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Amides - 479 entries found

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CIS 85-1609
(Werkgroep van deskundigen van de Nationale MAC-Commissie)
Report on the exposure limit for caprolactam
Rapport inzake grenswaarde caprolactam [in Dutch]
Contents: physical and clinical properties; production and uses; exposure evaluation (air sampling, exposure tests); exposure limits (USA, USSR, Federal Republic of Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands); pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics (routes of entry, metabolism and elimination); toxic properties (animal experiments and observations in man); MAC recommendations (for caprolactam dusts: 1mg/m3; caprolactam fumes: 5ppm). In the appendix: tables showing acute and chronic toxic effects, reproductive and teratogenic effects, and dose-response relationships.
Directoraat-Generaal van de Arbeid, Postbus 69, 2270 MA Voorburg, Netherlands, Mar. 1985. 48p. 47 ref.

CIS 85-1093 Vasta J.F., Kvartek E.J.
Development of a sampling and analytical method for the insecticide Propoxur
The sampling device is a glass tube (6.35cm long and 7.94mm I.D.) packed with 10% Carbowax 400 supported on 80/100 mesh Supelcoport. The Propoxur is desorbed with methanol and analysed by liquid chromatography. Sample recovery is >87%. Limit of detection for the method is lµg per sample. Refrigerated samples are stable for over 1 week.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Apr. 1985, Vol.46, No.4, p.230-232. Illus. 10 ref.


CIS 87-1433 Nordic Expert Group for Documentation of Occupational Exposure Limits - 50. Benomyl
Nordiska expertgruppen för gränsvärdesdokumentation - 50. Benomyl [in Swedish]
The metabolism and toxic effects of benomyl and its analogues carbendazim and thiophanate-methyl are reviewed. The acute toxicity of benomyl is very low in rodents. Acute toxic effects at low concentrations are only found in aquatic organisms. Long-term toxicity studies indicate that testes and spermatogenesis are special targets of the toxic manifestations of benomyl and its degradation product carbendazim. Benomyl also causes mitotic disturbances. Chromosome damage and point mutations have been caused by benomyl. Benomyl at moderate dose levels has caused malformations and foetal deaths in mouse and rat. Evidence exists suggesting hepatocarcinogenicity for benomyl and carbendazim in mice. Benomyl must be considered a potential mutagen, carcinogen and teratogen. The possible effects on health of benomyl are most obviously shared by carbendazim and thiophanate-methyl (metabolised into carbendazim). Quantitative estimation of the risk to man, especially in occupational exposure to benomyl, is impossible at present due to a lack of human data.
Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Publikationsservice, 171 84 Solna, Sweden, 1984. 42p. 55 ref.

CIS 86-1090 Vergieva T.
Experimental study on Endodan for teratogenicity and embryotoxicity
Eksperimentalno proučvane na endodan za teratogennost i embriotoksičnost [in Bulgarian]
An experiment was carried out on albino rats for assessment of the effect, during gestation, of the fungicide endodan (ethylene-thiuram monosulfide) on the intrauterine and postnatal development of the progeny. A low teratogenic and embryotoxic activity was found after a single treatment with 1/2LD50 on the 13th day of gestation. The preparation has a pronounced cumulative effect on daily administration of 1/5, 1/10 and 1/20LD50, manifested by clinical symptoms and death of a part of the pregnant animals. Behavioural abnormalities were observed in the progeny but no changes in viability and weight gain during the postnatal period.
Problemi na higienata, July 1984, Vol.9, p.88-95. Illus. 13 ref.

CIS 86-462 Borcevič S.V.
Hygienic significance of skin absorption of dimethylformamide
K voprosu gigieničeskogo značenija postuplenija dimetilformamida čerez kožu [in Russian]
Examination of workers engaged in the manufacture of synthetic leather showed that they are exposed to dimethylformamide (DMF) not only by inhalation but also by skin absorption. The concentrations of DMF in urine were higher when workers were in contact with DMF than when they inhaled DMF at concentrations close to the MAC. The rate of skin absorption is proportional to the DMF concentration on the skin. The approved MAC of DMF must not be considered as a safe concentration if there is contamination of workers' skin or personal protective equipment. The MAC should be accompanied with the remark "skin absorption hazard". Thorough decontamination of personal protective equipment should be assured.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Nov. 1984, No.11, p.55-57. Illus. 10 ref.

