ILO and the Ministry of Labour, Trinidad and Tobago, virtual training workshop

Training workshop on child labour for Labour Inspectors/Officials and Members of the National Steering Committee

The training will include a mix of live, highly interactive, online sessions hosted via Zoom; and self-paced learning materials and discussion boards.


The Government of Trinidad and Tobago has set as an objective, the increase/improvement of national capacity to address the prevention and elimination of CL and WFCL, towards the achievement of SDG Target 8.7.


The training will include a mix of synchronous (live), highly interactive, online sessions hosted via zoom; and asynchronous (self-paced) learning materials and discussion boards.

Specific objectives:

  • Improved (stakeholder) understanding of CL and WFCL and of the national legislative and institutional frameworks for prevention and elimination of Child Labour in Trinidad and Tobago
  • Increased capacity of the Labour inspectorate to identify child labour and enforce national provisions
  • Improved labour inspection approaches, tools and templates that incorporate requirements for CL inspections.
  • Recommendations for inter-ministerial and inter-sectoral partnerships/ coordination/ communication to address Child Labour
Target Participants: Officials from key departments of the Ministry of Labour (Labour Inspectorate, LMIU, IAU, Research and Planning, Legal Unit, Conciliation, Communications etc.) and representatives of the inter-ministerial / inter-sectoral National Child Labour Steering Committee.


Eliminating child labour: An eLearning course for labour inspectors and child labour monitors