic approach is based mainly on the measurement of heart rate during work. On the basis of the heart rate profiles obtained the job was classified as "arduous" or "very arduous". The medical supervision of the workers and improvements planned for the work are reviewed. Maximum working time should not exceed 2h per day, and the work should be limited to young, healthy workers.
Université de Paris VI, Faculté de médecine Saint-Antoine, Paris, France, 1982. 284p. 106 ref.

CIS 83-883 Meat Industry (slaughtering, dressing and hygiene) Regulation, 1979, under the Meat Industry Act, 1978
Aspects of this Regulation appertaining to OSH: use of protective clothing, covering and footwear, personal hygiene, and decontamination of clothes, skin, and equipment. Special requirements apply when brucella reactor cattle are being slaughtered (elbow length gloves, plastic goggles, apron of impervious material, disposable gauze mask).
New South Wales Government Gazette, Reprinted 26 May 1982. D. West, Government Printer, New South Wales, Australia. 24p.

CIS 83-538 Szucki B., Majczakowa W., Badach H., Stawińska A., Flattau J., Jabtońska B., Dudek K., Świtkowska J., Zembowicz-Sutkowska E., Bujnowicz T., Lotach H., Liwkowicz J.
Personal protection for work involving chemicals in agriculture - proceedings of a seminar
Ochrony osobiste do prac chemizacyjnych w rolnictwie [in Polish]
Papers presented at this seminar held in Warsaw, Poland, on 8 Dec. 1981: epidemiology of poisoning due to crop protection with pesticides; toxic hazards in agriculture and personal protection; respirators protecting against pesticides; absorption-filter half-mask for agricultural workers; properties and suitability of fabrics and other materials for clothing protecting against gaseous pesticides; clothing made from coated and impregnated fabrics; protective clothing for seed fumigators; laundering of protective clothing; assessment of protective clothing from the points of view of occupational physiology and hygiene; use of gloves and boots by crop protection workers.
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy, ul. Tamka 1, 00 349 Warszawa, Poland, 1981. 95p. Illus. 37 ref.

CIS 83-532
USSR State Standards Committee (Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po standartam)
Women's suits for protection against petroleum and petroleum products - Technical specifications
Kostjumy ženskie dlja zaščity ot nefti i nefteproduktov - Tehničeskie uslovija [in Russian]
This standard (effective 1 Jan. 1983) applies to suits consisting of jackets and trousers. Sections cover: types and basic sizes; specifications (materials, appearance, cutting and sewing requirements); acceptance tests and quality control; marking, packing, shipment and storage. Dry-cleaning and washing instructions are appended.
Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per.3, 123557 Moskva, USSR, 23 Feb. 1982. 16p. Illus. Price: Rbl.0.05.

CIS 83-531
USSR State Standards Committee (Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po standartam)
Men's suits for protection against petroleum and petroleum products - Technical specifications
Kostjumy mužskie dlja zaščity ot nefti i nefteproduktov - Tehničeskie uslovija [in Russian]
This standard (effective 1 Jan. 1983) applies to suits consisting of jackets and trousers. Sections cover: types and basic sizes; specifications (materials, appearance, cutting and sewing requirements); acceptance tests and quality control; marking, packing, shipment and storage. Dry cleaning and washing instructions are appended.
Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per.3, 123557 Moskva, USSR, 23 Feb.1982. 14p. Illus. Price: Rbl.0.05.

CIS 83-238
USSR State Standards Committee (Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po standartam)
Miner's suits for protection against mechanical action and general industrial contamination - Technical specifications
Komplekty šahterskie dlja zaščity ot mehaničeskih vozdejstvij i obščih proizvodstvennyh zagrjaznenij - Tehničeskie uslovija [in Russian]
This standard (effective 1 Jan. 1983) applies to miners' suits consisting of jackets, trousers, quilted vests, and caps to be worn under the helmet. Sections cover: types and basic sizes; specifications (materials, appearance, cutting and sewing requirements); acceptance tests and quality control; marking, packing, shipment and storage. Washing, ironing and impregnating instructions are appended.
Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per.3, 123557 Moskva, USSR, 10 Feb. 1982. 19p. Illus. Price: Rbl.0.05.