CIS 86-117 Aleksandrova L.G.
Determination of Sumilex (Diciklin) in air and biological media
Opredelenie sumileksa (diciklina) v vozduhe i biologičeskih sredah [in Russian]
Sumilex is used to fight grey rot of strawberry, grape, sunflower and other crops; it is toxic to warmblooded animals. It can be determined by drawing air through a filter at a known rate, extracting the filter with diethyl ether, and applying the washed and concentrated extract to silica-gel thin-layer chromatography plates. Worker exposure can be monitored by collecting blood or urine samples, extracting aliquots with ether and proceeding as for the air samples. The plates are developed with hexane-chloroform or hexane-acetone mixtures. Spots are visualised by ultraviolet irradiation followed by treatment with silver-amonia complex, or by diazo coupling. The spots are quantitated by comparison of their areas or densities with standards. The UV-silver method gives maximum sensitivity (0.2µg can be detected). For a 5L air sample, this is equivalent to 0.04mg/m3; for typical biological samples, the lower limit is 0.4µg/mL for blood and 0.02µg/mL for urine. The precision in air sampling is +18.5%. Chlorinated and organophosphorus pesticides do not interfere.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, June 1984, No.6, p.46-48. Illus.

CIS 86-108 Karpenko V.N., Hohol'kova G.A., Pokrovskaja T.N., Rjazanova R.A., Gricevskaja I.D.
Bases for the hygienic characterisation of the pesticide kroneton
Materialy k gigieničeskoj harakteristike pesticida kronetona [in Russian]
The carbamate insecticide kroneton (2-(ethylthiomethyl)phenyl N-methylcarbamate) was subjected to a typical battery of toxicological tests. A single intragastric dose is moderately toxic for rats (LD50=400-500mg/kg) and highly toxic for mice and rabbits (LD50=150 and 118mg/kg, respectively). The pesticide has weakly cumulative effects. Its principal mode of action is inhibition of cholinesterase. It penetrates intact skin, producing embryotoxic, gonadotoxic and mutagenic effects. A subthreshold chronic dose is 0.043mg/kg at a concentration of 0.34mg/m3. A MAC for workplace air of 0.05mg/m3 is proposed. Work with the pesticide should be conducted with the same precautions as for highly toxic carbamate and organophosphorus pesticides.
Gigiena i sanitarija, Oct. 1984, No.10, p.23-26. 6 ref.

CIS 85-1520 Perepelkin M.B., Golubev V.M., Plotnikova N.M., Melamed N.L.
Reducing the risk of explosion of dust-air mixtures of dyes during the preparation of their commercial forms
Sniženie vzryvoopasnosti pylevozdušnyh smesej krasitelej pri polučenii ih vypusknyh form [in Russian]
Of 5 organic and inorganic additives tested as phlegmatising agents for aniline dyes, only urea was effective. When added to Cationic Turquoise Z at a level of 4% before drying of the dye, it raised the lower concentration limit of flammability >18-fold. However, it was not as effective with other dyes. Thus, suitable phlegmatising conditions must be found experimentally for every dye. Statistics on explosions and other methods of explosion prevention and control are reviewed.
Himičeskaja promyšlennost', 1984, No.4, p.20-21. 7 ref.

CIS 85-1370 Medved' I.L.
Potential embryotoxic hazard of the herbicide betanal (experimental data)
O potencial'noj opasnosti ėmbriotoksičeskogo dejstvija gerbicida betanala (ėksperimental'nye dannye) [in Russian]
When administered to rats in a single peroral dose of 2000mg/kg (0.5LD50) or in repeated inhalation doses of 40mg/kg (0.01LD50) at a concentration of 30mg/m3, betanal was embryotoxic and teratogenic. Changes were noted in the nucleic acid contents of certain organs of the mothers and offspring. The threshold concentration for embryotoxic action is 2mg/m3. A MAC of 0.5mg/m3 is recommended.
Gigiena i sanitarija, Apr. 1984, No.4, p.16-18. 8 ref.

CIS 85-1354 Camoni I., Cicero A.M., Di Muccio A., Dommarco R.
Measurement of urinary excretion of ethylenethiourea (ETU) in rats that have ingested Zineb
Verifica della escrezione urinaria di etilentiourea (ETU) in ratti trattati con Zineb [in Italian]
Urinary and faecal excretion of ETU, a metabolite of ethylene-bis-dithiocarbamic fungicides, was monitored in rats for 16 days after they were administered a single oral dose of Zineb. After 48h, 86% of the excreted ETU was in the urine, 14% in the faeces. Urinary excretion peaked at 24h after ingestion, at which time 52% of the total urinary ETU had been excreted. Low levels of ETU excretion continued in urine for the length of the study, by which time 5.1% of the Zineb received was excreted as urinary ETU. Faecal ETU disappeared after 3 days.
Medicina del lavoro, May-June 1984, Vol.75, No.3, p.207-214. Illus. 26 ref.

