
WIND and WISE Approached to Improve the Occupational Safety and Health Practices in Plantation

The International Labour Organization a Mini Training on WIND and WISE Approached to Improve the Occupational Safety and Health Practices in Plantation Sector

Participants for the training
Work improvement in Neighbourhood Development (WIND) and (Work Improvement in Small Enterprises (WISE) are two approaches ILO has developed to introduce occupational safety and health (OSH) to the grassroots level of workers, farmers, and smallholders. It’s a very participatory mechanisms to assess and improve occupational safety and health situation in an agriculture or industrial entity. In WIND and WISE managers, workers, field officers will participate together and make decisions to improve the OSH in their workplace

ILO together with National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) facilitated a mini WIND & WISE training to sixty plantation stakeholders at Dumbara Estate, Ingiriya and Opatha Estate , Kahawatta . Plantation managers, field officers, factory officers and workers take part in this training The training enables the workers and management to identify work place improvements to ensure better occupational safety and health practices at their factories and fields