CIS 83-237
USSR State Standards Committee (Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po standartam)
Men's suits for protection against general industrial contamination and mechanical action - Technical specifications
Kostjumy mužskie dlja zaščity ot obščih proizvodstvennyh zagrjaznenij i mehaničeskih vozdejstvij - Tehničeskie uslovija [in Russian]
This standard (effective 1 Jan. 1983) applies to suits consisting of jackets and trousers or to bib-and-brace trousers. Sections cover: types and basic sizes; specificationa (materials, appearance, cutting and sewing requirements); acceptance tests and quality control; marking;, packing, shipment and storage. Washing, impregnating and drying instructions are appended.
Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per.3, 123557 Moskva, USSR, 10 Feb. 1982. 15p. Illus. Price: Rbl.0.05.

CIS 83-235 Liwkowicz J., Łotach H.
Safety suits for workers exposed to petroleum products and their occupational health and physiology assessment
Wybrane zestawy ochron osobistych dla pracowników zatrudnionych w kontakcie z produktami przerobu ropy naftowej oraz ich ocena pod względem wymagán fizjologii i higieny pracy [in Polish]
Study of safety suits worn by welders, automatic lathe operators, automobile mechanics, etc.) to assess the effect of this cloting on heat regulation mechanisms, the cardiovascular system, sweating dynamics, and microclimate changes within the clothing; the studies were carried out on students undergoing bicycle ergometer testing equivalent to the workload of a group of milling machine and lathe operators. It was possible to lay down maximum hours of work for the use of each type of suit studied and specify health protection measures to be taken by workers exposed to petroleum products.
Prace Centralnego instytutu ochrony pracy, 1982, Vol.32, No.112, p.21-35. Illus. 7 ref.

CIS 83-230 Davies J.E., Freed V.H., Enos H.F., Duncan R.C., Barquet A., Morgade C., Peters L.J., Danauskas J.X.
Reduction of pesticide exposure with protective clothing for applicators and mixers
Report of studies to evaluate the protection afforded to pesticide spraying and mixing workers by wearing different types of work and protective clothing over a 4-week period. The degree of protection provided was assessed by measuring the percentage of penetration of ethion through clothing and by measuring the daily urinary excretion of diethyl phosphate (one of the urinary alkyl phosphate metabolites of ethion). Overalls provided significantly greater protection than did regular clothing and the use of respirators.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, June 1982, Vol.22, No.6, p.464-468. Illus. 15 ref.


CIS 83-1538 Šapovalov A.G.
Device for removing dust from workers' clothing
Ustrojstvo dlja obespylivanija specodeždy [in Russian]
Dust is removed from workers' clothing (e.g., mineworkers' overalls) in a cleaning chamber that operates with compressed air (400-500kPa, 480m3/h). Rings of nozzles in the cylindrical chamber blow dust from the garments into a collecting space which is vented into the extractive ventilation system of the plant. The device removes 95% of the dust in garments, and cleans 200 articles/h. Use of the device limits worker exposure to dust between launderings or dry cleanings of their clothes, and can be used where laundering or dry cleaning is not practicable.
Bezopasnost' truda v promyšlennosti, Oct. 1981, No.10, p.13-14. Illus.

CIS 83-1290 Sosnova T.L., Loseva E.I., Solomatina N.M.
Colour scale for objective evaluation of the visibility of safety garments
Cvetovaja škala dlja ob"ektivnoj ocenki signal'noj specodeždy po vidimosti [in Russian]
Presentation of coloured objects to volunteers showed that optimum visibility was associated with hues corresponding to wavelengths of 585-595nm, saturations of 73-87% and reflectances of 30-50%; adequate visibility was obtained with wavelengths down to 582nm, saturation as low as 60% and reflectances of 27-55%. To determine under field conditions whether or not a piece of safety clothing (e.g., roadworkers' coveralls) meets visibility criteria, a colour comparator was devised. The comparator is a card with 30 holes. Next to each hole is a colour patch. Patches corresponding to the optimum values above are located in the centre of the card and demarcated with a line; patches corresponding to adequate but suboptimal colours are placed around the optimal range and separated by a second line from colour patches representing unacceptable levels of visibility. The comparator enables objective monitoring of garments which tend to lose their high-visibility properties through soiling or repeated washing.
Gigiena i sanitarija, July 1981, No.7, p.61-63. Illus. 2 ref.

