Improved Access to Employment Opportunities for Lebanese and Refugee Graduates from Skills Training Project Tracer Study of Graduates


In 2018, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) supported the implementation of a one-year programme to improve access to employment opportunities for Lebanese and refugee graduates. The accelerated skills training programmes (ASTP) consisted of theoretical and practical courses and periods of paid internship within private companies, cooperatives and local public institutions.
The International Labour Organisation (ILO) provided support to programme stakeholders through capacity building and guidance on non-formal market-based skills training. A total of 1,436 vulnerable persons living in Lebanon received a certificate after completing the training and internship.
Two years later, this tracer study aims at assessing the outcomes of the vocational training programme in terms of graduates’ appreciation of the training, employment and income trajectories, relevance between skills learned and jobs obtained, and, more generally, the enabling and disabling factors to participation in the labour market among the population of graduates.
The multi-faceted crisis that Lebanon is currently experiencing (financial crisis, anti-government protest movement, the Beirut Port explosion in August 2020 and its repercussions, and the Covid-19 pandemic) makes the context exceptional. The results of the programme in terms of employment should be read bearing this context in mind.