CIS 85-1306 Bereznjak I.V.
Danger of skin absorption of cyclohexanone in caprolactam workers
Ob opasnosti nastuplenija ciklogeksanona čerez kožu rabotajuščih v proizvodstve kaprolaktama [in Russian]
100 workers engaged in the manufacture of caprolactam showed hepatic disorders although the concentrations of cyclohexanone in the atmosphere and on the skin were 3.7mg/m3 and 0.005mg/cm2 respectively, i.e. considerably below the threshold of harmful effect. Concentrations of bilirubin and cholinesterase were higher than normal. The acid-base balance of the skin was low. Preventive measures should be taken in cyclohexanone manufacture (use of personal protective equipment, including protective gloves and barrier creams).
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Mar. 1984, No.3, p.52-54. 8 ref.

CIS 85-1303 Medved' I.L., Ivanova Z.V., Pokrovskaja T.N.
Bases for a maximum allowable concentration for dichloral urea in workplace air
K obosnovaniju predel'no dopustimoj koncentracii dihloral'močeviny v vozduhe rabočej zony [in Russian]
The title compound, a herbicide, was administered by various routes to rats, mice, rabbits and cats. The compound is absorbed by the skin and is a local irritant. Its primary site of action is the liver. It has no marked cumulative effect. An MAC of 5mg/m3 is proposed.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Jan. 1984, No.1, p.51-52. 4 ref.

CIS 85-800 Lee M.H., Ransdell J.F.
A farmworker death due to pesticide toxicity: a case report
Report on the accidental death of a farmworker where intoxication by the pesticide aldicarb may have been one of the causes. Total body burden of aldicarb was evaluated at 18.2mg, over 3 times the level known to produce cholinergic symptoms in man.
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, 1984, Vol.14, Nos.2-3, p.239-246. Bibl.

CIS 85-126 Smith D.M.
Ethylene thiourea: thyroid function in two groups of exposed workers
Clinical examinations and thyroid function tests were carried out over a 3-year period on 8 process workers and 5 mixers working with ethylene thiourea, and on matched controls. The exposed mixers, but not the process workers, had significantly lower levels of total thyroxine than the controls. One mixer had a significantly raised level of thyroid stimulating hormone.
British Journal of Industrial Medicine, Aug. 1984, Vol.41, No.3, p.362-366. Illus. 12 ref.

CIS 84-1413 Brundin A.
Exposure to captan during its use in spraying in orchards
Exponering för Captan i samband med besprutning av fruktodlingar [in Swedish]
Study of exposure to captan during its use in the spraying of apple trees from tractors. Summary: sampling and analysis of captan in air; biological monitoring of exposed workers; spraying techniques; analysis by high-pressure liquid chromatography; calculation of the external standard; toxicity and physical properties of captan; choice of the most suitable solvent; calculation of inhaled dose; results and discussion.
Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Publikationsservice, 171 84 Solna, Sweden, 1984. 19p. Illus. 5 ref.

CIS 84-730 Migukina N.V.
United Nations Environment Programme
Data sheet in the form of a review of the Soviet literature on the toxicity and hazards of formamide. Contents: physical properties; manufacture; pathways into the environment; environmental fate tests; mammalian toxicity; special toxicological tests (neurotoxicity and behavioural effects, reproductive effects, embryotropic action, irritation of the skin and conjunctiva); effects on the frog; sampling and analysis; recommendations (maximum allowable workplace concentration: 3mg/m3 (skin)).
Centre of International Projects, GKNT, Moskva, USSR, 1984. 8p. 9 ref.

CIS 84-414 Girard-Wallon C., Aubrun J.C.
Organic sulfur derivatives
Dérivés organiques du soufre [in French]
This general review, divided into 6 sections on the basis of functional groups, covers thiols (mercaptans), thiahydrocarbons, sulfides, disulfides, episulfides, hydroxymercaptans and derivatives, sulfoxides, sulfones, sultones, sulfonates, sulfates, thioamides, thio amino acids, sulfamides, thiocarbamides, thiocarbamates, thiocyanates, thiazoles, thiazines, and thiohalogenated and thiophosphorylated compounds, indicating for each class its physical and chemical properties, industrial uses and toxicity. A final section covers preventive and protective measures: exposure limits where these are defined, determination of concentrations in the workplace, compensation in industry and agriculture, and diseases defined as occupational.
Encycolpédie médico-chirurgicale, 18, rue Seguier, 75006 Paris, France, 1983. Intoxications, 16058 U10, 10-1983, 16p. 35 ref.


CIS 89-428
USSR Commission for UNEP
Chemical safety information sheet. Exposure limit (USSR): MAC = 0.5mg/m3. Toxicity: suspected carcinogen.
Centre for International Projects, GKNT, Moskva, USSR, 1983. 16p. 34 ref.