CIS 83-535 Sedov A.V., Surovcev N.A., Mazneva G.E., Ševkun O.N., Vissonov Ju.V., Byčkov S.V.
Combined effects of certain vital activity products during work in isolating personal protective equipment
O kombinirovannom dejstvii nekotoryh produktov žiznedejatel'nosti pri rabote čeloveka v izolirujuščih sredstvah individual'noj zaščity [in Russian]
The dead-space air inside isolating protective suits contains oxygen, carbon monoxide, methane, phenol and other substances in proportions which vary with the duration and type of work performed. To evaluate the combined toxic effect of various mixtures, 36 experiments were carried out with volunteers performing exercise tests in controlled atmospheres. Biological indices monitored included body temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate and minute volume, energy expenditure, serum cholinesterase activity, etc. Gaseous mixtures containing CO, methane and phenol in proportions of 15, 150 and 3mg% had independent effects similar to mixtures where these proportions were 30, 350 and 5mg/m3, respectively. These concentrations are considered to be maximum permissible ones under the conditions studied.
Gigiena i sanitarija, Apr. 1981, No.4, p.15-17. 8 ref.

CIS 83-533
USSR State Standards Committee (Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po standartam)
Fabrics and materials for welders' protective clothing - General technical specifications
Tkani i materialy dlja specodeždy svarščikov - Obščie tehničeskie uslovija [in Russian]
This standard (effective 1 July 1982) applies to uncoated and polymer-coated fabrics and leather. Sections cover: technical requirements (protection against sparks and splashes of molten metal for at least 30s; acid-proofed fabrics must not absorb drops of 50% sulfuric acid for at least 3h; shrinkage limits after washing; protection against radiant heat; table of properties required according to type of protection); rules for acceptance; test methods (quality control tests of fabrics, polymer-coated materials, and leather); marking, packing, transport and storage. A table of fabrics and materials recommended for welders' protective clothing is appended.
Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per.3, 123557 Moskva, USSR, 27 May 1981. 8p. Price: Rbl.0.03.

CIS 82-2031 Müller R., Tejmar J.
Study on the comfort characteristics of flameproof clothing for mine-rescue workers
Untersuchung der Tragbarkeit von Flammenschutzkleidung für Gruben- und Gasschutzwehren [in German]
The physiological comfort of various models of flameproof clothing was studied either under normal microclimatic conditions during an 8h shift, or under unfavourable microclimatic conditions during the maximum period of time permitted by the regulations. Types of clothing; choice of test persons; equipment and methods for measuring the microclimate and biological parameters; results (pulse rate, body temperature, sweat loss). There was a training effect and a type of clothing that offered a compromise between thermal resistance and physiological characteristics. In general, all twin-layer clothing combined with special underclothing can be worn under unfavourable climatic conditions for the permissible length of time.
Glückauf-Forschungshefte, 1981, Vol.42, No.2, p.75-80. Illus. 6 ref.

CIS 82-2013 Holmér I., Elnäs S.
Physiological evaluation of the resistance to evaporative heat transfer by clothing
Description of a new method to determine the "effective" evaporative resistance of clothing in vivo, which is based on direct measurements of the water vapour pressure gradient between skin and ambient air and of the steady state rate of evaporative heat loss. The technique was used to evaluate the heat transfer properties of 2 types of rainwear and an overall. This method, in combination with partitional calorimetry, enables a direct and simultaneous determination of the resistances of clothing to dry and humid heat loss for both resting and working subjects.
Ergonomics, Jan. 1981, Vol.24, No.1, p.63-74. Illus. 32 ref.

CIS 82-1414 Franklin C.A., Fenske R.A., Greenhalgh R., Mathieu L., Denley H.V., Leffingwell J.T., Spear R.C.
Correlation of urinary pesticide metabolite excretion with estimated dermal contact in the course of occupational exposure to guthion
Exposure to, and absorption of, guthion were estimated in orchardists involved in the mixing, loading, and application with ultra-low volume air blast equipment. Air monitoring and patch techniques were used to estimate exposure, and alkyl phosphate excretion and cholinesterase inhibition were measured to estimate absorption. All workers wore standardised cotton shirts, trousers, long-sleeved coveralls, half-face respirators, gloves, boots, and hats. 8 wore rubberised protective clothing in addition. All workers had quantifiable levels of alkyl phosphates in the 24h urine samples following exposure. A high correlation was found between 48h alkyl phosphate excretion and the amount of active ingredient sprayed. Patches of guthion were found on the skin beneath the clothing by using a fluorescent tracer in the spray tank. The rubberised clothing was not significantly more protective than the heavy coverall. No significant depression of red blood cell or serum cholinesterase activity was found.
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, May 1981, Vol.7, No.5, 715-731p. 26 ref.

