Employment services

The ILO offers support to its constituents related to the core functions of Public Employment Services (PES) in the form of:
  • Labour market information;
  • counselling, referral services and job matching;
  • Active Labour Market Programmes; and
  • design and implementation of unemployment insurance.
Technical support is provided for the restructuring of existing PES, for instance in the form of functional assessments of employment services, direct assistance related to the adoption of national occupational classifications, as well as support for the overall PES reform process.

The ILO is also actively exploring the impact of skills mismatch, information failures, labour market segmentation, and wasta (connections in Arabic) on recruitment processes in the region. In addition, good practices of employment services to tackle the impact these aspects have on the recruitment process is expected by the end of 2015.

Previously, a manual on Employment Service Centres for the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) was released in 2013 based four years of UNRWA-ILO collaboration in Lebanon. Furthermore, a regional knowledge management event on PES took place at the end of 2013 to reflect on lessons learnt and good practices. A one week course on career guidance was also provided in Jordan in June 2014.