CIS 86-419 Castegnaro M., Benard M., van Broekhoven L.W., Fine D., Massey R., Sansone E.B., Smith P.L.R., Spiegelhalder B., Stacchini A., Telling G., Vallon J.J.
Laboratory decontamination and destruction of carcinogens in laboratory wastes: some N-nitrosoamides
Although previously published methods for the destruction of nitrosamines also degrade nitrosamides, the products in the latter case may be carcinogenic or otherwise harmful. This report gives safe methods of destruction of 5 representative nitrosamides: N-nitroso-N-methylurea, N-nitroso-N-ethylurea, N-nitroso-N-methylurethane, N-nitroso-N-ethylurethane and N-nitroso-N'-nitro-N-methylguanidine.
International Agency for Research on Cancer, 150 cours Albert-Thomas, 69372 Lyon Cedex 08, France, 1983. 65p. 61 ref. Price: US$10.00; SF.20.00.

CIS 85-798 Medved' I.L.
Materials to substantiate the maximum acceptable concentration of Diphenamid in workplace air
Materialy k obosnovaniju predel'no dopustimoj koncentracii difenamida v vozduhe rabočej zony [in Russian]
The acute toxicity of Diphenamid was strongly species-specific: its LD50 was 4700mg/kg for rats and 670mg/kg for mice. Its effects were weakly cumulative. It was poorly absorbed by the skin. It was midly irritant (inflammation of the conjunctiva). Its primary target organ was the liver. A MAC of 5mg/m3 (aerosol + vapour) is proposed.
Gigiena i sanitarija, May 1983, No.5, p.77-78. 3 ref.

CIS 85-158 Heise H., Mattheus A., Puskeiler T.
Irritant and allergenic effects of the herbicide propachlor
Die irritative und allergisierende Wirkung des herbiziden Wirkstoffes Propachlor [in German]
A review of the literature and report of experiments on the irritant and sensitising effects of N-isopropyl-2-chloroacetanilide (generic name propachlor): animal studies, comparative skin tests, epidemiologic surveys. In addition to irritation and sensitisation, a strong delayed reaction has been observed in humans; 13 days may elapse between exposure and the appearance of eczema. Thus, all skin contact should be avoided during application of herbicides containing propachlor.
Zeitschrift für die gesamte Hygiene und ihre Grenzgebiete, 1983, Vol.29, No.11, p.675-677. 13 ref.

CIS 84-1955 Pavlova S.
Disulfiram test application to workers exposed to carbon disulfide
Prilagane na disulfiramov test pri rabotnici, exponirani na serovăglerod [in Bulgarian]
The disulfiram test was applied to 50 workers from a chemical plant for the production of artificial fibres, 30 of them exposed to carbon disulfide (CS2) at concentrations close to or over the MAC and 20 without contact with toxic substances. After the oral intake of 0.5g disulfiram (Antabuse, Anticol), the circadian fluctuation in the excretion of thiourea and diethyldithiocarbamates was determined. In parallel, an iodine-azide exposure test was performed. There was a decreased excretion of thiourea and a smaller number of positive iodine-azide reactions in the exposed workers. No significant discrepancies were found in the excreted quantities of diethyldithiocarbamate in the urine of control and exposed workers. The disulfiram test may be useful for the determination of individual sensitivity to CS2.
Higiena i zdraveopazvane, 1983, Vol.26, No.3, p.204-208. Illus. 9 ref.

CIS 84-1395 Pedersen N.B., Senning A., Nielsen A.O.
Different sensitising acrylic monomers in Napp printing plate
Three chemically pure fractions were isolated from Napp printing plate and subsequently identified by nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared spectrophotometry and elemental analysis. One of the fractions elicited positive reactions in 3 Napp-allergic printers, and another fraction elicited a positive response in one of them. The 2 allergens were 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate and N,N'-methylenebisacrylamide. Hydroxyethyl methacrylate was also found in another printing plate, Nyloprint WD.
Contact Dermatitis, Nov. 1983, Vol.9, No.6, p.459-464. Illus. 23 ref.

CIS 84-1415 Khan R.R., Dev B.
Toxicology data sheets on chemicals: Thiram
This data sheet covers: identifiers, properties and uses; production; toxicity studies (carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity, neurotoxicity, reproduction studies, embryotoxicity, immunotoxicology); phytotoxicity; case reports and epidemiology; residues; degradation; sampling and analysis; legal status (occupational exposure limits, Indian standards, handling, precautionary measures).
Industrial Toxicology Research Centre, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Lucknow - 226001, India. Apr. 1983. 14p. Illus. 125 ref.

CIS 84-812 Israeli R., Sculsky M., Tiberin P.
Acute intoxication due to exposure to maneb and zineb. A case with behavioral and central nervous system changes
A case is reported of a 42-year-old man who sprayed a cucumber plantation with a mixture of maneb and zineb by tractor twice within a week. Behavioural changes appeared after the first application, and loss of consciousness, convulsions, and right hemiparesis with diffuse slow rhythm in the EEG occurred following admission to hospital after the second, 10 times more concentrated exposure. The behavioural and central nervous symptoms disappeared spontaneously after a few days. The EEG was normal 2 weeks later.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 1 Feb. 1983, Vol.9, No.1, p.47-51. Illus. 16 ref.