CIS 82-1408 Peter H.
Safety clothing for metal melting and casting
Schutzkleidung beim Schmelzen und Giessen von Metallen [in German]
Requirement for heat-protective clothing include fire resistance, mechanical strength and moderate weight. Heavy fabric (420-600g/m2 optimal) is decisive in heat insulation. Proposed protection criteria: thermal flux density to skin - max. 0.25kW/m2, internal temperature - max. 35°C, non-flammable and non-melting properties, all for a minimum of 3s. Review of the characteristics of fabrics for heat-protection clothing: wool, mixed fibres and synthetic fibres. For extreme thermal conditions and where there is a danger of metal spatter, aluminised fabric clothing is advisable, but this is heavy, uncomfortable and impedes movement.
Giesserei, 1981, Vol.68, No.12, p.355-358. Illus.

CIS 82-978 Pasternack A.
Biochemical and physiological evaluation of an integral suit with a combined cooling and respiratory protection system
Biomechanische und arbeitsphysiologische Bewertung des Kühl- und Atemschutzgerätes [in German]
A description of an integral cooled suit combined with an independent respiratory protective system is followed by the results of studies on movement impediment and physiological effects caused by this protective system in a team of mine rescue workers. Diagrams of body-core temperature, pulse rate and subjective comfort in relation to the test parameters (70%C, 60-90% relative humidity, 70W workload), exposure time and the maximum tolerable wearing time. The suit can be tolerated for a prolonged period - which facilitates mine rescue and firefighting operations.
Drägerheft, 1981, No.319, p.10-15. Illus. 6 ref.

CIS 82-1123
Federation of Industrial Mutual Accident Insurance Associations (Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften)
Information sheet on protective clothing
Schutzkleidungs-Merkblatt [in German]
Definitions of technical terms used; information and technical data on fabrics and materials used for these garments (natural or man-made fibre textiles, mineral fibres, rubber, metal, leather). The greater part of this booklet is devoted to: protective clothing specific for mechanical hazards, exposure to chemicals, flame and heat, gases and vapours, molten metal splashes, electricity and inclement weather. Information on underclothing. List of Federal German regulations and standards currently in force.
Carl Heymanns Verlag KG, Gereonstrasse 18-32, 5000 Köln 1, Federal Republic of Germany, Oct. 1981. 37p. Illus. Price: DM.3.50.

CIS 82-1119 Standard on protective clothing for structural fire fighting
This standard (approved as an American National Standard: 1 July 1981) is a revision of the 1975 edition. It applies to protective clothing for structural fire fighting worn for protection against extremes of temperature, steam, hot water, hot particles and other hazards encountered during fires and related life saving. Sections are devoted to: scope, purpose and definitions; requirements for all protective clothing; additional requirements only for protective coats; additional requirements only for protective trousers. Appendices deal with: design considerations (air circulation, impact resistance, padding); clothing colour; pockets; referenced publications.
National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269, USA, 1981. 23p. Illus. 12 ref.

CIS 82-806 Henry N.W., Schlatter C.N.
The development of a standard method for evaluating chemical protective clothing to permeation by hazardous liquids
Breakthrough time and permeation rates of toluene and N,N-dimethylformamide through neoprene, butyl rubber (Normex aramid), and polyvinyl alcohol protective clothing specimens were determined using a proposed ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) standard method. Preliminary test data from 2 independent laboratoires have verified the practicality of the method which requires minimum analytical instrumentation. Careful selection of sensitive analytical techniques that are specific for a particular liquid chemical is required.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Mar. 1981, Vol.42, No.3, p.202-207. Illus. 4 ref.

