Resources on Enterprise development in the Arab States

  1. Enterprise development in Yemen

    18 October 2013

  2. Yemen trains facilitators to help youth establish sustainable enterprises

    Trainers from universities and financial intuitions are trained to give courses to students on entrepreneurial skills and tools for sustainable enterprise development.

  3. ILO Regional Office for the Arab States Newsletter

    06 August 2013

    June 2013

  4. Creation of employment opportunities by fostering an enterprise culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    17 May 2013

    The ILO has developed a set of training materials for entrepreneurship education called Know About Business (KAB).

  5. Support Resilient Livelihoods and Food Security in Yemen (ERRY II)

    17 May 2013

    The following project builds on the achievements of the recently completed Enhanced Rural Resilience in Yemen (ERRY) programme, implemented by the UNDP, ILO, WFP, and FAO. The project seeks to contribute to reduced vulnerability and strengthened resilience of crisis-affected communities in Yemen through the creation of sustainable livelihoods and improving access to basic services.

  6. Integrated support for young women and men in Yemen to access decent work

    17 May 2013

    The ILO is supporting skills training providers to deliver marketable skills and entrepreneurship capacity to young Yemenis.

  7. Women Entrepreneurship Programme in Yemen

    17 May 2013

    The project contributes to the national goal of economically empowering Yemeni women and encouraging them to engage in self-employment or improve their existing businesses.

  8. Introduction of “Know About Business” at the Development and Employment Fund

    16 May 2013

    The project works towards the national priority of reducing poverty and youth unemployment and facilitating young Jordanians’ entry to the labour market.

  9. Arab Employment Forum

    The Forum addresses the broad challenges and opportunities posed by the financial and economic crisis, providing a platform for senior policy-makers and high-level representatives of works and employers from across the Arab region

  10. Strategic Objectives for Decent Work Agenda

    01 February 2013

    The ILO Regional Office for Arab states works to foster social justice with decent work opportunities through sustainable enterprises, higher productivity and growth with equity.