CIS 84-196 Dixon S.W., Graepel G.J., Looney W.C.
Seasonal effects on concentrations of monomethylformamide in urine samples
Eleven workers participated in a special dimethylformamide metabolite (monomethylformamide (MMF)) urine monitoring study. Variables considered included MMF concentration and mass, urine specific gravity and volume, and ambient temperature.Statistical analysis revealed a 13% reduction in urine volume under hot weather conditions as a result of increased MMF concentrations. A subjective correction for this change in urine volume is suggested.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Apr. 1983, Vol.44, No.4, p.273-275. 9 ref.

CIS 84-193 Bruze M., Fregert S.
Allergic contact dermatitis from ethylenethiourea
A case of a woman who had worked for 13 years sewing products of synthetic and natural rubber is reported. An itching eruption began on the fingers and spread to the forearms. Patch tests were positive for ethylenethiourea (ETU) and maneb (manganous ethylenebisdithiocarbamate) which was shown to contain ETU by thin-layer chromatography. Testing with ETU should be done in cases of allergy to products containing ethylenebisdithiocarbamate and rubber products of which the ingredients are unknown.
Contact Dermatitis, May 1983, Vol.9, No.3, p.208-212. Illus. 13 ref.

CIS 84-230 McJilton C.E., Berckman G.E., Deer H.M.
Captan exposure in apple orchards
Determination of dermal and inhalation exposure to captan for commercial apples growers using airblast sprayers by measuring fungicide residues collected on patches attached to various parts of the body and on filters of specially adapted respirators. Calculated average dermal exposure was 2.78mg/h, and average inhalation exposure was 4.5 µg/h. For a 70kg man, this would represent a total daily intake of 0.25mg/kg. The captan LD50 for rats is 9000mg/kg.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Mar. 1983, Vol.44, No.3, p.209-210. 8 ref.


CIS 89-1145
USSR Commission for UNEP
Chemical safety information sheet. Exposure limit (USSR): MAC = 0.5mg/m3. Toxicity: hepatic damage; cardiovascular diseases.
Centre for International Projects, GKNT, Moskva, USSR, 1982. 18p. 67 ref.

CIS 89-62
USSR Commission for UNEP
Chemical safety information sheet. Exposure limit (USSR): MAC = 1mg/m3. Toxicity: mild neurotoxic effects.
Centre for International Projects, GKNT, Moscow, USSR, 1982. 13p. 53 ref.

CIS 87-1220 Dimethylcarbamoyl chloride
N,n-dimetyylikarbamoyylikloridi [in Finnish]
Dimethylcarbamoyl chloride is a toxic carcinogenic substance (LD50 = 1000mg/kg, TCLO=1ppm). The liquid irritates the skin. The vapour irritates the respiratory tract. Mandatory European labelling: XI, R14, R23, R24, R25, R29, R103, S7, S8, S30, S36, S37, S103.
Register of Safety Information of Chemical Products, National Board of Labour Protection, Box 536, 33101 Tampere, Finland, June 1982. 2p. Original on microfiche.

CIS 84-737 Hohol'kova G.A., Belašova I.G.
Chromatographic method of determining fenuron in workplace air
Hromatografičeskij metod opredelenija fenurona v vozduhe rabočej zony [in Russian]
Air containing suspended fenuron (a herbicide) is drawn through an appropriate filter. Trapped particulates are extracted from the filter with ethyl alcohol and applied to silica gel thin-layer chromatography plates. The plates are developed with a 1:1 mixture of hexane and acetone. Fenuron on the plates is visualised by diazotisation and treatment with α-naphthol or diphenylamine. The amount of fenuron present is determined by comparison of the area of the sample spot with the areas of standard spots. As little as 0.2µg fenuron can be detected; for a typical sample size of 2l air, this represents a concentration of 0.1mg/m3. The range of measurable concentrations is 0.1-1mg/m3, with a precision of 15%. Other industrial phenylureas do not interfere with the determination.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Sep. 1982, No.9, p.55-56. 4 ref.

CIS 84-722 Ledovskih N.G.
A sensitive method for determining caprolactam in air
Čuvstvitel'nyj metod opredelenija kaprolaktama v vozduhe [in Russian]
Airborne caprolactam is collected by passing a known volume of air through a filter and eluting the filter with diethyl ether or a 1:1 mixture of ether and ethanol. The eluate is applied to Silufol thin-layer chromatography plates, and the plates are developed with 1 of 6 suggested solvent systems. The developed plates are treated with chlorine gas and ortho-toluidine. The spots on the plates that correspond to caprolactam are measured, and their areas are compared with standards to give the amount of caprolactam present. As little as 0.01µg of caprolactam can be detected; this is equivalent to 0.005mg/m3 with the sampling technique described. Cyclohexanone, hydroxylamine and ammonia do not interfere with the determination.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Oct. 1982, No.10, p.52-53. Illus. 10 ref.

