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Nutrition - 210 entries found

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CIS 74-777 Kello D., Kostial K.
The effect of milk diet on lead metabolism in rats.
The effect of milk on lead absorption and retention was studied in 4 groups of rats after a single oral or intraperitoneal application of lead-203. The body retention of the orally applied lead was higher in animals on milk diet (4 times higher in rats on normal diet and cow's milk, 57 times in animals on cow's milk only, and 33 times in rats on powdered milk only) than in controls. The milk diet had only a slight effect on lead retention after intraperitoneal application. These results indicate that milk causes enhancement of lead retention mainly by increasing its gastro-intestinal absorption.
Environmental Research, Sep. 1973, Vol.6, No.3, p.355-360. 16 ref.

CIS 74-497 Lukáš E.
Factors affecting the onset and course of experimental neurotoxic effects due to carbon disulfide in rats
K otázce některých faktorů, které ovlivňuji vznik a rozvoj experimentální sirouhlíkové neuropatie u krys [in Czech]
2 groups of rats (54 controls and 108 SPF rats) fed differently (inadequate Larsen diet and optimum diet, respectively) were exposed to carbon disulfide in concentrations of 1.2 and 2.4 mg of CS2 per litre of inhaled air, for 6 h a day, 5 days a week during 6 months. SPF rats, which were in good health and received the optimum diet, showed the first symptoms of neuropathy 1 month later than the control rats and their conduction velocity decreased to a lesser extent, as was demonstrated by electromyography. The conclusion is drawn that the course of toxic neuropathy is conditioned by the subject's state of health and general mode of life.
Československá neurologie a neurochirurgie, May 1973, Vol.36, No.3, p.169-173. Illus. 27 ref.


CIS 74-853
Health and Safety at Work Series, No.2, Department of Employment, London.
Canteens, messrooms and refreshment services.
This booklet deals with various aspects of staff canteens (noise, lighting, heating, ventilation, walls, ceilings, floors, kitchen layout and equipment, hygienic food-handling, etc.). The relevant statutory requirements are listed.
H.M. Stationery Office, P.O. Box 569, London S.E.1, United Kingdom, 1972. 47p. Illus. Price: Ł2.75.

CIS 74-571 Becker R.
Medical care manual for sea-going vessels
Leitfaden der Gesundheitspflege auf Seeschiffen [in German]
Contents: principles of health protection at sea (fitness and aptitude, hygiene on board, ship's catering, space for medical treatment and sick bays aboard ships, medical supplies); structure and working of the human body (anatomy and physiology); basic emergency treatment for ship's officers (diagnostic, medical advice by radio, nursing); pathology for ship's officers (accidents, diseases requiring surgery, internal diseases, poisoning, infectious diseases, ear, nose and throat diseases, eye injuries and diseases, tooth and jaw diseases, skin diseases, nervous and mental disorders, pregnancy and confinement, venereal diseases, fatal occurrences, occupational diseases); national and international regulations; glossary of medical terms; list of abbreviations.
Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, Neue Grünstrasse 18, x 102 , 1972. 446 p. Illus. 13 ref. Price: M.49,50.

CIS 72-2501 Florian H.J.
Occupational health and industrial medical practice aspects of group catering
Gemeinschaftsernährung in Arbeitsmedizin und werksärztlicher Praxis [in German]
Criteria are proposed for group-catering meals: (a) food should meet individual calorie requirements; (b) a balance should be obtained amongst the main types of nutrients; (c) requirements for essential nutrients should be met; (d) food flavour, digestibility and presentation should be of suitable quality. A 7-page appendix gives an example of typical instructions for chefs in the workers' canteen of a large industrial plant.
Caisse nationale suisse d'assurance en cas d'accidents, Lucerne, Switzerland, 1972. 18p. Illus.

CIS 73-601 Canat M.
Dietary errors amongst workers
Les erreurs alimentaires des travailleurs [in French]
Following a review of the physiology of energy expenditure, metabolism during work and rest and quantitative and qualitative energy requirements, this doctorial thesis reports on studies on dietary errors. Various types of error were brought to light: calorie intake, mealtimes, meal composition, eating conditions. These errors are related to the type and duration of work, social influences, tradition and psychological and emotional factors. Special reference is made to weight-reducing diets and the specific dietary problems of shift work. A separate chapter is devoted to drinking in the industrial environment.
Faculté de médecine Saint-Antoine, 27 rue Chaligny, 75012 Paris, France, 1972. 77p. 28 ref.

CIS 73-1135 Stokinger H.E.
Concepts of thresholds in standards setting
A discussion of the premises on which the concept of threshold of toxicological response is based, confined to chemical substances in the air of workplaces, for which the threshold concept is represented by a non-linear relationship between dose and initial response. The metabolic factors governing toxicological response - particularly homeostasis and adaptation, are reviewed. The precautions to be observed in establishing threshold limit values for man in industry are discussed at some length (heterogeneity of the human species, synergistic factors - alcohol drinking, smoking, dietary habits, predisposing diseases, etc.).
Archives of Environmental Health, Sep. 1972, Vol.25, No.3, p.153-157. Illus. 5 ref.


CIS 72-2674 Department of Industrial Health, Tata Services Limited - Annual Report 1970
Chapters are devoted to: medical aid (pre-employment and periodic medical examinations, immunisations, follow-up of chronic medical conditions, and maintenance of sickness-absence records); environmental hygiene (good housekeeping, industrial hygiene surveys and accident prevention programmes); welfare (rehabilitation of the sick and disabled, worker nutrition, children's creches and family planning); studies and surveys (on general health, safety and family planning).
Chief Industrial Health Officer, Tata Services Ltd., 75 Apollo Street, Bombay 1, India, 1971. 43p. Illus.


CIS 72-2666 Ramaswamy S.S.
Physiological stresses and productivity
Above the thermal level where the workers start 'feeling hot' (30°C), productivity will go down by 4% for every 1°C rise in the atmospheric temperature. Similarly, even under the normal noise level (96dB) prevailing in weaving sheds, an 8% fall in production has been recorded if the weavers do not use ear plugs. Workers severely exposed to cotton dust manifest deterioration in lung function, along with reduction in work capacity and speed of work. Role of factors like nutritional status and fitness of workers, phasing of rest pauses, provision of illumination, job evaluation and fitting the worker to the job asre also discussed.
Proceedings of SITRA's Eleventh Human Relations Conference, Aug. 1970. South India Textile Research Association, Coimbatore 14, India, 1970. p.129-139. 13 ref.


CIS 09-725 Adaptation of work to man and occupational health problems in countries undergoing industrial development
Problčmes d'adaptation du travail ŕ l'homme et de médecine du travail dans les pays en voie de développement industriel [in French]
This report examines the implications of trying to adapt work to man in countries undergoing industrial development. It is suggested that it might be wrong to apply the ergonomic principles established in a Western society to these new situations. Basic research in anatomy and physiology is necessary before designing equipment best suited to these countries. Other issues that need to be taken into account when planning occupational health services include the role of rites and religions, and the problems relating to the state of health, diet and infections.
ILO Publications, International Labour Office, 1211 Genčve 22, Switzerland, 1964. 19p.

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