CIS 82-394 Engel P., Hildebrandt G., Hinz C.D., Kock F.J., Lange W., Pasternack A., Rademacher U., Wagner K.H., Windberg H.J.
Development and testing of a cooling system for mine rescue suits, combined with a closed circuit breathing apparatus
Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Kühlsystems und eines damit kombinierbaren Atemschutzgerätes, vorwiegend für den Rettungs- und Bergungseinsatz im Bergbau unter Tage [in German]
This research report on the humanisation of work defines required conditions and climate chamber tests for the design of a complete rescue suit with an incorporated cooling system, which can be worn together with a closed-circuit breathing apparatus. Appended: report of a study on restrictions of movement and physiological factors (body temperature, heart rate, subjective comfort) associated with wearing this type of protective clothing.
Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik, 7514 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen 2, Federal Republic of Germany, 1981. 162p. Illus. 25 ref. Price: DM.32.70.

CIS 82-315 Zalesskij P.S., Rassolov N.I.
Reducing the electrostatic charge in miners' working clothes and footwear
Sniženie ėlektrizacii specodeždy i specobuvi gornorabočih [in Russian]
Results of tests to determine the minimum energy level required to explode a methane-air mixture or to fire an electric detonator, and the maximum electric charge that can build up on the body of a miner with normal clothing and equipment. Taking into account a safety factor of 2.5, this charge can be maintained within the limits of safety by adopting maximum dielectric strengths of 5 x 108Ohm for footwear and 1 x 109Ohm for clothing fabrics. Fabrics made of cotton, linen and fibres containing less than 50% synthetics meet these requirements.
Ugol' Ukrainy, Jan. 1981, No.1, p.30.

CIS 82-217 Williams J.R.
Evaluation of intact gloves and boots for chemical permeation
The permeation of protective gloves and boots by 1,4-dichloro-2-butene (DCB) was evaluated using intact samples and patch tests of the constituent material. Gloves constructed of neoprene or PVC on cotton, neoprene, NBR and Viton were exposed to a spray of DCB. The amount penetrating the glove, and contained in a carrier gas, was determined at 15min intervals using charcoal sampling tubes. Evaluation of the protection afforded by the gloves, using this method, correlated well with breakthrough times determined on patches of glove material. The feet of whole boots constructed of neoprene or PVC were immersed in DCB and the penetration determined by means of DCB in a carrier gas at 1h intervals up to 6h. Patch tests of boot material did not correlate well with permeation measurements because of thickness variations.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, June 1981, Vol.42, No.6, p.468-471. Illus. 13 ref.

CIS 82-288 Hausman A.
Thermal stress and strain
Astreintes et contraintes thermiques [in French]
Comparative assessment of personal cooling devices, designed to create an acceptable microclimate for hot work in mines. Four physiological parameters (pulse rate, increase in body temperature, weight loss and fatigue index) were measured in persons at rest and doing muscular work under different experimental heat stress and cooling situations. The most effective and simple approach was the use of a moistened suit/hood combination. Results of studies on 8 persons on a training ground confirmed the laboratory findings.
Annales des mines de Belgique - Annalen der Mijnen van België, May 1981, No.5, p.405-432. Illus.

CIS 82-216 Mäkinen H.
Development of working and protective clothes and promotion of their use
Työ- ja suojavaatteiden kehittäminen ja käytön edistäminen [in Finnish]
Report on ongoing Finnish research in this field: review of methods developed and used by various institutions for assessing the characteristics of working and protective clothing; directory of ongoing and completed research. The research covered emphasises both the physiological and protective properties of the clothing.
Työterveyslaitos, Laajaniityntie 1, 01620 Vantaa 62, Finland, 1981. 46p. Illus. 21 ref. Price: Fmk.10.00.

CIS 82-212 Lotach H., Konarska M.
Protective suits with built-in ventilation systems and their effect in reducing the physiological cost of hot work
Wpływ stosowania kombinezonów ochronnych z wewnętrznym systemem wentylacyjnym na obniżenie kosztu fizjologicznego pracy wykonywanej w wysokich temperaturach powietrza [in Polish]
Report on studies to assess the effectiveness of 4 models of air-ventilated suits made from fireproofed cotton and wool fabrics. 10 iron and steel industry workers were subjected to tests in a climatic chamber (55°) during which they were required to pedal on a bicycle ergometer for 30min at 60% of their maximum aerobic capacity. Use of the above-mentioned suits enabled them to double the length of their work in the hot environment due to the reduced load on the cardiovascular system and the body's thermoregulatory mechanisms. The best results were obtained with an air-flow rate through the suit of 250l/min.
Prace Centralnego instytutu ochrony pracy, 1981, Vol.31, No.108, p.31-41. Illus. 20 ref.