CIS 84-185 Sivickaja I.I.
Features of the action of pesticides on the eye
Ob osobennostjah dejstvija pesticidov na organ zrenija [in Russian]
None of 4 groups of pesticide workers showed clinical disorders of the eye or reduced acuity of vision. However, physiological tests detected significant deviations from control values in: corneal sensitivity and blood pressure in the central retinal artery of workers treating corn with tetramethylthiuram disulfide; elevated pressure and abnormal haemodynamics in the central retinal artery of workers in hexachlorocyclohexane synthesis; prolonged dark adaptation time, reduced flicker fusion frequency and regional vascular dystonia in hexachlorocyclohexane packagers; and conjunctival irritation, elevated arterial pressure and reduced corneal sensitivity in workers in polychloropinene synthesis.
Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevanija, Apr. 1982, No.4, p.32-35. 3 ref.

CIS 83-1348 Lipski K.
Liquid chromatographic determination of dimethylformamide, methylenebisphenyl isocyanate and methylenebisphenylamine in air samples
For sampling of the mixture, silica gel coated with diethylamine was used. Since isocyanate is highly reactive, it must be rapidly converted into a stable derivative. This was achieved by reaction with diethylamine. After desorption of the mixture, compounds are separated by high-performance liquid chromatography. Spectrophotometric detection was used for determination of the mixture components.
Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 1982, Vol.25, No.1, p.1-4. Illus. 15 ref.

CIS 83-1419 Hirai K., Shiwaku K., Torii M.
Effects of the organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides on the lipid metabolism
The in vitro effects of the insecticides chlorfenvinphos, EPN, fenitrothion, mecarbam, and carbaryl on serum pseudocholinesterase, nonspecific esterase, serum lipoprotein lipase, adipose tissue lipase and epinephrine-induced lipolysis were investigated. A dose-dependent inhibition of serum nonspecific esterase as well as serum pseudocholinesterase was found for these insecticides. Serum lipoprotein lipase, adipose tissue lipase and epinephrine-induced lipolysis were inhibited by 10-3M of carbaryl, fenitrothion and chlorfenvinphos.
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine, May 1982, Vol.31, No.1, p.1-6. Illus. 19 ref.

CIS 83-1397 Foussereau J., Hervé-Bazin B., Cavelier C., Certin J.F.
A case of allergy to dibutylthiourea caused by divers' footgear
Ein Fall einer Allergie gegenüber Dibutylthioharnstoff in Taucher-Füsslingen [in German]
Un cas d'allergie à la dibutylthiourée de chaussons de plongée [in French]
A case of allergy to dibutylthiourea in divers' footgear is reported. The course of the observed eczema was modulated by the composition of the diving suit worn with the footgear. Dibutylthiourea was identified as a potential allergen by analysing solvent extracts of the rubber foam of which the footgear and suit were made. The allergy was specific for dibutylthiourea: diethylthiourea and diphenylthiourea produced no reaction; this emphasises the importance of identifying and testing specific compounds, rather than treating members of a chemical class as equivalent.
Dermatosen in Beruf und Umwelt, 1982, Vol.30, No.2, p.58-59. 8 ref. (Offprint in French, 2p.)

CIS 83-1315 Matienzo L.J., Hensler C.J.
Determination of N,N-dimethylcarbamoyl chloride (DMCC) in air
A gas chromatographic method is described for the direct determination of N,N-dimethylcarbamoyl chloride (DMCC) in air samples. DMCC is adsorbed on Tenax packing in the presence of other components, flash-desorbed at 300°C, and detected with a Hall electrolytic chlorine-sensitive detector. The method was calibrated with static and dynamic standards. Recovery yields were excellent, and the method is reproducible. DMCC levels up to 0.05ppb were detected in the atmosphere of industrial plants using a sampling volume of 48 liters. The approach can be adapted to personal or area sampling.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Nov. 1982, Vol.43, No.11, p.838-844. Illus. 23 ref.

CIS 83-1040 Tanaka K., Utsunomiya T.
The toxicity of N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF)
Review of the literature. Hepatotoxicity has been emphasised by many authors. Care should be taken against skin absorption of DMF. N-Methylformamide (MF) has been identified as major urinary metabolite of DMF, and MF measurements are an effective means of biological monitoring of DMF exposure.
Japanese Journal of Industrial Health - Sangyō-Igaku, Jan. 1982, Vol.24, No.1, p.3-12. 48 ref.

