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ID (ISN) del documento58409
Número CIS 92-1051
ISSN - Título de la serie 0409-2961 - Bezopasnost' truda v promyšlennosti
Año 1992
Número de serie
Título Policy statement of the State Committee for Labour Inspection and Mine Inspection of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR [Russian Federation]
Título original Položenie o Gosudarstvennom komitete po nadzoru za bezopasnym vedeniem rabot v promy¿lennosti i gornomu nadzoru pri Sovete Ministrov RSFSR [en ruso]
Información bibliográfica Jan. 1992, No.1, p.45-52.
Resumen This declaration, ratified by the Council of Ministers of the Russian Republic on 28 August 1991, sets forth the tasks, powers and governance of this State Committee ("Gosgortehnadzor"), which is responsible for labour inspection, mine inspection, boiler inspection and, in collaboration with the State Committee for Geology, the responsible exploitation of the country's mineral resources. The statement is republished here in Gosgortehnadzor's mass-circulation journal to confirm the continuity of the inspectorate's mandate in the Russian Federation.
Descriptores (primarios) inspección de trabajo; Federación de Rusia
Descriptores (secundarios) directiva
Tipo de documento A - Leyes, reglamentos, directivas
País / Estado o ProvinciaFederación de Rusia
Tema(s) Leyes
Broad subject area(s) Aspectos generales
Navegación por categoria(s) Labour inspection