CIS 81-1690 Raoult I.
Protective clothing - State of the art regarding materials used
Les vêtements de protection - Le point sur les matériaux utilisés [in French]
Study of the efficacy of these materials in on-the-job conditions. Protection a envisaged against the following hazards: heat (radiant, ambient), fire (fire-resistant fabrics, flameproofed fabrics, synoptic tables of flammability tests on 52 fabrics), molten metal splashes, chemicals (hermetically and semi-hermetically impermeable fabrics), dust, cold and bad weather. Review of French standards and regulations currently in force. Results of a survey carried out by the Association of French Industrialists on the legislation in 14 countries concerning the obligation to wear work clothing and protective clothing, and the choice and maintenance of this equipment. Spanish translation published in "Notas y documentos sobre prevención de riesgos profesionales", 148, 4° trimestre 1984, p.75-80.
Revue de la sécurité, Apr. 1981, Vol.17, No.178, p.15-23. Illus.

CIS 81-1416 Chain saws - Personal protective clothing
Tronçonneuses à chaîne - Un vêtement de protection individuelle [in French]
Description of protective clothing which will rapidly (in 0.06-0.14s) jam the chain of a chain saw with which it is brought into contact. Comprises a coat and trousers. Areas likely to accidental contact with the saw (arms, legs and trunk) are quilted with layers of fabric made from synthetic fibre with good mechanical properties, in particular high tensile strength. Tests by the French National Research and Safety Institute have demonstrated the clothing's effectiveness. English translation may be obtained from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, 250 Main Street East, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8N 1H6.
Travail et sécurité, Jan. 1981, No.1, p.19. Illus.

CIS 81-989 Mihal C.P.
Effect of heat stress on physiological factors for industrial workers performing routine work and wearing impermeable vapor-barrier clothing.
Body temperature and pulse rate were measured in 10 workers wearing various types of vapour-barrier (VB) clothing and 25 controls, performing routine work at high ambient temperatures. Workers wearing VB clothing reached an extrapolated oral temperature of 37.6°C at a 2.8°C lower WBGT index than the control subjects. When work duration in VB clothing was >45min, the oral temperature rose above 37.6°C. There were no recovery pulse rates about 65% of the time after wearing of VB clothing for 15min. The implementation of engineering and administrative controls and use of a vortex-cooled air suit significantly reduced the stress of working with VB clothing at high temperatures.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Feb. 1981, Vol.42, No.2, p.97-103. Illus. 10 ref.


CIS 82-987 Rubcov V.I., Kločkov V.N., Kononovič A.L.
Penetration of americium into polymers used in protective coatings and in personal protective equipment
O pronikanii americija v glub' polimernyh materialov, primenjaemyh dlja zaščitnyh pokrytij i sredstv individual'noj zaščity [in Russian]
A method is given for the calculation of the penetration of 241Am beneath the surface of polymers in the presence of large amounts of 239Pu. An increase in acidity of the suspension solution promotes penetration, while the amount of Am absorbed considerably decreases. Since americium penetrates polymers much more slowly than plutonium, the penetrability of the polymer by plutonium should also be taken into consideration where both are present. The surface adsorption and penetration coefficients obtained for americium on polymers are useful as selection criteria for materials used in protective equipement.
Gigiena i sanitarija, Dec. 1980, No.12, p.71-73. 8 ref.

CIS 82-397 Ilmarinen R., Korhonen E., Mäkinen H.
Glossary of terms for thermal physiology and protective clothing
Lämpö- ja vaatetusfysiologian sekä vaatetuksen termejä [in Finnish]
Handbook containing a glosary of terms, with technical data and other information covering: metabolic heat production; acclimatisation; sweat rate; heat conduction; thermal insulation; moisture resistance, protective clothing; heat loss; autonomic temperature regulation; heat stress; radiant heat; body heat balance; thermal comfort; insulation; fabrics and textiles; clothing hygiene; water vapour resistance; protective suits, gloves, helmets, boots; moisture protective suits; metal mesh safety aprons.
Työterveyslaitos, Helsinki, Finland, 1980. 30p. Illus. 16 ref. Price: Fmk.6.00.

CIS 81-2026
German Standards Institute (Deutsches Institut für Normung)
Flameproofed protective clothing for mineworkers
Flammenschutzkleidung für den Bergbau [in German]
Part 1 of this standard contains safety requirements for flameproofed protective clothing (mechanical resistance of fabric, flammability, heat resistance, requirements for components and accessories of garments) and gives detailed descriptions of tests. Parts 2 to 5: requirements for dimensions and manufacture of overalls, 2-piece work clothes, underwear and hoods. List of relevant standards. Commentaries.
Teil 1, 2, 3, 4 und 5, Beuth Verlag GmbH, Burggrafenstrasse 4-7, D-1000 Berlin 30, July 1980. 8, 2, 2, 2, and 2p. Illus. Price: DM.25.30; 14.90; 14.90; 14.90; 14.90.

CIS 81-1904 Dedenko I.I., Mihajlova N.S., Lytkin B.G.
Heat exchange in miners working in opencast ore mines in the Far North
Osobennosti teploobmena gornorabočih pri dobyče rudy otkrytym sposobom na Krajnem Severe [in Russian]
Data obtained from field observations of body heat exchange in miners doing moderately arduous work. It was found that cold work in a low relative-humidity atmosphere is linked with considerable heat loss through skin and respiratory evaporation; to these losses should be added those resulting from the warming of inspired air. To maintain the body's thermal equilibrium, it is necessary to reduce convective and radiant heat loss from skin by the use of suitable protective clothing.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, July 1980, No.7, p.18-21. 12 ref.

CIS 81-1688
USSR State Standards Committee (Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po standartam)
Protective clothing against low temperatures - Men's clothing - Technical conditions
Odežda special'naja dlja zaščity ot ponižennyh temperatur. Kostjumy mužskie - Tehničeskie uslovija [in Russian]
This standard (effective 1 jan. 1982) applies to jackets and trousers to protect workers exposed to low temperatures and high winds. Contents: types of clothing and measurements; technical requirements (fabric, appearance, tailoring); conditions for approval; marking, packaging, transport and storage. Appendix: formulae for calculating thermal resistance of these garments. [A similar standard (GOST 12.4.088-80) was published for cold protective clothing for women].
Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per.3, 123557 Moskva, USSR, 13 Mar. 1980. 31p. Illus. Price: Rbl.0.10.

CIS 81-1686 Jabłońska B.
Assessing the protective properties of new coated or impregnated nonwovens and impregnated woven textiles uses in the manufacture of clothing for protection against liquid pesticides
Ocena właściwości ochronnych nowo opracowanych włókien powlekanych i impregnowanych oraz tkanin impregnowanych przeznaczonych na odzież chroniącą przed płynnymi środkami ochrony roślin [in Polish]
Permeability, absorption and capillarity tests showed that bonded, reinforced viscose fabrics with oil-resistant coatings, polyurethane-coated bonded fabrics and fabrics with oil- and water- repellant impregnation are suitable for protective clothing for liquid pesticides in toxicity categories 3, 4 and 5. Provided the fabric coating bond can be improved, fabrics coated with polypropylene or polyethylene film may be used in clothing for protection against concentrated substances and diluted pesticides in categories 1 and 2.
Prace Centralnego instytutu ochrony pracy, 1980, Vol.30, No.107, p.379-400. Illus. 16 ref.

CIS 81-1685 Dąbrowski S.
Protecting workers against high temperatures and dust at the workplace
Ochrona pracownika przed działaniem wysokiej temperatury i zapylenia na stanowisku pracy [in Polish]
Description of an integral suit of clothing for hot and dusty work. Designed in relation to the thermal and physical load, this integral suit incorporates a facepiece, hood, airfeed system (compressor and air conditioner), an in-suit air-distribution system, gloves and footwear. Tested under normal conditions (furnace relining), it gave protection against not only heat and dust but also noise and hot metal spatters, and enabled workers to double their stay in the furnace (1h non-stop) without symptoms of excessive fatigue. With some modification, it could be used for somewhat different working conditions.
Prace Centralnego instytutu ochrony pracy, 1980, Vol.30, No.107, p.295-303. Illus. 18 ref.