CIS 83-796 Recommended health-limits in occupational exposure to pesticides
Exposition professionnelle aux pesticides: limites recommandées d'exposition professionnelle à visée sanitaire [in French]
Report of a WHO study group (Geneva, 15-22 June 1981) on health-based limits for occupational exposure to carbaryl, malathion, lindane and 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol. For each pesticide, sections cover: properties, uses, health hazards; metabolism; assessment of exposure; relationship between exposure and effects; conclusions regarding exposure limits; recommendations; research possibilities. Tentative limits for airborne concentrations of carbaryl and lindane are proposed but airborne limits are not recommended for malathion and dinitrocresol. Procedures for monitoring these 2 substances in blood are recommended.
World Health Organization, Avenue Appia, 1211 Genève 27, Switzerland, 1982. 110p. Illus. 303 ref. Price: SF.8.00.

CIS 83-444 Galecron and cancer
Galécron et cancer [in French]
This issue is devoted to an investigation on the pesticide Galecron (chlordimeform). Review of data on the toxicity and peripheral effects of this product, the sale of which is prohibited in Switzerland, but which is still used in developing countries where safety and health requirements are less stringent. Analysis of the findings; reproduction of confidential documents on investigations carried out by the manfacturing company, and of articles that have appeared in the press; measures taken by the manufacturer; position adopted by the Bern Declaration (Swiss Association for Co-operation in Development). Questions are asked as to the responsibility of the manufacturer in exporting this type of product.
Vers un développement solidaire, Dec. 1982, No.64, 48p. Illus.

CIS 83-144 Lundberg S.
Nordic Group of Experts for Documentation of Threshold Limit Values - 38. Dimethylformamide
Nordiska expertgruppen för gränsvärdesdokumentation - 38. Dimethylformamid [in Swedish]
A literature survey of the health hasards of dimethylformamide (DMF) designed to provide a basis for setting an appropriate TLV in the Scandinavian countries. Chapters are devoted to: metabolic model, toxicological mechanisms, organ effects, allergy, genototix effects, carcinogenic effects, exposure indicators, DMF may be metabolised to formamide and monomethylformamide (MMF) which is cytotoxic and teratogenic. In industrial accidents, liver cell damage has occurred together with gastric pain and alcohol intolerance; toxic effects have been minimal where atmospheric concentrations were <30mg/m3. Animal experiments on DMF carcinogenicity are under way. Human data on carcinogenicity and teratogenicity are not available. An appendix lists TLVs for DMF in 21 countries.
Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, 171 84 Solna, Sweden, 1982. 32p. 83 ref.

CIS 83-243 Williams D.T., Denley H.V., Lane D.A., Quan E.S.K.
Real time monitoring of methomyl air levels during and after spraying in a greenhouse
Methomyl concentration levels were monitored before, during and for 24h after the spraying of aqueous solutions of the insecticide in a commercial greenhouse containing roses. All measurements were made in real-time using a mobile atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation mass spectrometer system. Concentrations detected in the gas phase were in the range <1-7ppb. After spraying, the methomyl concentrations correlated directly with temperature, degree of air circulation and worker activity within the greenhouse. Methomyl was present in the aerosol phase in the greenhouse air for 24h after spraying.
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Mar. 1982, Vol.43, No.3, p.190-195. Illus. 8 ref.

CIS 82-2012 Skin absorption of industrial solvents: evaluation of the efficacy of barrier creams
Absorption cutanée de solvants industriels: évaluation de l'efficacité des crèmes-barrière [in French]
This report of an investigation to evaluate the efficacy of barrier creams to prevent skin absorption of solvents is based on experimental work with volunteers and a study of workers exposed to styrene (liposoluble solvent) and dimethylformamide (lipo- and hydrosoluble). Conclusions: in the case of liposoluble solvents, skin absorption was not prevented by application of barrier creams (with or without silicon), whereas use of a barrier cream not containing silicon reduced skin absorption of a lipo- and hydrosoluble solvent. Protection afforded by barrier creams is significantly less than that obtained by wearing protective gloves impermeable to solvents.
Cahiers de médecine du travail - Cahiers voor arbeidsgeneeskunde, Mar. 1982, Vol.19, No.1, p.3-6. Illus. 6 ref.


CIS 89-405 Benzidine acetate
Bentsidiiniasetaatti [in Finnish]
Chemical safety information sheet. Toxicity: carcinogenic; is absorbed through skin; causes methaemoglobinaemia. Mandatory European labelling: T, R26, R27, R28, R38, R29, R102, S22, S27, S36, S45, S23, S38, S46, S102.
Register of Safety Information of Chemical Products, National Board of Labour Protection, Box 536, 33101 Tampere, Finland, Nov. 1981. 2p. Original on microfiche.

