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ID (ISN) del documento20833
Número CIS 74-673
ISSN - Título de la serie 0013-9351 - Environmental Research
Año 1973
Número de serie
Autor(es) Zaidi S.H., Shanker R., Dogra R.K.S.
Título Experimental infective pneumoconiosis: Effect of asbestos dust and Candida albicans infection on the lungs of rhesus monkeys.
Información bibliográfica Sep. 1973, Vol.6, No.3, p.274-286. Illus. 24 ref.
Resumen Candida albicans and amosite dust together produced, after intertracheal inoculation, extensive collagenous fibrosis at 330 days in monkeys. The lesions produced by amosite dust alone comprised fine fibrosis around bronchioles and blood vessels and moderate interstitial fibrosis. Candida albicans alone caused acute inflammatory reaction in the early stages while at the termination of the experiment (330 days) scant evidence of candidiasis remained. It may be concluded that the extensive pulmonary fibrosis in the presence of dust is related to the simultaneous presence of organisms like C. albicans, the exact mechanism of its production requiring further investigation.
Descriptores (primarios) cándida albicans; amianto; polvos; neumoconiosis colágenas; enfermedades infecciosas
Descriptores (secundarios) amosita; investigaciones en el animal; desarrollo del tejido conjuntivo; candidiasis
Tipo de documento -
Tema(s) Polvos, aerosoles
Broad subject area(s)
Navegación por categoria(s) Asbestos
Bacterial and parasitic diseases