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Work for a Brighter Future: Report of the Global Commission on the Future of Work


New forces are transforming the world of work: Technological development. Climate change. Demographic shifts. Globalization.

These transitions call for decisive action. We need to seize the moment to unlock the opportunities that these changes bring.

The Global Commission on the Future of Work has undertaken an in-depth examination of the future of work. Its landmark report outlines the steps needed to achieve a future of work that provides decent and sustainable work opportunities for all.


Keep scrolling for an overview of the report.


Seizing the moment

Countless opportunities lie ahead to improve the quality of working lives, expand choice, close the gender gap, reverse the damages wreaked by global inequality and much more.

Yet none of this will happen by itself. As was the case in 1919 when the ILO was founded, without decisive action we will be heading into a world that widens existing inequalities and uncertainties.

Forging a new path requires committed action on the part of governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations by reinvigorating the social contract.

A human-centred agenda

The report calls for a human-centred agenda for the future of work that strengthens the social contract by placing people and the work they do at the centre of economic and social policy and business practice.

This agenda consists of three pillars of action, which in combination would drive growth, equity and sustainability for present and future generations:

  1. Increase investment in people’s capabilities
  2. Increase investment in the institutions of work
  3. Increase investment in decent and sustainable work

1. Increasing investment in people's capabilities

If people are to thrive in a carbon-neutral digital age, the broader dimensions of development and progress in living standards need to be considered, including the rights and enabling environment that widen people’s opportunities and improve their well-being.



2. Increasing investment in the institutions of work

These recommendations seek to strengthen and revitalize the institutions of work.

From regulations and employment contracts to collective agreements and labour inspection systems, these institutions are the building blocks of just societies. They forge pathways to formalization, reduce working poverty and secure a future of work with dignity, economic security and equality.



3. Increasing investment in decent and sustainable work

The major economic shifts under way – involving new technologies, demographic upheaval and climate change – will have both disruptive and transformative effects on our economies and on work.

Major investments are needed to shape and guide these transformations to create decent work. Countries must now prioritize long-term, sustainable investments that favour human development and protect the planet, in line with the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.



Taking responsibility

All stakeholders must take responsibility for building a just and equitable future of work.

This report is the beginning of a journey. Because the ILO brings together the governments, employers and workers of the world, it is well suited to be a compass and guide for the journey ahead.

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