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Base de datos CISDOC

ID (ISN) del documento48793
Número CIS 87-1426
ISBN(s) 91-7464-239-1
Año 1984
Número de serie Arbete och Hälsa 1984:46
Autor(es) Kauppinen T.
Título Nordic Expert Group for Documentation of Occupational Exposure Limits - 54. Chlorophenols
Título original Nordiska expertgruppen för gränsvärdesdokumentation - 54. Klorfenoler [en sueco]
Información bibliográfica Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen, Publikationsservice, 171 84 Solna, Sweden, 1984. 59p. Illus. 137 ref.
Resumen The document contains a review and an evaluation of selected literature to be used for setting hygienic standards for the most widely used chlorophenols. Heavy exposure to chlorophenols, especially pentachlorophenol, can cause poisoning which is based on uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation. Chlorophenols and their salts are irritants. High doses of chlorophenols have been associated with liver damage, aplastic anaemia, and immunosuppressive effects, usually after exposure to technical chlorophenols containing e.g. chlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans as impurities. However, both pure and technical penta- or tetrachlorophenol are foetotoxic to rats at low doses. Human data on foetotoxicity are lacking. The most severe hazard reported is the possible carcinogenicity of certain chlorophenols. Four Swedish case-referent studies show an association between chlorophenol exposure and soft tissue sarcomas, malignant lymphomas and cancer of the nose and nasopharynx. Thus, technical chlorophenols should be held as suspected human carcinogens, although the possible risk may be due to the chlorinated dioxin and furan impurities. Hygienic and biological limit values ought to be based on the irritant effects, foetotoxic effects, and possible carcinogenicity of chlorophenols.
Descriptores (primarios) efectos embriotóxicos; valores umbrales; substancias irritantes; determinación de los límites de la exposición; dioxinas; toxicología; clorofenoles; substancias cancerígenas
Descriptores (secundarios) efectos tóxicos; revisión bibliográfica; países nórdicos; metabolización; tricloro-2,4,6 fenol; pentaclorofenol; investigaciones en el animal; documentación de base; triclorofenol; tetracloro-2,3,4,6 fenol
Tipo de documento F - Notas informativas, directrices prácticas, normas
Tema(s) Sustancias tóxicas y peligrosas
Broad subject area(s) Riesgos químicos
Navegación por categoria(s) Alcohols
Occupational exposure limits
Phenols and phenolic compounds
Heterocyclic compounds