Promoting Decent Work in Plantation Sector in Sri Lanka

Promoting Decent Work in Tea Plantation Sector in Sri Lank is a two year project funded by the International Labour Organisation. Overall objective of the project is to “promote decent work opportunities and inclusive economic growth in the tea plantation sector in Sri Lanka”.

Specific Objectives

1. To improve education and training opportunities on core work and life skills for rural plantation youth
2. To build capacity on social dialogue among tripartite constituents
3. To improve the occupational safety and health in tea plantation sector
4. To effective implantation of international labour law standards in tea plantation sector
5. To strengthen the labour inspection system in tea plantation sector

Key Activities

Implementation of the project focuses on five major components. They are 1) Skills, Productivity and Working Conditions 2) Social Dialogue (SD) 3) Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) 4) International Labour Standards (ILS) 5) Labour Inspection System Application (LISA).

Collaborating Institutions

The project is closely working with ILO’s tripartite constituents and other relevant stakeholders. They include Ministry of Labour and Trade Union Relations, Ministry of Plantation Industries, Ministry of Hill Country, New Villages, Infrastructure and Community Development, District Secretaries, Employers‘ Federation of Ceylon, Trade Unions, Tea Smallholdings Development Authority, Regional Plantation Companies and Plantation and Human Development Trust.