Routes out of the Crisis: Strategies for Local Employment Recovery and Skills Development in Asia

Since September 2008, the global economic and financial crisis has reverberated across all sectors and geographic regions, with much of the effect still emerging. While no country has been spared from the effects of the crisis, each country will be affected differently at the different stages. Some have described the crisis occurring in three stages in developing countries; first with the collapse of highly traded industries, then with the drying up of private capital flows and a decline in remittance transfers back to developing countries, and finally with a more general domestic economic slowdown due to reduced consumption. The diverse impact of the crisis has been quite evident in Asia. Countries whose economies have been heavily reliant on the export of basic commodities and manufactured goods have borne the brunt of the economic slowdown, to date. On the other hand, countries with robust domestic economies, sound fiscal positions, excess reserves and large domestic markets have been able to weather the shock better.

Objectives of the meeting

The overall aim of the meeting is strengthen the capacity of constituents, policy makers and practitioners at local level to undertake effective employment recovery and skills strategies in response to the financial and economic crisis.

Specifically, the meeting should contribute to:

  • Increased understanding of the employment and skills impact in relation to the crisis;
  • Improved capacity for the design of effective local employment and skills strategies to support existing national responses to the crisis

As a means to achieve the above objectives, experiences will be shared among OECD and non-OECD country participants on policy approaches to employment and skills development, and ways to connect them with local economic development. Adapted local policy responses to the global economic crisis in participant Asian countries will be identified and discussed.

Contact person: Mr Van Der Ree, EMP/ENTERPRISE, tel: (+41 22) 799 6304, email: