Palestinian Employment in Lebanon - Facts and Challenges: Labour Force Survey among Palestinian Refugees living in camps and gatherings in Lebanon (Summary Report)

The labour force survey sheds light on the characteristics and conditions of the Palestinian labour force from a developmental and rights-based perspective and equips policy-makers and national stakeholders with the information to engage in evidence-based deliberations on this issue. It aims to inform the on-going discussion on Palestinians’ working and living conditions, as well as their access to social protection.

This report profiles the employment conditions of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. It is divided into five sections: demography, education and labour force participation, employment and unemployment. The employment and unemployment sections constitute the bulk of the report. They capture the different aspects of the labour force, including employment, unemployment, characteristics of the employed and the unemployed, income, working conditions, and protection and benefits, in addition to other features that are pertinent to the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.