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Occupational health services - 852 entries found

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  • Occupational health services


CIS 89-366
Ministerio de Trabajo
Decree 1036/1959, of 10 June 1959, concerning the reorganisation of plant medical services; Order of 21 Nov. 1959 approving the regulation on occupational medical services [Spain]
Decreto 1036/1959, de 10 de junio, por el que se reorganizan los Servicios Médicos de Empresa; Orden de 21 de nov. 1959 por la que se aprueba el Reglamento de los Servicios Médicos de Empresa [in Spanish]
The Decree describes the responsibilities and the functions of medical services within enterprises. Contents of the Regulations: definitions; scope of application; management and inspection of plant medical services; organisation of autonomous and interenterprise services; appointment and personnel status of the staff of plant medical services; training courses and professional diplomas; locales, equipment and functions; responsibilities of these services with respect to workers' health; first aid services; prevention of occupational accidents and diseases; collaboration of plant medical services with other related organisations; documentation and archival responsibilities; professional faults and penalties.
Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid, Spain, 1985 (Decree and Order issued 1959). 49p.


CIS 95-1552 Act of 10 June 1952 concerning the safety and health of workers, as well as healthy working conditions and workplaces [Belgium]
Loi du 10 juin 1952 concernant la santé et la sécurité des travailleurs, ainsi que la salubrité du travail et des lieux de travail [Belgique] [in French]
Wet betreffende de gezondheid en de veiligheid van de werknemers, alsmede de salubriteit van het werk en van de werkplaatsen [in Dutch]
This Law is applicable to every Belgian employer, including all levels of government. It authorizes the government to take all necessary measures to protect workers, including medical surveillance and control and the establishment of occupational health services. Employers are obliged to set up services for safety, health and workplace improvement, as well as joint safety and health committees. The designation and/or election of members of these services and committees are detailed.
Moniteur belge - Belgisch Staatsblad, 19 June 1952, p.4610-4611. CIS has an updated copy as of 1994.

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