Training Course. Multinational enterprises, development and decent work: the approach of the ILO MNE Declaration

The ILO’s Multinational Enterprises Declaration clarifies the roles and responsibilities of governments and enterprises in relation to decent work. In this course, participants learn how they can help boost workers’ rights, improve skills development, and support small and medium-sized enterprises.

Introduction to the course

This course looks at the potential of enterprises to contribute to the achievement of decent work for all, a universal goal recognized in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It provides a comprehensive introduction the ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration): the ILO tool providing guidance to enterprises, governments, and employers' and workers' organizations on inclusive, responsible and sustainable business practices.

Who attends this course?

Representatives of governments and employers' and workers' organizations responsible for policies related to socio-economic development, foreign direct investment and the operations of MNEs; business managers responsible for social policy and interested in developing more collaborative approaches to addressing their labour-related human rights impacts and socio-economic development issues.

What topics does this course cover?

This course explores how MNEs can contribute to the decent work agenda.

Enterprise development
Workers’ rights
Sustainable development

What will I learn?

Participants get up-to-date information, as well as the chance to collaborate in the classroom.
The aim, approach, and principles of the ILO’s MNE Declaration
How to deal with the challenges that enterprises, governments, and employers’ and workers’ organizations face in promoting sustainable business practices
All about contributions, such as skills development, local hiring, and job training

For more information and to enrol - please follow this link