Improved access to employment opportunities for Lebanese and refugee graduates from skills training

The project aims to provide post-training services and market-based skills training for vulnerable Lebanese and refugees in order to improve employability in the labour market.

The project ‘Improved Access to Employment Opportunities for Lebanese and Refugee Graduates from Skills Training’ addresses critical issues regarding livelihoods for vulnerable Lebanese and Syrian refugees alike. It aims to strengthen the employability of job seekers based on market needs and provide post-training support to graduates in order to improve their chances of acquiring jobs. The project targets vulnerable groups in Lebanon, such as Lebanese and refugees in predominantly rural areas – including women and youth. The project is the second phase of the ILO project “Improved and market-based provision of vocational training for Lebanese and refugees” which was implemented with funding from Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS). Additionally, the project falls under the ILO’s Strategy in Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis, Lebanon’s Country Programme, Decent Work in Rural Economies, and the UN Inter-Agency Lebanon Crisis Response Plan (LCRP) 2017-2020.

Overall Objective

  • Lebanese and refugee graduates from skills training programme to obtain the necessary levels of employability to access the labour market.


  • Improved institutional capacities for the provision of post-training services for Lebanese and refugee graduates from accelerated skills training.
  • Improved institutional capacities for the design of market-based skills training for Lebanese and refugees.

Main Activities

  • Train and coach NGOs providing skills training in post-training services
  • Support staff capacity development of National Employment Office (NEO) and the career guidance centres of public technical schools in the provision of employment services
  • Set up a referral network to post-training follow-up services for skills training graduates
  • Raise awareness of training graduates on their rights and responsibilities as workers as well as other relevant provision of the Lebanese labour law such as occupations available to them.
  • Conduct a tracer study on the graduates from skills training funded by AICS in 2018
  • Contribute to improving the market relevance of skills training implemented by NGOs as part of the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan.