
This data set for 9 countries in the East and South East Asian region provides information on labour market and decent work indicators. It covers 11 thematic areas including employment opportunities, earnings, productivity, working children, equal opportunities, safety at work, social security and social dialogue. The available data relate to the period 1995 to 2008. Beginning with countries in East Asia the formats were then used to create statistical profiles for ASEAN countries for the ASEAN-ILO-ADBI Capacity-Building Workshop on Labour Market Information and Analysis in ASEAN (Brunei Darussalam, March 2-4 2010). Since then the profiles have been developed further with additional information in both quantitative and qualitative aspects of decent work. Based mainly on ILO sources such as LABORSTA and KILM, and the World Bank's and UNESCO's data, this dataset aims to be user-friendly and easily accessible to anyone interested in the promotion of decent work. In this first instance it was not possible to cover all countries in the region, but the dataset could be expanded to cover a larger number of countries in the future.