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Criminal liability in OSH - 106 entries found

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  • Criminal liability in OSH


CIS 76-1181 Mongelli F.
Civil and penal liability under occupational safety and health legislation
La responsabilità civile e penale dei destinatari delle norme legislative in materia di sicurezza e di igiene del lavoro [in Italian]
This booklet aims at summarising the possible civil and penal consequences of inobservance of occupational safety and health legislation in Italy, especially when a causal connection is established between the inobservance and the resulting loss or injury. The relevant sections of Acts, etc. are quoted and commented on. The functions of supervisory bodies (Labour Inspectorate, Italian National Accident Prevention Institute - ENPI) are briefly mentioned in the context of the sections quoted. Competence and functions of different law courts, tribunals, other juridical bodies, examining magistrates, etc. Judicial inquiries. Text of legislation cited in the booklet.
Grafica Comense, Tavernerio, Como, Italy, Feb. 1975. 30p.

CIS 76-591 Seiler W.
Criminal law liability in the case of occupational accidents
Die strafrechtliche Verantwortung bei Arbeitsunfällen [in German]
La responsabilité pénale en cas d'accidents du travail. [in French]
Industrialists and others with no previous criminal record are not infrequently brought before the courts and charged with what amounts to criminal negligence as the result of an occupational accident, for carelessness and gross inobservance of safety precautions. This brochure draws the attention of directors, managers at all levels, supervisors and staff to the possible legal consequences of failure to comply with the standards imposed by law, to avoid prosecution and penalties. It reproduces the pertinent articles of the Swiss Criminal Code and gives concrete examples and sentences imposed. Mere negligence may render the convicted person liable to a term of imprisonment if bodily harm - or even the possibility of bodily harm - was caused by his action or failure to take action.
Cahiers suisses de la sécurité du travail, May-July 1975, No.120. 32p. 29 ref.


CIS 76-1488 Infantes A.L.
Legal liability in the case of occupational accidents
La responsabilidad legal ante el accidente de trabajo [in Spanish]
This monograph, written by a lawyer for the "Legislation" series of the Occupational Safety and Health Committee of the Spanish National Association of Chemical Industries, provides comprehensive information on many aspects of the legal liability incurred by management and third parties as a consequence of occupational accidents: definition of liability, classes of liability (gross negligence, worker's contributory negligence, employer's failure to observe legal requirements); circumstances increasing or diminishing employer's liability; worker's illegal act or refusal to observe safety rules; compensation; exemplary damages; responsibility of safety officers; liability to criminal charges; borderline between civil and criminal negligence; penalties (fines, imprisonment).
Serie amarilla No.2, Comisión de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Sindicato Nacional de Industrias Químicas, San Bernardo 62, Madrid, Spain, 1974. 64p. 12 ref.


CIS 72-1849 Safety in industry
Sicherheit im Betrieb [in German]
Both numbers of this journal contain articles which cover basic safety questions and the following special subjects: Swiss federal occupational safety and health legislation; principles of legal responsibility for occupational safety and health in Switzerland; the safety, maintenance and inspection programme; aspects of occupational safety; health protection and accident prevention in industry; fire protection in the chemical and textile industries; radioactive substances and equipment in the textile industry; skin lesions in textile processing and their prevention; psychology of accident prevention; the work of the industrial medical officer in the chemical industry; safety analysis; non-industrial accidents in Switzerland (in particular commuting accidents).
Textilveredlung, Feb. 1972, Vol.7, No.2, p.53-108, and Mar. 1972, Vol.7, No.3, p.123-173. Illus. 35 ref.

CIS 72-2824 Schaetti R.
Fundamentals of legal responsibility in occupational accident and disease prevention
Grundsätzliches über die rechtlichen Verantwortlichkeiten auf dem Gebiete der Verhütung von Unfällen und Berufskrankheiten [in German]
Considérations de principe sur la responsabilité juridique dans le domaine de la prévention des accidents et des maladies professionnelles [in French]
The responsibilities of employers and employees under Swiss occupational safety and health legislation are explained. The basic federal legislation is supplemented by federal ordinances, departmental decisions, and instructions and rules issued by the Swiss National Accident Insurance Institute and private organisations. The accident and its implications are evaluated on the basis of legal provisions. Penalties are imposed on offenders. Organigrams, etc. are included.
Schweizerische Blätter für Arbeitssicherheit - Cahiers suisses de la sécurité du travail, July 1972, No.110, 16p. Illus.


CIS 72-2389 Pendás B.
Types of responsibility in the non-fulfilment of safety and health responsibilities
Pluralidad de responsabilidades por incumplimiento del deber de prevención [in Spanish]
Paper presented at the Ninth General Meeting of the Spanish Iron and Steel Industry Safety Committee: comprehensive historical review of the development of occupational safety legislation through the world in general and in Spain in particular and the four aspects of occupational safety and health responsibility: professional, administrative, penal and civil.
Documentación de seguridad No.4, Comisión de seguridad en la industria siderometalúrgica, Avilés, Spain, 1971. 40p. 70 ref.

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