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Base de datos CISDOC

ID (ISN) del documento39272
Número CIS 83-416
Año 1982
Número de serie Arbeidsinspectie P 91
Labour Inspectorate (Arbeidsinspectie)
Título Carbon disulfide - safe handling in ports
Título original Zwavelkoolstof - Veilige behandeling in de haven [en holandés]
Información bibliográfica Directoraat-Generaal van de Arbeid, Postbus 69, 2270 MA Voorburg, Netherlands, 2nd edition l982. 11p. Illus. Price Gld.0.50.
Resumen Contents of this data sheet: physical and chemical properties; hazards (fire and explosion hazards, toxicity and health damage, symptoms); rules for transport and containers; declaration on docking and preparations for unloading; safety measures (barrels and cylinders containing carbon disulfide should be kept away from any source of heat; detection and repair of leaks; fire fighting; prevention of poisoning by wearing respirators and taking certain precautions; storage and handling of carbon disulfide in barrels and cylinders; pipeline transfer; first aid in the event of contact with skin or eyes, or in cases of inhalation); marking of containers (danger symbols and warning notices).
Descriptores (primarios) Países Bajos; trabajos portuarios; substancias nocivas; substancias inflamables; sulfuro de carbono
Descriptores (secundarios) toxicología; transporte de mercancias; carga y descarga; nota informativa; identificación de riesgos; métodos de trabajo y seguridad; pruebas de impermeabilidad; primeros auxilios
Tipo de documento B - Fichas de información de seguridad química
Tema(s) Sustancias tóxicas y peligrosas
Broad subject area(s)
Navegación por categoria(s) Inorganic substances
Inorganic sulfur compounds
Water transportation