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ID (ISN) del documento63316
Número CIS 94-2050
ISSN - Título de la serie 0042-1084 - VFDB-Zeitschrift
Año 1992
Número de serie
Autor(es) Hölemann H., Worpenberg R.
Título Welding, flame cutting and soldering as causes of fires - The range of sparks and their ignition potential
Título original Brandursache Schweissen, Brennschneiden und Löten - Reichweite und Zündpotential glühender Partikel [en alemán]
Información bibliográfica 1992, Vol.41, No.2, p.79-84. Illus. 14 ref.
Resumen Records of 311 fires involving welding or similar processes and 111 records of a fire brigade were studied to determine the detailed causes of the fires. Approximately 50% of the fires were started by flying sparks from welding, flame cutting or soldering. Ignoring fire protection rules and false ideas about the distances at which sparks are still capable of igniting fires were contributing factors. Experimental determinations of the range and surface temperatures of sparks showed that sparks from flame cutting had temperatures of 1600° to 1700°C at distances of 4m and more. Sparks could fly 10-15m.
Descriptores (primarios) corte con soplete; riesgos de incendio; fuentes de la inflamación; chispas; investigación en materia de incendios; radio de proyección; partículas volantes; soldadura y corte; estanado
Descriptores (secundarios) determinación experimental
Tipo de documento D - Artículos periódicos
País / Estado o ProvinciaAlemania
Tema(s) Incendios, explosiones
Broad subject area(s) Incendios, explosiones y riesgos mayores
Navegación por categoria(s) Incendios
Welding and cutting