CIS 83-1346 Morenkova N.V.
Bases for the maximum acceptable concentration of dimethylacetamide in atmospheric air
K obosnovaniju predel'no dopustimoj koncentracii dimetilacetamida v atmosfernom vozduhe [in Russian]
Andree¿čeva's correlation of olfactory threshold concentration with maximum acceptable concentration (CIS 78-1366) was applied to dimethylacetamide, a common solvent in several areas of industry; olfactory threshold data from experiments with human volunteers indicated that DMA is a hazardous substance. This was verified by experiments with rats. Haematotoxic and gonadotoxic effects were observed. The concentration dependence of the effects suggests that the maximum permissible concentrations for one-time and average daily exposure be set at 0.2 and 0.006mg/m3, respectively.
Gigiena i sanitarija, Sep. 1981, No.9, p.7-9. Illus. 7 ref.

CIS 82-1683 Dijkman J.H., Vooren P.H., Kramps J.A., Van Toorenenbergen A.W.
Occupational asthma due to inhalation of chloramine-T. I. Clinical observations and inhalation-provocation studies. II. Demonstration of specific IgE antibodies
Respiratory symptoms developed in 5 patients exposed to chloramine-T (CT), a potent disinfectant used in cleaning butcheries, kitchens and operating theatres. Skin tests showed sensitisation in 4 patients, and inhalation tests on 3 patients resulted in immediate asthmatic bronchial obstruction in 1 and a late-type asthmatic reaction after 4-8h in the other 2. No evidence of alveolar involvement appeared, and pre-challenge inhalation of cromoglycate in 1 case ameliorated the late response. Specific IgE antibodies were found in the sera of patients who developed asthmatic symptoms. Histamine release in response to CT-treated human serum albumin was shown using the peripheral blood leukocytes of one of the patients. Radioimmunoassay and radioimmunoassay-inhibition studies, and determination of the inhibition capacity of CT, indicated that the antigenic determinant was formed in part by the p-toluenesulfonyl group of the molecule.
International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology, 1981, No.64, p.422-438. Illus. 27 ref.

CIS 82-1133 Krechniak J., Foss W.
Gas chromatography determination of carbaryl in air
Oznaczanie karbarylu w powietrzy metodą chromatografii gazowej [in Polish]
Description of a new method for the atmospheric determination of carbaryl, in which carbaryl is hydrolysed in a sodium solution to form 1-naphthol, the ether derivative of which is subsequently obtained by reaction with 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene. This is then determined by gas chromatography using the electron capture detector. In view of the sensitivity of this method (0.004mg/m3), it is possible to measure, at an air flow rate of 2.8dm3/min, carbaryl concentrations at around the maximum allowable concentration after only 2min of sampling. The method is suitable for monitoring workplace conditions.
Prace Centralnego instytutu ochrony pracy, 1981, Vol.31, No.110, p.183-188. 6 ref.

CIS 82-821 Matsushita T., Aoyama K.
Cross reactions between some pesticides and the fungicide benomyl in contact allergy
A field study was performed to determine the sensitivity, to a 1% benomyl formulation, of 25 male and 17 male farmers in an area where this fungicide had been in use and in 12 male and 72 female farmers in an area where benomyl had not been used. About 20% of the female subjects in the second group showed positive patch test reactions. Patch tests also indicated that significant cross reactions occurred with the pesticides Diazinon, Saturn, Daconil, and Z-Bordeaux. Guinea pig maximisation tests showed similar results and a significant cross reaction was also found with Kitazin P.
Industrial Health, 1981, Vol.19, No.2, p.77-83. 17 ref.

CIS 82-818 Antov G., Ajanova A.
Effect of Fundazol pesticide on induced sclerotic processes
Effekt na pesticida fundazol vărhu inducirani sklerotični procesi [in Bulgarian]
The effect of Fundazol on the development of sclerotic processes in the aorta of experimental animals was investigated. 250mg/kg and 1000mg/kg fundazol was administered orally to male and female white rats for 30 days, singly or in combination with atherogenic diet. Combined administration lead to potentiation of the atherogenic effect. The pathologic process was more severe even with lower doses and progressed more rapidly, compared with the single effect of the atherogenic diet.
Problemi na higienata, July 1981, Vol.6, p.54-61. Illus. 28 ref.

CIS 82-755 Bajnova A., Spasovski M., Hinkova L., Taševa M.
Effect of intermittent and continuous action of dimethylformamide (DMF) on adaptation processes
Vlijanie na intermitentnoto i monotonno dejstvie na dimetilformamida vărhu procesite na adaptacija [in Bulgarian]
Two series of experiments were carried out with 960mg/kg and 3,840mg/kg DMF, applied dermally to white rats every second or third day (first group) and daily (second group). Integral and specific clinical and laboratory tests revealed a cumulation of the toxic effect with progressive changes in liver function. The 3,840mg/kg induced distinct changes in lipid metabolism and serum enzymes. During exposure to 960mg/kg DMF, a phase state established in the beginning and adaptation developed during continuous application. Dermal toxicity of DMF should be taken into consideration in evaluating exposure hazard to this substance in the production of polyacrylic fibres.
Problemi na higienata, July 1981, Vol.6, p.27-35. Illus. 11ref.

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