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Base de datos CISDOC

ID (ISN) del documento28244
Número CIS 77-1942
Año 1975
Número de serie
Autor(es) Seeman J., Wölcke U.
Título Hazards of thermal decomposition of polyurethane paints and their polyfunctional hardeners
Título original Gefahren bei der Hitzezersetzung von Polyurethanlacken und deren polyfunktionellen Härtern [en alemán]
Información bibliográfica Forschungsbericht Nr.152, Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Unfallforschung, Postfach, 4600 Dortmund-Marten, Germany (Fed.Rep.), 1975. 59p. Illus. 24 ref.
Resumen Cases of poisoning due to pyrolysis products of polyurethane (PUR) paints led to a study on the reformation of diisocyanates in the form of poisonous vapours: chemistry, toxicology and pryolysis of PUR paints; design of investigation; results. Commercial polyfunctional hardeners and other paints were decomposed, and the volatile pyrolysis products analysed by gas chromatography. Diisocyanates were reformed in all cases, in varying quantities. Aromatic diisocyanates were more readily released than aliphatic. The possibility of a hazard of thermal decomposition products should therefore always be borne in mind when PUR paints are used.
Descriptores (primarios) poliuretanos; pirolisis; pinturas; endurecedores; isocianatos
Descriptores (secundarios) informe; Alemania (República Federal de); investigación en materia de accidentes; productos de pirolisis; descripción de los accidentes; toxicología
Tipo de documento E - Libros, informes, actas
Tema(s) Sustancias tóxicas y peligrosas
Broad subject area(s)
Navegación por categoria(s) Isocyanates
Cyano compounds