Workshop on gender equality for development effectiveness

The ILO’s International Training Centre is launching a new course on gender equality for development effectiveness from 3 until 7 September in Turin.

Deadline to apply

9 July 2012

Target group

This practical workshop is designed to meet the needs of those who are responsible for designing and implementing development policies and programmes, and wish to make sure that they truly advance gender equality priorities, at national and international level.

It is particularly useful for representatives from:

  • Ministries of Finance, Planning and other line Ministries who wish to improve the gender-sensitivity of development programmes
  • national institutions responsible for the advancement of gender equality and women's empowerment
  • international development agencies
  • NGOs who wish to influence the national and international development agenda


The participation fees (2.000 euros) cover the training as well as full board and lodging (6 nights) in the Turin Campus.

Some partial fellowships covering up to 50% of the course price are available for citizens of developing countries.


Further information