CIS 81-1420 Walther H.J.
The Dräger respiratory protection suit system
Das Dräger-Atemschutzanzug-System [in German]
Description of 2 types of integral clothing made of PVC, chloroprene and Viton with built-in panoramic facepiece (to permit the wearing of a respirator over or under the clothing) and of a lighter PVC suit with a large built-in facepiece to be worn over the respirator and mask. The suits are designed to be completely gas-tight. Glove and boot connections are particularly important. Review of the specifications (especially chemical resistance); instructions on how to put on the suit and on its maintenance.
Drägerheft, May-Aug. 1980, No.317, p.26-35. Illus.

CIS 81-1113 Afnas'eva R.F., Širaj G.T., Pal'janova S.G., Rodionov A.F.
Special clothing to protect miners against hyperthermia when crossing hot water courses
Specodežda dlja zaščity šahterov ot peregrevanija pri peresečenii vysokotemperaturnyh vodonosnyh gorizontov [in Russian]
Laboratory and field studies led to design of protective clothing permitting miners undertaking advance work in water-bearing strata at temperatures of 52-55°C to keep their body temperature within normal limits. The cotton trousers of the outfit are traversed by a network of PVC tubes in which externally supplied cold water is circulated, and covered by watertight overalls.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Apr. 1980, No.4, p.37-41. Illus. 4 ref.

CIS 81-1112 Hebecker H.G.
Protective clothing of pure wool
Schutzbekleidung aus reiner Schurwolle [in German]
Review of the principal data concerning a protective work suit; comparison between the properties of various textiles; particularly wool. A principal feature of wool is its low flammability; it does not melt or shrink in contact with flame, affords good heat insulation and protection from flying molten metal particles, and has antistatic qualities. Woollen clothing provides a high degree of physiological comfort (maximum thermal insulation; good absorption of water vapour, but it is hydrophobic). Other advantages: wool is easy to clean and has good mechanical resistance. It satisfies all the conditions required for protective clothing against heat and flame.
Sicherheitsingenieur, May 1980, Vol.11, No.5, p.10-18. Illus.

CIS 81-793 Williams J.R.
Chemical permeation of protective clothing.
A simplified apparatus and procedure for determining the permeation rate of volatile chemicals through protective clothing is described. It is applicable to all types of sheet material and provides and accurate measurement of the permeation rates as a function of time. Breakthrough times and permeation rates of 1,4-dichloro-2-butene for 15 commercially available materials were determined.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Dec. 1980, Vol.41, No.12, p.884-887. Illus. 13 ref.

CIS 81-790
USSR State Standards Committee (Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSR po standartam)
Women's work clothes for protection against non-toxic substances - Technical rules
Kostjumy ženskie dlja zaščity ot netoksičnyh veščestv - Tehničeskie uslovija [in Russian]
This standard (effective 1 July 1981) concerns clothing for protection against airborne mineral dust (cement, asbestos, soot). Contents: types of garment (jacket and trousers) and head covering (cap or hood), with basic measurements; conditions to be met as regards tailoring and fabrics used; acceptance testing rules; marking, packaging, transport and storage.
Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per 3, 123557 Moskva, USSR, 13 Mar. 1980. Illus. 11p. Price: Rbl.0.05.

CIS 81-789
USSR State Standards Committee (Gosudarstvennyj komitet SSSR po standartam)
Men's work clothes for protection against non-toxic substances - Technical rules
Kostjumy mužskie dlja zaščity ot netoksičeskih veščestv - Tehničeskie uslovija [in Russian]
This standard (effective 1 July 1981) concerns clothing for protection against airborne mineral dust (cement, asbestos, soot). Contents: types of garment (jacket and trousers) and head covering (cap or hood), with basic measurements; conditions to be met as regards tailoring and fabrics used; acceptance testing rules; marking, packaging, transport and storage.
Izdatel'stvo standartov, Novopresnenskij per.3, 123557 Moskva, USSR, 13 Mar. 1980, Illus. 15p. Price: Rbl.0.05.

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